It's actually kino

>it's actually kino

Attached: codmw.png (289x320, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A watered down Battlefield.

>you need windows 10 to play it
Not based

>not having windows 10
shut up boomer

it's actually shit. luckily im not a retard who paid for it

>have to choose between absolutely everything being grainy and speckly as fuck or using so much fake postprocess AA that the entire screen is blurry
How did they fuck the PC graphics up so bad? What the fuck is even going on here?
Will they fix it?

Attached: 1560361380019.png (1210x656, 1.16M)

dude this game is epic but how DO I CHANGE MY CLASS WHAT THE FUCK

it's the depth of field being buggy

seta r_dof_enable "0"
setcl r_dof_enable "0"

Add this at the end of the /Documents/Call of Duty Modern Warfare/players2/config.cfg file

Set cfg to read only.

Attached: mw dof off.jpg (850x841, 100K)

Fuck off Rob

also the graphics in this game are hyper annoying

>enter a room and be temporarily blinded
>everything's all ugly and crappy looking on low settings
>only way to tell friend from foe is the colored text over their head

gonna go play faggotwatch instead but this game has some potential I guess


They literally wasted everything to make crossplay happen, the rest of the game looks like dogshit.

The contrast is way too high, it really needs a gamma slider. It's too washed out where there's light and everything else is just black.

It suffers from similar art design as the Battlefield games, I guess it's for console plebs who want a cinematic experience rather than a clean, easy on the eyes, easy to decipher experience.

>all the cap points close together even though its meant to be a 'big' map
>UAV pinging 24/7

im honestly surprised they fucked ground war up its really not hard at all

Can't even play it, since it freezes when I click on multiplayer.

This, getting Dev error 5760

>rapid fire macro with famas

It's the first COD where I actually feel there's some legit intensity in classic multiplayer. Legit gets my nerves as I question whether I should flank, wait for the enemy or retreat.

The Battlefield style gameplay is a total mess on PC at least. Oh well.

this staggered beta access is confusing me to shit
as a PC player who has not pre ordered the game, do i even get access to the beta, and if so, when?

literally now

How do I get in the

why does it say "pre order" on the PC beta page?

If I have a 1060 will it run better than ps4pro?

>>you need windows 10 to play it

download battlenet and just install

>op is actually a flamboyant homosexual

I'm literally playing it on Windows 7 right now.

oh right, i had to make a CoD for it to show the correct prompt. that wasn't amazingly clear

i just had the TDM game of my life. all i did was corner camp with that shotgun secondary on the LMG class. holy shit that thing hip fire 1 taps EVERYONE

>Level 21 Gun in the starter classes
>Game shows all the unlocks up to level 30
>Weapons up to 30 show what level they're unlocked, above 30 doesnt say anything
>Level Cap is actually 20 lol
Eat shit


cant play. it was failing to launch (no error) until I disabled services and uninstalled AHK. But then it started crashing (again, with no error) to desktop from the menu. I can't believe I've wasted my time trying to fix this shit. uninstalled.

Fucking same.

Absolutely loving it. Runs great for me @ 1440p Ultra, never dip below 90fps.

Few things need tweaking
>Give MP5 more recoil it's TTK is fine but it's a fucking laser
>Shotguns are inconsistent as fuck
>Spawns are hard to flip which leads to just spawning in and getting railed

Other than that I'm loving it and not going to buy it on launch because Activision will pull jewish tricks.

Attached: 1544751802468.png (500x522, 129K)

I don't think that's true

One team is tan and the other black colored uniforms

It's fun but I am holding out for reviews of the campaign before I buy it

It is kino. Incidentally, it is roughly the same length than a movie, clocking at 2.5 hours of gameplay. But it is kino. 2.5 hours of kino campaign, surely.

2.5 hours. For fuck sake. How much was that sold again? 2.5 hours. Is there even a CoD that is shorter?

It's kind of a lamey slowed down version of the MW from 2016. They can't really decide if they want to be CSGO or damn MoH from 2010.

what are you even talking about you stupid nigger there are zero campaign details anywhere

battlefield mode is pretty fun, basic CD mode is dull and boring.

Actually is there even a campaign? I know a while back a cod didn't have one but I am not sure if that stuck

>10v10 map
>you can throw a grenade easily from flag A to B

Can anyone who's got it working on PC, go to Documents -> Call of Duty Modernware -> config
Then copy their version of this line?
setcl 988019619 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (0x10de, 0x13c2, 0x31601462, 0xa1, 0xfcb80000); Microsoft Basic Render Driver (0x1414, 0x8c, 0, 0, 0)"

You retarded shills say this at every CoD release. It always dies after a month.

anyone else think the aug is overpowered? i have been doing way better with this gun than any of the other ones

why is the ttk so inconsistant?

It's the best Battlefield game since 4. It's a pity that Dice overdosed on the SJW juice

all I know is that the starting assault rifle is garbage because the burst fire is so fucking fast you aren't getting any extra chances to hit from it, it's either all 3 shots hit or none of them do

Is there any way to remove the metal music cues that plays every five second? Jesus christ this game has potential, but I can't take how much this feels like a game for adhd riddled monster energy drinking 14 year olds.

ex Cod 4 pro
played MW 1-3 like crazy

just uninstalled this. it's shit, more hectic and inconsistent than ever.

really sad that they said their gonna try making it more tactical but caved in and released it like cocaine adhd sim again

cod is just parody of itself, more and more

Maybe set music to zero? Most of the rounds there is no music anyway.

Good idea, but it's still there. I think the game considers it a sound effect.

>ground war
>spawn as demolition
>shoot down UAVs/killstreaks
>repeat the whole game
>10,000+ score

Attached: 1541316829263.jpg (750x673, 65K)

>requires W10 and forces DX12

I didn't know it only uses DX12 until I just looked it up, no fucking wonder the game stutters out the ass. Fucking DX12 is a complete mess.

I'm feeling the same, I like the new animations and how guns feel but Ground War specifically is fucking garbage. It is so unfinished and nonsensical, mindless meatgrinder, map is way too small and terribly designed for 64 players. Vehicles literally feel like they were added in as a joke, they look and feel like a game out of 2003. Heli's are pointless without parachutes and/or mounted guns.

>release open beta
>it's actually just a demo too sell preorders
>they won't change anything for the final product

What does kino mean

>already won 9 matches 10
>always top dog 2.5 k/d
>people already sending me friends request.

Im not even memeing, during mw2 times a girl sent me her nudes because I was too good at that shitty game (I played on xbox 360). Too bad I was an autistc teen and she lived miles away from my city.

Anyway fucking this AA implementation

setcl 988019619 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (0x10de, 0x1c60, 0x8393103c, 0xa1, 0x7a400000); Microsoft Basic Render Driver (0x1414, 0x8c, 0, 0, 0)"

4k and I still get average 100FPS when maxing the game out.
The people complaining about bad performance must have absolute shit tier PCs

Attached: mw.jpg (3840x2160, 3.18M)

It means fantastic quality

It sure is fun to lie on the internet. :^)

Now we’re talking

gotta be lvl 4 though

There are ammo boxes placed on the map
Just camp around those and you won't even have to die right?

