When did Pokemon lose its soul?

When did Pokemon lose its soul?

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gen 5

X and Y

This. You can delete now.

Moving over to 3D really did remove all soul from it

the first all-3D one

Emerald was the last good Pokemon game.

Gen 3 or 4 depending on your age

When you grew up.

when you stopped playing

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the step up in realism with XY and the step away from the cartoony 2D look in favor of dead-eyed 3D models killed the soul

XY is like a netflix remake of pokemon

gen 4 for me personally, but HG SS was pretty amazing imo and I hear Gen 5 has its fans so probably Gen 6

Leaf Green, Fire Red were the most soulful remakes ever

Haven't played any Pokemon since B&W

your loss

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gen 3

It's not that I don't want to, I just haven't gotten around to it fucker

Gen 2
>let's introduce baby Pokemon

gen 4

It never had a soul to begin with. Any other answer is just nostalgia blindness.

why are Hoennbabbies so fucking obnoxious

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Gen IV was peak.
Gen V made some mistakes, but was still alright.
Gen VI was the official no-soul point, although there are still good things from it, Gen VII, and Gen VIII.
Mega evolution was the first of, so far, three dumb generational gimmicks which they abandon after the Gen is over.
And it's a shame, because a few of the Megas would have been good cross-gen evos, like Mawile's.


XY is average but still on par with RSE, ORAS is plain garbage like HGSS
SM and USUM are great but unfortunately held back by USUM not being DLC for SM, so you have a ton of overlap until you get to the fresh content and the character driven drama in USUM is weaker than SM

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SuMo wasn't great, but I couldnt even finish B&W 1 or 2. Only games in the series I got too bored to at least finish

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gen 6

Never had one. Was a souless marketing game at launch

They were great but had a few jarring issues.
It's still fucking bullshit I had to use a Chansey instead of a Blissey for the E4. And a few non-evo Gen II or III Pokemon would have fit in perfectly in Kanto, like ones which show up in Kanto in Gen II.

Transition to 3D gameplay so gen 6

When it went to 3D.

Really? I had the opposite experience, I still have an unfinished Sun game around here somewhere.

Gen III, IV, and V had their issues but to me they represent the key pokemon experience
Gen III has the old school battle system with far less bugs and more content
Gen IV has a lot of content and introduced the new system which made a lot of pokemon more viable
Gen V speaks for itself, PWT is the best thing the series ever had


I could barely start Sun.
I could at least play Y.

You posted it. There was very little magic left and it was already a tired formula by this point, just this time in color with new gimmicks tacked on. In truth, all pokemon games are irredeemably shit from Gen 1 to present. Except HGSS which perfectly encapsulates a 'good' pokemon game.

Gen V was the beginning of the soulless designs

it hasn't, it's just stupid casual.0
handholdy epic for newbs

I don't think either generation are great. I know bnw2 is worshipped here but I just got bored. Even despite ease of the game I still enjoyed XY more than both those generations

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With the switch to 3d. X and Y were the first mainline games I would consider "not good" while ORAS and S/M are just straight up shit.
And sword and shield looks fucking horrible.

You can only catch ultra beasts(pokemon from another dimension) in their home dimension those dimensions are just glorified hallways.
That hallway has some lore that it is post-apocalyptic version of the SM/USUM wprld due to pollution or something.
It's honestly nothing special you just dive through some garbage in a straightline while reading the shit in the pic caych a mon and fuck off again

I feel bad for you user. Platinum, HGSS, and B2W2 are all amazing and usually at the top of people's rankings.

It never had one.

I wanted to push over that grandpa, and play with the pokemon so hard


From most soulful to most soulless:
4 > 1/2 > 5 > 3 > 7 > 6

Gen 7

>can't catch all the pokemon
>can't transfer your old pokemon
It's okay when Gen 3 does it.

4 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 7

You have the incurable shit taste. I’m very sorry, user. This condition is untreatable.

When you became a teen

Shut up zoomer. The Gen 1-4 3D games had the best fights in the entire franchise.

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Comparing GBA limitations to Switch.

they literally made a trash pokemon
then said fuck it lets not think of a new name for the next one

>liked gen VI better than gen V

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Was this guy even human?


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>XY is on par with RSE
>garbage like HGSS
>USUM great
Never seen such fucking retardedly bad taste before, very impressive.

3D mainline games are cancer, 3D sidegames are soul incarnate.
PBR's animations are still godlike.

>4 at top

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Diamond and pearl were shit but platinum fixed them

>muh trash pokemon lmao
>gen 1 has a poke ball that turns upside down, a regular seal, and three (3) piles of goo
Eight years since Gen 5 and you're still on about this shit.

Conversion to 3D fucked the entire series.


Game Freak didn't even make them, GS did.
Which explains why they're good.

One game doesn’t bring the entire gen to the top. Platinum wasn’t THAT amazing.

gen 4 was fucking amazing minus the slow as fuck animations
hit a blissey and watch their hp drop for the next 10 minutes

look at this faggot and laugh at his taste lmao.

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I actually want to change my answer to "Battle Revolution" so just before black and white
it was a heartless 3d battle frontier with bad gimmicks and you would just lose when the AI get your pokemon from the roulette wheel

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Moving from 2D to 3D, Diamond and pearl was when it was starting to get bad

XY is good nigger
Yea Forumsirgins bitch about the campaign getting "casualized" even though every single Pokemon campaign since the beginning has been so braindead easy literal 5 year olds can clear it. At least XY had a fucking great multiplayer system and interesting new battle mechanics with the Megas which is the core of the Pokemon experience to anyone over 10 years old. But Yea Forumsirgins are the kind of baddies who finish the same campaign Gamefreak has been copy pasting since Gen 1 and stop playing immediately and most annoyingly think they're good enough at the game they can go on online forums and spread their shitty opinions about the series.

SM is irredeemable trash though

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They're literally the only good games that Genius Sonority ever made

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Gen 5 was when everything went downhill.

Fucking thank you
People jerk this game off now because of muh animations but if you played Stadium it was immediately obvious this was not in the same league

I honestly can't think of what the main games of XY have over BW2. The expanded online features, customisation is a neat idea and IV training were good but that is about it. Those don't save the main game and make it worth completing.

Otherwise XY has smaller less interesting routes, is generally unfinished everywhere you look, more friendly rivals that interrupt you more and are more annoying, worse soundtrack, less post game features (which BW2 went above and beyond on), brought us the soulless 3D models of lag, interrupts you just as much if not more with a story which has way less going on and was possibly cut down in every aspect. It is so bad that people believe that apparent leak where an user explains why the games are such a mess

Meanwhile BW2 over here being pokekino

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But it's better than 4?

>People jerk this game off
No they don't

Gen 4 and 5 was the peak. XY was the start of the down fall.

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Platinum was good, HGSS was trash though

Sometime between whenever you were 13 and 16 years old.

This, but it was already starting to go down hill by gen 4.

I feel bad for the people like this, they miss out on the best gen cause they saw on social media that there was a trashbag and icecream pokemon. Missing out on so many good designs, especially for bugbros

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All I wanted from the new games was for the battles to somewhat close to this game. Content wise it was weak but as a straight battle simulator it was good.

Their loss

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X and Y were soulless, but I feel that Sun and Moon made up for it.

XY weren’t terrible, but they were the start of the fall. The very fact that they didn’t get their third version really seals the gen’s fate as completely underwhelming.

You must be a waifufag that strokes it to Lillie, right?
You must be excited for Sword and Shield with all those new cute girls too, right?
That’s all you care about, right?

I still bought and played them, just didn't like them as much

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>doesn’t own BW2

Well there’s your problem.

was it really that hard to have a Z?

Post any generation I can tell you why it's shit
Gen 1: Buggy mess
Gen 2: Still buggy, introduced the cancer which are special third editions with important extra content like the Battle Tower
Gen 3: First gen to remove good features, water routes, trumpets, Emerald is so much better that if you bought into RS you're a sucker basically, rival is trash, champion is trash, started breeding autism
Gen 4: Slow ass battles, too many caves, too many legendaries, campaign structure was really showing its age, Platinum has the same problem Emerald has, rival is trash
Gen 5: Dropped old Pokemon actually a good thing but fans are impossible to convince of this, ten million legendaries, intralink was shit, dreamworld was shit, BW2 released on DS when 3DS was already out, no Battle Frontier
Gen 6: Game throws too much EXP at you, shitty trainer teams, simplified routes, no Battle Frontier, rivals are trash
Gen 7: Dropped PSS and added Festival Plaza which is garbage, too many cutscenes, routes even more braindead straight corridors than gen 6, Z Moves are shit

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BW2 main game is trash though. Postgame saves the game but main game was worse than the already mediocre BW1. And the sprites are the worst thing in the series, soulless meme is retarded.

