Perfect characters only

Perfect characters only.
I’ll start.

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>there are 'people' out there that think tifa is better than aerith

tifa would be an awesome fuck but aeris is the ideal wife


>Kill Yuffie
checks out

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I love Kasumi!

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Yuffie would be our adopted daughter

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She's a prostitute, retard.

fake news

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Based Kasumibro!

only kissless virgins can play FF7 and think aerith is "pure" or whatever you want to call it. lots of people think that, go figure.

She's CUTE!

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>duurrr da flower represents bagina
>it ses so rite in dis dojin

The perfect and elegant maid

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whether she's a literal prostitute is debatable but she's a street smart sassy girl who fucks

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you read too much fanfic, kid

if by "fanfic" you mean "playing the game and picking up on things", sure

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Perfect looks, imperfect personality.

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Despite your smug arrogance you have yet to back up your position. Go on, I’d like to see you try.

If only albinos were this cute in real life

I love Reisen!

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i don't know what to say other than i played the game and that was subtle characterization i picked up on. you wouldn't accept anything that wasn't completely overt anyway.

>literal prostitute

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Arrogant bastard. I asked for justification and you gave me a garbage response. Im starting to believe you dont even believe your own lies. Not only are you dishonest, you’re also a nigger. Give me solid evidence or get he fuck out with your smug bullshit.

Reisen user, what is your favorite Reisen image?

>not even the best picture
you suck at this OP

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no, you're right, aerith is nothing but a pure flower girl, her characterization ends there, she's just waifu bait

Don't have one but I like the ones where she is happy the most! I can't get enough of her smile.

And that’s the way we like it, revisionist BITCH.

My favorite game with only perfect playable characters!

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aerith is a great character but you're delusional if you think she never fucked, at a bare minimum
and that's okay

Why barret is slouching?

"...,but always they find that god was quite a bit more clever than they thought"

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God why are you so insistent on Aeris needing to be a cum bucket? Is this some kind of total cuck fantasy of yours?

Oh god I didn't realize how terribly scaled Barret was when I was deleting Cait Sith from existence that's awful

i didn't say she was a cum bucket, i said people who played the game and read her as just some pure waifu type of figure are delusional and are probably retarded about women. it's pointless since anything but pure virgin meme waifu is "cum bucket" to you anyway

what about Lord Hanush, tho
He's a perfect Slav
-always drunk
-always angry
-can't read

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like go read some VN if you want that shit, FF7 thankfully isn't like that

And you have yet to provide evidence for your claims and appear to be only capeable of giving smartass responses. What do you have? You have a “feeling.” Im not willing to accept your feelings as canon and neither are the vast majority of fans. Give me evidence nigger.

you've never had a girl flirt with you

That's because you have shit taste!

Yeah your mom. And of course, you are incapeable of giving a shred of evidence because youre an onions boy and a nigger. Im on to your mind games faggot.

she simply does not conduct herself like a fucking virgin, she knew how to manipulate men. she flirts. make of that what you will. she's written like an actual person with life experience. it has little to do with the "flower girl" thing and nothing to do with these doujins i know nothing of


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Ok finally, a fair point. I dont agree with your stance, but at least its something to mull over. That wasn’t too hard, now was it?


i know i know i'm smug but it just seems obvious to me
if nothing else everyone knows zack plowed her, they just can't be on record about it for obvious reasons

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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I always imagined that 2D girl would reject me if she'd know me better.

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They'll probably fuck up her personality. Advent Children showed that people at Square-Enix don't understand their own characters.

My wife

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Have you seen the trailers?

My rat wife!

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That's obvious. You're supposed to pretend you're at least as good as the cardboard-cut-out MC.

Excuse me but that's my wife

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>bug eyes
>triangular face
>long nose
>small mouth

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>these hairs on her face
disgusting. she should shave.

PLEASE wipe your ass

stop being into men with wigs

What a strange thing to say as this is indeed my wife.

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Pfft. She's only the perfect killing machine. Kasumi is literally, canonically designed to be perfect.

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Quick, I need a cap of her feets from the trailer for... research purposes.

I want a Barret game.

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So somehow I missed the trailer until today. Hot damn they made her a babe.

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I can't wait for the stab in the glorious Remake graphics. It will be beautiful

It's not in any way debatable. Aerith is not a prostitute. There is literally a brothel in FFVII and she's not part of it. If she was a prostitute they'd have said she was a prostitute.

She's a freelancer.

This guy are sick

You're a freelancer

I think you're confusing my wife with someone else.

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The only person with actual taste in this entire thread.

If these fucks don't kill her, I'm never buying another Square Enix product.

There is no one more perfect than Anne Takamaki in my eyes.

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No mate I think you are really confused, this is without a doubt my wife.

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I don't think so user, she is definitely my wife.

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You are correct.
Though perfection has many faces.

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I'm honestly extremely curious to see how they handle that plotpoint, because her being in the lifestream is important as hell to the story.

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No user, it is my wife.

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I'm a freelancer

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my wife, cassie

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the duck bill always got me here

if nobody else is going to post him, i must

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My only guess is that it comes from Gobi, but that's still a stretch


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I love Kass!

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A man of good taste I see

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