Did you keep the pics? ;)

the NVG mode leaves a bit to be desired. Its a neat idea but in the end it just means you play with a green filter. There aren't really any game play changes. Something like insurgency you have to be tactical with when you use the goggles and when you dont, its easy to be blinded, etc. But here it seems like theres really no reason to ever take them off.

i do like it overall. most fun ive had with a cod in years.

no it was years ago, I didn't even have whatsapp or a smartphone at that time, she sended via mms


Don't nerf the mp5. I am enjoying the screams of the 12 year olds as I fly around a corner with an mp5

looks like a 1070 isn't good enough for 1440p ultra

now we're talking

Attached: potato.jpg (3840x2160, 1.09M)

What is the point of NVG mode? There is ZERO (0) point to taking your goggles off. Yeah sure you can ADS without laser sight but you can't see shit. At this point it might as well be daytime.

1050ti, i5 6400, RAM 8GB here this is a mid tier pc and the game runs good

I guess it's just there because it looks tacticool and seeing where people are aiming can be interesting, but it sure isn't much.

Is the 2v2 mode in this beta?

>double down on camping shit
>punish rushing

confirmed shit

playing with Depth of Field off as of 30 minutes or so.
IW is pretty based for not forcing TAA on everyone

Has anyone datamined the map list yet?

How is the RX580 performance? Does the game have SMAA? Haven't played CoD since the MW remaster
According to PCwiki all the newer CoDs have slight ocassional stuttering issues related to the OS

Did they nerf the M13 cause it sure as shit feels like it

Is this game worth 60€?
I've never paid full price for a game out of principle but if the 60€ gets me Singleplayer, Spec Ops and Mutiplayer then I'm fine with it.

I've had that happen too
I wonder if it's possible to achieve permanent graphics like that? Would be funny to run around with a bunch of low poly soldiers everywhere

Game is fucking garbage. Tried only Ground War because its the only thing that's new and not the same fucking arcade as the past 10 games.

Had a little bit of fun with the armored vehicles

Only playable with AA off. Game looks like it has a blur filter on
HUD is horrible
M4 seems to be the only good gun
Stutters that make Tarkov look like child's play
Vehicles glitchy as fuck
60% of lobby camping in dark buildings
Constant spawnkilling on furthest objectives

Attached: ModernWarfare_DeOPFRJZyI.jpg (1680x1050, 184K)

i cant stand the hud right now everything is squished in and theres just to much shit on screen

I'm shocked at how bad the graphics are on PS4Pro in Ground War.
Also are the server only 20/30Hz?

>Fall for "COD IS BACK BABY" memes
>Install PC Beta
>Game crashes 3 times in a row (i7 8700k, 1080ti)
Not sure what I expected from this trash, should have learned my lesson after the BO2 launch

>t. gtx 1060 owner

I am playing on win7

I was dumbfounded when I noticed how scuffed it is. How did they manage to fuck it up this bad.

probaby designed for consoles

>why does a beta crash
ohhh geeeee user I wonder if the game is a work in progress or something

Battlefield trannies literally seething. Keep playing your made up historic fake BF5 scenario

>Not using windows 10 in 2019
Are you literally retarded or just to stupid to update to W10?

Time to upgrade grandpa. It's dx12 chads era.

my game hasnt crashed once

As if betas are actually betas these days. It's a demo, user.

RX580 runs at a minimum of 70 FPS going as high as 100 FPS

Attached: cba2d56224e833f7fb51904a091961c1.jpg (900x677, 55K)

BF4 is better, even BO4's blackout gamemodes make more sense than MW ground wars

>As if betas are actually betas these days
This says a lot about our society.

To be honest the only people who seethe right now are no life tryhards and youtubers.
>waaah campers
>waah ttk
>why i can't do X, why do i get killed by X
People were playing watered down "arena" shooters for far too long, people genuinely believe that in any given FPS games "aim = skill" everything else is cheap bullshit that needs to be nerfed.

The vehicle gameplay might be some of the worst I've ever felt. Absolutely no weight to them and way too easy to use. Helicopters felt like piloting a remote control toy instead of a vehicle.


>that faggot whining about level cap again

Works on my PS4

I think it's just for the novely of being able to see what direction everybody else is aiming

why the fuck is it maxing out my CPU just sitting in the menu? no wonder it keeps crashing.

Attached: Capture.png (702x694, 19K)

>not dual booting w10 for vidya and linux for everything else


It also looks like a vaseline smeared pile of shit on ps4

>tfw 3700x

how cucked I am with a ryzen

Ground War is laggy as hell and I just got shot by someone who was under the map. I think i'll pass on this game.

Attached: 1568123977232.gif (171x199, 42K)

Good luck differentiating between black and tan in a fraction of a second when you enter a dark-ass room and can’t see shit due to the contrast.

Nice time machine fucker

enjoying it more than i expect, ground war only though

but the map is a bit of a clusterfuck, they put all the cap points too close together so like 50% of the map doesnt ever get used

you sound like you played one game and logged off to rage

Probably didn't put render resolution to 1
who complains about the HUD
M4 being too good is the ultimate noob retard opinion
Stuttering is on your end
vehicles are a little glitchy sure
lmao try checking your corners fuckface
ok this one can be true.

Anyone playing on Windows 7? If you set the framerate limit to 60fps does the game feels like you're playing at 25-30fps?

I was playing ground war last night and got in a APC and got 26 kills before my first death. It's pretty surprising how some games people just don't fucking care and won't ever try to blow your shit up. I almost felt bad for a minute since I was just parked and obliterating literally everyone. Feels like it's some unspoken taboo to be using them or some shit. Granted you don't really get weapon EXP or kill streak stuff but your rank goes up like a mother fucker.

Attached: 1541884144081.jpg (401x334, 28K)

Why would you play ground war?

>the gun is almost still high poly just low rez

Because nobody in cod community wants free shit, its boring.
Earning your vehicles is fun.

Because I'm tired of the decade old COD formula of small map, run around and shoot with no strategy. Its stale and boring at this point for me.

The "hollywood realistic" graphics are 100% a flaw in a game this fast paced. I'd accept it as a function of gameplay in ARMA, but in CoD, I want to be able to see my enemies, not have them blend into the darkness, or have my camera blinded by changing light conditions

why would you play COD?

realistic war-games are disturbing.

The smeared vaseline all over all the textures doesn't help either.

>try to open game
>it crashes

is that shia lebeouf?

He fell for the “beta tests aren’t indicative of the final product” meme.