>No plat and BW2
Holy shit nigger what the fuck are you doing?

Gen IV

Third versions are cancer and you're all faggots for enabling GameFreak to sell what should be at most $15 DLC at full price

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why do you have four copies of the worst pokemon games

ORAS >>>>> XY. Even with the slap in the face that was removing the battle tower.
So for me, I'd say SuMo killed Pokemon.

how much of a zoomer are you
yeah let's just have dlc for a fucking game boy game, that would have worked


Third versions aren’t worked on by Masuda. They have a new director that can completely fix whatever mess is in the original games and combines both games into one. I don’t like them, but its better to get the third version than to keep the mediocre first versions as the only versions. This is just the shit you come to expect from Gamefreak.

The poster I was replying to was complaining about XY specifically. And lo and behold SM has a cancer "third" version which could've easily been DLC and retards lap it up

looked like fucking stupid zoomer trash

Though it’s not much to say, BW2 still has the best, most thought out story in a Pokemon game and as a straight sequel that respects the first games.

RGBY - soul
SGC - soul
Ruby/Sapphire - soulless
FR/LF - soul
Emerald - soul
Diamond/Pearl - soulless
Platinum - soul
Heartgold/soulsilver - some of the most soul in videogame history
Black/White/BW2 - some of the most soul in videogame history

And anything after XY is the epitome of soulless cashgrabs

That late DS era was heaven and of course, that's when Masuda had the least involvement.

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I won a contest and got 5 of each and 5 DS lite
2007 was a good year for me

>Hgss and bw bw2 most soul in vidya

XY were obviously unfinished games that could have used the extra polish. ORAS straight up ignores the improvements from Emerald.
In a thread complaining about the series going to shit, it doesn’t help to state the obvious that the newest games are shit.

If you dont think those are the best pokemon games you're a massive ape user, I'm sorry.
Or worse, a mega zoomer that started playing post xy

DS era sucked ass and I've been playing since RBY

it's people like you why everything after gen 4 and 5 has been so damn mediocre.

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>hey man, thoughtless sprite dump has "some of the most soul in videogame history"
Yeah no.

Gen 4 and 5 are the very mediocre too. "Your turd is less shiny than mine" doesn't mean it's not a turd.

It’s ok to admit you never owned a DS, but you could have played DS games on the 3DS. Don’t blame the games for your faults.

Post your favorite pokemon games because you sound like a fucking idiot.
I would bet my left testicle you bought lets go

You're fucking retarded
HG/SS and B2/W2 are the two greatest game pairs in the series

Oh boy how exciting. Here comes the “Everything is shit” shitposter.

In Gen3
But Pokémon gained it's soul back in Gen4 and Gen5.
But lost it's soul again in Gen6

If Platnium, HGSS, BW and BW2 are turds then the 3ds gams are festering fecal matter...

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>fake cardridges

trash collector

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X & Y. The games had great amounts of SOUL, even with the DS games. But the 3DS games kind of just lost that spark and became SOULLESS.

What the hell is fake about those?

Sorry about your shit taste

gen 5 was the best since 2, objectively

>Ruby/Sapphire - soulless
>Emerald - soul
>Diamond/Pearl - soulless
>Platinum - soul
what in the fuck

B/w/b2w2 has more soul than sm/usum combined you fucking faggot

Whatever homie

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that massive city with several cafes, that was cool af, seeing it all in 3D for the first time; amazing

Emerald. I don't have a Switch so kill yourself. Go play your sprite dump with a babyfied Battle Tower.

>"i can't deny anything...i know, i'll call him a shitposter"

Sure. It still doesn't mean they aren't turds. BW is bad, but has a better main game than BW2. Platinum i never said anything, but DP exists as the worst games in the series so Platinum existing doesn't make them not be a thing. HGSS is a good game, just the most boring Pokemon game, not bad though and the best remake. But again
>my turd is shinier than yours
And what you posted had more challenge in 1 fight than 3 of the 4 games you named combined.

Gen 3 because the music is fucking awful and the water HMs were bad. Even as a kid I knew this was the worse pokemon gen so far. Was still impressed by the graphics though (HOLY SHIT I'M LEAVING FOOTPRINTS ON THE SAND!! IS THAT MY REFLECTION ON THE WATER???)

Ruby and sapphire removed a shitton of things from gold and silver, while it also looked kinda shitty.
It also had an infamous shitty battery.
It wasn't until emerald that it got miles better by improving the games on basically every aspect.

Diamond and pearl were fucking HORRIBLE.
They were slow as fuck, everything had weird colors, nothing made sense, the region was ass to traverse, etc.
Again, it took until platinum to heavily improve the game, it did what emerald did for ruby and sapphire but somehow even better.

I don't know how this is debatable at all unless you didn't actually play these games.

Every mainline Pokemon game is at least pretty good.

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Emerald would be top tier like BW and BW2 if most stuff was 1.5x or 2x faster. Slowest fucking animations.
I like the pokemon in Emerald though, Absol, Salamence, Crawdaunt, and the Trio legendaries are peak of awesome pokemon and memorable too.


HG/SS would've been great if they fixed the shitty level scaling from the originals and had didn't lock Johto mons in fucking Kanto

Every Mainline pokemon is only okay at best. It's easily Nintendo's worst series.

They had 2 different chances to fix gen 7 and failed.

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When you turned 15

Not this

It never did, you're just getting old.

If you think emerald is slow I dare you to play diamond and pearl

3D models with washed out colors
Just look at those Gen V animated pixel sprites they're beautiful

Let's face it, as soon as they started the 3DS gen, Gamefreak stopped caring.
It's funny because the company started because the founders really wanted to make games they would want to play

im the only one that thinks that the level curve in HGSS ruined the game?
shit, you cannot replay this without getting bored to death

>interesting new battle mechanics with the Megas
Megas were a shitty gimmick that existed first and foremost for marketing purposes. Their introduction was the moment Pokémon officially jumped the shark, and apparently Game Freak didn't even have the foresight to plan out how they'd use the concept going forward because now the entire mechanic is being scrapped and replaced with an even shittier version.

Gen 8 seems to be fixing the colors but the animations are still super lifeless compared to gen 5

I think the issue is that the series is literally about pocket monsters, and was designed from the ground up to work as a limited sprite-based 2D RPG with lighter mechanics in exchange for being easy to pick up and play. They've been forced to evolve the series past the original intention, and their hearts are obviously not in it at all anymore. They don't give a shit about making impressive 3D graphics or a rich open world. Gamefreak put in a ton of work until they moved past sprites.

this threads making me wanna go through BW and/or BW2 again which should I do?

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...oli... ...ity Ha... “Servi... ... ...ity’...sneed..

I feel Pokémon started to go downhill around GEN six but hit rock bottom and Gen seven for me at least as I at least completed X and Y while I’ve tried to finish sun and moon and then ultra sun and moon and both times I failed to finish the game before I got bored.

Both, obviously

>level curve
There is none. You're bruteforcing.

based sneed poster

I had Pearl as a kid, don't remember it at all besides Shinx through Luxray being the only Gen 4 pokemon I liked

I bought them all new when they came out from EB games

BW2 challenge mode.

If you don't have the key you can edit your save to have it

there is no level curve, that is why you face trainers with pokemon 10-20 levels lower to you, that is what you get for making the map semi open

I don't mind the graphics, but the content. The content is awful.
Unfinished areas, handholding as fuck, extreme reliance on nostalgia, cut content in remakes, too many free pokemon at the very beginning of X and Y.
You can do so much with the pokemon core games and remakes as seen in Gold Silver, and in B&W they force you to play with all new pokemon. That's exciting as heck.
Rubbing your pokemon tummy on the new games is not bad or anything, but the core game is the bare minimum.

I can guarantee the people disagreeing with this post are too young to have played R/B at launch. B/W was so bad it made everyone and not bother with B2/W2, which apparently wasnt bad but didnt matter. Whoever thought only putting one generation in 95% of the game when it only had 50 pokemon was an idiot. And X and Y wasnt actually bad either when it came to the pokemon aesthetics.

This always happens to me since I fight every trainer out of habit. Just always overleveled

I'm dumb how do you use this
Just get a rom and feed it into the exe?

Goddamn you're an idiot
Gen 5 was the thing that rekindled my interest in pokemon because it felt like the things I loved about the first gen all over again.

>For choosing 2D over 3D
Nobody is talking about GC's games retard, those are part of gen 3. Way before pokemon went 3D.

