Why is this considered the worst of the original Silent Hill Games?

I'm about an hour into this game and so far it's the scariest game in the series for me. It actually gives me very weird and uncomfortable dreams at night. I like all the original Silent Hill games, but it's taken me until now to get to playing it and I already regret not playing this before. At the very least I think this is better than Silent Hill 1 so far.

Attached: SH4.jpg (466x600, 132K)

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It's more like a Dungeon Crawler, kinda weird change.

Because there's more combat focus than puzzle focus?

It really doesn't feel too different from the other games. Yes, there's a difference, but I still see the core there.

Honesty the only thing I didn't like about this game was that the health items and ammo don't stack.

That's a fair complaint

I really liked SH4. It was one of the only SH that actually gave me anxiety, especially as your room gets more and more "haunted" as you progress. It brought back memories of the movie "The Cell" with some of its sets. It was different from the others, but that's not always a bad thing.

Because it is. The whole game is the "maybe I'll replay this yikes nevermind". The whole second half is an escort mission. Unkillable enemies that hurt you by being near you. Like a million fucking memos Quantum Break style instead of making it in the actual game.

It's a good game. Great even. But it's the worst of the Quad.

>save the swords because you don't know if their effect is permanent and how long the game is
i'm always a hoarder in survival games

also i got a sudden flashback of a key item being in a fridge in late game that's easy to miss because it's hard to interact with. shit sucked

I can agree that an escort mission is pretty cancer, but are we going to ignore that the other games have glaring flaws too?

the escort part is actually really well done, the endings depend on it, its not suppoused to be easy or enjoyable. Same reason you have to go back and forth between your apartment and cant just carry everything in your inventory. Its a tedious game, but thats one of the things that make it scary and stressful.

I really cant think of many. I think 3s emphasis on melee combat was a mistake and the slurpers are shit and annoying but you can just run around most things.

I got nothing on Silent Hill 1 and 2.

I find some of the puzzles to be really dumb at some points. Not all of them, but some puzzles have really stupid solutions and aren't thought out to well in my opinion.

yeah basically, plus there's a point when semi-backtracking and NPC escort comes into play

>run in circles to overlap 4 enemies on top of each other
>melee them all down because melee staggers the shit out of enemies and cleaves as well

2 needed some faster enemies for the outside areas to feel threatening. It also had escorting, and a couple travelling sections that feel a little dull sometimes. Some of the puzzles are also a little weak.

>its not suppoused to be easy or enjoyable.
>Its a tedious game, but thats one of the things that make it scary and stressful.
Tedium can be stressful but it's usually because it's annoying rather than scary. Might even take away from the fear if you're just being annoyed too. In SH1 I found it a bit stressful sometimes trying to run around outside and dodge the birds/dogs/rompers, but never annoying.

Because Henry is so fucking boring.

>Why is this considered the worst of the original Silent Hill Games
Because it is so different from the rest of the games, and has some legit gameplay issues later on. Plus, people did not know what would follow later on.
I always liked 4, but it certainly was a huge department from the greatness of the OG trilogy.

>better than Silent Hill 1 so far
lol no



SH2 torrent:

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

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>I'm about an hour into this game
You will realize soon
Anyway, it's a weird game. It's half garbage, half masterpiece

As a horror game it's fine, great even in certain parts. The problem is it wasn't meant to be another SH game. Konami got nervous and told the dev team to convert it into a SH game so they tacked on a few things at the end and it really shows. There are also other flaws as other anons have pointed out, like how the inventory works and the later half being a long escort quest. Even though it has its shortcomings, I still enjoyed playing it though. It's a unique enough horror game that it's worth playing all the way through once.

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Because its kinda lukewarm until you hit the hospital.

>The problem is it wasn't meant to be another SH game.
That's just a myth, sort of. And Konami didn't really tell them to do anything. I think they just wanted to do something so different after feeling like they were almost forced to do a sequel to 1 with 3.

>"Is it true that The Room was not originally going to be part of the Silent Hill series and that this was only changed part way through development?"

>In a sense this is true because the game began life as simply Room 302. However, it was always at least a spin-off of Silent Hill and the most important thing was simply that it be different to the previous games. Certainly if Silent Hill had not existed we would not have gotten the idea for The Room, so in that sense they have always been together. —Interview with Masashi Tsuboyama and Akira Yamaoka
>Even though the Silent Hill 4 project was a proper sequel to the Silent Hill series, our top objective for the game was "change."

and it's all in the design. limited inventory forces you to return back to the room often and compared to the dreamworld it is a sanctuary free of the annoying shit that exists in the dreams. when your "safe space" gets corrupted and eventually when you get the door open and its the meta dream world behind it, plus walter's corpse hanging behind the secret wall it makes you anxious. its brilliant horror.

I see, I see. That helps clarify things.

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This is not true.
When Konami told the devs to make it a SH game, the game was at less than 10%.
Don't be fooled by memes

I remember when just walked across all the rooms to check what's changed after comeback from that other world. It was so comfy.

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Sensible people don't like the fact that the game re-uses every level at least once
Shitters don't like the fact that the game introduced survival horror mechanics such as limited inventory and invulnerable special enemies.
Ultra shitters don't like the fact that the best ending requires extremely careful management of anti-haunting resources.

I legit thought the candles were for decoration when I first found them. After I got the best ending (First try) I looked it up and realized what had happened.

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when will this retarded myth die already

You did accept Walter's gift, right user?

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sh4 and 3 were developed side by side with 3 being a mainline game and 4 being initially a spin off but silent hill game nonetheless. kinda how resident evil 3 became a main title entry even though its more or less a spin off.

>"I got this from Miss Galvin a long, long time ago..."
>"Oh thanks bro, I needed that."
>stuffs into pants to wipe crotch sweat off
>hands doll back
Fight me you spoon-wielding fuck

Even if ds repurposes the cancelled silent hill title stuff it still doesn't matter since it's not branded as such. The same way sleeping dogs is not a true crime title.

It is not the worst game out of the bunch, only the most different. Imo the game's story and gameplay is just fine for a survival horror. The only thing I can complain about is that Henry lacks personality.

Are you implying a catchphrase ISN'T a personality? Because man do I have to call... All of Japan.

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his personality was inner stuggle to not rape eileen but still get into her pusy

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>ywn light a candle near a cutie, just to heal her wounds.
Why even live bros

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did you play it? it's terrible.

asset flip

Thats not shattered memories.