The recent 2D art style seems to indicate that Yoshi is slowly reverting back to his old design...

The recent 2D art style seems to indicate that Yoshi is slowly reverting back to his old design. Does that mean we’ll finally get 3D Classic Yoshi someday in the future? Do freaks even find his old design attractive enough to want to fuck him if he hadn’t changed since the N64 days?

Attached: 7657BA52-628D-447D-A653-35C58C4DEC9A.png (153x240, 37K)

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Could make a nice change of pace

> Does that mean we’ll finally get 3D Classic Yoshi someday in the future?
I'd be open for that idea, but I'm not having high hopes for it.
>Do freaks even find his old design attractive enough to want to fuck him if he hadn’t changed since the N64 days?
Freak here..
He's cute either way so I don't see why not. I loved him back in the Snes days and I still love him now.

Attached: 1562714475599.png (186x186, 22K)

Give me back my Fucking saddle!!

Yoshi’s one of my favorite Mario characters, regardless of his designs. I just don’t find him sexually appealing at all and I legit cringe whenever I hear people/furries saying how much they want to fuck him or some shit. That’s why I want to know if changing him back would get them to stop finding him fuckable.

His saddle has always look like that since Yoshi’s Island

Attached: 040B7BBA-3DEB-49DC-B450-6A8A5195A81D.png (637x358, 3K)

>His saddle has always look like that since Yoshi’s Island
No, it didn't.

Attached: yoshidesigns_1.png (2792x1369, 2.36M)

Yoshi definitely used to be one of my favorites because a dinosaur buddy is the coolest shit, until the memes started. Now I cannot see him as anything but a gay bottom in a way that is completely intentional by Nintendo.

Even Kirby, who is a literal pink ball, doesn't feel gay at all like Yoshi does

Attached: gay dino.png (300x599, 159K)

>The recent 2D art style seems to indicate that Yoshi is slowly reverting back to his old design
Except he looks exactly the same in the actual games with the "shell" and fat body

smash 64 yoshi looks perfect

Attached: ClassicYoshi3D.jpg (298x400, 17K)

That’s why I want to know if changing him back would get them to stop finding him fuckable.
It won't. I can guarantee it.
All you can do is try to not let it bother you.

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This image doesn't account for how a lot of the modern 2D art has alternate versions with features that closer resemble his old design.

Attached: 435C11ED-4252-4EC4-8A83-5200FB719BAB.jpg (750x440, 114K)

This one in particular is where the differences are most prominent. It's also worth noting that almost all new (Think posr-2015) Kotabe style Yoshi artwork (Such as the LINE stickers) is drawn like the one on the right.

Attached: 569ADEB9-3538-45C6-8C64-066B945A64CF.jpg (750x434, 151K)

You can’t pretend the yoshi with permanent fuck-me eyes is LESS attractive.

I mean in-game. His YI sprites look a bit closer to his modern design. Shorter neck, stubby body, and bigger head. He’s just hunched over.
>completely intentional by Nintendo
I’ve always seen it as Nintendo trying to make him as cute and kiddy as possible for the young audience rather than making him intentionally gay and horny. If I remember correctly, cutesy animals shaking their rump/tail has always been a thing in Japan and it was meant to show off the character’s silly and playful nature rather something sexual.

I’ll admit that I’ll like modern Yoshi a lot better if Nintendo toned down the cutesiness. He can be pretty cool and expressive in games like Mario Strikers.
What I meant is that I think Nintendo could be planning on making Yoshi’s 3D design look closer to his old design somewhere in the future if the 2D art is anything to go by

They got the character designer of Heidi to do this kinda stuff. A Toei Pro veteran. It's a bit sad.

How long until they make a 2D mario game with the illustrated 2D art style?

You want Wario Land Shake Dimension again? Because that'd be TIGHT

I guess I’ll take your word for it
Maybe not, but when he’s looking more closer to that of a dinosaur/animal like pic related or even this one he couldn’t still be attractive to some horny people, could he?