Attached: 625DB24E-3DAF-4662-8714-3CF679978555.jpg (600x536, 81K)

The reload animations are great and super operator feeling, I like it.

based filter raping user into submission

good feel in combat, but the map design and respawning and everything having to do with structure is just at its absolute worst.

somwhat about the campaign? there was a lot of rumours about how violent it was and that

Attached: 1568392024851.jpg (480x480, 17K)

It's pretty shit to be honest
>Ground War is literally just a Battlefield knock off
>Complete with horrendous amounts of screen shake when something explodes
>Headquarters is broken as fuck, I won around 200-0 because my team kept spawning right next to the HQ, guaranteeing we took it every time
>Maps are still shit, and removing MUH THREE LANES doesn't automatically fix the garbage choke points and filler areas
>Spray and pray is still the way to win close quarters fights even when using a massive lmg
>The one good feature is mounting, as it allows me to give suppression fire with an lmg

Attached: DtcZEKHUUAAkM2l.jpg (577x675, 32K)

You sound like 12 year old me.

>no option to filter out the gfuel drinking, hot pocket eating, adderall powered pc lardass sweats

now granted, i still get 4.0 k/d’s every game with my elite controller, but holy shit it would’ve been so much more comfy, just sonybros and xbros having a good time, camping corner and shit, talking smack. i mean all you ever hear from pc player is heavy breathing, like goddamn, go out for a jog or something man

Attached: 2F3DEC92-3CDA-4AA1-9841-45B908ACE81E.jpg (225x224, 8K)

Because COD is great.
I love cod.

The 2v2 mode is fun with a friend, I like the round based EMP attack, and the headquarters mode is decent. Ground War is a cluster fuck.
Still, I'm enjoying it more than any of the other CODs I've played since 4.

I can't mouse aim bros, I'm switching to controller.

>ps1 model mode

Attached: gfx.jpg (1821x892, 177K)


make sure to crank the autoaim all the way up.

kino indeed

any third party sites that sell this shit?
I kind of want to get it but I don't want to give activision £50

Fine it might not be too bad, I was overexaggerating but it still has issues.

I've tried everything but AA is so fucking blurry.
Literally did you even watch the video. Try and tell me that's perfectly normal and doesn't obscure your vision.
M4 is too good lmao.
Tried everything, stutters won't go away.
And camping is a problem. Maybe you only play with a sniper but literally every single building is filled with 3+ people just camping every entrance and if you try to push you get melted in less than a second.

Overall its still very COD with COD issues. Ground War at least is something new and refreshing.

>literally every single building is filled with 3+ people just camping every entrance and if you try to push you get melted in less than a second
use a rocket launcher

Sounds like you're just a baby. If you have problems with campers run rocket launchers.
Adapt Improvise Overcome

camping has been around for literally every iteration of CoD

>messaging friends on bnet makes the game crash

Attached: 1547256736649.jpg (1158x1638, 157K)

actually looks kino like this, why no low poly fps?

go take a nap grandpa

cute pits

Playing on win 7 rn, what the fuck are you talking about?

without destruction something feels missing in Ground War

too much choke points and the map is still too small too in comparison

It would be better if they reduced player count and limited teams to 1 IFV at a time. Too much chaos going on.

>80% CPU usage
>77% memory usage
>100% GPU usage
I'm not even in game, what the fuck is wrong with this shit?

Just look it up on the MS store, it's free

>it actually is

Shiet, I might buy a CoD (on sale) for the first time in nearly a decade.

Attached: 1417025245483.jpg (418x384, 132K)

Very kino, many Amerimutts in it.


Attached: Screenshot_60.png (1465x758, 1.75M)

And that's why I hate this one too lmao

What are your specs?

Did they fix the FOV bug in ground war yet?

This game is blurry as FUCK.

just use ghost perk like everyone else and then you can camp too :^)

Ryzen 5 2600 + RX 580. I played the first match with no issues, but then the ground war update happened and now I can't play at all.

bitcoin mining your ass

The music that plays when a match is nearly over is so good. Menu music is great too. So much better than the faggoty WUBWUB of black ops 4.

is there a memory leak or something? the game is fine for about 3 matches and then gets progressively more stuttery during transitions, like going from spawn map to actually in-game or from a match to the lobby. it's fine after it chugs hard for a second but the chugs just get worse and worse

turn off both motion blur options and set your res scale appropriately

may just be badly optimized have you overclocked your ram ryzen really likes b die memory.

>on sale

Attached: 1538132498870.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

i really dont like the ground war. its like a shittier battlefield. cqc mode is nice but i don't think my card can handle thingst too well. the game feels sluggish.

Whose footprints are these?

the reload animations are like 50% of why I'm playing this game. gunsjust feel so cool to use because of them.

>Game looks like it has a blur filter on
That's because it does. Turn film grain all the way down, turn brightness down a little below the barely visible line, and do this or change the "setcl 1092995319" to "0" in the config. These steps will make the game look way better.

It's call of duty.

Why are people shilling this garbage?

Attached: 1568494198958.png (177x237, 108K)

Just get a key from all the free ones being given away for buying new RTX cards.

why were people saying you can't run n gun in this? i did just that and i ended up with 25+ kills in and less than 5 deaths in the 6 or so game si played

>wonky TTK
>TWO sprinting options
>retarded deployables like shields and other crap they lifted from R6S
>shit weapon balancing
>boring maps
>camping is the best strat
gonna be a yikes from me


Inconsistent netcode and matchmaking issues makes it hard sometimes. I could go 30-5 in one game and 4-17 in another because in one I always have the drop on people but in the other the guys would be shooting me before I turned the corner.

>shilling cod on my Yea Forums is now acceptable
i hate this fucking board

Attached: 1408748771645.jpg (780x585, 45K)

Previous game was like halo with assault rifle only, that's why people have problems adapting and say you can't rush. You can but you need to either have better reactions or better gamesense.

There are areas on the maps with heavy lighting and toggle able light switches to blind people with.
You cant use standard ADS or any scopes due to the cocked laser pointer aiming
The laser gives away enemies peeking corners while ADS
NVG mode does offer just enough to make it play different while being the same

Why the fuck are developers so obsessed with this retarded shit of making indoor areas overtly dark when it shouldn't be that dark on a day map?

The fucking post-processing AA is blurry as hell. What a let-down. They should have added real AA.

So what's the verdict guys?
I know it's beta and maybe my nostalgia googles are deceiving me but I felt like MW 1-3 and BO1-2 were more polished. The game still feels nice but re-spawning and being shot in the back does not bring good memories

>indoors are too dark, even when its extremely bright outside, can't see any enemies
>ttk is way too fucking low
>all the shotguns are, unsurprisingly, terrible
>weapon balance in general is shit
>eats your rig for no reason and crashes all the time
It's shit.

>The satisfaction of firing the deagle
>1 shot kill to the head
>The way they fall over when killed

Attached: 1544562167136.gif (720x405, 545K)


Get a better GPU

Battlefiled-esque mode makes no fucking sense. It's laggy and feels clunky

Zoomers man, it's childhood nostalgia for them.

What guns are people using?