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I think the handholding is a result of the new graphics. They include constant camera pans and sweeping shots to show off the engine and models (even though they look worse), because they haven't evolved the gameplay enough to have those things happen during normal gameplay. They force you to have a fixed perspective top-down camera on your character but they want to show you the "effort" they put in to model bridges and tall buildings. There's a ton of potential but like I said Gamefreak have no interest in innovating and it really shows in their recent games. It's not even that the series is stagnating, it's getting more dumbed down every time.

Gen 6 and 7 have similar and different major issues. They both suffer from GF handling of 3D, and the common issues of their stubbornness like not carrying over features. XY are blatantly unfinished which ruins what could have been a serviceable game, it lacks charm cause none of the pieces feel like they amount to much. While SM are a guide tour, Gen 5 gets shit for a circle map but SM is just multiple smaller circles. The dialogue is vapid and I'm amazed anyone enjoys the constant exposition. It also has some missing content, but it is clearly not as rushed.

What both suffer most from though is failure at the 3rd version, either by not having one or not doing anything with it. Gen 3, 4 and 5 would not be as praised without their 3rd versions that fix so much. Yet Gen 6 and 7 did nothing to really fix their flaws.

>It's not even that the series is stagnating, it's getting more dumbed down every time.
Trips of supreme truth.

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So "soul" has suddenly become something that can be added via a small update to a game?

I don't care what the motives were, they're fun to use in battles and that's what's important. I can tell you don't like them because muh design or muh digimon or some stupid ass reason.

I still think it was a huge fuck up that gen 5/6/7 didn't include HGSS's touchscreen functionality. You could play the entirety of HGSS with left hand on dpad and right hand holding the stylus, as A/B and the menus were all on the screen. It was so much smoother.

>okay at best
Wrong; gens 3, 4, and 5 exist.

>Which one Yea Forums? Utter shit or work of a god?
The answer is crystal clear.

I'd say Gen 5 is solid even as its first versions and the update (""sequel"") is just a nice bonus.

>Get BW2 rom
>Start a game and save
>Unzip tool and start it
>Open save file
>Edit it to have keys
>Save this file
>"Import back up memory" in the emulator
>Turn on challenge mode in Unova Link
You can only turn on challenge mode if you have a save file already. Yes game freak fucked up a difficulty mode selector, they wanted you to share a key to unlock it.

It went to 3d in Gen 1. It doesn't matter if it was mainline or not because everyones primary complaints were that 3D BAD 2D GOOD because the designs were for 2D. It still counts no matter how much you want to deny it so shut up faggot.

when I grew up

at least megas added to the visuals, and even changed types for that moment
the inflation fetish really adds nothing cool

I get having to beat the game to unlock hard mode but in what fucking world does having to beat the game to unlock easy mode make any sense, what were they thinking

>It doesn't matter if it was mainline or not
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

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technically the correct term would be Macro

*Unlock easy mode but only on one version

And then we never got either again.....

Gen 2 is better than any of those and is still merely okay

No? People say the mainline 3d pokemon games are shit because they are shit games, not because they have 3d graphics, it feels like you are trying to start an argument for the sake of having an argument, no is arguing that point, just chill out

>Gen 5 gets shit for a circle map
I can see that as a reasonable complaint for the first gen 5 games but he sequels? Hell no

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I don't like them because they're a waste of time and resources that could have been put into other areas of the games that really needed it, like core mechanical changes, more brand new Pokémon, or just general polish.

Then let's hear it - specify some ways in which Gen 2 tops those gens.
Bonus points if your whole argument is more than "it beats gen 3 because it gets dark at night."

The issue with Gen 5 gets exaggerated as the routes are pretty broad and you do take a different path in bw2. I just brought it up as bw use to get a lot of shit for it from all angles, yet outside of here and /vp/ SM gets a lot of praise and the horrible world design gets overlooked.

You know what i hate about the 3ds games but mainly gen 7? Gamefreaks weird obsession of removing good freaking features for no damn reason. It's damn infuriating

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How is a held item that triggers a stat, type and ability change at will not a core mechanical change? There are fantastic strategies that revolve around Megas in the Gen 6 and 7 meta. Z Moves are the real offensive garbage which basically add nothing

More like nostalgiafag garbage taste

I hate gen 7's overworld. It feels so tiny since it'a broken up.

it's one of the only times the series has innovated in terms of structure. getting double the content as a twist was cool, having unique day/night monsters as well as harder-to-find non legendary pokemon in certain places that can flee in crystal, stuff like weekly catching contests and other events on specific days of the week, it was cool.

It had better pokemon designs than all 3 of those. Hoenn in particular was bogged down by there being too much ocean I really don't see how anyone can put gen 3 over 2. Also two regions is better than one.

my african american brother, PSS is the shit but Ohmori seems to have inherited all the cancerous practices from Masuda of dropping good features and focusing too much on the campaign

>Bring back old feature people liked.
>Find a way to fuck it up.

fucking gamefreak

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>How is a held item that triggers a stat, type and ability change at will not a core mechanical change?
Because it doesn't affect the overall gameplay, simple as that. Things like the special stat split, abilities, and the physical/special split are core mechanical changes because they have an impact on every single battle you have and every single Pokémon, no matter what. Megas do not.

The battle frontier should be a core feature of the series in every game post-emerald. I hate how they save that shit for special versions of games like platinum.

No you stupid ass negro.
In RS all pokemon are coded into the game, so you could transfer them in sooner or later through whatever methods.
In SS the cut mons aren't even coded inas far as the game is concerned those mons don't exist

Who praises Gen 7 for anything? Also Gen 5's problem is the story intervening with absolutely everything. I'm not playing a Sony game I shouldn't have to sit through all those walls of text.

IMO Sinnoh was shitty even in platinum. People hate legit complaints about the structure of DP and the region itself, but conveniently forget them in platinum because the game runs a bit more smoothly.

There hasn't been a frontier since platinum
There hasn't been a PWT since BW2

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>Every gen at some point seemed to have some major improvement over the last outside of some weird removals
>but the things they removed seemed mostly cosmetic and didn't effect the gameplay
>Gen 5 took a gamble with them wanting to make a game that was almost 100% original to try and recreate the original feeling of finding all new creatures
>people who don't buy the games lost their shit they couldn't have shitmon like Charizard on their team and complained to no end
>this was the beginning of the end
>XY focused heavy on nostalgia pandering Gen 1 only being saved by the show making the region seem cooler than it really was
>it had little to no content in it and was generally lucky being the first 3D title since it meant people were willing to give them slack
>ORAS kept the shitty fucking grid system for some reason, removed the post game battles and replaced them with one new encounter that was previously event exclusive
>SM was again heavy on Gen 1 nostalgia and had less to defend since they now had a firm grasp on 3D development
>again lack of content was a big issue with it having the same exact post game as the last two titles but this time the tutorial spans the entire game being as bad if not worse than Skyward Sword
>USUM was still shit but less shitty and is often regarded as the worst third version since changes almost nothing gameplay wise and makes the story worse but includes one somewhat hard battle
>Lets Go is again a nostalgia bait game with the return of the fucking grid everyone hates and removed all post game from Fire Red Leaf Green
>worst catching mechanic in Pokemon history and easiest game in the series, making it the second worst way to enjoy Kanto

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I only played gen 1 (and the remake), which pokémon game is a must-play?

just play whatever. don't listen to retards on here

>he thinks meme arrows are bullet points
you need to go back

None of them. Play literally any other Nintendo series. They're all better.

Attached: the problembs with gen 7.png (1126x404, 84K)

Play HGSS, then Emerald, then Platinum, then BW, then BW2, then XY, then USUM
That's all you need

>Gen 1-2
>challenging E4
> interesting, massive world to explore.
>story was usually kept to a minimum or at least not super intrusive
>gen 3-4
>rivals are shit, story is getting a little more intrusive
>overworld is still fun to explore
>E4 still gives a good challenge, gen 3 probably being the hardest gen outside of 5
>gen 5
>decent, but forgettable for me
>gen 6-7
>everyone treats you like a hero/mr.important. Douchebag rivals long since gone extinct
>more linear, less incentive to explore
>words words words. especially gen 7. At points I had to leave the game for hours at a time because of how annoying and awful the story/writing is in gen7. Just schlop made for kids not worth reading at all.

Also forgot to mention the villians got gradually worse as time went on. I always liked team rocket because they seemed more rooted in reality and were just common criminals doing bad things. Hell even in gen1 there's mentions about Team Rocket murdering a Marowak. At least Team Skull didn't take themselves too seriously.

Attached: 1332749481499.jpg (252x252, 10K)

Even Japan is against the current climate of Pokemon title with them absolutely hating how SM wanted to be Yokai.

