Jist finished pic related

Jist finished pic related.
Which FF should i play next?

Attached: 256655-final-fantasy-x-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1145, 201K)

I mean, which ones have you played before?

X-2 if you still fancy the universe, but it's kind of fluff and trite. Otherwise 7, 8, 12, or god help you, 13 trilogy, which have a modernistic style of gameplay. I don't know much about 14, but to me it looked sort of similarly uninteresting and incoherent as 13.

9, 6, 5, 4 and 3 if you're more interested in classic FF.

FF Tactics and Vagrant Story if you're interested in elevated FF.

XII is the best when it comes to gameplay, artstyle and world. kinda weak story and characters

all the ps1 games are about equal. vii has a good story and characters but blah gameplay. viii has better/deeper gameplay but pretty shitty story and characters. ix has the best story and characters of any FF game but really shitty and slow gameplay.

v and vi are pretty good but slow and kind of boring. i can't really recommend and of the other FF games

FF 13.
It’s similar to 10 in many ways, and the same complaints people have about 13, can be often be equally applied to 10.


You mean that easy as fuck game where once you figure out what gambit combo to use, it plays itself? They literally had to add a fast forward button to prevent people from quitting the game. Not even x2 but x4 was needed

you have the option of not using gambits you dumb faggot

>FF Tactics and Vagrant Story if you're interested in elevated FF.
Excellent recommendations.

>reach final boss in Vagrant Story
>get drunk as a skunk through going through my entire supply of attribute enhancing consumables as they won't carry over into NG+
>then proceed to suck all the MP out of the boss and he spends the entire bossfight running away

I really really like 8 and 9 is my favorites Mmmmmmm I'm a Scorpio

considering it has one of the worst menu layout structures out of the entire series, you'd be kind of dumb not to

user, FF games aren't known for their high difficulty

You also have the option of blindfolding yourself when playing a barbie game to make it difficult. That's how fucking stupid you sound piece of shit.

Want me to play the game with my TV upside down also? Fucking faggot

There are plenty of low difficulty games that don't play their self user. You could get away with youtubing XII for the same exact experience. Even lego games have more involvement than final fantasy XII

>get drunk as a skunk through going through my entire supply of attribute enhancing consumables

Fucking kek. I rarely if never consumed any of that stuff because the lore frames them as ''exquisite spirits'' and I was saving them for my girl Merlose to bring back to, as she off-hand requested in the beginning. I was fucking stupid.

So the game added a completely optional thing you are in no way forced to use, opting instead for inputting commands manually in five secs like the other games in the series, but you can't be arsed to do it and instead proceed to write retarded strawmen?
Guess you're too ADHD to do more than hold the fast forward button.

How obnoxious can you be? It's also optional to play the game with the controller upside down. Telling people to not use mechanics of the game to give their self a challenge has to be the dumbest thing I heard. How exactly is it a challenge, if it's so easy that one has to purposely handicap their self for the game to stand a chance?

Also why would I even be PLAYING the game without the gambit system with how slow and boring it all is. Have you even played XII to know how long the shitty game is, why would I tediously manually select every option, and switch between each character and take potentially 1,000+ hours to beat the easy game? I could just go play a good game.

Different user here.
Outside of some optional bosses a good chunk of the monsters in the game can be defeated by simply running up to them.
If you’re not a potato all the strategy occurs in the menu-system.
It’s the least engaging system they ever came with, for a single player anyway.

Anyway Ashe is hot, and the pirate & the veira chick should’ve been the mains.

i set gambits on my two supporting party members and control my leader and i have a fun time

do you remember fun, user?

how come nobody cares that I'm a scorpio?

>Outside of some optional bosses a good chunk of the monsters in the game can be defeated by simply running up to them.
This applies to all FF, except you gotta select attack instead of running up to them.

Sounds like you just don't like the gambit system at all.


Handicapping isn't fun was my point.
I like the gambit system user, it's just unfortunate the game itself doesn't require skill. Dragon Age Origins has a watered down gambit system and that game is a million times more engaging than this.