I've been going with M4 as it's pretty accurate, packs enough punch and otherwise gets the job done. And I've unlocked a lot of attachments for it. I've tested a few other ones, but nothing really stood out.

How does he even see through those tiny holes?

>he's not playing gunfight

This but with Win7 so I'm still boned

can you get it to fullscreen? normal fullscreen, not borderless. I've tried literally everything I can think of and can't get it to fullscreen on win7 so i can actually use gsync/144hz and not be capped at 50

They need to just get rid of whatever the fuck the menu screens currently are and use some pre-rendered footage. They are unnecessarily laggy.

imagine not knowing literally anything

Why would that cause you to be capped?

>pretty tight TDM
>our team finally pulled ahead towards the end
>72-67 or something
>finally get a clean kill that annoying cod pro who's been raping me all game
>game crashes
Why can't you crash when I'm in lost stomps you piece of shit game. Or better yet why don't you, you know, not crash at all? Fuck.

Attached: 1549397497920.jpg (1000x900, 450K)


Attached: 97-979202_28-disgusting-bean-low-tier-god-png-transparent.jpg (840x633, 127K)

Is there gonna be a way to revive teammates?

Is there any setting that improves gpu/cpu times? I get 70-80 fps but low times so it feels like im stuttering a lot

that's just the helmet, the eyes are below

They only 3 options that appear for me when looking in the graphics setting on windows 7 is borderless fullscreen, windowed and fullscreen stretched across monitors. Traditional fullscreen simply does not appear. When in windowed/borderless fullscreen which is the same as windowed - fps of the engine is capped at around 50 fps. The monitor refresh rate is not syncing up with the game refresh rate so it gets upset. I would play on my windows 10 dual boot but that can't connect to the online servers no matter what I try either.

>Tonnes of different guns that you can add in the game
>"Huh, ummm... Just add M4, ak-47 and, ummm..Uzi, I guess"
I hate this shit

Attached: 9mm_KBP_9A-91_compact_assault_rifle_-_25.jpg (2250x1500, 1.91M)

I'm watching gameplay and while it looks clean, it seems to play like any other cod.

This kind of laggy 3D menu backgrounds have been a staple of CoD since IW at lest. They're not going anywhere.

It really doesn't but maybe it doesn't show on stream. The movement is much lighter, more like Battlefield, than any recent CoD.

what is copyright

This game

>lags like a motherfucker
>realistic graphics don't suit cartoon bullshit gameplay-wise (probably made that way for the campaign desu)
>mechanics don't work with a Battlefield-style mode
>the extremely low TTK makes camping and sniping the premier playstyles, with counters rendered ineffective due to the fact it's an extremely fast game as opposed to most insta-death games, which are very slow
>guns are unbalanced as fuck
>did I mention it lags like a bitch?

I am just happy it is not those whack bolt action revolver snipers fantasy guns anymore

There's sig MCX and hk 433

hahahaha so this is the power of pc gaming?

>doesn't look any better than a CoD game from a decade ago
>runs like absolute horseshit

Every year, devs become less and less competent in optimizing their games.

Yeah the power to edit a few lines in a .cfg file in N++ and get exactly the experience you want, tough luck consolefag

Nobody wants their game to be drowned in faggy "cred guns" only some NRA faggot would recognise. CoD is supposed to be safe and familiar for the broadest cut of the population.

Yeah. It's not like there is guns in the game with different names already.

Attached: 614-dscf4933.jpg (2048x1352, 373K)

No I mean getting the kill for being the first to aim instead of the better aimer getting the kill and the spawns being everywhere. Also the running animation needs to go, that shit is annoying. Maybe I'm just bias because CoD is the one game that makes me act like a lunatic.

is it just me or is the sound of stuff WAY too fucking loud?

its endless explosions and shit flying over i can barely hear anyone walking near me

>heh i'll just causally drop that i use Notepad++ like the true anonymous hacker i am that will look cool i bet

Get big fps drops everytime I die/spawn in

Maybe I'm just spoiled by the exaggerated footsteps in games like Siege, CS and even Apex but I feel like it's impossible to hear anything important in this game.

The super low TTK feels kinda crappy in Ground War. NVG mode is a lot more fun then I thought it would be and "realism" mode was pretty cool. I'm having fun for the most part.

>using regular notepad for .cfg edits where theres more chance of fucking things up




>it's actually the same shit they've been selling for the past 12 years

literal retard

fuck off boomer

no it's not.
ground war is a dogshit battlefield.

That attack then defend a single objective mode is pretty fun. Is it new?

NVG is designed for the hardcore/realism mode I feel. It doesn't really work when you have the standard MP HUD that shows where everyone is.

I liked Ground War mode a lot more than standard TDM. Am i sane?

Attached: ss_skilldex_09-15-19_11-08-11_(l07_military).jpg (3440x1440, 1.49M)

seething tranny

You might as well play Battlefield.

Kind of. Demolition existed before and so did headquarters which play similarly.

Anyone getting frame drops or stutters even while not using max settings?
I only have like half of my VRAM used and I get it every now and then when spawning or intense fights

Yeah its happening for me aswell
I believe if you dont have a 1080ti it will stutter always

I didn't like the setting of two previous Battlefields.

im not a faggot ass tranny. dumb 15 year old, this cod isn't good.

>SMG user
>lose every single trade against assault rifles

Attached: 1531706085191.jpg (320x320, 21K)

Kinda but also not really. I'm on 1060/2500K and most games it runs perfectly by my standards, except a bit of a hang when I respawn, but every few games it's unplayable for no reason I can fathom, and I have to leave and find a new one which then most likely works fine again.

>JeffEpstein is playing CoD
I knew the kiddy diddler wouldn't go down in prison. Powerlvl too high for laws made for normal people.

I miss War mode from WWII. Shame that BO4 and this don't have it.

>>"Huh, ummm... Just add M4, ak-47 and, ummm..Uzi, I guess"
The SIG MCX, Bizon, AsH-12, AX-50, Sig P320, Marlin lever action, Fostech Origin 12, 9mm AUG, and DP-12 aren't obscure enough for you?

>After 7 years of SMG rushdown AR chads finally get their payback

Attached: 1449976429000.jpg (412x441, 83K)



why am i always second to last in ground war

genuinely dont understand when i do well in other modes

>5-10 days for refund


What are the chances it gets fixed performance wise before next month? I've heard CoD is always bad on PC, but this is the first time I've played it since I've always been a console cuck.

The game feels heavier like BF and there's no hold to crouch - only toggle on controller. I've only played two games so far, but I'm not really feeling it. I feel as if I've become a boomer because I can't keep up with the kids even though I'm only 23.

What is it now?

PDWchads ww@?

Attached: Mp7.jpg (1138x640, 122K)


I have a 1080ti and still get it when I die

Bf5 has great gameplay but the gun selection isn't the greatest.

this game is unbelievably dogshit

I can't believe how retarded consoletards are

just played like 3 rounds and it is basically the same shit from the past 12 years, if you already have a cod you are already set go play that instead.