Attached: lysandre filth.jpg (650x865, 396K)

How? The idea to transition to 3D was always there. If they could bring the mainline to 3D they would have. Its just complacency, laziness and shit employees that have made these games shit. If they kept reusing the DP sprites people would jave just complained that it looks the same as the old games.

They refuse to let this annoying thing stay gone now

Attached: rotom dex.png (600x600, 144K)

Peoples only defense for all this shit was that it's "more of a traditional RPG." which isn't an excuse. It traded pure gameplay for shitty boring cutscenes and *better* graphics.

Everything about the SM cast sucked, they wanted to be just like YW but forgot that they had to write characters to not being super annoying at all times.

I keep forgetting they removed Fishing from Lets Go and probably will never have it return.

>The idea to transition to 3D was always there.
Exactly the idea, not the execution. Main games were 2D until gen 6; that's what people with positive IQ means when they say "pokemon moved to 3D"

Festival Plaza's entire execution was a big mess. How do you fuck up the PSS? How do you fuck up freaking Join Avenue?

Attached: Join_Avenue_B2W2.png (325x866, 135K)

Join Avenue's music is how happiness sounds.

I miss this place and how we all traded magnemites to level it up. It was fun and functional and we could use ingame cash and not festival coins crap youtube.com/watch?v=1NRe8DEzd10

Attached: 75905885_p0.jpg (1740x2414, 556K)

Dammit Yea Forums I have too many other games to play. I don't have time for a gen V replay.

First in gen III, when you had to buy 2-3 games to complete the dex, and replacing the simple story of rby and gsc with shonen faggotry.
Then gen IV gave us some crappy designs and legendaries literally got out of GF hands.
Then gen V started having dialogues written by a 12 yo and a region design for people unable to find their way in a closet.
Then Gen VI ditched every type of postgame barring legendaries galore and battle tower clones because muh 3d.
Since VII I stopped humiliating myself.

It was very slow, but they were always finding new ways to fuck over consumers.

omega ruby/alpha sapphire was the first soulless pokemon game
x/y and everything before it was fine. oras was the beginning of game freak's obnoxious and apparent incompetence mixed with laziness (they used to be just lazy for gen 3-XY)
start with emerald and heartgold/soulsilver (either order). then play either black/white or platinum (either order). then play x/y.
leave 5-6 months between each playthrough or you WILL get burnt out. if you really want more, there are tons of fantastic spinoffs. the best are the orre games, the ranger games, mystery dungeon, and the rumble series.

When chimchar was thought of as a starter. Though darkrai is a pretty based and edgy legendary, they did their gay as jap gating bullshit
Fuck chimchar, if I want to raise a mullato child, I would marry a black woman

Ruby and Sapphire

Gen 4
It regained it in gen 5 but lost it again in 6.

>First in gen III, when you had to buy 2-3 games to complete the dex, and replacing the simple story of rby and gsc with shonen faggotry
So gen 1 then.

I don't remember rby cutting off 100+ monsters to add them later in a remake and a spin off game on a home console, or mewtwo trying to destroy the world.

>this gameboy game is a buggy mess
Zoomer genocide when

I haven't played or even looked up RSE since middle school. I forgot it was so comfy..


>First gen to remove good features
That would be gen 2.

Gen4babies (whatever the fuck the name of that region was) are even worse now.

Can we just agree anyone defending a pokemon gen in particular is a massive faggot?
In the end, no game was really done to be a masterpiece, and if not for showdown we could never even use the pokemons to their fullest.

Good boy, kill everyone who complains about bugs

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Except between gen 6/7 we reached the point where the concept of generations died and we started getting (AND losing) Pokemon from game to game. And all the games since XY run on the same engine and use the same models with barely any adjustments.

>ten million legendaries,
Gen 4 added more legendaries user
Not counting mythicals 4 had 9 while gen 5 only had 6.
With mythicals that number is bumped to 14 and 9 respectively.

The moment they saw it was a massive success worldwide so they decided to shit out merch and thus you have the faggots known as The Pokémon Company in their mobile-obsessed, merch focused glory.

Being a buggy mess on the level that RBY were wasn't standard for Game Boy games

>pushing the blame of his laziness onto his colleagues instead of admitting he regretted taking on an ambitious project

>im the only one that thinks that the level curve in HGSS ruined the game?
I don't know, why didn't you look 9 posts above before you posted your own post?


Attached: Snu Snu.png (441x496, 129K)

Do you really expect them to know that?

final fantasy adventures and link's awakening were way less buggy. LA had a single notable glitch, the teleport, which could be used to screw around but wouldn't affect a normal playthrough. final fantasy adventures had some weird NPC pathfinding but no real bugs.

You posted it. 3 was a shaky upgrade ad introduced/brought into focus several mechanics which sucked all the fun out of the games. Also first introduction to everyone having like 2 Pokemon on hand to fight you with all game. I bought gen 4 and it felt like an unfinished game. I dipped back in to gen 6 because 3D but will safely say I will never play this series ever again or any of its spinoffs

Fuck game freak

Please, name me a gb rpg with solid code. Im not talking about fucking tetris or mario land. They entire library of rpgs is all broken messes.

The addition of new pokemon was always part of the appeal for a new generation of games, but it fucking sucks that they just throw 1-2 pokemon at a time into new projects like Go just to bait people into "collecting them all". You can't even do that anymore.

Each game is all over the place.

2 and 5 are good games with soul
1 and 3 are bad games but with soul
4 is a good game but with no soul
7 is a very bad game but with some soul
6 is a bad game with no soul

>final fantasy adventures had some weird NPC pathfinding but no real bugs
Cast heal.

gen 6

spbp, gen vi was the start and gen vii killed the whole franchise

>Also first introduction to everyone having like 2 Pokemon on hand to fight you with all game
That would be gen 2. It's one of the reasons why the level scaling was so bad.

Gen 1 and 2 requires one friend with the opposite version to complete the dex. Gen 3 requires cold hard cash, to the tune of $120+

It hurts that x and y had so much potential that was thrown out early for sun and moon which fucked everything up with regional forms
Now we're stuck with the KANNNNNTOOOOOO pandering for good and no one realizes it was regional forms that set the final nail in the coffin

HG is god tier tho. You can't be serious user?

Attached: Stoplookingherefaggot.jpg (500x500, 42K)

I’ve never encountered this “level scaling” problem in any of my child or adult play throughs. The trainer rematch mechanic constantly refreshes as well. Being lvl 75+ for the Red fight requires no effort

When ORAS released, Ruby was the last Pokemon game I had played. And I had played it a ton.
But the idea of my very next Pokemon game after Ruby, being Ruby again just felt lame to the point that I never bothered and never looked at it again.
But now I can't help but think I was missing out.

Kind of makes me upset that ORAS were remakes at all. They should have used that effort on making something newer. In before some nostalgiafag that bought ORAS specifically for the nostalgia hate me for saying that.

>Gen 3 requires cold hard cash, to the tune of $120+
Just like gen 1 and 2.
4 games
2 gameboys
A link cable

What specifically did you need? I know there was some coliseum integration, but gen 2 forced you to get stadium 2, move a team over and beat the elite four with them to be able to access the move relearner (single use on a single pokemon for each clear of the league). Did you also need XD and stuff? I remember getting manaphy in gen 4 through the pokemon ranch wii app.

The gen after the one I played first.

Gen 3

>I know there was some coliseum integration
You didn't even need a gamecube to finish the Dex after emerald and FRLG came out.

Friendless loser detected

When did they stop making a whole new roster of Pokémon for each game?

Weren't there a few legendaries available only through GC games or events?

Says the person who had no friends for gen 3. Did they all leave you or something?

It doesn't matter which games you don't like, it lost it's soul because of lack of innovation. The battle system is so bland and outdated, and exploration is bare bones and repeats the same patterns with little incentive. The internet absolutely ruined all the mystery and rumours that made the game as fun as it was in the 90's

Yeah but events aren't necessary for Dex completion. It's also worth noting that Ho-oh and Lugia were also event mon in gen 3 and weren't counted.

Stop being a hoehnbaby your games are mediocre just like all the rest.
RS actually even worse.

It started around the tailend of Gen 2 not selling too well since Pokemania had ended. Gen 3 started the removal of features and focus on story but there were work arounds and the issues were barely noticable until Gen 5 with its messy graphics, linear region, forgettable pokemon designs, terrible additions like the dream world as well as that god awful fanfic tier story that you were forced to sit through which completely killed the pacing of the game. Pokemon was already dead by the time X&Y came out because it was inevitably going to happen when you could play the better options on your smartphone and the 3DS couldn't handle it since the old GPU Nintendo wanted to use was gutted before release. Game freak's business model is what killed the franchise because anyone with half a brain knows you shouldn't release a game a year with such little development time.