Attached: 616E1887-6613-4EB4-99B1-F83B172956D4.png (201x250, 70K)

I didn’t know Kotabe worked on this

Attached: 4A9A3FD9-56FF-48D7-A8D6-274F4F9C0A34.jpg (220x310, 37K)

And Marco, too, alongside other projects by the late Isao Takahata. Brilliant series all around.

>Even Kirby, who is a literal pink ball, doesn't feel gay at all like Yoshi does

That’s because Kirby can be more than just a cute pink ball. I think current Yoshi can feel less “gay” to many people if Nintendo actually tried doing more with him than just him being some overly cute mascot.

>he couldn’t still be attractive to some horny people, could he?
He could and is.
Just come to terms with the fact that people want to bang a cute dino.

>Do freaks even find his old design attractive enough to want to fuck him if he hadn’t changed since the N64 days?

We can only hope

I just realized why I hate nu Yoshi's eyes so much.

Attached: Jar-Jar Binks.jpg (258x270, 24K)

To each their own. Just don’t find him sexually appealing, but I digress. Any popular characters are easy targets as long as they’re cute.

Hell, I think almost every Pokémon has more lewd and fetish art than Yoshi because of how cute or “attractive” they are to many people, rather they’re anthropomorphic or not. Eevee being a prime example.

Attached: 834FA95E-11D1-4DE2-B864-E072F091913E.png (1200x1200, 773K)

I don’t see the similarities. He looked stoned as old Yoshi

Reminds me more of old Yoshi though

>Any popular characters are easy targets as long as they’re cute.
Pretty much.
If it's cute then someone wants to bang it.

Attached: 1541007809865.jpg (1586x1463, 342K)

I know it’s a rule 34 thing (as in everyone will get porn of themselves), but I feel like there has been way more fetish and sexual Yoshi art to the point where it’s easy to spot them through google search or other sites even with safe search on. Shit like that could traumatize people, especially kids who just want to see pictures of their favorite character from a kids’/all-age media, and probably give him a bad reputation in same way Sonic been getting to this day.

Blame the search index algorithm for not filtering that stuff.
Yoshi's rep is already salvageable anyway.
He's known as "the smelly eggs haha" character or "that one character with only one good game".

>Implying that Yoshi doesn’t have that “gay/sexual” vibe even back then.
This, too.

Attached: B2CE128E-375B-46EE-B1A1-2A4E4F85D6F0.jpg (1242x864, 168K)

No haha posting? V you disapoint me

>"the smelly eggs haha"
Mostly here on Yea Forums, though
>"that one character with only one good game"
Kind of, but not really. Mostly here, too. Most people outside of Yea Forums don’t really care about his series that much to bring it up whenever he’s announced. He’s a popular Mario character who just so happen to have his own sets of games, regardless how mediocre most of them are. His character and his series are not as infamous as what Sonic and his series are going through.
It’s refreshing, honestly.

>He's known as "tax fraud" character
FTFY. You don’t see people outside of Yea Forums forcing that haha meme whenever Yoshi is brought up besides a (very) small minority.

To be fair, people be slick as hell by trying to make their art not be considered fetish/NFSW art by saying it’s “cute”, “funny”, etc and just straight up said it’s not a fetish which makes it easy for google to somehow mix sexual art with SFW art.

That’s pic is actually cute as fuck.

Attached: 179BF2EC-5698-4823-9268-BDF6E39E1BAD.jpg (600x377, 48K)

Shiro's a pretty good artist.
You should check him out if you're interested. He doesn't draw Yoshi often though.

Attached: 1550847293678.jpg (1000x1021, 347K)

Source to his gallery, please?
His Pixiv account is pretty abandoned so I'll just link his Twitter too.
Also, as a heads up: while his twitter is mostly sfw (he posts his nsfw art through another account) his pixiv has the occasional dong here and there in it.

Attached: 1547678569625.jpg (1114x1234, 423K)

Neat. Thanks for the source and the warning, user.
You want people to also be horny for Yoshi’s old design?

Mario & Luigi: Yoshi's Inside Story
