>Valve plans to appeal the ruling...

>>Valve plans to appeal the ruling. “We disagree with the decision of the Paris Court of First Instance and will appeal it,” a Valve representative told Kotaku in an email. “The decision will have no effect on Steam while the case is on appeal.”

>Steam drones unironically defend Valve, a company trying to take away their consumer rights

When did you realise Tim was the hero and Gaben was the villain?

Attached: french court valve appeal.png (1008x831, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's Tim got to do with this? EGS doesn't let you resell games either.

Based EU defending the consumers rights as usual.

who is Tim?

who cares about france

you are retarded
this is just going to push all publishers to streaming games
cant resell netflix movies

Shut up and buy Borderlands 3!

The French courts can't force Steam to provide a way for their users to do so through steam.
That's not allowing, that's helping them.

Valve fought the Australian government for years because they didn't want to offer refunds. Valve will lose.

Ok, I'll buy it used then.

Why do all the retards talking about this act like Valve is the only company that would be affected by this, when it would be a huge monkeywrench in every single company that sells digital goods? Not even bringing up whether its good or bad - if it goes through this is going to be a giant steaming mess for every game store and well beyond that.

fuck valve and the sjw employments

>meanwhile they arrest you for being a holocaust denier

I wouldn't give Randy my money even if he were on a respectable platform like GOG.

Then the will lose customers. Nobody will pay to stream games. Steam is convenient , but games on discs haven’t disappeared yet. Nobody would choose a stream-only service over a physical copy.

You mean selling owned games between users?
There's already external sites for trading keys and you can't blame Steam for not wanting to shoot themselves in the foot.

Explain your logic. Every game streaming service so far has been a massive failure and rejected by consumers.

Because broader implications are too complicated for me, I'm only here to pick a team arbitrarily and stan it until I die.

I'm not gonna try to defend this shit, I'm just questioning how implementable this will be to the store's infrastructure. Will other stores like EGS follow suit if that happens? What will be the end result of this legal decision?

Define consumer rights.

>Nobody would choose a stream-only service over a physical copy.
If only you knew how bad things really are.

Why do these news articles always say steam has to do this, doesn't it affect ALL digital games stores?

The issue I see with this is that why would anyone ever buy not used games? It's not like they can get worse overtime like physical copies.

If Steam does this, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Epic must also

Yeah but none of them have been on the scale of Google Stadia, even if Stadia has already shown to have massive input lag.

>let people sell games
>give it a ~10% tax that goes to steam
That fixes that. Good games by good devs will still see sales and lower resales wheras shitty devs that release shitty games will see lower sales and a ton of resales of which they will get nothing of.
Is this the first time france has done something based in our lifetimes?

>Belgium making lootbox illegal
>France making unresellable games illegal
Can't wait for Germany to forbid digital shit.

You’re dumb, we’re not talking about keys, we’re talking about games that you’ve already purchased and installed.

Epic will do it when they get sued, they banned lootboxes after they got sued by the uk.

>Then the will lose customers. Nobody will pay to stream games. Steam is convenient , but games on discs haven’t disappeared yet. Nobody would choose a stream-only service over a physical copy.
this post has to be bait
how can someone be this out of touch

So how come this court isn't targeting PSN, XBL, Apple App Store, Google Play Store, iTunes and so on?

Any ruling like this would shit all over existing cable broadcasting companies, since they use similar language in how they license you channels. This isn't going to go anywhere without the entire wrath of all media conglomerates coming down upon the French courts.

>ITT: Retards who can't read
The law would forbid Valve to ban your account if you ever sold it to someone.
It does NOT allow/request for users to be able to sell used digital games from their accounts.
So unless you sell your entire account, and find someone who is willing to buy it and who doesn't dread the possibility of being scammed, this has NO IMPACT on the industry, unless you go the extra mile and buy one game per account.

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but steam is the bad guy user
get with the agenda already... i mean program

>is the first time france has done something based in our lifetime?
It’s the first time France has done something based, period.

The fr*nch are really starting to piss me off.

and that's a good thing

why does france single out only steam and not every other game store?? nobody lets you resell anything digital anywhere.

Name one successful stream-only game service.

This change would still be a good thing and I'm glad Valve and Steam drones like yourself defend anti-consumer shit like this, because it exposes you for the shills you are

It's going to completely ruin the market - who is going to buy a new digital game for £50 when you can buy second hand digital for less?

you're fucking stupid

Valve got sued by a consumer rights organization in 2015. The courts finally ruled on that lawsuit this week.

what the fuck is the point if i can't sell individual games? if i end up buying a lemon car part i dont sell the whole fucking car.

>State the objective truth of what the law is about instead of misinterpreting it and doomposting like everyone else

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>Acts like a Steam shill

What's wrong with being able to sell your account, steamie?

It's the EU trying to attack the US. They need to create an opening for precedent first.

Why would they cost much less? I could see it being a few dollars less, just to incentivize the buyer, but it’s not a physically used product, and you accept no additional unknown risks by purchasing it. It’s digital, so you already know it’s 100% what you’re paying for.

I know what's being talked about, I don't see why you'd paint Valve as the bad guy for not deciding to stop making money. It benefits them in no way whatsoever.

>What's wrong with being able to sell your account
nothing but why would i sell my entire account when i want to sell individual games.

>I can’t name one
I think you’re the stupid one, m8.

But he's not acting like a Steam shill, he's calling out retards who can't read and correcting misinformation. He's not defending Steam in his post.

That's the point, there's barely any.
France just wants Valve to change their ToS for them, erasing the line saying that upon the event of selling your account to someone else, they can ban it.
It's just Yea Forums making a ruckus over nothing as always, if you take the time to read any article about it you'd see what it actually is about, and it has nothing to do with what Yea Forums think it does.

They are currently banning it which could be illegal, its about stopping an illegal process rather than forcing every storefront to be allow selling individual games.
If everyone could sell the games easily then it would kill the long term market of games.

How would they even know an account has been sold? This seems terribly inconvenient to turn into a market with how everyone's libraries are bloated with free games.

Holy cope, there is a solution for this, steam gets nothing and devs gets 50% when you sell your second hand game. Every developer can choose the amount of hours before a game is sellable.

Thing is while Valve might not lose too much in the process by slapping the tax on it, the devs will lose unless they also get a cut on the tax. Even then they still lose big chunk of the money since it's only a small part of the proce they get. This hurts digital sales pretty badly, and physical is also shit revenue wise so devs will start taking EGS deals and stream deals a lot more.

I’m not saying steam is the bad guy, I’m saying the external site you referenced would not allow someone to sell a key they already redeemed. That’s what this is about, being able to sell a digital license that you purchased, regardless of whether or not you already redeemed it.

Not him, but if you actually fucking think that guy is a fucking Steam Shill instead of someone literally just stating the facts, you are a sub 80 iq monkey. He literally only said that Valve can't ban people anymore for selling their accounts with this, that's nowhere near shilling for Steam you absolute mongoloid.

>Why would they cost much less?
The more you undercut the competition the faster you'll get customers

streaming is the future
i don't like it either but its going to happen weither we liike it or not
you can sit here denying it but i won't do you any good
its too profitable and the normies proved they don't give a fuck about framerate or responsiveness
most consoles games are already inputlagged to shit and no one is saying shit
they will eat it up

Steamies not even once, talking about consumer rights but sucking gabens cock everytime when they get the opportunity

I don't know, but I do know Blizzard used to ban sold WoW acxounts back in the day, so it seems like there is a way to tell.
Maybe changing your password and mail address, along with an IP change upon connexion is enough to trigger the process

Hello Steamie, I'd like to sell my account because I'm 40 years and have a wife, kids and a job now and have no time for video games.