Imagine if they managed to pull off a new-gen mystery to the level of the mew truck. They'd need to hold the pokemon's data server side so nobody could mine it day one, but it'd be so cool.

They kinda did with x and y with the whole power plant and ghost hex manic thing until data miners ruined it and the power plant was cut for a delivery event instead

Aww poor baby or crying now.

great argument you got there hoehnbaby.

Gen 1: 10/10 soul
Gen 2: 10/10 soul
Gen 3: 9/10 soul
Gen 4: 8/10 soul
Gen 5: 8/10 soul
Gen 6: 7/10 soul
Gen 7: 7/10 soul
Gen 8: 0/10 (no soul)

You need more than one friend with the opposite version to complete gen 3. You need to start buying more shit. If you’re a kid playing gen 3 and you haven’t played the previous games, you’re in for a bad time to the tune of at least $120 but I’d estimate more like $150 because you’d have to convince another kid to also get his parents to buy a game boy+ link cable and gold silver

They do things like that with in game mysteries that eventually become DLC legendaries, like the one ghost house in Gen 4, apparently there was a ghost girl on a bridge or something in Gen5 with a similar concept, and I imagine they've continued it since.

But the issue is that most of these things are shipped to public with no actual solution, only for one to be patched in later as an event.

>Gen 3 started the removal of features
You know gen 2 removed the safari zone, right?

>since the old GPU Nintendo wanted to use was gutted before
That's not the reason, it's because GF used HD models on a non HD system

what were they? I don't remember them. Do you just mean those locked doors?

>You need more than one friend with the opposite version to complete gen 3.
Not really you just need one in the same way you would any other gen.

Gen 1: 10/10 soul
Gen 2: 10/10 soul
Gen 3: 8/10 soul
Gen 4: 4/10 soul
Gen 5: haven’t played/10 soul
Gen 6: 2/10 soul
Gen 7: fool me once, shame on me (anyone who keeps playing after gen 6 is a retard)

>gen 5 introduces proper sequels that progress the story and shows how things changed in gen 7 along with adding loads of new stuff
>gen 7 regress back to third versions except they’re the worst 3rd versions post gameboy and in the age where DLC exists.

And gen III added it back, while removing the day/night cycle.
Was it worth it?
I wanted to see hoehn at sunset for years.

We didn’t need the safari zone twice in a row. Give me your thesis as to why we did

Oh shit yeah forgot about that

>You know gen 2 removed the safari zone, right?
because of space, not because they wanted to
but it was a sacrifice to get an entire region with another 8 gym leaders

I kinda agree with this as well.
It’s a more honest version of my list

>Was it worth it?
Yes, gameplay will always be better than visuals.

Just one with at least 2 games different from you, sure.
Oh this is all under the assumption hooh and lugia don't count because "they were mythicals that gen".

It's also something most people can find on their own (at least the part that's actually in the programming). There's nothing more to find. If they wanted to do it right they should have some really convoluted and arbitrary steps like an ARG, and have someone leak the first step as if it's just a regular internet bullshit rumour. Gradually people would piece together what's going on. There might be a way to have certain vital information server-side to prevent data mining without holding it for later DLC. Perhaps have an online trade with a specific bot or something as a required step.

I love Misaki!

>Gen 1: 10/10 soul
>Gen 2: 10/10 soul
>Gen 3: 6/10 soul
>Gen 4: haven't played it/10 soul
>Gen 5: 10/10 soul
>Gen 6: 2/10 soul
>Gen 7: never gonna touch it

Dataminers can’t ruin that was never there in the game’s data. The “power plants” doors were just interactable walls that were “locked”

>because of space
Which is also wrong. After Iwata helped out they had more than enough space to implement it and they even started to because a safari zone area went unused.

>taking images from deviantart

thats sad!

>Just one with at least 2 games different from you
Just like the previous games. What aren't you getting here?
>Oh this is all under the assumption hooh and lugia don't count because "they were mythicals that gen".
Would you like to add in the travel costs for Celebi and Mew?

Day/night cycle added gameplay to the table as well.
We had different spawns depending on the time, as well as trainers and npcs.
Do you really love that much safari zone?

Whatever your opinion is, we can all agree that Gen 8 looks absolutely disgusting right? Just imagine how great a console Pokémon game could’ve been...

yeah like how in xy you have the pss that shows local users. there could be an NPC dummy amongst them with a seemingly normal name and they'll only trade a pokemon with specific stats or whatever, and it's holding mail with the next piece of the puzzle (or a key to be used somewhere). youd only know their significance because of previous steps.

>not because they wanted to
>but it was a sacrifice to get an entire region with another 8 gym leaders
You what? They didn't even complete Kanto and the Safari Zone was being worked on as it is. GSC was a mismanaged mess.

Dial back your expectations for the series going forward until Nintendo buys out gamefreak and hands development to a more capable team

>We had different spawns depending on the time, as well as trainers and npcs.
That's not changing the gameplay so much as it's just adding a time sink.

The fact that all the Pokémon aren’t in only elevates it’s flaws.

To be fair most have been lowering their expectations since gen 6...and lower....and lower


>Just like the previous games. What aren't you getting here?
What are you referring to?
You needed only one friend with the opposite title in gen 1.
You needed only one friend with the opposite title in gen 2.
The missing mons from gen 1 were all easily obtainable but the legends and most of the people still had all of them on cart anyway.
RSE and FRLG are not the same at all, sorry.

I agree. I’m not going to buy Gen 8. Every other Pokémon game looks a lot better than it. Sword and Shield looks like one of the worst Switch games. Absolutely no soul at all.

I dropped off after the abomination of D/P. HGSS was cool but the magic of the series was dead after the start of gen 4.

>You needed only one friend with the opposite title in gen 1.
>You needed only one friend with the opposite title in gen 2.
Yes, like every gen. This isn't something specific to gen 1 and 2.

Want a timestamp?

>it's a time sink because I say so
Just like safari zone, then.
What is a time sink at this point, by the way?
Let's say it, all of pokemon is a time sink.
Just play showdown dude.

When it stopped being 2D.

Give me a break.
I bet you are going to buy sword and shield.

>Just like safari zone, then.
Do you really think there isn't a difference between a side game that changes battling mechanics and waiting hours to catch a mon that appears at night?

yeah I do.

There are differences, sure, but in the end the different catching (not battling) mechanics are just a way to make it slower catching certain mons.
Like, much slower.
So yeah, I think safari zone is a bigger time sinks.
Also you can easily change the time if you really want that monster now.
Anyway we are getting offtopic.
Sword and shield will likely have no form of safari and I must admit I don't want it gone.

Stop being retarded.
The safari zone doesn't change encounters based on the time of day you idiot. You can just get what you came for immediately without waiting.

>reading comprehension

>Gen 5
>Not Gen 3

Too much water, and trumpets no soul at all.

Attached: IMG_20190921_132147.jpg (1840x3264, 1.59M)

Look at this retard. Gen 5 was peak for a lot of people, including those that started with ten 1 as it was a fresh new experience comparable to the first time playing red/blue
>inb4 le ice cream

Attached: 1562863952427.png (771x723, 680K)

>not battling
It's battling, the capture mechanics don't change themselves but the battling is replaced by stones and bait.
>So yeah, I think safari zone is a bigger time sinks
You do realise if you're playing something like gsc during the day you'd have to wait several hours to get pokemon that appear at night, right? The safari zone at best only takes a few minutes so whether you like it or not it will always be a much quicker method.

That's a nice collection you got th-
>pink gba sp
You were so close, user.

>Also you can easily change the time if you really want that monster now.
Not him but you couldn't do that in gen 2. Only in gen 4 and beyond and that became redundant due to the gts.

Was I the only one as a kid to leave the gameboy on so the Pokemon level up at the daycare?

Yes because that's not how it worked.

I'll get a replacement shell at some point

> In before some nostalgiafag that bought ORAS specifically for the nostalgia hate me for saying that.

I bought OR for the nostalgia (3rd gen best gen), and I didn't even bother finishing it because I hated it.

These title screens were peak soul in terms of design for the Pokemon series...

Attached: Pokegs-title.png (320x144, 4K)

>Gen 3: 6/10 soul
>when gen 3 had peak legendary hunting kino
Though I agree with the rest of the list.

Attached: reging (1).jpg (297x190, 58K)

My bad.

I don't want really to argue anymore about day/night cycle vs safari zone, also the other user made me notice you actually had to wait for night spawns in gen II, but getting a chansey or the other most rare mons is not something you could do in a few minutes, and ultimately just a matter of luck.