Fucking consumist fagots, torrent cod4 and play that shit in free servers, the same buillshit

Attached: oh_yeah_vr.gif (500x281, 3.34M)

>they animated the fire selector

Attached: 1564975084315.png (586x893, 542K)

>expecting a 5-10 GB demo
>dude 40 GB lmao
>finally ready to play
>watch title screens just to get told that peasants are not allowed until the next day
>boot up the game today
>can't find any matches

Attached: 4woah.jpg (1024x910, 163K)

It is the same CoD we've seen since 2010 except it's a tad slower paced. Which is funny since that just makes it worse. What's the point of playing a slow paced CoD when Battlefield exists?

Shitty graphics, shitty animations, shitty sounds, no online, bad customization and no balance.

yup i don’t see how people are saying this is the best cod in years. ground war is a cluster fuck wannabe bf.

>visual recoil out the ass
>TTK is all over the place
>map design is horrid with camping spots literally everywhere
>ground war is some shit copy of battlefield
>you can literally spawn in front of an enemy running towards you in the normal game modes

This game sucks complete ass.

>play for a while
>suck hard
>finally start to git gud
>get a 13 kill killstreak in ground war
>use chopper gunner
>game crashes so badly the console turns off
I thing I'm done.

>see kill cam
>guy bugged underground shooting everyone through the floor.

Hard pass

Gun game was ok but running up to get a gun and only getting c4 so you are fucked is not fun

What a remarkably mediocre game. Surprise surprise, nothing new. Another game designed in a boardroom full of desperate twats in suits.

I'd like to put in my 2 cents and say that MP5's are fucking lasers irl. Even on full giggle the recoil pushes directly backwards and you get virtually no muzzle rise. Theres a reason SOF used them for almost 2 decades.


since this game is dogshit how is insurgency sandstorm?

>10mm conversion for MP5
Oh fuck yes

Attached: oil up.png (1001x1001, 765K)

Runs even worse

>insurgency sandstorm
Slow and boring trash.

Attached: aKVL0Xg0_700w_0.jpg (700x756, 80K)

>no kino AK-74
THIS upsets me. Why is Battlefield 3 the only FPS with a decent 74?

Attached: battlefield-3-battlefield-4-weapon-battlefield-heroes-ak-74-battlefield.jpg (800x549, 74K)

This game has the same problem pixel shooters like Rising Storm and Insurgency have. I can't see who the fuck is shooting at me half the time because of the game world being a blurry mess. Big, vertical maps just don't work in CoD.

I highly doubt that

Is it true that the crossplay only lets you play with people using the same setup?
Thought pc and consoles could all play together but friend claims pc can only play with those on console using keyboard and mouse too.

>muh cod but tacticcool
Just play Squad, it has detailed reloading animations, fire mode switching animations, bipods etc. and the gameplay is far more

>What's the point of playing a slow paced CoD when Battlefield exists?
Battlefield hardly exists anymore. 1 and 5 are trash.

It sucks. Only FPS that matter right now
>ARMA 3 for military DnD
>Squad for actual milsim shit
>EFT for operators operating operationally
>Rising Storm 2 for asymmetric warfare

No? The lobby tells you who's playing on a controller and on what console.

ground war is good but god the lag is ridiculous

>comparing a quasi-milsim to an arcade FPS
are you fucking braindead? please rope yourself immediately

>playing ground war
>both teams repeatedly respawn on the same point in the same room
how do you even let that happen jesus christ it was a fucking mess

No. It's full crossplay. But you can opt out, and that's what console users are doing so they play off input device only. So 99% of kb+m lobbies are PC only, and vice versa for console users.

I don't want to dedicate an hour of my life to following some squeaker LARPing as a soldier dude

>50v50 domination with vehicles
Hope to see cod take a huge shit on nu-battlefield.

Attached: 101841081134.jpg (524x524, 156K)

>have to unlock white men
>niggers and women are available though

Attached: unknown.png (1017x225, 353K)

>Enjoying the game
>Realise it'll still die on PC
>Only alternative is crossplay with a controller which is near unplayable

to bad it's a terrible cluster fuck, the maps aren't big enough. the buildings have a terrible layout

default looks white, tf you complaining about?

Being white is not free, you have to work to enjoy it.

You can play that 6'11" Ivan Drago chad in the Spetsnax slot immediately though.
Also pretty sure Texan dude is white.

Attached: minotaur.jpg (1920x1080, 266K)

>whites are an upgrade
What did they mean by this?

He's not. When you select him, the skin is a nigger.

>internet cuts off every time i open the game

Attached: 1531703882125.jpg (320x320, 8K)

Unless your on Allegiance.
Then its a slav or a chinky slav

>'big' maps
>Put the capture points so close to each other 80% of the map isn't used

Good design


Attached: 129.jpg (625x773, 60K)

isn't this version just a cheap imitation of battlefield?

Battlefield has been trying to be a cheap imitation of Call of Duty recently too. Its like pottery.

Play Allegiance, user.

You literally cant use anything but the M4

>Also pretty sure Texan dude is white.
He's got "racist hispanic guy who self-identifies as white" written all over him.

Sounds based

im having 100% cpu usage on win7, i cant even get in the actual game its unplayable

>see killcam
>guy started seeing you and shooting 2 secs before you could see him on your screen

how can these devs be so fucking incompetent holy shit

Its even worse than the peak advantagr in R6S

Incorrect, you can also use the MP5

The M13 is great too.

Just played a game of ground war, it's impressive for a CoD but the performances seem to take a severe hit sometimes. Also not being able to spot an enemy vehicle is a big problem.
I wish the devs would slow the movement of the bunny-hopping fags.

Attached: 1441017204821.jpg (522x454, 55K)


Attached: OPERATORS-RAINES.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

Its because its p2p, been like that since MW2 and will probably never change.

M13 feels like a mix between the m4 and the mp5. Still the M4A1 is the best all around

No its a better Battlefield. I wanted Battlefield sized maps and players, but without without assholes steamrolling in tanks and planes forcing me to play Engineer to take them out.


I played as this guy for a bit and his voice sounds like a twentysomething white guy pretending to be a black guy on xbox live voice chat

Attached: 1426099957386.gif (320x240, 37K)

>bad taste
the fucking game is godlike, of course the graphics are old retard, there is online, and tell me about one cod that is "balanced" lmao, tell me about another cod that is barely competent and fun to play, no hurry I will wait here

Attached: 1437703499847.jpg (230x220, 6K)

based based based

Holy shit that's way better. Thanks.
I think CoD WW2 had that same crap too.


I want to like it but it just feels like a shittier M4 with worse range and recoil

>more soulless, derivative, designed for market shit please! Liking corporations is contrarian right? Who else just turned 18?

Bf5 is nothing like cod

It's an open beta, it's on the store I guess.

>not tossing a flashbang to murder everyone in the room easily
it's easier to differentiate when you don't play like a fag

LMAO the way consolefags aim and look around is hilarious because they look retarded.