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>They are currently banning it which could be illegal
its illegal everywhere. you can't legitimately sell your psn or xbox account full of digital games either.

>retards who don't know what they are talking about
It should be mandatory to read the news before posting.

What does that solve? The arbitrary time period restriction would still be illegal under any law that prevented them from blocking reselling. This also doesn't solve the thing France is sueing them over, which is banning people for selling their ACCOUNTs.

He’s not saying you shouldn’t be able to sell your whole account, he’s saying he’d rather sell individual games that he doesn’t want. Do you not know how to read?

The Steam drone is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a retard, fag, tranny, incel, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Steam drone and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

does any digital platform that works with activations let you unactivate & sell something?
Do PS4 & Xbox Live allow it?

>its too profitable and the normies proved they don't give a fuck about framerate or responsiveness
I too remember when OnLive hit the scene and Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony simultaneously died overnight.

Steam is singled out because they got sued. This shit will hit the high court that will make this a precedent and rule that digital goods that have physical counter parts or someshitcneed to be resellable. I would need to see the court cases to know what exactly is being driven here, but you can be sure that it will hit other platforms too, until they find a legal loophole. And again, they will find that loophole.

>Not realizing it would apply for every game store front in France.

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>"the decision will have no effect on steam while the case is on appeal"

Okay so this is nothing until they lose their appeal case.

This is about account selling, not reselling individual things licensed to that account.

Even a normie wouldn’t want to get shit on in Battlefield or whatever because his input lag makes it impossible for him to win a single fight. Game streaming has been around forever, and it still hasn’t caught on. It’s the next 3D, even if it does catch on, it’ll be 30 years down the road.

>Typing out this response to a post that LITERALLY proved that he wasn't even a steamdrone to begin with

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>try to push it's about games
>shitpost fails because people check the source and see it's actually about accounts
>change your shitposting about something nobody said
Nobody cares if you sell your account user.

>t. stupidly fails to realize this wont effect all digital distribution
Even Epicunts and consolefags should be able to see this

It's just there to discourage people from selling it in the first place I guess, like fake security cameras.

stadia is the first step
we may get another gen of real hardware that you can hold in your hands
you just won't have a choice when the next one comes around
when the only way to play games is trough a stream what will you do then ?

Okay then, the high court will most likely rule that all digital platforms will need to allow account selling. I highly doubt most platforms will see this as a big enough of a deal to hire an army of lawyers to stop that.

Streaming can not, and will not, take off until the USA gets their internet infrastructure out of the stoneage. It might be a cool gimmick in Korea, but few other countries have the speeds necessary to make it even somewhat acceptable of a service.

Why the fuck would you make this about your retarded storewars when Epic and GOG are affected just as much by the decision?

>This is about account selling
yes and literally no video games service allows this legitimately so why aren't the rest of game platforms held to the same judgement? if you wanna sell your account great that's your business but this should apply to every game store.

Dont tell google that.

Because it's people who will be selling them so some ruskie or pajeet is going to flood the market with keys and race to the bottom I'm terms of pricing, this shit seems way to easy to abuse

Go to the competition that will inevitably form in response.

Yes, that’s what they’re claiming is illegal. Preventing you from selling your account, which you own. Just because companies don’t allow you to do it, doesn’t mean they’re not in the wrong legally.

When did I know Yea Forums's cock lust for the Steam empire was in full swing? When Yea Forums unironically hated Australia for getting them refunds, for, and get this: "Getting rid of flash sales"

Anyone that tries to gaslight you about Steam shills and that they don't exist is a lying piece of shit and trying to cover for the fact that they themselves are a Steam shill.

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>stadia is the first step
Stadia is not the first step. Hell, the post you're replying to cites a step earlier than the Stadia. It won't be the last step either, have you seen the demo they gave of it in an ideal scenario? 4-5 seconds of input lag is never going to be accepted for anything but PS4 movies.

same fagging subhuman nigger chink

>Just because companies don’t allow you to do it, doesn’t mean they’re not in the wrong legally.
agreed. so why aren't all game stores ruled to do the same?

>>t. stupidly fails to realize this wont effect all digital distribution

And? I want this to happen. Only people that don't are chimping Steamies.

Is China's great firewall down today?

this will affect you too, Epic Gamer.

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Selling accounts or selling games is the same, account means a lot of licenses, one game means one license

Physical copies show no sign of going the way of the dinosaur. I will continue buying physical only.

Because it will you fucking tard

Because it doesn't fit the narrative. Also because only shills on here care about Epic, and people don't count GoG as a store for some reason.

This would affect egs too dumb chinese bot.

If this happens steam accounts won't be worth shit anyway

You think you'll be able to sell your account for what steam calculator says your account is "worth"
Think again

Based steamie exposer

I'm pretty sure everyone bitching about Steam is just an Epic shill trying to gaslight people into thinking steam is as bad as them.

Either that or they know Epic is shit but they're trying to prop them up to force Steam to change for the better.

Please be patient with Epic-posters, they are Chinese and their English education isn't very good.

This just sets precedence. Once that’s done, they can basically invoke it and win every case.

Thanks France, I can't wait to start paying a monthly license to play games now.

I REALLY don't want to imagine account selling becoming allowed for something like (oldschool) runescape, WoW or path of exile
people would just keep grinding out accounts/untradables etc. in the games & selling the accounts & there's nothing the companies could do anymore against it

i will continue to just pirate shit as always but this ruling is stupid as fuck. almost all steam games, and most other pc games, and the last few generations of console games, ALL use cd key licensing systems. those licenses cannot be resold. sure, you can resell the game, but the purchaser probably cannot access most of it without a new cd key.

this french court is retarded if they think this judgement is logically sound. if actually enforced it could throw almost all digital sales markets into chaos, not JUST games, movies, and music, but also software and applications.

Can I resell my apple store purchased apps? how would this work? what about my in store purchases in those apps? Can I resell my copy of windows 10? Can I resell my copy of photoshop? Can I resell these chaturbate.com tokens I purchased? what about this digital soundtrack that came bundled with this game I bought? etc etc etc

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am laffin

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Valve is idiotical and full of hubris. Really hoping they get fucked hard between antitrust and finally some real competition. No hard feelings to Gabe but this company must be destroyed

>Selling accounts or selling games is the same
>account means a lot of licenses
>one game means one license
Yes, and the ability to resell an individual license from an account is not what is up for debate. It's about selling the whole collection. There is no part of this case that discusses being able to detach a license from an account, and resell it to a different account.

Man who knew that Yea Forumsalvedrones' tears would be so tasty

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Reselling digital goods is an absolutely braindead concept


>All these anti-steam threads
Is Xi in a bad mood today what the fuck is going on

Yeah, me too, user. Let's just pirate the actual fun stuff and sit back with our comfy chair, controller and food.

I'd argue the opposite. Before this decision, any resold used media didn't have any cut go to the developers. A smaller cut, is still more then they receive in the current system.

This already happens. It's just not endorsed by the company. Most of the ToS shit saying they'll ban you for selling accounts is just there to deter people from doing it and to cover their own asses legally (which is kind of ironic). The rule is very rarely enforced.

Okay who fucking cares good for us, epic will find a solution. (See lootbox drama, first company that deletes random lootboxes and still makes billions)

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can't reject it if it's the only option

I think the vast majority are trolls, shills tend to not make it so clear, but still make it clear by accident
these posts are not even trying, they're basically typing "STEAM 壞 EPIC 好 購買 BORDERLANDS 3"
It's such a great opportunity to troll because it fucks over steam, it fucks over epic, it pisses off people who like steam & it pisses off people who like the board quality lol

We'll taste yours too, Tim. Because remember: You're a game store front aswell. You are not immune.