14 is nothing like 13, I have no idea what you are talking about

Not X-2, XIII or XV

Haven't played them all but IX and VII are good

>modernistic style of gameplay

What does this even mean? It's not a cover shooter and I can't think of ANY game that has combat like 13.

Except no one has said at any point that it's a challenge? If your problem with the game is that you can automate it just don't go and automate it. It's not a hard idea to grasp.

Have you tried one of the difficulty mods?

>game has easy mode
>so there is no point in playing hard mode because it’s just pointless ‘handicapped difficulty’
You are retarded

I highly rate FF13’s combat personally, shame about the fucking 10 chapter tutorial before it let me at it.

It means they tried something different and more streamlined with their battle system and/or leveling structure. The classic games follow a more distinct set of rules, very little iterated upon ever since the first game.

Truth be told it would have been nice if the game acknowledged in some way that you remembered that throwaway bit of dialogue and kept some on you.
It's a real shame how much of the game had to be cut, she was going to be a companion at some point.

I wouldn't really call XIII more modernized in comparison to old Final Fantasy. Granted there's no MP or spell charge system in place, so there's that bit less of micromanagement, but in exchange it adds a more dynamic job system.

Removing the automation makes the game worse user. Like the other user said. You can just run up to enemies, use your attacks and they die. Manually doing that myself just makes the process tedious and without x4 speed I will fall asleep. Some other final fantasy games are like this, but at least they had other things to make up for a weak combat system

>10 chapter tutorial

It's square enix fault for listening to their community. People bitched about XII story being weak due to the characters not feeling that relevant to the main plot, weak character development and awful shitty pacing. So they created XIII where the level design was shaped in a way that the developers could control the pacing of the story to make it feel more personal and developed.

Just set the gambits to attack nearest enemy and do everything else yourself, you are not the only person who played the game so you do not have the highest authority on it. Other people actually played the game without gambits and they said it was challenging and fun, I trust them more than you.

I think i'll go for 9 now.
I tried playing 8 a few years ago but got bored because neither the story or characters hooked me.

Anything i should know before i star playing?

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100 nobles will never be happy.

You should play every game 1-9 + tactics before playing 9 desu, since 9 has a lot of references in it and was supposed to be an end of the an era

I think I could list at least ten things that make it far different than the old FF's, but my mind has luckily purged most memories of that dumb POS.
But I think the main ones were that you don't control side characters anymore - even if you wanted to, only the main character bitch, and that she can switch jobs on the fly like X-2. The battle gauge was also vastly different compared to previous games.

Job switching was in 3, 5 and tactics

not as effortless as in 13, you strawman fucking faggot

Never bothered with 13 so I wouldn’t know

You're really deep into your own ass, art you?

>switching jobs in FF3
>go to menu when not in combat, select job and switch
>switching jobs in FF13
>go to menu when in combat, select job and switch your whole party
Truly extenuating.

Considering that 13's battles are designed to have on the fly job-changes a necessity, your post is just a tad dishonest and faggoty like you yourself are.

And your lack of any significant argumentation and a focus on namecalling exposes you for the ignorant nuisance that you are.

Since you're being a twerp little faggot for conveniently ignoring the argument I'd say my use of namecalling is apt and correct, as well as my assumption of your character, or lack thereof.

XII is pretty good. Or at least I found it to be good when I was a kid. I had better attention span for this kind of games back then.

You sure like that word, they say closeted homosexuals are the ones most guilty of bringing that label to others.
Your argument is that job switching is made more effortless due to it being expected of you during combat. However, there was never any effort to begin with, the temporary stat penalties hardly making up for it. It's not that different outside of FFXIII's battles expecting more dynamism on your end, whereas the games of old demanded more rigid tactics and battles of attrition.
It's largely the same system, whether you want to admit it or not.

shut up Wesley

14 is a fucking MMO, where the fuck does it have 13 similarities?

14 is kingdom hearts

X-2 felt like a complete mockery of X to me. I couldn't endure finishing it (got up to the part with the monkeys). Maybe it would be ok as a standalone thing because the job system was really fun to use, but not as a sequel.

XIII-2 did a better job at continuing the story of XIII

XIII-2 was basically XIII but mildly enjoyable.