Anyone else having a performance issues?
My rig is pretty good (albeit my CPU is getting a bit dated), but the game is really pushing my CPU to its limits, to the point where Im getting noticable frame drops.
Anyone else? Any remedies?

Attached: cat screaming.png (790x767, 711K)

Does anyone else have random crashes to desktop while in game?

That player model reminds me of a bullshitter who used to be in the military and became a gamedev then claimed to have worked for NASA (those who followed GG might remember the pseudonym "Rockstar"). I wonder if he was the model for that operator.

Shit taste confirmed

>indoors are too dark, even when its extremely bright outside, can't see any enemies
That's on purpose you retard.

BFV is all about the infantry and the run & shoot.

Turn off AA
Set particles to very low
Textures to low/very low
Refresh rate to 90

>requires windows 7
>also requires directx 12

Attached: sense.jpg (422x422, 48K)

>le epik buzzwords
Trannies really are SEETHING

how fast will the game die on PC?


Is the Beta available on Windows yet?

b-but I have a 144hz monitor...
Win7 is compatible with dx12 now, no?

Col of dooty: Modern warfare (2007)
Col of dooty: Modern warfare 2
Col of dooty: Modern warfare 3
Col of dooty: Modern warfare (2019)

nice naming guys

delayed blowback actions are super based for a reason

I'd buy it if I knew the hardcore modes wouldn't die on pc. I loved cod 2 and 4 s&d promod. This zoomer gotta go fast cod just doesn't do anything for me.
That and no community servers. Fuck that shit.

Hope the campaign is good and is gruesome. Animations are great.

Game won't even launch for me :(

PC will be dead in a few months like every CoD on PC.

Crossplay will only go so far.

>lmao try checking your corners fuckface
The only thing you can do to counter corner camping is to just fire a rocket. Flashbangs are easy to ignore so the only other option is to jump into a room and fire at a corner randomly with your fingers crossed you got the right corner.

Why the fuck is loading so fast? It's like 5 seconds and I don't even have an SSD.

There's a dismemberment option in the settings, so they'll at least have gibbing.
Haven't seen it activate yet though.

>still no MW2 remastered
W h y

Yesterday's thread was right. It's not. It's the dumbest cod has EVER been and that truly is saying something. It doesn't know what it wants to do. It has terrible netcode. It has RNG. combine this with the fast TTK and you have an absolute train wreck of a game that has 0 consistency in playstyle or how it plays that only absolute retard could genuinely call good. Gunfights are won by pure luck now, and on top of deaths not showing in leaderboards it's all done to make retards feel lile they've accomplished something instead of getting absolutely shit on like they would be in any other self respecting FPS. Fuck these new games, they are trash.

Attached: 1568787469145.jpg (640x795, 27K)

it's actually a game you meme spouting faggot

YOU SAVED ME. Turning off AutoHotkey worked!

You just criticised somebody for using buzzwords, then immediately used a buzzword yourself. You may be retarded

v50 domination with vehicles
>Hope to see cod take a huge shit on nu-battlefield.
I was hoping so too, but sadly they did piss poor job at it. The autistic running at speed of light like a headless chicken and then camp in corner being the dominant playstyle kinda makes the whole thing a mess.

Why is that even so popular way to play? Is it just tradition? Is the CoD playerbase from the "special" class? Last CoD I played was CoD4 and I don't remember this shit being this bad.

Also I really hate the concept of matchmaking that is influenced by anything else than player connection.

Score overall for the demo: 9/11 made me submit a ticket for refund and got it, lets hope dice can get their shit together and pull their heads out of their asses and dump that shitty WW1/2 meme and either remake or reboot Battlefield 2142.

Attached: 1569053583099.png (773x591, 86K)

Reddit is loving this game too. Look, you even used the epic Reddit word. You fucking faggots need to stay there.

I think all most people really wanted was Battlefield with less vehicles, though, so this works. It's annoying getting dominated by some guy in a helicopter/tank for 30 minutes because no one can kill him.


>He doesn't play as the Frogman dude on Allegiance
Explain yourself

I thought it was only being packaged with windows 7 ports of certain Microsoft games.

I don't even understand how I'm running it


Cod isn't about that. And since cod hasn't been about itself for 10 years (jetpack shit) we're finally getting a good BOTG COD again.

>see enemy first
>enemy sees you first
whoa so cool

Attached: 1554877919281.png (100x93, 8K)

I play as the generic soldier on both factions

5.45 conversion is an attachment


But they will not. Even after a relatively small portion of reddit reee'ing about not having minimap 100% of the time caused them to backtrack, no way in fucking hell are they going to stop the bunnyhopping while aiming around corners autism.

faster than black ops 4
there are a lot of issues on the pc version, but there's crossplay now (which will probably be input-based so useless)

You can still find full servers on bf4

just don't get shot lmao noob

>he can’t take cover
>he can’t use flash bangs
As expected from a shitty wojack poster

theres dx12 on windows 7 now but the win7 version of the game runs like shit, 60fps on the fps counter feels like 25-30fps, you need at least 100fps, lower than that is unplayable

>Knowing the map, listening to enemy movement, catching them off guard and building a strategy around how they play isn't a skill

What good is a FPS game if the TTK is so slow that you have the advantage but the enemy can just turn around and kill you anyway due to their gun or something?

If your game is crashing a lot, change the game to borderless windowed and set the texture quality to medium. Seems to have worked for me.

So why won't they let me see the riot shield yet? I know its in the game but theres still no gameplay of it even by the devs.

>pc beta drops
>people datamine it and find this

Attached: 1567280875143.jpg (640x522, 40K)

Yes, thats how is supposed to work.

As oppososed to what?

If I playing correctly, that means I'm actively attempting to put myself in a better position than you are to shoot you from.

If I go through the trouble of flanking you and shooting you in the back, of course I'm going to kill you. What is the alternative? That you should be able to instantly react and kill me instead?

Is it even in the game? Where are you seeing it?

If you set it to generic, your appearance changes based on the weapon you use. DMR for example makes you wear this ghillie suit.

Attached: sniper_viper_hood.jpg (800x800, 82K)

This MW game is GaaS so I'm sure they will recycle the maps from previous CoD throughout the year of support.

Generic soldier is better since you're less noticable.

How do I play this game? What playstyle is intended here? Is this a manic run n gun reactionary game or a tactical shooter? Nothing I try is working

Attached: bad.jpg (641x641, 73K)

Dataminers have already found a bunch of old maps. Apparently Rust is making a comeback.

>not being able to change it at all
is this the power of console gaming?

Reminder that while progression so far seems to be fine, lootboxes are probably gonna be for Operator and Weapon skins galore.

>take cover
>in a fucking cod game

Nothing impressive

If its just for operator skins and gun camo I couldn't give less of a shit.

they usually dont leave video footage of previous builds in there


Attached: superhot-vr.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)

Its been in the trailers with players using it, but never gameplay from their perspective.