You will burn in OUR hell.
You couldn't have made this post unironically.

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And? Why would you care? If somebody wants to buy a grinded account by the standards of capitalism he should be fully allowed to do that. Saying that it isn't allowed is socialism since you force everybody to do the same amount of work.

This is about account selling, not the resale of indivudually purchased games or licenses.

God I love free market economy.

>being lowiq
While I do like refunds since they are an important part of consumer rights, it doesn't change they removed flash sales. You need to consider that people who do informed choices (read reviews, check videos, play demos) really don't need refunds, but they help the average gamer who don't bother with those things.

>We'll taste yours too, Tim. Because remember: You're a game store front aswell. You are not immune.

Why do you think we don't want this, Steamie? I'd want to be able to sell any game accounts I had. Only Steamies are chimping about it. Even saw a YouTube video by the standard soi squad, defenders of Valve, talking about how this court case will "hurt indies"

steamie not even once

Doesn't that mean every online game (WoW etc...) would have to allow the sale of accounts as well?

>not liking Steam makes you an Epic shill
Yea Forumsalve drones are pathetic as fuck

Cope now tab back gaben you need to make a new gacha game

it's rarely enforced because it's somewhat hard to track, however for certain other things it is tracked. It is also a deterrent to buying accounts, because the account could get banned as buying/selling accounts isn't allowed

An example of specific tracking is Infernal Capes in OSRS, it's an untradable item that has a very hard challenge attached to it to obtain it. It is a best in slot item by a pretty large margin that's used at basically all times when using melee.
Currently it is illegal to get someone to do the cape for you on your account, everyone they catch (which is a very large portion of people getting capes) gets a ban and the cape removed. This lead to them trying to trick it by doing it through teamviewer & whatnot but bans still roll in.
With this change in how accounts are handled, you could simply "sell" your account, he does the cape on "his" account, then you "buy" it back for the same amount + the cape fee

Nigga you foget toast

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>>While I do like refunds since they are an important part of consumer rights, it doesn't change they removed flash sales. You need to consider that people who do informed choices (read reviews, check videos, play demos) really don't need refunds, but they help the average gamer who don't bother with those things.

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>enable to resell games
>valve and devs gets even more money from taxes

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Sure but that was only about physical media, and I highly doubt they'll start receiving payments for those even after this. It also won't affect keysites since those aren't selling "used" games. It's a moot point anyways since it's about selling accounts and devs will not receive any money for that.

Everyone is overreacting.
Here's what they'll do:
>It's now legal to sell your account

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It's already a thing, and has been for over a decade.

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Yes it would, but for some reason people make it seem like only Steam will be impacted.

>EU shuts down the ability to post Spongebob images on a website unless you rangeban all of EU
>EU gives consumer rights
It is the same person posting both these things. They have the same username.

How about arguing?

Power of money fagget
I'm just joking, but people should be allowed to sell their accounts.

I only have this to say: Thanks for proving Steam shills are a thing, and they work full time for free on Yea Forums

>expecting chinks to think for themselves, much less argue
You're almost as dumb as they are

>it doesn't change they removed flash sales.
even if they didn't publishers aren't going to set massive discounts anymore like the early days, just look at terrible season sales now. if a game is 30% off the "flash sale" would just be 33% off.

If only you knew what irony means.

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do you really watch videos before playing a game?
I don't even look at trailers for games I'm interested in because I don't want to be spoiled

it is completely different when something is illegal compared to when it is legal.
Would you also argue nothing changes if weed becomes legal because it was already being sold anyway?

if you get scammed while buying an account, you're just fucked, it's a risk you run when buying accounts because it's forbidden. Whereas if it's allowed, you could take it up with jagex

user, the Chinese don't have anything conceptually similar to irony in their culture. Please stop being so culturally insensitive.

Literally everybody in EU was against article 13 but corporation lobbyists are a force to be reckoned with and all the MEPs are stupid boomers who barely onow how to use Facebook and Twitter. It's almost impossible to enforce though.

But you're not proving their arguments wrong, just putting them in greentext with a crying steam wojak image attached to it. You're not doing much besides proving that Epic drones are a thing.

Which game is the first one you will sell when they lose?
My library is too curated, but I have an unused copy of bad rats in my inventory that I'll try to peddle.

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>you are dumb for calling them out
Not really unless you want to bury this thread, which you failed by replying to me.
I'm waiting arguments.

>65 IPs
>Spread across 148 posts
>All the replies I mentioned pretty much encompass what braindead retards are trying to falseflag
>All this shit blowing all of this up out of proportions
>Just because France wants Steam to ALLOW RESELLING ACCOUNTS, something that other game store fronts would have to follow
>All of them just laughing on them because of a fucking news article they didn't even bother to read

And all of these buzzwords they keep fucking using to try and 'prove a point' against "steamie shills" just makes me fucking sick that I share a website with these retarded newfags that don't know what the fuck we were known for back in the day.
Anyone's got an ETA on when 2*2*2chan is coming back?

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>all the MEPs are stupid boomers who barely onow how to use Facebook and Twitter
You don't seem to understand how the EU parliament works. The vote for Article 13, like everything else, is just one guy saying "Article 13" and the MEPs saying yay or nay. When majority votes that go against what the higher ups want come in, they just vote again the next day, and the next day, and the next... until the "right" vote comes in. MEPs are, for the most part, a farce to maintain the image of a democracy.

first company who had lootboxes they deleted.

fuck off pcbro

>do you really watch videos before playing a game?
Yes? Even with refunds isn't it better to check if the game is good/plays well rather than buying, downloading, crushing your expectations and then refunding?

Fuck off retard although I agree with your last point
FUCK people who liked flash sales

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I'd rather have to go through the new mandatory 2+ hour tutorial to see if it's good or not. So I can't refund it once it's too late.

Valve is smaller than those companies, and if this wins against Valve it creates a precedent they can use to hit the bigger companies easier.

>Wasting Internet and two hours of your life when you could just check a video in Youtube
Let me guess you're a neet huh?

>please mr. corporation, take more of my money
>I hate paying less for things!!!

I've been on Yea Forums trying to discuss some games I genuinely enjoy playing (MH, for example) and I all see every goddamn day is the same shit.

Buzzwords. Parroting. Namecalling. Retarded arguments. No arguments. People leaving after 'post 30 secs of play game.'
Then I see this shit. WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS?!

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i don't really even see the point of this but i do welcome it because i think it's so fucking funny that EU's favorite pastime is making valve's life more annoying

>that don't know what the fuck we were known for back in the day
you can leave you pussy

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Well it's not quite that simple. While I do agree that EU parliament is pretty much a joke and the other organs are the ones that make everything up dancing to the strings of lobbyists, you still need the consent of the parliament. Had there been people who understood what article 13 actually meant they wouldn't have let that shit pass

I'd love to leave to 2*Yea Forums if I could, you backassed bumbling idiot.

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>WTF why can't I buy a game and get shafted when I see a flash sale for 95% off the day after!?!?!?
>Why do I need to have basic consumer rights such as the right to refunds!?!?!?
>Why can't Gaben just fuck me in the ass constantly?!?!?

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There there dummy
no need to be mad

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nice reddit filename. fuck off.

>When did you realise Tim was the hero and Gaben was the villain?
Does Epic Store allow reselling?

What, do you want me to complete it with some wojak? Fuck off.

