Why is their level design the most inconsistent of any studio out there?

Why is their level design the most inconsistent of any studio out there?

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I'm pretty happy with the level design in the Dishonored games and very happy with the level design in Prey. The levels in Youngblood were designed by Machinegames. I haven't played Arx Fatalis or Dark Messiah so I can't speak on that. Can you elaborate on why you think their level design is so inconsistent?

they get whipped by todd

>and very happy with the level design in Prey

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Are you insane? Arkane's level design is PEERLESS.
Youngblood has that very characteristic Arkane verticality and architecture. Its level design is genuinely excellent, to be honest. Machinegames were lead level dev, but it's recognizably Arkane's work.

Fun fact, did you know pretty much all the level design in Doom 2016 was done by Machinegames?

>overwatch baby criticizing anyone else's level design
how are those last caps and choke points going for you

I honestly hope someone fucking buys them out from Bethesda. Even if it's Microsoft. A Perfect Dark game by them would be KINO

They're french, so they give up halfway through the level design process

You are too retarded to be able to tell how inconsistent their level design is

Actually, I am starting to doubt Arcane's prowess in level design. Have you played Mooncrash?

Yeah, Dishonored 1/2 and Prey were fucking fantastic, but you know the main talents behind those games have left after both Prey and Dishonored 2 bombed. Mooncrash is fucking attrocious, and so was Youngblood and Fo76, and while I know Youngblood and Fo76 were not lead-developed by Arcane, they were co-developed by them.
Between the fucking attrocity that is Mooncrash, every single other thing they touched being an unmitigated disaster, and the new project they are working on looking bland as all fucking hell, I have suspsicion that Prey might have been Arkane's swan song.

I hope to god I'm wrong.

>Have you played Mooncrash?
Yes. It's great, What's your issue with it?

>Yes. It's great, What's your issue with it?
The fact that it has literally none of what made original Prey good? The level design is terrible, the fucking thing is a god damn rogue-lite and feels so fucking desperate to squeeze something out of original Prey without having to actually invest any effort it hurts.

Maybe it's good in whatever bizzare genre it is supposed to be, but it sure as fuck isn't good in the way arcane games used to be good: fantastic level design and environment-rooted gameplay.

>what's wrong with the level design
>it's terrible

>the fucking thing is a god damn rogue-lite
And? It's literally a Rogue-lite Prey spinoff DLC.

Arkane feels like the kind of studio that gives loads of autonomy to individual people over entire chunks of the game. So like one person gets loads of control over a certain area and if that designer is bad then certain levels will just be trash

boomer begone

Because it is. It lacks the environmental storytelling elements or the creative ways to get around things. Half of the levels are giant empty arena's with some incredibly basic geometry thrown around randomly. It does not feel like a coherent place, and there is no exploration involved, because it's designed with dull repetetive playthroughs in mind.

Again: I can't judge how good rogue-lite it is because those games bore me to tears by default (which is not something I will blame the game for, it's just a question of my own taste), but it sure as fuck does not have any qualities that made arkane's design stand out in their previous titles.

They have actual ambition and try to do intricate levels despite having to cater to the modern mass audience that can't handle them.

Sometimes it leads to greatness and sometimes it leads to mediocrity. Usually in the same game.

Because they actually produce good level design, so inconsistency is generated when they do worse. Most devs are consistently terrible.

>The fact that it has literally none of what made original Prey good?
The original Prey wasn't good.

Yes, we all care about your incredibly interesting unique twist on "NO, LOOK AT HOW EDGY I AM FOR DISLIKING THINGS" tirades.

Are the invisible walls and Blink utterly breaking the game fixed in Dishonored 2? I really wanted to like 1 but it's hard to when everything is so easy to trivialize or your cheeky plan gets ruined by a barrier blocking an area that looks like it could have been an alternate path.

Well this thread got thoroughly shitposted

So literally all that you're saying is, it doesn't have audiologs

I don't even play overwatch

No, that is neither something I've said, nor something anything from what I've said would imply. Try again.

>I haven't played Arx Fatalis or Dark Messiah

this is modern Yea Forums, they played the ps4/xbone games and completely ignored the far better games that came before because they are older

why the fuck am I still here