>That you should be able to instantly react and kill me instead?
That's pretty much the logic of these people.
They spent thousands of hours on their aim and get butt hurt when they don't get rewarded for doing that.

the m4 is retardedly strong, literally mogs every weapon both short and long range

>we want to take COD back to its roots
>makes Call of Battlesiege: Rainbow Warfield

Attached: 1528736900609.png (307x307, 107K)

You die too fast to take cover, but it has its uses this time around. You can mount your weapon on the side of any object or on top of any waist-high barrier to control your recoil, for example, or peek doors open by ADS and then interacting so you can toss a grenade into a room without totally exposing yourself..

Nice. Carentan with more open buildings could cool.

Yes you dumb fuck, did I fucking stutter?
They even have a deployable shield you can use

Anything that isnt SMG/carbine is literally useless
Why even bother putting different guns in the game?

stop acting like this game is tactical. while you're trying that little timmy is gonna run straight towards you spraying and kill you

>Why even bother putting different guns in the game?

CoD used to have vehicles in the multiplayer.

The same tactical shooting of COD4/MW2/MW3/Ghosts

>Call of Battlesiege
I'm dying

i just spanked a domination match with the double barrel, just have to play in tight corners
fuck snipers though

>all these mad 14 year olds defending shitty cod

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 9K)

>just have to play in tight corners
this, shotguns will dominate inside buildings.

Spraying ain't worth shit here.

It didn't used to have shitty "deployables" and operators though

lmao im dumb theres just so many people i was always getting like 9th or something

It's not fun tho
M14 for instance is straight up not viable

>riot shield
>plantable doom shield
>AC-130 and nuke
i just hope that tactical knife is in the game oh god please

Vehicles ain't worth shit. They're so vulnerable, have no choice but to be in the open or run through a chaotic bottleneck, and then kill slower than infantry.

Operators are skins that add nothing
Deployables are okay, but they should only be in groundwar

>M14 for instance is straight up not viable
Once you get a proper sight unlocked it is very viable. Two shot kill from pretty much any range.
The ironsights are just dogshit.

I think im gonna buy this. But not at full price and not for a couple months

sprint should be slower
crouching should take longer
time to kill should be longer or shorter like hc.
snipers need to take longer to zoom in
maps are dogshit

try playing like it's cs 1.6 or rainbow six

>then kill slower than infantry.
They're one shot kills if you get a direct hit.

They've removed the Overwatch gimmicks that were introduced with BO3. In Modern Warfare the operators are just characters.

>Operators are skins that add nothing
Then why bother? The only reason they added them was to milk shekels out of stupid goyim calf
>Deployables are okay, but they should only be in groundwar
Fair compromise I guess

Interestingly I only have stutters when spawning (for a second) and dying (for a second). I play on Medium settings for the most part on a 1080Ti. Other than that I can be in the undying struggle for C on Ground War and can handle the entire enemy team throwing lethal and tactical grenades with everyone on screen at the same time. Those are two minor issues for the most part. But a big issue associated with the minor issues is that the spawn system is shit so I will literally spawn a foot away from an enemy in 6v6 and the game will take a shit before I get to react. That awful spawn system in Call of Duty will always be a thing but its upsetting if I didn't even get a chance to react.


it works better in ground war. It's a two shot kill anywhere

>Two shot kill from pretty much any range
Meanwhile MP5 kills in 3 shots and spits bullets 100x faster
Famas kills from any range and is a 1/2 burst kill

Battlefield has aimcone.
First one to spawn gets all the powerful vehicles
Takes literal years to reach max level
Some are completely unplayable due to helicopter/ jet autists camping at the edge of the skybox where you cant shoot them down.

This game just makes me want Battlefield. Is V any good? I feel like the memes are overblown when 1 was pretty good

>MP5 kills in 3 shots and spits bullets 100x faster
Not at a distance.

Nah. Headquarters was in CoD1 since release about 15 years ago. It's been in most CoDs in one form or another. Hardpoint was like a shit version of it.


Also it has rng recoil and terrible netcode so it's not your fault, you're just getting unlucky

The weapon variety works right for Gunfight, but in more traditional modes and especially Ground War there's no point in going against the meta. M4 and MP5 are shitwreckers, unless you set up a good sniping position, and i'm sure snipers are loving Ground War.

>Is V any good?
no. played it when it was free weekend - ran like shit, played like shit

Is NVG mode fun?

5 is shit but 1 and older tittles are decent

Don't forget retarded nonsense spawns that spawn people behind you

Mate the maps are tighter than a little boy's anus
Unless you only play Ground War. MP5 is viable in any map

>37.45GB for a Beta.

Wasn't this supposed to be on a new engine to deal with the NUMEROUS optimization problems that the last few games had on PC?
I see they haven't fixed a god damn thing.

V is shit, might be worth picking up a year from now on sale though once they add more content and private servers. Just play BF4 if you want to play BF

Its cool but pretty gimmicky
Not arguing that MP5 isn't god-tier, but the M14 definitely isn't crap unless you've just unlocked it.
Its great on Grazna Raid.

Played Ground War for two hours.
>Ran terribly on my i5-4670 and 1080ti
>Constant disconnects
>Pre-start deployment intros were neat.
>Game looks acceptable, but AA is trash and makes it look shittier than it should
>Pred missiles make no sound so you have no hope of trying to avoid one
>Gun customization was decent
>VOIP in lobbies is nostalgic, people calling each other niggers, faggots, screaming/yelling in the mic
>Very little recoil to any of the guns makes them feel fairly boring
>Ground vehicles are terribly implemented - they get stuck on every fucking model or object, the cross hair doesn't let you know if your shot will be blocked by an object
>Helis were a nice addition to avoid slogging through the meatgrinder to flank caps
>Dead bodies clip through walls, barrels and other shit
It was alright. Definitely not buying it until it goes on sale down the road for the campaign.

>i5-4670 and 1080ti
no wonder it ran like shit, nice bottleneck retard

Attached: 1555122822530.png (474x711, 90K)

The fuck is EFT

they need to add actual fucking recoil, I shouldn't be able to kill a sniper with an m4

>Pick LMG with deployable cover
>Play groundwar
>become unstoppable MG nest
Honestly this alone sold me on the game. Just reached Level 20 and I haven't even used another weapon. I'm hoping the MG 34 is almost as good.

Escape From Tarkov, a russian promise with no delivery

>I shouldn't be able to kill a sniper with an m4
Why not?

I have no motivation to want to play BF V. I play bf for the immersion and realism and hearing a bunch of females screaming while I'm playing a WW2 game is so fucking stupid.

From what I can tell despite the ttk being lower it's more tactical/slow paced than recent entries.

>snipers need to take longer to zoom in
Speaking about snipers, I like how the lens flare when they have you on sight.

Ground War runs fine for me besides the fucking stutters on jumping to killcams and spawning. I can be stuck there for a full second each spawn because the game has to take a moment to load it in, and then I get killed if I spawned in on a point that's being attacked or a teammate is right around the corner from a fight.