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>what the fuck we were known for back in the day
Haha yeah fellow Anonymous
We are legion amirite

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>Grab copies of Batman while they're giving it away for free
>Resell slightly cheaper to dweebs who missed out on the deal
>Make free cash
I'm gonna have to get some bots set up, aren't I?

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>I bought a game for a price I deemed acceptable, then got mad because it would have been cheaper had I waited
That's not you getting dicked, you got what you wanted at a price you found acceptable. All while knowing full well it could go on a flash sale the next day.

how about you just fuck off? you don't like Yea Forums, you only have images you saved from reddit, so why stick around? go back to /r/gaming

were you even alive for the games-on-demand boom at the turn of the century? i remember streaming hitman, supreme snowboarding and even unreal tournament

Conform or leave.

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You can already kind of do this on Steam, all while being ToS compliant. You get free gift copies of shit all the time for promotions that someone out there is willing to trade a cheaper product for.

I'll say it once and I'll say it again. Fuck off to you aswell, fag. Besides, you present no fucking argument just because I got some random image from reddit? So fucking what?
How does that immediately out me? How do I immediately out you as a faggot?
Probably because you dropped your gay card.

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is there even a single online store that lets you resell your shit?

why ?

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>the french want you to be able to sell digital items as if they're real

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>All these Steamcels absolutely SEETHING

How can someone worship a fat fuck that hasn't done anything other than milking idiots for over a decade is beyond me


Know your place, the true masters of Yea Forums are back to put all of you newfaggots back into your place. We could force you shitters to lurk moar in the past, and we'll do it again. This isn't your board, Reddit colonizer.

no because that'd be fucking stupid

So? Change my vocabulary to nothing but three words, spam them all day then feel finished?
What do you want me to do? I've lost touch, frankly, but I don't feel like it's my doing here.

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>Nobody will pay to stream games

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>Anyone's got an ETA on when 2*2*2chan is coming back?
Why would you wish for that when the only difference between 8ch and reddit is that 8ch allows anonymous posting? Are you that hungry for janny cock?

>All these Steamcels absolutely SEETHING
I guess you could say that they are... STEAMing?

Let's fucking do this. Fuck 'em.
How new? There, it was discussion, or lurking. No inbetween like you falseflagging cunts crying "steam bad" or some other new trend you can latch onto.
You fucking wish you had actual game discussion, you faggot ass-twisting potato faced lard armed twitching little gremlin.

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Steamie steamie, wet and seethie

Made the girls cry because he's a gay little weenie

>everything i don't like is reddit

>it was discussion
Politics aren't video games

> all those meritard selling their soul for a greedy company

Its amazing

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Why only Steam and not other platforms? Also wondering how this would even work with digital games.
>steal account
>instead of just stealing games you can now sell them and make a physical profit
Looks like Im going to be getting back into this shit.

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Imagine being you.

Imagine believing this. I'm not gonna tell you what happens over there. Because you wouldn't believe me.
You'd call me a liar.
A falseflagger.
A redditor.
A tourist.

All the insults under the damn sun and there's one thing you would never be able to pinpoint. What it feels to be like in the good ol' days after 9/11 according to Sundowner.
Because you weren't there.
And since you weren't there, you only have a vague imagination.

An imagination twisted by this site itself.
Leads you to believe 2*Yea Forums wasn't as good as it actually is.
And that's why... Yore ugleh.

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>many person hate steam
>most be one person
Sound like dumb paranoia steam

>Incapable of typing a post in English
>Same filename every time


Reminder that just because the american government allows corporations to trample all over the people that does not make it ok for european goverments to trample all over the corporations for no good reason

2 wrongs don't make a right

>Doing a filename search instead of a hash search for the full scope of the retardation of the posters

>Why only Steam
its called jurisprudence. You only need to win one case, the others must follow

craigslist is for actual physical items though right?

wasted quads

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Hey, atleast it ain't 0.
I take the little victories.

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Sound like stupid paranoia
Dumb steam stupid can't even english good lol

This. Back before Moot shat the bed, if people didn't have anything productive to say, they shut the fuck up. Now when people don't have a counterargument to something they don't agree with, instead of shutting up like a sane person, they instead resort to falseflag wojakposting, incidentally making themselves look even more like fools in the process. I would FUCKING LOVE for the board here to go back to the level of discussion where you either present some fucking arguments or shut the fuck up instead of resorting to posting crying wojaks when logic fails.

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>epic shills don't exis-

are you retarded, people are the weak here.

Why is Yea Forums so anti-consumer?

Hardmode: No burgers

well burgers are the only reason
They love to suck their jew overlords dicks

That said there is something steam should absolutely get ass blasted in court over and that is the false advertisement regarding their adult games policy

That's wrong.

The Court basically found that you own the license to a game and can do what you want with it - Steam can't just take it off you. This is because ownership means something - it is a bundle of rights that you have over property. Because you "buy" a game license in the same way that you buy everything else, you ought to get the same rights to it.

So you can definitely sell your license to CS:GO to someone else. Then they can contact Steam and say "Steam, I am now the lawful owner of this license for CS:GO. Grant me access to the game as required under the licensing agreement, or I'll see you in Court."

Steam would then have to "transfer the game" from your account to their account (revoke your access and grant them access).

t. lawfag (Australian tho, not Euro).

Finally. Someone else in this damn hell that understands what I feel about the downhill this site went through in accordance to Moot shitting the bed.
Unfortunately, like Mr. Burns said, we're here forever. Whether we like it or not. I still cherish the small moments these days were people fuck off when getting the 'post 30 secs' treatment. Dumbasses. The whole 9 miles.

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It literally is burgers though.
They make up the largest portion of users, and it's in their culture to let corporations walk all over them.
Remember how Equifax leaked half the countries private details and got away with a slap on the wrist?
Remember when the banks failed?
Remember company towns?
They've been getting shafted since their nation was created.

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It's one mentally ill shitposter. Just get on Yea Forums sometime after midnight EST. He spams the exact same threads word for word every night often multiple times if mods actually delete his threads. When he gets called out or showed archives he just responds everytime with a short non argument like "cry about it" or "cry more".

You're the one that doesn't get how the EU parliament works, you literally at the "muh ireland lisbon treaty referenda" propaganda. The reason they voted a second time on lisbon was the main complaints the Irish had with it were changed.

I live in the EU but not in France, how does this affect me?

Explain how reselling digital items would work

Have they ever just tried range-banning? That's what I would fucking do.

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For now it doesn't, but this'll probably be enforce EUwide before long.

Why do you go to Yea Forums for meaningful discussions?

Because unlike what you do, we actually did discuss shit back in the day.

We're here forever. Like it or not.

No I am against the french here as well and I am Australian
both american and European approaches to consumer rights are retarded, they both go way too far but in the opposite direction

Not to mention that in this case it makes it worse for us as gamers because it further incentivises games as a service

i don't care lol
i have never wanted to resell my games, they have a great refund policy in place, i have no problem with things not changing. steam is better, i will never switch because my library is massive and they've never betrayed my trust as a customer, never lost my data, never got my account hacked, they let me ignore updates forever and ever and they've had all the important features since launch or right after launch. eat shit and cope

i don't mind, just don't shill me dlc shit or subscription shit or lootboxes and we're good
t. burger

Probably the guy in charge of Epic Games. People here have some fixation with him.

>This is about account selling

This is about LICENSE selling. You own a license to a game. Under the ToS, you cannot resell that LICENSE. The Court found those ToS are unlawful, because you own the license and ownership includes certain rights.