Based. B/W2 zoomers destroyed.

Gen 4. Gen 5 brought it back by bringing in an entire new dex and then putting a huge amount of effort into the sequel. Gen 6 lost it even harder with blatant pandering to other gens. Gen 7 started repairing it again, mixing up the gym system, developing a distinct culture for the region, ultra beasts, adding new dex entries for the first time since gen 2, etc. But nobody will admit that until at least gen 9.

Attached: 1513901642106.jpg (320x399, 21K)

RSE had these kind of title screens too.

Which one has most soulful porn though.


>but getting a chansey or the other most rare mons is not something you could do in a few minutes
A few minutes being relative to the wait time on the day and night cycle. That said it becomes less of a wait with the mechanics added across the generations like sweet scent.

Gen 2

Gen 4 had some of the best improvements in the series

Gen 7

Attached: 1 (3).jpg (1280x1800, 383K)

>Gen 7 started repairing it again
Yeah no, especially since it was the first game to remove battle modes and the customization options were worse than XY's.

Awful bait.

Redpilled answer is that pokemon never had any soul

From the beginning it was designed as a brainwashing scheme to get children to plunder their moms' wallets to collect all the pretend anime creatures.

>hurr gotta catch em all
The series mantra is literally a call to go out and buy more shit

It pretty much just brought the split, everything else was worse.

Gen 7 didn’t repair it.
Removed the few good things gen 6 added.
Constant cutscenes.
Horrid replay value.
It’s not your adventure. It’s lillie’s Adventure.
Are you purposely ignoring that gen 7 continued the gen 1 pandering with Alola forms being exclusive to it?
A sizeable chunk of the den are legends.
The region is very small with little to explore

The split alone makes it one of the best gens

Yea Forumsretard btfo tbqdesu

This nigga knows what's up.
In the end, they were only exploiting us as much as possible with a bottom of the barrel jrpg.
Adding and cutting features each game helps not noticing they weren't really improving, while we fling shit at each other about our favourite features.

Not really. All things considered it didn't add much to the game or change how you played outside of the competitive side of things.

This. If you want to catch every Pokémon you literally have to spend hundreds of dollars each generation. It's fucking sickening.

>no boxes
put 'em in the trash, user

>moving the goalposts this hard

Not including the cost of the system it was 40, friends cost nothing and the gts existed later on.

The last item hits a very sour spot, the concept art shows the region has a lot to explore, the game itself has some neat stuff it baits you with like the huge vortex of death on the of lake of Sunne/Moone, however GF decided to avoid that cool stuff and just rush the games for the anniversary and didn't even bother with them on the Ultra Changes.

Recommend superior monster catching RPGs. The only other worthwhile one I know of is Dragon Quest Monsters.

Why would I want to put the boxes in the picture?

Maybe I wasn't the user arguing with him?
You could check the ips, you know.

Digimon CS/HM

To prove they're not worthless trash and that you've owned and looked after them from new.

ok retard

Medabots, Telefang 2 (If you know nip or can stomach the botched translation), Siralim 3, Fossil Fighters 1 and 2, the digimon games, Monster rancher series, like there are a lot more I am forgetting right now but these are the ones on the top of my head.

>when it only had 50 pokemon
gen 5 has the largest amount of new Pokémon of any generation

Wrong question.

When did Pokemon:

a) BEGIN to lose its soul?

b) COMPLETELY lose its soul?

The answer is more complicated than you might reckon. In terms of visuals and graphics for instance, Gen III was the beginning of soul loss for instance, but other factors only started to slip in Gen IV or later. What is consistent is that Gen VII is an across-the-board nadir of soul.

Attached: 2Pwb8Uz.gif (550x550, 13K)

Uniromically RSE. Anything I would refer to as soul in the series was brought out back and shot for what felt like a Chinese smartphone bootleg of the Pokemon games.

Though Sun and Moon have been the most soulless to date.

A) Gen 6
B) Gen 7

more than gen 1?

immediately after red/blue

Yes, there were 156 new Pokémon

i want a new mystery dungeon man.

Attached: gfttfdf.jpg (1280x905, 226K)

oh, nice. kanto's 151 have been the backbone of every other generation so it was great to finally play a fresh game (relatively) where you didn't know what you were going to run into and a gym leader could have an intimidating new pokemon you've never seen before.

>SM and USUM are great
>HGSS are as bad as ORAS

Opinions so awful that I can only assume you're that retard who keeps defending Sonic Chronicles in every Nintendo DS thread.

>when it only had 50
Are you retarded?

>Gen 7 started repairing it again
Yeah I agree, especially when it
as I was saying it
anyway it
okay so
but the story
as you can see it is really good

It seems we have 3 answers, resuming this thread:
1 - pokemon was souless shit since rby
2 - rse started slowly making the games cheap
3 - somewhere between xy and oras everything went to hell

I personally believe these answers are all valid.
Don't be angry if you hate some other gen more, they all have their share of guilt.

>Look at this retard
Look at you retard. Gen 5 was only the peak for the post recession generation who raised on the internet. Most genwunners hated Gen 5 because you had the mons you wanted in the postgame. Everyone else either didn't bother buying it or got sick of the terrible edgelord story.

I want a new conquest-style game but 100% pokemon without the japanese history. A game like that with full movelists per unit would be perfect, much better than mainline IMO.

Someone defends that?

>Whoever thought only putting one generation in 95% of the game when it only had 50 pokemon was an idiot
>gen V

Attached: 1564350554618.jpg (265x553, 49K)

>Most genwunners hated Gen 5 because you had the mons you wanted in the postgame
Yeah, and their opinion isn't worth shit. I started with gen 1 and I was glad that I didn't have to see Psyduck and Magnemite for the thousandth time.

t. brain dead nigger.

Actual correct answer. Fuck nu-GameFreak and the retards still supporting them.


Or in this case that obnoxious stoutland trainer on the 2nd island that blocks most of the map

I love gen 5 because it captured the feeling of playing gen 1 again without relying on kanto nostalgia. I don't just want to catch the same 150 in a new locale every couple of years. They should be confident enough to present a new batch of pokemon as your only option without needing to fall back on charizard and pikachu.

I'm playing crystal now and the fact each trainer has 2, 3 sometimes even fucking 4 of THE SAME pokemon is driving me crazy

>Gen V
>Whoever thought only putting one generation in 95% of the game when it only had 50 pokemon was an idiot.
Anti-Gen V cucks confirmed to not even as much as seen the fucking games they're crying over.

It's not Gamefreak, it's not even Nintendo. It's basically Japan. Study lots of Japanese series and compare them to lots of American series - the Japanese commit this error with way more frequency and to a greater extremity than western developers do. Devil May Cry to Devil May Cry 2 is a good example, and arguably Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, is easily an example of reckless changes with no rhyme or reason.

Japanese seem to have a high end ability to experiment with adding and altering features, but a mile-wide blindspot for telling when something actually worked or not and thus keeping it in. This works the other way around - sometimes they obsessively "preserve" features no-one cares about while axing absolute gold.

Attached: 1550101564885.png (900x850, 591K)

And they will never do it again because BW sold poorly. Instead, they will continue to pander to Kanto nostalgia through cringy bullshit like putting the entirety of Viridian Forest in the game instead of trying to capture the feeling of Kanto.

Attached: 1397839723819.png (247x154, 33K)

lol, mad boxlet

I'm replaying crystal at the moment too. Everyone seems to follow the same formula of repeating the same pokemon but higher level each time.
>trainer has three pokemon all the same
>first is level 15, second level 18, third level 22
Move variety is shitty enough in gen 2 that they all have the exact same moveset, so it's not even like they give some of them different moves to catch out common switch-in types.

>rainbow rocket in ultra changes using raticate and golbtats postgame

Attached: 1568495202313.png (510x672, 193K)

This is the artist that does lots of Ganondorf artwork as well right? She (I'd bet she's a she) must have a crazy thing for large, angular gingers

>last pokemon game i played was platinum

Attached: 1525848135813.png (742x474, 558K)

you want the receipt next?


I agree. They also do stupid shit like giving pikachu (and only pikachu) its anime voice but leaving everyone else with 8 bit growls. It's not even just nostalgia pandering anymore, to me it's obvious that they have no confidence in their new designs. They just trickle in a few new pokemon alongside the kanto regulars to cater to "catch em all" players without fully committing. Most footage we've seen of SwSh has been of kanto pokemon. Gen 5 was the first step towards genuine innovation and they chickened out.

It is objectively, without question, Gen 4, when they added those horrible 3d sprites. Anyone who says otherwise is a a retarded zoomer.

You know something is off when the damn champion is nowhere in sight for most of the game and doesn't even help when the bad guy is about to nuke the region. Easily the worst champion.