Seriously, am I the only one that's had the same fucking optimization issues across every CoD game since Black Ops II? They're all fucking unplayable for me because of constant frame drops.

I've been looking to replace it. What's a good model these days?

Never played CS in my life dooder

>Rising Storm 2 for asymmetric warfare
Eh. Its not bad but the game just does not have the lasting appeal of Red Orchestra or OG Rising Storm.

its just a green filter

I think because of how bad battlefield 1 and V were, people are trying this game out as a substitute or looking for modern battlefield game. Game's not quite there yet and might not ever be, so waiting for to see if it will improve or if we have to wait for an actual modern day battlefield game.

3700X or 9900K if you have the shekels to drop

Rising storm 2 is fucking trash sadly. Last time I buy a tripwire game.

don't get amd unless you want blue screens

Why's everything SO LOUD?

Reminder to disable crossplay

I turned up the volume so you couldn't hear me and ur mum next door gottem

yeah thats the power of configuring a game to your liking, it's a tough pill to swallow I know

I had a 2500K build that bluescreened all the time faggot

I wish EFT had offline progression separate from online.

Holy shit why is every game such a technical dumpster fire since Blops fucking II? Actually scratch that, WWII ran better than this?

What the fuck is their problem?

>tfw never liked CoD but actually somewhat interested in this
it's an odd feel

*upvotes* xD rofl give this man reddit gold

V is not awful. My brother bought it for me and we had fun together. But its TTK is to high and it lacks a lot of content. Its worth playing on super sale (under $15) if you can convince your friends to buy it with you. But I cannot recommend it otherwise.

You guys probably hate it, but this game would be perfect to me if they let you play a commander like in Battlefield on the Ground War maps. I like the idea of just assisting the teams with spotting, UAVs, strikes and air drops.

Reporting racist dudebros in the lobby to PSN. Can't wait for them to get permabanned

>unironically recommending an i9s and i7s for fucking gaming
are you retarded? even i3s hold up well now a days.

sure you did.

How do I switch to game chat? Does it default you to only talk with your squad outside of lobby?

Running it max at 1080 60+fps on a 970 and 4690k 16gb ram

>being poor

Reminder that even small-arms fire can damage UAVs and shit, so if an asshole is running around in a chopper or has a personal radar don't be afraid to mow it down if you have ammo to spare or can resupply. Faster than launchers on everything short of a tank/APC.

cope, intcel

>CoD has a worst netcode than BF.

Fuck this timeline.

Attached: cod.jpg (1920x1080, 270K)

I have a 1070 and an i7 retard

>muh precious game config


>select groundwar
>there is no squad filter for chat in the lobby
>its a perfect recreation of xbox game chat during cod4 but with 50 more people spamming the mics
Honestly I wouldn't change a thing

ahh so you're an amd fanboy. what's it like only eating this for dinner? dumb poorfaggot

Attached: r5vy5t7avif11.jpg (341x409, 43K)

that's the wonders of P2P.

Really? I have a i5 6600k with a 1080 and I got 70-80 fps consistently with max settings on 1440p. I didn't even install the new driver yet either.

Is that british food?

>as if you need anything higher
you can be well off and not be stupid with your money LMFAO

People acting like its new, its using the Infinite warfare engine, it has the same hud same gun feel just no wall run or double jump with fucked up light and dark rooms terrible maps easily the worst netcode is dogshit the bigger team games are so bad its hilarious this game is a joke the guns are boring the start to each game is gay as fuck flying in the short zoom in on spawns is shit the maps are hot garbage so bad

so you bought that turd used? get a rtx you poorbaby

It was choppy. I had to enable Vsync to about 80 to stay fluid.

No. That's the wonders of tranny code.
This kind of shit always happened on BFBC2 and it had dedicated server.
It's the first time that it happens to me on CoD and MW2 was P2P.

Literally the last 3 PCs I have built have been intel based though. Keep coping retard, intel is shit and I regret buying their products for so long.

>110 weapons
why aren't you playing the better game?

Attached: file.png (768x432, 548K)

I bought it new when it first came out in 2016 actually. I'm waiting for the new line of cards because Im not dropping $2000 like an idiot.

>first time
People killing eachother at the same time, shooting a person and then they turn around and kill you and it's like you never shot them, or them seeing you and shooting but you just seem to die instantly have been plaguing the series since CoD4.

Never heard of it.


thank you, it looks a million times better now

CoD hasn't been P2P for years.

Because that's when they had the genius idea of adding lag comp to help third world mud hut niggers with shitty internet connection get kills.

You work hard and pay for a good internet connection? Tough shit, nerd. Get rekt by Jamal in his tin shack of a house.

explain this shit to an out of touch boomer.

I don't remember it (when i played it on consoles).
But 90% of my time spent on CoD was playing on a hack version with private servers.

Not that user but some players want challenge, and having a one gun to rule them all kinda takes some of that away. Sure you can larp and play without it but you will just gimp your self and be.... well larping at that point and dragging rest of your team down by not being as effective as you can be.

Yeah this is fucking unplayable. Same problem since fucking Ghosts and they still won't fix it. Garbage company.

It has always been on consoles. The last time I remember people with high ping genuinely being at a disadvantage was CoD1, CoD1: UO, CoD2 and MoH:AA(SH/BT). I'm an FPS boomer and the direction shooters are headed in deeply deeply upsets me. If the next halo is another shitty netcode, lag compensation fuckfest of desync and terrible optimization I'm going to sell my PC.

Counter uavs go down so quick it's ridiculous, they're basically useless because of that

CoD didn't have actual dedicated servers until this MW game. They've always claimed to have dedicated servers but it was some kind of hybrid system tied to P2P.

Yeah my i7 @3.60GHz, 16GB of RAM, and 980 Ti are so shit tier that I can't play a game that looks worse than Battlefield and Arma 3 (games that I can get 60+ and 30+ in respectively) at 1080p. That's definitely what it is and not just uh.... Activision being a shit company that doesn't care about the PC market and refuses to fix known issues since Ghosts.

>Game is very fun during the pre-order only beta on PC
>Opens up for everyone to try
>Immediately has hackers

Shouldn't be surprised since it's free and cheaters flock to free games, but still.
>inb4 git gud
Hard to git gud when guys are sprinting in the open but also snap aiming to everybodys head in quick succession for insta kills. Also seen a lot of killcams where I get tracked through walls from distance despite having Ghost.

roblox is pretty much an engine used to create games, games made using the roblox engine are featured on the roblox website and you can play them from there
phantom forces is probably the best roblox game, it has a lot of content and keeps getting updated since 2015, the gameplay is pretty much call of duty

Here's your operator bro

Attached: OPERATORS-SYD.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

I played Roblox back in 2007ish, remember having one of my maps on the frontpage for several weeks. It was a Runescape TDM map with Lumbridge castle and the Clan wars area