Steam can either
>change how they sell licenses so that you no longer de facto own them (impossible)
>move to a subscription-based service (risky)
>let you resell licenses but not provide any service for doing so (business as usual, but passing up a MASSIVE opportunity)
>implement a steam-run second-hand store and take a cut of the sales (best option)

This doesn't hurt Steam but it will hurt sales numbers for developers. But fuck companies. If they want my money they better give me a fucking reason.

Ok steamie

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It's probably the same guy who was spamming the PoE2 hate threads for a few months, according to mods he just gets triggered by something and endlessly spams thread and ban evades while shitposting about it. The posting style in the OP of these threads are identical to those threads for PoE2 (among other threads which were spammed). He's very easy to spot because he uses extremely similar vocabulary and his threads follow a template. Range banning doesn't work against advanced autism with enough dedication you could ban evade until the internet ran out of unbanned IPs. Just look at Barneyfag or ACK on Yea Forums, ACK literally drives around until he hits a new cell phone tower if he runs out of unbanned IPs.

>we actually did discuss shit back in the day
Old Yea Forums was full of offtopic nonsense at all times. A lot of threads were hardly video games content. Granted that was Yea Forums at the time.

Wish I was at home so I could post some old stuff.

The ruling in question specifically calls out the part that prevents you from selling your account. It has nothing to do with reselling the individual licenses attached to that account.

cry more tranny

Fuck off Ameriboo.

Indeed. But the law in question specifically grants people the right to resell their licenses.

Heh, it'd bring back better memories too. Even if it was off-topic shit, atleast we didn't have this level of rampant wojak posting.
Jesus, and I thought my scruffy failshaved beard was the worst feeling yet. Is there any Yea Forums X filters I can use to get rid of this cunt once and for all? I know words are words, but there's gotta be some keywords somewhere to this shit.

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Your account doesn't exist.

What you own is a bundle of individual licenses. Your account is just how Steam interacts with you, the real person who owns the licenses. It is you, not your account, who owns the licenses - and you own them each individually. You bought them each individually.

>there was discussion
At the very beginning - sure, I'll give you that. Later it became the most sterile and no fun allowed place I've ever witnessed on imageboards, every single discussion ultimately ended in either calling everyone a shill and threads being derailed into political twitter bullshit and identity politics. 8ch Yea Forums did more for the rise of SJWs in videogames than twitter ever did. The tide has turned so hard that I'm able to freely discuss GG related topics here which I wouldn't be able to do on 8ch Yea Forums.

The comparison is legitimate since both have/had powertripping mods that would arbitrarily ban people even when no rules were broken.

If you cared about consumer rights, you wouldn't be buying in Steam. Buy physical or GOG.

>europeans so fucking obsessed with america they call somebody ameriboo when they said both were retarded

That's nice and all, but it's still not what the suit is about.

How come every single manufacturer of physical goods didn't go bankrupt because people can resell their shit? From cameras to cars to houses. Why should gaming industry be different?

Probably never noticed all the chaos while I was in the threads for games I liked.

Base Poland and epic double team steam and make die

>reading is hard

It's very easy.
>Delete game from your library when you sold your games

And people that think this will benefits consumers. I think it's arguable.
Expect that sales are being more stingy (like 15% off max) and uncommon (Only sales during steam sales, so 4 times a year, and only after more than half a year, instead like now, having 10 %+ off after 1 month)

This will absolutely never be a thing.

The suit is about account selling, not the resale of digital goods.

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They aren't? Huh, I guess those 600 games I "own" are a pigment of my imagination.

thank you france for making valve seethe so fucking hard
you guys are alright

I'm Australian and I still had to initiate a refund request three times before they decided to accept my request, even though it was a piece of shit abandoned game (DayZ) and I played it for 15 minutes.

I hope you're right. There should be no legal difference between owning a physical and a digital copy of a game and it's astounding that some people are treating this as a terrible idea.
Good thing is that Steam (and other similar companies like Ep*c) WILL fold for sure in the end, even if they try to fight it. Microsoft and Google did in the past. We aren't yet at the stage where corporations can tell Western countries to fuck off with impunity, thanks fucking God.

usually, because someone literally snitched on you

It literally is, assuming the translation is reliable.

>However, just as it is "not permitted" to sell or invoice or transfer an account's right of use to third parties, neither is it permitted to "sell or invoice the right to use subscriptions or to transfer them". In other words, you cannot resell dematerialized video games, even though you have the possibility to do so when it is a physical product.

>an account's right of use
This is your license. You (your account) have the right to use and possess software that isn't yours because you purchased a license to do so from the owner.

And you can resell that license in the same way that you can resell anything else that you purchase, because it's yours. You own it.

>pigment of my imagination.

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>i hate consumers and love sucking corporate cock
Yeah fuck off, fake Aussie. We need to purge Ameriboos. You are ruining what used to be an egalitarian working man's country.

>Have book
>It will easily last longer than the life of the author
>Resell book
Yea Forums: "WTF why are you hurting the author like that? Don't you know that the entire book industry will collapse because of what you're doing? Why can't we just force people to keep their books and deny them the right to resell them?"

None of the other boards care about piracy in the slightest fucking bit.
What's so different about Yea Forums?

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Still waiting the EU to ban my memes :^)

>an account's right of use to third parties
i.e. selling your account to another party. It's not talking about your account's right to use its licenses.

Selling games without all the digital garbage dlc season pass garbage worked before steam, it will work after steam.

Physical for life, we may actually get complete products again, based EU dabbing on the shitty industry that needed to crash for a while now.

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everybody take a look at this post. this is a post, right here.

Ironically your attitude is going to turn us into america
The american idea that 2 opposing sides can never agree on anything whatsoever is starting to take root here

Companies seem big and scary but they are absolutely small fry compared to Western governments.

The problem isn't corporate power, but corporate "influence". (Influence is power but you get what I mean). The Courts are relatively resistant to influence in such a manner because they're rightly designed to resist it, but parliament is the opposite - it's basically designed to be susceptible to influence.

Courts uphold the law and companies will always have to follow them in the end. The danger is that the companies end up writing the law.

That's what's happened in the USA, and that's why you should lose your political rights once you have a net worth of more than about 2 million.

>he thinks DLC season pass garbage started on Steam
Zoom Zoom

Owning and re-selling your games? It'll kill the entire industry! This has never happened before

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For most of the other boards there are no good legal alternatives that don't have major region locks.

Yea Forums can be kind of autistic about their anti streaming though even though it's not as low quality as it used to be

dude, they will. Think about how many people pay to rent/buy digital movies online. It's a large number, man. People just want quick, easy access to digital media

>It's not talking about your account's right to use its licenses.

>In 2012, the European Court ruled that a rightful claimant is prohibited from opposing the resale of software. When it is sold, including by downloading, its purchaser is free to resell it: "Such a transaction implies the transfer of the right of ownership of this copy", if, "against payment of a price, a licence agreement[grants] the customer the right to use this copy for an unlimited period".
Explain how this language makes sense in the context of referring to an account rather than to a specific license for specific software.

You literally can't resell every game on that shelf. They all have online registered CD Keys to prevent exactly that.


did you even read his post?
are you just so new you don't understand he's being blatantly sarcastic, complaining that games have tutorials that are so long it doesn't allow for playing the game to try it out & refunding it if you don't like it

Honestly streaming has been better than ever. Twist.moe is fucking fantastic, I watched JJBA from 1st part to Vento Aureo and I gotta say...
I feel like I'm walking in sunshine, my depression pretty much disappeared.

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>"muh both sides"
No, fuck off.