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Wasn't there a theory about how she was supposed to be an alien but that whole subplot was cut?

can't forget the first wild encounter in gen 6 is always a forced pidgey

They also gave Eevee anime voice's.

Yeh it just feels incredibly lazy. I never played Crystal or G/S and have just gotten to the kanto side of the map, I'm hoping there will be more variety.

Gen 3, to be honest. Just something about Hoenn that made me stop caring about the series.

4 and 5 were alright, but then 6 basically killed the series AGAIN with how rail-roading the series turned.

I always liked when the gym leaders and elite four were relevant to the story. Lance got involved in the Lake of Rage, you help Jasmine's ampharos, and say what you will about FRLG's postgame but it was cool to see a little of Lorelei's backstory and explore where she grew up. They seemed more like actual characters that lived in the world and being a gym leader was just their daily job. They didn't just stand in a convoluted puzzle room with honey walls or w/e waiting for you to come fight them.

>And they will never do it again because BW sold poorly.
It's more to do with the fact nostalgia sells now. Are you paying attention to what industries are doing right now? They've been pushing old 90s shit like crazy for the last 10 years

I just wanna say that I'm 20 so I was pretty young when gen 5 came out. I played diamond leaf green and emerald. And black and white ii. Until a year ago I literally forgot I ever played black and white 2. It just that unremarkable.

>basically every blockbuster is a remake or based on classic comic books
What happened to original ideas?

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In SwSh too? Pikachu had a spoken voice back in yellow, but it was only because it was a pikachu-centric side game. It's fine for eevee to talk in let's go, but not mainline unless they do it for everyone.

Gen 3 started to suck, Gen 4 sucked more, Gen 5 ramped up the awesome, and then it all went to shit.

Pikachu was given its anime cry in gen 6, and in gen 7. Eevee only has its anime cry in Let's Go, but they might keep it for Sword and Shield. For what it's worth, gen 6 did redo a lot of the old cries so they're not just ports of the GameBoy sounds anymore, but they're still just weird staticky noises.



Hard to say, while eevee it's there we only have a glimpse of it from the curry video, only when the game get's released we know for sure.

This is part of the answer.

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They're still there, but swamped by the simple and mediocre. As a very, very simple answer, the malaise of the modern condition across the board - industry, entertainment, media, war, economy etc. etc. - is a "reductive growth". We have "more" than ever, yet that more is sludge-like in basicness. There's no pruning mechanism for the shit, and under such a set of circumstances the most retarded shit ends up winning out because it's more spammable.

Remakes and capeshit are spammable, because a great majority of unreflective normies WILL see them under all circumstances. No speciality movies, no attempt to contain extremes and contrasts in the production. Shit flies over their heads and is a waste of resources.

Try to imagine organisms as slow, messy, dumb and crude as slugs trying to maintain a structure as complex and functional as a beehive, and you have an idea about whats happened to civilisation. Standards have gone wrong and the hive is full of degraded "bees", confused and not properly formed, still a bit like a grub or larva, guzzling honey of increasingly poor quality and weighing the crumbling structure down further. Some mad queen is continuing to shit these rejects out, blind to its own impending disaster. That's a weird metaphor but you have to make do with impromptu discourses on Yea Forums.

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This is the correct answer.

Original ideas are dangerous user, Why make something new and interesting when you can remake the old shit everyone and their mother saw and liked, those nostalgiabucks aren't gonna get themselves.

the stupidest part about that is the pokemon experts are all losing their shit because they found an egg, as if it completely rewrites their concept of pokemon, and next thing you know there are breeding daycares and eggs are literally everywhere in every entry since.

When the third generation was a soft reboot. The writing was on the wall when they replaced the original 150 with their mexican non-union equivalents and told you to play the same shit again.

I played both on release and only normie NPCs who saw the new Pokemon and thought "WTF!?!??!? TRASH BAG??!?!?!" thought it was bad.

Butchered the music though, even by the low standards set for GBA sound.

>legendaries bad!!!
Go back

Well at least it's not a food analogy

I don’t see a drop of soul in the OP, so it must be gen 3.

I didn't like baby pokemon in and of themselves, but the fact that gen 2's pre/post evolutions for existing pokemon were informed by new game mechanics rather than strictly a desire to pad out a new roster was an underappreciated touch that was never replicated. They tried to recapture that with the squid that only evolves when you're holding your 3DS upside down, but that was a one-off gimmick.

at least most of them were new. i'd rather have a new normal/flying generic bird each game than have to see pidgeys and zubats again.

Barry is one of the best rivals

It was Black and White. That's when they ran out of ideas and no longer wanted to make pokeman.

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Sinnoh is one of the best regions, retard, only zoomers hate it

Can someone help me find a romhack? It was on GBA, and based around double battles. You chose two starters from a pool of 6 options, and nearly every trainer was a double. It added back some stuff like day/night cycle with visual differences too.

>if you disagree with my opinion you're reddit/resetera/shill/cuck/zoomer
Good to see we're still using the same arguments with a new coat of paint

>RGBY - soul

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Sinnoh was much better than Kanto (everything is better than Kanto), Jotho and Hoenn at the time.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want the same pokemon over and over, but with gen 3 I realized that's exactly what I was getting. I appreciated gold and silver because and because it had direct connections to the original, but gen 3 didn't have that. I realized that I was going through the exact same motions as I was so many years ago and the scales fell from my eyes.


Ah yes, when you run out of ideas so you devise an original storyline and expand it well beyond what had been previously explored.

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Word. The obsessive use of food metaphors by many mainstream outlets and ideologies betrays a consumption-obsession- indeed, consumption-possession - pervading their entire structure. Note that food was actually a part of the weird slug-hive metaphor I dreamt up, but no more than a part. The consumption-crazed, basic animal has no eye for anything deeper or more structural, like where the food comes from or if the food is good or shit.


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>release games in 2002
>rerelease the same game but with vastly improved changes and additions in 2004
>2014 release remakes of the flawed games from 2002 with all their flaws intact while completely ignoring the enhanced version
This was a fucking embarassment and I can't believe GF got away with it.
X&Y are shit but I can kinda give them a pass for having to do all the 3D stuff from scratch.
Fuck ORAS and all the shit that followed it.

Attached: oras.jpg (1600x900, 164K)

Fucking retards.
Correct. /thread

Are there even good pokemon games for 3ds? Haven't played any since G5

It wasn't technically feasible to transfer Pokemon between gen 2 and 3, plus Ruby and Sapphire had data for every Pokemon at the time in so they at least bothered to make new sprites for 100+ Pokemon that weren't obtainable yet. Whenever your favourite was added in Colosseum/XD/FRLG you could trade back to Ruby and Sapphire. In 2019, Game Freak literally have their own servers that store your Pokemon online and it's just a matter of downloading them on a new app, there's nothing stopping them in terms of technology.

You won't even be able to transfer your old Pokemon that isn't in the Galar dex into SS even after the DP remake is released and makes them available, you won't be able to even battle between SS and DP remake unless the Pokemon in each player's game is in the Galar dex (they already did this with XY and ORAS with the new Megas, even though they could have patched them in easily).

The problem isn't that every Pokemon isn't obtainable in the new game, the problem is that the Pokemon you've had for 16 years can't be brought into the new game despite Game Freak reusing models that they've had since XY.

Crystal on the virtual console

The new pokemons themselves are not that bad and there are some genuine good addictions.
The game themselves are rancid shit.
Usum is the one with the most content but it's still hard to enjoy because of all the unneccessary padding.

The reason Hoennbabies hate ORAS is because these games show them how bad gen 3 was.

ORAS isn't even as good as RS, let alone Emerald. The only way you could possible think ORAS is good is if you never played RSE.

>rs better than oras
Nostalgia glasses at their finest.

Lmao, the only reason you think ORAS is worse than RS is because they were probably your first games.

RS were a disaster at the time.

Stop being a retard comparing RS to GSC and just compare RS to ORAS. RS being "a disaster at the time" doesn't have anything to do with ORAS being worse than RS.

RS is worse

You can't even name a single addition in ORAS that makes it better than RS.

Game was so bad I lost interest in everything gamefreak shat out from that point onwards

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Soaring in the sky

4 was already showing souless sympthons.

Turning Mauville into a soulless mall

PokéNav Plus

FRLG was interesting because it had that one device that recorded what people said about recurring characters of the game.

What soul? RSE are ugly games that lost a lot of charm gen 2 had. That's when you could actually see it on the shitty screen.

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I don't see what's wrong with this picture.

Absolutely right.
Just look at the pokemon designs they're hideous.