Both parties are fucking garbage because they are both rigged by the same people - the same people you are bending over and taking cock for.

Australians used to be smart enough not to trust the cunts upstairs but you've sucked so much semen that it's affected your brain and now you actually believe politics is anything other than a way for fat toffs to get their snout in the trough.

You are the quintessential American and you need to be shot.

>Austria to announce controversial "Stop being a bunch of fucking assholes, video games!" legislation

We live in a brave new world

"Cope" is not a substitute for a counterargument. You might as well not have posted at all, at least then you'd still have your dignity intact.

Contact the company and demand access to the software, as is your right as a license holder.


>Belgium making lootbox illegal
>France making unresellable games illegal
>Germany is in control of all of Europe
I sure do love the EU, haha

This whole debacle really reveals how incredibly stupid Yea Forums is. Most people here don't seem to realise the consequences of this decision if it goes through on appeal. If people think videogames are dead now, just wait when literally every publisher is forced to move on to streaming exclusively to avoid resales.
That and the fact that if resales goes through, game prices will increase massively.

>thinking some millionaires are your friends
>thinking only the OTHER millionaires are the bad guys

ok i guess

Because being able to resell games is a new thing right?. Video games didn't exist when we didn't have digital distribution yet right?

Fucking retard.

germany allows swastikas and nazis in videogames again tho

You say so, but show me for example where the option to refund Nintendo eshop purchases is. That's the previous feature EU strong-armed Valve into adding to Steam, years ago now.

>even though it's not as low quality as it used to be
Lossy compression inherently destroys all video.
I will never stream anything that I can download.
I mean just look at this shit.
The second one is kinda alright, but only in 4k, and only because they move so slowly.
If they moved any faster it'd look like a blurry mess.

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It just bothers me when they shit on people for using the legal streaming services as if they have any of the same problems the pirate sites had
Although to be clear I am not defending crunchyroll who are cancer for other reasons I am talking about shit like animelab

>The Court basically found that you own the license to a game
you don't. Technically Valve isn't selling games, they're renting games via subscription, so do all online game stores AFAIK. This is exactly so they can refuse you right to sell them.

Entire ruling is based on arbitrary decision that time unlimited subscription is same as ownership. All it takes for Valve, Origin, GoG or Epic is to put limit on subscription length, and ruling becomes irrelevant.

sorry to rain on your parade

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Yeah it's scary to think about.

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Yes, youtube has shitty bitrate from a shitty encoder. Good thing most people don't watch anime on youtube.

How can you resell something you don't own? You don't own the game, you own the right to access it, a right which can be taken away from you if you don't behave like a good boy.
You can't resell rights.

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The consumer owns the product he buys.

I post this everytime i see mizuryu kei.
What other artists draw perverted horny girls like mizuryu kei?
Shameless desperate sluts.
That's my fetish.

I agree with you. To add to that, the European Parliament is weird. It's well known that lobbyists are crawling all over the place but they still gave us something like the GDPR and I can't imagine any company endorsing that. Not that I'm complaining.

You are right.
Although I really don't see the point of shitting on something that allows you to get shit for free. Look at FitGirl Repacks. That's the absolute safest way to get shit, and the motherfuckers here try to get people to not use it just because of the compression taking up a good lot of the CPU most of the time.
I use them myself. Never noticed a single issue anywhere, and my computer has been fine after I did a bunch of NoSpy10 and other shit.

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>Switching out the buzzword
You don't even have an argument, lurk more newfag.

A shame you don't buy a product by using steam

>But youtube.
No, this problem is inherent in all lossy encoding.
You might not notice it in anime because of the simplistic style, but it regularly fucks up gradients.

ALL lossy encoding has this issue. If it didn't it wouldn't be lossy.

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I know user, but don't be so pessimistic. Valve etc. won't be so optimistic to fuck over consumers to avoid this decision because it's not their money that they're losing. This equally presents an opportunity to capture a lucrative resale market - games languishing in accounts that otherwise might be liquid and making dollars in excise for the market overlord.

Developers are the ones who will be upset about this, not retailers.

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

It makes it easy to tell how many people were born after 2000.

Steam lets you resell in-game items on the market. How can you sell things you never bought for products you don't own?

you literally can.

Streaming failed. The maximum that could happen is AAA making more subscription models.

zoom zoom

>When did you realise Tim was the hero and Gaben was the villain?
Whats the connection?
How long until I can create thousands of epic accounts, get games while they are free to sell them later again?

>reselling something digital
When did you realize that the french were fucking retarded? Seems to me like the french government is just stirring shit to get a hefty fine paid.

>Talking to Crunchyroll SJW's
Might aswell talk to a wall. Same effect

More brainlet replies. Selling digital media is completely different from selling physical media. For starters, there is no limitation of stock. Then you have the massive problem that is the fact that digital media does not degrade over time unlike physical stuff.
Use your head anons. I believe in you neet dropouts

imagine if those movies had a half second to second audio lag

You do realise that this happens literally everywhere in the world?

and they don't vote on the same thing you fucking tard, it's amended every time. If one country doesn't like "X" thing, then X is removed from the article and another vote takes place until people can come to an agreement.

>streaming failed
You can't be this stupid. It's already taking off in a generation that wasn't made with it in mind. Just wait until ps5.

EUchads rise the fuck up.
American corporations about to get dabbed on.

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Except for the times when it's the exact same thing, over and over. The EU is Hitler's wet dream.

No dumbass, the commission can literally veto anything the parliament does. The mp have no power if for some reason they disagree with the commission.

lmao if you believe retards then the eu is somehow a commie jewish plot, hitler's wet dream, an illuminati tool to dominate mankind and a lizardman colony at the same time

>Still posting when you have nothing productive to say

Attached: Its_Time_to_Stop_Posting.jpg (500x375, 33K)

even if all you own is the license you should still be able to resell the license.

Politicians will do what companies want when the people aren't looking and what the people want when they are.

Ultimately, public sentiment is the gatekeeper on power. You can't get lobbyist money if you can't write laws and you can't write laws if you can't win elections, and you can't win elections if people hate you because you look like corrupt scum who are fucking them over.

There are two challenges to responsible government. Firstly, public inattention or apathy. Climate change is a good example of this. If people don't care, nothing gets done. But how can you make people care? Secondly, deliberate malfeasance. Trump is the example of this: lying to people, misleading them, fake news etc.

Public apathy is a challenge as old as time and I'm not that worried about it. Sooner or later people start caring about the big problems. Something breaks through the noise, or maybe a gay couple move in next door and people realise that wow, faggots actually are human beings and why shouldn't they have rights? People are fundamentally good, and will be as good as circumstances allow them to be. As industrialisation reduces the intensity of competition over resources and education and scientific inquiry give people better tools to make decisions, people have the opportunity to live their values and embrace the emergent cooperative ethic of humanity.


Shouldn't this shit be called into question for all digital distribution sites? Why is it specifically steam? You can't resell shit on Epic or Origin or any of that shit.

>zoomer seething this hard

Malfeasance, though, is different. The tools of deception are getting more powerful and the people who wield them more practiced. Things that we thought would lead to an explosion of freedom and the exchange of ideas have become silos. Tyrannical states build highly policed walled gardens. The internet becomes a tool of control, not communication. But I still have hope. When newspapers were first coming into fashion around the time of the Crimean war they were brand new and nobody knew what to do. Everyone was in such a rush to have the latest news that they would literally just make shit up rather than wait the days it took to arrive from Crimea. But people learned - society learned collectively, and we got better at dealing with the new technology. Hopefully, we're in the same place with social media.

This was longer than I intended.

>posting bad edits

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where the fuck do you go for meaningful discussion?

I mean, wouldn't a 'used' digital games market within steam just fucking rocket valve's profits up even further? they'd be taking commission on every one of those transactions


>the commission can literally veto anything the parliament does
Source for that claim? Because it's bullshit.

Owning "licenses" should never have been allowed in the first place.

No one cares if the industry dies because of this, they have had it coming for a while.

Why can't Valve just tell the frenchies to fuck off?

Attached: ancap frog.png (420x420, 9K)

You gonna cry?

People will only argue for this heavily in the instance that there are no region locks on reselling, just like 'real games/media/etc', which will also completely fuck shit up by making all regions have the same (highest) price, or significantly heavier restrictions on language/modding ability/etc., in order to slow the inevitable practice of people buying from the cheapest region then reselling en masse to more expensive regions at a cheaper price.

Gentiles should not be able to resell their digital goods.

Apple, Google, and Microsoft should also have been brought into court for this, not just for video games but also music, movies, and books. This decision pretty much affects the entirety of online media and the state of copyrights worldwide.

I read the treaty of Lisbon. It's somewhere in there. Article 180 around there I think.

I hope the rest of the EU follows and they push this as hard as possible.
I will instantly sell my whole steam library and never use this shitty service again.
If I knew what it'd become and what digital distribution would lead to I'd never have used it in the first place.

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Would be interesting to see the effects if steam really lose this one. Every store from valve, epic, gog, apple, android, sony, nintendo, microsoft would have to offer a option to resell digital games after that.

You maybe turd

I agree so then why start with just steam? Is it legal fees so they need to set legal precedent before tackling everyone else?
It still doesn't change that the fact you buy something digital you can't really resell it. That just doesn't make any sense.

I mean it'd be nice to get some cash for my steam library games, and I won't fight against it, but what makes it a right? Human rights are much more basic and fundamental: life, liberty, property, freedom of speech, to not incriminate yourself, etc. I don't really understand where the right to resell lifetime digital licenses comes from.

Whiter than you muhammad.

Give up user. He realized his mistake and now just yells buzzwords to cover his embarrassment

It won't die as much as it'll move on to cancerous content in single player games like timesinks

ITT fucking retards

Valve will just say the sell the licence not the game, court won't do shit because licences are under IP law protection.
Nothing will hapen.

Someone made a regex string to match his syntax since he can only talk like a retard. I don't have it, but I'm sure someone else does.

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This is absolutely hilarious if you think about it. The people implementing these laws have zero perception of the industry, it's like when Count Dankula went to parliament over article 13 and most members hadn't even read it.

Anons here correctly observe this would be catastrophic for valve but it would be even more damaging to the entire PC industry.
>buy game (steam gets X, company gets Y)
>resell game (steam gets X, company gets nothing)
It would drastically hit steams profit because it would be a race to the bottom but it would also entirely cut companies out (which is what happened with gamestop) except there was physical costs and limits to the exchange at gamestop.

Attached: Consider (3).jpg (640x637, 91K)

>people think this is a good thing
it's almost like you want to usher in the age of streaming and subscriptions faster, it's going to come regardless but something like this will make it come much much faster
don't even get me started on shit like microtransactions in single player games because ubisoft is already ahead of the curve and it'll only get worse if they figure they can't still you a digital copy for $60

reminder that this will hurt publishers and devs more than it will hurt steam since if you resell a game at gamestop it's not like they give money to the publisher when they sell that copy again, it'll be the same for steam

user I think you might be the brainlet here lmao

good, I hope steam dies

>People are fundamentally good, and will be as good as circumstances allow them to be
See I'm not as optimistic as you on that front, people are mainly guided by the cultural conditions around them and discussing the ethics of culture opens up a whole can of worms with "ethical humanity". Sure there are anomalies, but the average person time and time again is fully willing to go against their own interests in the name of comfort and conformity. I don't think any amount of education can effectively address that trend.

Of course it's a good thing, it will accelerate the process of people realizing that this kind of shit isn't acceptable.

It'll push PC gaming back to pre-steam era
I doubt most anons even remember how bad it was back then in terms of pricing and what was actually on offer

So how does this work? Can valve just laugh at the dumb frenchies? What could some dumb foreigner possibly do to an American company.

i'm pretty sure the publishers wouldnt be too happy about it
how do they factor in, in your little magical world you created ?

>moba and gacha shit
>complete products

Explain. You can't legally resell licences in EU or in any other country.
And not just licences for games, but software, movies, music etc...

You remember wrong I reckon. The EP can dismiss the Commission (never happened yet because the Commission stepped down in 1999 before Parliament could dismiss it) but I can't find anything about a veto, let alone a "veto anything the parliament does". If anything the Treaty of Lisbon gave more power to the EP.

Maybe if you never want to buy a new game ever again then yeah it's a good thing, otherwise expect every new game to have the most jewish monetization bullshit you've ever seen to make it so they can make money even if people resell copies, assuming we don't get some cancerous mobile tier f2p games instead of full fledged games.

gacha has lootboxes which the eu doesn't like either

>how bad it was back then

>games cost 10-15 euros
>games on the disc were actually complete
>game companies were forced to make their games as bug-free as possible
>no (((DLCs))) or microtransactions

Yeah, sad times indeed. Fuck off, zoomer.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (1366x768, 51K)

Yes and no. People do what culture tells them to but culture is what people make of it.

An emerging theory in psychology (and one that I subscribe to) is that of an emergent ethic - an evolved optimal pattern of human behaviour toward which we naturally align. It's basic stuff like "don't hit people" but it also includes complex concepts like fairness and reciprocity. It's not just humans either - even dogs care about fairness (dogs who receive less reward for doing work than other dogs will stop doing any work at all, for example). A lot of the research into chimps has focused on animal ethics and what it can tell us about human ethics.

It makes sense too, because cooperation is a superior communal strategy than aggression (although aggression can be a superior individual strategy) and so you'd think it would be selected for in nature.

Anyway it makes for interesting reading.

Yeah, until they realize that shit won't sell, because instead of easing people into such a system, it will happen rapidly, so even normies will notice and reject this.

Then they will have to go back to them having to create a product people actually want to buy.

But EU doesn't ban them.

Steam isn't a publisher.

Any publisher with the money can sell on their own store and pick their own strategy and we'll see what consumers accept.


The game is the license.

>games on disc were actually complete
Lol. Case in point, user who didn't even live through it. Not to mention all pc developers went under during those times.

literally all this means is russians and pajeets who steal your accounts to resell won't have that account banned

>i liek slow threads and no DDoS protection

>I can't find anything about a veto
Of course you can't. Try reading the treaty of Lisbon.

Look at games like fortnite, apex, warframe, normies love that shit. It's not hard to ease them into even more scummy practices, we just need to wait for a company brave enough to do it on single player games and gaming will be fucked for good.

The industry has been pivoting to a service model for a while for threat of piracy. That's why value added services became the goto strategy. This will just accelerate the process. League is free so you can't resell it, all the money is in mtx for example.

>resell game (steam gets X, company gets nothing)
This is assuming Steam operates as the mediator for used game sales. Arguably people should be able to handle sales privately or through third parties, in which case Steam would be getting jack shit as well.

Actually you can in the EU. Provided your copy is deactivated on your computer.
Well the exist a ruling in that sense.
And this would not only confirm that but enforce it.

>When did you realise Tim was the hero and Gaben was the villain?
Does Tim the chink let you resell your games? No he doesn't.

The ruling actually precludes selling accounts. Its only about games.
Because selling accounts would be dangerous due to private informations associated with it.