The problem was that was all that was there. Beyond that, Almost all the new pokemon that were released were rehashes of pokemon that already existed whether it was in design, stats, method of evolution or all of the above. Conkeldurr was Machamp, Gigalith was Golem, Ferrothorn was Forretress, Crustle was Parasect. You were basically doing the same thing with all of them and to a lot of players it felt like a shitty way of replacing older pokemon. There was also an abundant lack of pokemon with any real unique purpose like Wobbuffet and Blissey who were very distinct when it came to playstyles with their movepools, stats and abilities. Then you have mons like Excadrill and Gothitelle where it just felt like they wanted to put whatever overpowered abilities and movesets they wanted on a pokemon because reasons.

Gen 3
Regained a bit of soul with HGSS and BW2, maybe Platinum too

Nigga just have friends, you're supposed to trade and battle with other players

Which romhacks are best for each gen to be able to catch every pokemon in the national dex on a single rom without trading? I remember there being one for FLRG a while ago.

Gen 3 has an ugly colour pallet, Mauville lacked any personality

Everything after gen 4 is horrible and that's when the descent into mediocrity started. I still like pic related though.

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BW2, HGSS, and Platinum were the best pokemon games I've played. I personally really liked XY because of the 3ds online features but I can't ignore how barebones it was.

It's alright, it's only problem is not having shadows.

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A voice of reason.

Let's be honest that's the best change ORAS brought.

After gold/silver.

I disagree, Gen 4 mixed 2D and 3D well. If it weren't for 3D we wouldn't have memorable scenes such as the Giratina jumpscare.

When you got older.

>that lost a lot of charm gen 2 had
What charm? Gen 2 was nothing but downgraded gen 1 sprites and the worst set of colors in a gbc game

Reminder that XY saved online multiplayer and SM killed it for good

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If by mixing it we you mean having a huge disconnect between the two.

All things considered they were great first versions. If Z had happened it could have been one of the best games yet.


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fuck you BW2 is kino

Case in point. The 3d isn't blending with the 2d and sticks out like a sore thumb.

When western influence and cooperation with developing the games started.
Now we have the shitshow that is sword and shield but all the subhuman faggots eat up the tranny character designs.
Chinks always settle for mediocre at best garbage (gacha/phone game culture is MASSIVE there) so gamefreak will think it's fine to continue putting out steaming piles of shit from now on.

>tranny character designs



gameplay wise the series stagnated with gen 5

A Cinematic story and further characterization of the human carried gen 5

>gameplay wise the series stagnated with gen 5
The gen that changed the most in pokemon's formula is the one that stagnated.
Good logic dumbass.

But regional forms are a legit cool thing and for as irredeemably dog shit SS is it at least shows that they're willing to make some non KAAAAAAAAAAAANTO regional forms with Zigzagoon.

We should have got a sequel for XY like B2W2. It almost seems like they planning on it at times with references to southern Kalos and the like. ORAS really screwed the pooch in a lot of ways.

No it didn't. You had all new Pokemon but the vast majority of them were fucking garbage. It didn't help that gen 5 led off with the dual announcements of fucking Zoroark and those ugly as fuck starters.

Gen 5 could have felt like playing gen 1 for the first time but the lack of good Pokemon designs and the obnoxious story bullshit ruined it.

>The gen that changed the most in pokemon's formula
The most it did was add triple and rotation battles which just felt cumbersome (former more than the latter) compared to the doubles introduced in gen 3 which was handled much better and the pikaclones introduced there actually made sense. Also gen 3 introduced ablilities and changed ev iv bullshit and gen 4 added the phys/spec split. Gen 5 really did not do much in the grand scheme of things in terms of gameplay

most gen 1 pokemon are garbage too, you just have a layer of nostalgia. voltorb, grimer, magnemite, my mom's bird, mr mime, jynx, there's an equal amount of bad designs in kanto coming from someone who started with blue. kanto is still a great region in terms of layout and progression, but gen 5 is the first time the series felt fresh in a very long time.

>Beyond that, Almost all the new pokemon that were released were rehashes of pokemon that already existed whether it was in design, stats, method of evolution or all of the above
Not even half of the fucking roster of 156, are you retarded?

Do you want me to list them you fucking aspergo?

Gen 6. The transition to 3d was a death sentence.

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Do it faggot.

Gen 3. It was still okay then, but Gen 4 onwards became the ugly designs we know today.

Physical x Special moves instead of limiting it by type was great, but the ugly evolutions to old lines is a damage that will never be healed. Gen 2 at least introduced alternate evolutions or baby pokemon, which didn't make the final stop of a line an ugly monster (RIP Electabuzz, Magmar, Magneton).

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>and gen 4 added the phys/spec split
I hate how you people always overstate the importance of the split when it didn't really change how you played the game outside of competitive.
Also that user said the formula not just the gameplay, that includes things like the setting and the fact that the Dex only had new mon.

But that's wrong. Unless you're talking about the magicarp fisherman or the caterpie/weedle bug catchers in early game, the third pokemon has different moves. In fact, Lance is usually the callout for this, but the only move shared between his three dragonites is hyper beam, and they all have different elemental moves (fireblast/thunder/blizzard) for catching weaknesses.

>You had all new Pokemon but the vast majority of them were fucking garbage.
Just like gen 1.

the only thing that's hard to go back to in gen 1/2 is the physical special split and lack of move variety. it's common to have dual type pokemon who can't learn a single STAB move.

Black and white. Was down hill from there.

It was a lengthy process but I'd say it finished with Super Mystery Dungeon.
It clearly was a sendoff to the PMD franchise and it was full of soul.
Game Freak clearly has no intentions in outsourcing Spin-offs anymore unless they are cheap mobile crap.

Nah, that's easy because most of the good moves are still there the hard part comes from traversing the regions itself especially since the walking and bike speeds are so slow.

After GSC.

Fuck that, its not even a good change. The split just turned pokemon movesets into a crapshoot, "oh you could have had good coverage but sorry, now half your moveset is absolute garbage for your base stats". Before Gen 4 you could take a physical or a special mon and know exactly what types of attack you were looking for, post-split it all comes down to how far Gamefreak decided to favor a pokemon in giving it, say, one of the rare few physical fire or water moves.

New mons that played the same as old mons. It changed the gameplay probably even less than Hoenn

>implying GSC isn't what killed it the first time


Gens 1 and 2 are amazing for their age, started the whole thing

Gens 3-5 (remakes included) are the perfect monster collecting series

it helped as many pokemon as it hindered. there were tons of grass/water pokemon that were built for physical, or ghosts built for special, that sort of thing.

Are you being an idiot on purpose or did you just ignore the part where we aren't just talking about gameplay?
That said gen 3 changed the game the most in that regard because it rehauled the entire stat system.
The game that changed the least was sinnoh.

>there were tons of grass/water pokemon that were built for physical, or ghosts built for special
It was pretty much just gengar and gyarados

just off the top of my head feraligatr has higher physical than special attack and it's pure water

Hidden abilities in gen 5 also made a fuck ton of pokemon more useful.

Feraligatr also had access to physical moves back then.

my point is that feraligatr can now use STAB physical moves. before he has physical moves but he'd lose out on STAB (along with tons of other pokemon obviously).

When it jumped to 3d
Since then everything is just recycled cashgrab trash that ppl would still buy

Not that STAB mattered with a good EQ user. Before abilities only flying was immune and not many trainers used them and Falkner's gym was an early gym.

It never had any.

You're the one being an idiot trying to claim they changed the gameplay formula the most out of all of them when it wasn't true. The most it did was have you sit through a shitty story and triples. Every other change was done before on gens 1, 2, 3 or in terms of the overworld 4

I can't for the love of me understand how people dislike gen 5 that much. It had the most aesthetic locations, the best soundtrack and the most fan favourite characters in the franchise. They actually made sequels to the games that made the Unova region feel different enough compared to every 3rd entry and they actually put a lot of effort for this generation. Hidden Abilities made a good amount of old Pokémon less shit and a good amount of Unovamons don't suck ass to use.

>You're the one being an idiot trying to claim they changed the gameplay formula
>gameplay formula
Once more, gameplay is NOT the only thing being discussed here. Why do you keep on focusing on that when everyone else is telling you something else?

>and triples.
They didn't even have any mandatory triples or rotations in fact I think there was only one in the game and it was Charles the Heartbreaker. You've never played a gen 5 game have you.

>I can't for the love of me understand how people dislike gen 5 that much
They didn't play it just look at the post above you.

What? I thought we were talking about changes to the gameplay formula? I just said it was a change to said formula. I never once said it was forced. Read the post next time dumbfuck

>The gen that changed the most in pokemon's formula is the one that stagnated.
Read dumbass