Tim Apple

I'm 29 and I had the pleasure of living through the golden age of gaming (1996-2005).
Tell me how the on-disc games were incomplete.

Attached: boomer.jpg (250x229, 8K)

something like that would completely destroy steam since consumers would become direct competitors
Valve would unironically be better off buying the games back from consumers than letting them sell to each other

Epic chinks and Sony fanboys on suicide watch. French's ruling is illegal in Europe.

Attached: Capture2019-09-21_13_49_45.jpg (780x371, 76K)

I remember popping in a disc for a new game and being able to play it within the minute as opposed to waiting 2 hours to install nowadays

this is bigger than steam, it's literally all digital distribution platforms of any medium
itunes, youtube, amazon, pretty much any site where you can buy games, music, movies or books will be subject to the same thing. The real kicker is that it fucks over the creators of all these things far more than it fucks over the distributors. Indie devs think they have it bad now? Imagine how bad they'll have it when their 3 hour walking sims get resold on the market en masse, driving the price down.

>None of the other boards care about piracy in the slightest fucking bit.
>What's so different about Yea Forums?

Don't forget who their lord and master is

Attached: gaben.jpg (640x353, 59K)

then why did steam lose the first round

>nathan gayson
fuck you op

We're already in the post-games-as-a-service era, mobile gaming makes as much if not more than real games, because it's all basically just gambling and/or predatory microtransaction schemes. EA is cramming loot boxes/gacha in every AAA release they feasibly can. And all of this isn't because of the used games market, which they absolutely do hate and have, at times, tried to damage through things like online pass codes. But no, not much will change if suddenly you can re-sell digital licenses. The publishers and platform holders will be butthurt, but games themselves will not change. You might see fewer sales, fewer discounts, fewer free games, but that's the price we'll pay for these people to finally have to respect the first-sale doctrine once again. The entertainment industry has viewed digital as their pass to get around that pesky concept, it's why it's been pushed so hard, but how many of your peers do you think like the sound of that? It's only a matter of time before we get first-sale doctrine 2.0 in the US. Either that or we slide ever closer to the dystopian shithole that fiction writers have been imagining for the past century+.

you misunderstand me
to have games to resell to people you have to have games
why the fuck would a publisher put games on a platform (any) knowing they'll get undercut by their customers 2 days in ?

>The Interactive Software Federation of Europe is an independent federation, representing the interests of the interactive software sector in Europe to the main stakeholders
ie. Independent organisation with no legal power founded to protect the interests of big business says something that would affect said interests negativly says its illegal.
Nice try Gabe.

I don't miss that disc based bullshit
>want to buy a game years ago
>have to either buy it from somewhere that will ship to me or go to a store, time it takes for me to get the game is either hours or days depending on if I go to the store or wait for shipping

>want to buy a game now
>buy it from steam/origin/whatever
>download it and play it in under an hour while I'm still in my underwear

You're 29 and you're seriously this stupid that you think we're going back to physical media or how things used to be? Damn. I'm just sorry for you.

Steam actually is a publisher, they publish their own games. They are technically an indie dev in that regard, despite how huge they've become, as they are a private company and not publicly traded nor do they work with anyone else to publish their games anymore.

took 4 years, laws changed

nice try gaben

If money can be made then there will be people there to make it.

Because French courts are retarded.
Nice try Sony fanboy. They stated fact. It will be rejected by EU court.

>It'll push PC gaming back to pre-steam era

That's literally what YOU said, not me.

Their lawyer might be incompetent or the court fucked up.
On the other hand there is a ruling of the European Court that states digital software can be resold. So who knows who is right in this mess.
This is not a final decision however. Since it will be appealed, its still up in the air.

Stopped reading there.

Are you genuinely retarded?

Why do you think so many people want Steam to lose? They want Steam to disappear. Once this starts, all pubs will leave Steam and PC gaming as a whole and we'll be forced to buy consoles to play video games. Thanks French faggots for killing PC gaming.

>tfw playing shadow of chernobyl for the first time with a disc

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>I dont leave my house you stoopid

That's not how it works user. Quote me the article in question (with a source). Because if there is no mention whatsoever of such a veto on the sites of the EP and the Commission AND no mention in the press of that veto being used then I have to assume there isn't a veto in the first place.

He's using the same brand of nonsense legalese that Valve was trying. The issue of "every use" becomes irrelevant when the transference of license is to be exclusive, which it is in this case. The license is to be treated the same as a VHS tape, you give that tape/license to someone else, and now you do not have it. Sure, you could make ILLEGAL copies of the data, but not only is it theoretically useless without the license, but that is outside the scope of this case and has nothing to do with the matters at hand.

>they stated fact
No they didn't. They stated an interpretation of the law.
Why didn't they mention that one pesky EU law that allows for the reselling of digital software I wonder?
Also, member states within the EU are allowed their own laws.

>You can't be this stupid. It's already taking off in a generation that wasn't made with it in mind.
No it isn't. Every streaming experiment in vidya failed miserable.
>Just wait until ps5.
That's wishful thinking.

>losing one of the biggest economies in Europe
It's cheaper to bend.

There's literally no reason to to allow this.
If you want the money, request a refund. Don't beat an entire, wait a few months, and decide you want to make some money.

>But le physical games

Physical games only affect the store you bought them from. Digital directly effects the store and developmer.
Only retards and shills understand this.

I believe that as a whole, what you're talking about is reinforced through natural selection purely in primitive contexts. Habits that prove to help preserve the propagation of a social species stick around while destructive behaviors that bear immediate, observable consequences become marginalized.
When we talk about humans and social behavior in the modern context we're ultimately discussing power structures. Promotion of certain behaviors and beliefs are now enforced artificially rather than naturally and there usually won't be any pushback because the consequences of many modern problems usually don't have immediate repercussions until it's too late, like climate change or nuclear propagation. If anything is whole thing is an argument for decentralized societies but every current world government is the exact opposite. Those laws and those patterns of self destructive behavior won't change in the context of a modern society.


>biggest economy

Attached: 1534214704838.jpg (604x454, 132K)

How can someone be this absolutely retarded?

I already told you where to look user. Even gave you the articles. Can't do better than that.

I did, you just posted some fake shit about the pre-Steam era being worse than the current one and I refuted it.

Oh you can sell steam accounts in France now? Expect a lot of stolen accounts on the market! Throw in some stolen personal information too.

>leftshit nigger land
>you cant sell games on steam so le epic store is better xD
but i cant sell games on epic...

How about you prove wrong faggot shill.

Physical and digital are 2 different things

You're literally replying to the wrong guy.

I think this is a good thing, but only if it is applied universally, and not just to games. All digitally purchased software must be resellable, including cell phone apps.

It'd be better for consumers, but it the sheer chaos it would produce among software companies would be worth it alone.

No, dumbass, they're not. The disc is just a shell. You're not paying $60 for a disc. Sincerely kill yourself you retarded nigger.

Does epic even allow refunds?
When will this"epic will defeat steam"meme die, it's getting sad.

You can't, they stated accounts cannot be sold precisely due to the personal informations.

I suppose this means they'll be coming for all the other digital store holders pretty soon.

Pretty good.

>Does epic even allow refunds?

It literally does you crying Steamie

The Illusive Man

>one of the biggest economies in Europe
>not France
This is a level of retardation not thought possible in the old times.

And I told you to back your claim with a sourced quote. "Around artcile 180" isn't it. is a pretty big assertion that should be piss easy to back beyond "read the treaty lol".
As it is I think you're simply repeating some bullshit you heard before without checking if it was true.

t.proud french nigger