Seriously, it ruining gaming.

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I bought Skyrim on PC for £26, launch day.
Now i'm lucky to find a new release that's £45 instead of £50, and that includes digital copies too.

>he's a phoneposter AND a resetera tranny
fuck off

Because getting a good deal takes work and these people are lazy. It's just their laziness ends up causing the rest of us to get scammed.

I’m tired of commies. They aren’t technically bas people, but they sure are annoying

>making it out like bandits by paying $60
What the fuck does this nigger want? To have us pay 80 for a fucking game?

I don't even know what you mean. the second guy i right, games have gotten much more expensive to make.

Why the fuck do liberals want games to be more than $60 it's always fucking them arguing this?

The argument about inflation is fucking retarded for the same reasons it was retarded back when those faggots at Extra Credits tried to pull it.
Not only do salaries not increase at the same pace as inflation does in majority of cases, the United States is hardly the only place where video games are made, sold and bought. In some countries like Japan, video games did become more expensive, while in other countries purchasing power of a consumer went down so maintaining high prices leads to lower sales in the long run.
The only good solution is regional pricing, which is what Steam has been doing to great success.

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Who the fuck is selling Gears 1 for $60?
Who the fuck is BUYING Gears 1 for $60?

Everyone is saying shit like "game prices haven't changed in decades despite inflation," is that actually true in the US?
AAA games in canada used to be 50-60$, now they're like 70-90$

Yup, $60 has been the standard cost for games since 2005.

The wages of people buying video games haven't increased since the late 80s, the market wouldn't last if they increased the price. Even things like special editions push the boundaries and there are usually extras leftover. Games sell at 60 because that's what they sell at.

Don't forget these are the same people who spend all day on Twitter calling to "SMASH CAPITALISM"

The absolute state of Queers 5 shills

I find it interesting that the socialists are pro-corporatism when that was mostly a republican neocon value for the last few decades. I think they realized that they can control those corporations through the fear of appearing controversial to the public which is why they changes their tune to align with people they hated.
They aren't endorsing corporations out of some appreciation for free market competition. They are advocating for creating a ruling class of monopolies/oligopolies that can be controlled by a minority through outrage. There's no contradiction between their pro-corporate and anti-capitalist values.


I hate how, when people bring up "higher game development prices", they never go into detail about it. Because they know the kind of bullshit AAA games end up doing.
>"Well they needed celebrity voice acting obviously"
>"And they needed to make sure the game was extremely pretty because appearance is the most important aspect"
>"So you see, clearly, game development being more expensive just cannot be helped"

Games also sell far more these days due to bigger outreach but shhh those poor devs are starving

When and if the budget / cost of a game is ever made public, always ask yourself how much of it was actually spent on development and how much was spent on marketing.

>if they didnt spend double the games budget in marketing then they wouldnt even break even!

Pick one

>games have gotten much more expensive to make
and have you asked why this is and why it is only applying to AAA games?

AAA devs are some of the most bloated mismanaged pieces of shit. Try and watch an Ubisoft credits screen to see what I mean (30+ mins of names).
And yet games from two decades with tiny development teams were better.
>bu but you need all this fancy technology, and that needs more time and money
Meanwhile Minecraft made by a random swede sells a billion copies and becomes a cultural phenomenon.

They used to be $50 (49.99) as a standard price for a new release. Then they went up to $60. Then the whole delux/collectors eddition meme started and comparing actual average price per person who buys a copy becomes more tricky, but it surely went up again.

keep in mind as well when $50 was standard there was almost no digital distribution either. They surely profit on that.

I was unironically impressed by the fact that they had voice acting for 12 languages.
Too bad the rest of the game was a repetitive piece of shit put together on an assembly line to grind time and money from their customers.

>had voice acting for 12 languages
That's cool and all, but think about the time and money they'd save if they just had subtitles. Or at least put that money towards improving the game in other areas.

Kill white people

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Who cares about what ResetGender has to offer opinion wise, fuck them

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That's a pretty nice pan
Whatcha gonna cook with it?

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Sixty years of the Cold War has made certain types of people really skittish of anything anti-Capitalist, believing any thing that could impede Capitalism, even if it's Capitalism's horrid excesses could instantly turn to Communism even when not doing so fucks them over in the end

good post

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>retardera "liberals" are corporate bootlickers
Gender politics are one of humanity's greatest mistakes


Just some infant foreskins in goyim blood. It's a traditional dish.

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>higher game development prices
Most of that just comes down to advertising, did GTA 5 and Fallout 76 really need to be plastered over the Figueroa Hotel

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>you actually beat me to it

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Then charge $80. $100. Dont do this halfassed shit.

That reads like an angry dev

The stupid thing is it's not even anti-capitalist to be against corps. "Fuck everyone who isn't me" is the assumed default attitude in capitalism, and corps sure as hell ain't me.

>Most of that just comes down to advertising
This. And that shit works. Mediocre shit like Watch Dogs and Anthem sold fine (even if the latter petered out) all because advertising was shoved everyfuckingwhere. Normies will buy up that shit with little thought.

here is the problem:
So i thougth about the same. It doesnt make really sense that i pay 60€ for persona 5 while i payed arround 70€ for fucking Mega Man games that were done by 4 guys.
That is kinda retarded and there is a solution needed.
However, the problem is that if you enable corporate its not like the "deserving" devs would profit but it would be also selling the new starr wars game for 100€ when the movie rreleases or some shit like that.

yes, i am sure developing gta 5 and mega man 1 cost around roughly the same!

Are you intentionally missing the point or are you retarded

he's right tho, Gears 5 is great and the only reason people bitch about it is because of cosmetics which exist in several other games. Don't get me wrong micros in a $60 game shouldn't exist, but they have for years and if gameplay's good in the end, fuck it

This board will never accept that the #1 thing ruining gaming is not muh SJWs, but capitalist greed.

Not my problem. Do what the customer wants or suffer.

>cant refute
and things like cut from disc dlc and mtx are clearly not their prooblem

That's true, SJWs are only the second biggest problem.

>inflation increasing
>consumer buying power continues to go down
>games continue to increase their budgets for shit like marketing and VA
>the required sales numbers continue to increase
>whales exist and will continue to exist
It's really no surprise.

i love poor developer threads.

if its not worth it to make games for the money shutter your studio and start a real estate agency. whats that? the games industry is bigger than the cinema industry you say? larger audience than ever you say?

the money is flowing somewhere and any dev that says they dont make enough for the work put in , is simply making bad games. good games sell enough , bad games dont.

anyone else think gear 5 sucked? who the fucks idea was it to replace a male power fantasy games lead character with an unlikeable dyke? seriously thats like making a rambo remake with an all butch dyke cast, lol then wondering why sjw and actual fans hate it. lol seriously fire the gears 5 story team . its impossible to think of a scenario where its less likely to have a positive outcome . you suck!

>even heat distribution
hell fucking no
it is nice that they're like 400lb of iron though, retain heat like a motherfucker. Wieldier pans lose heat too easy. But like fuck is it even.

>not understanding basic economics on this level
>then give reddit spacing me know good game rant
holy shit

>if its not worth it to make games for the money shutter your studio and start a real estate agency. whats that? the games industry is bigger than the cinema industry you say? larger audience than ever you say?
hey, braniac. I heard the coal industry is pretty big. Why dont you go and be coal miner? Must be pretty well paid because its that huge of industry!

We already pay $80 in canada. $90 for a Nintendo game.

They're right you know. Games are getting cheaper every year because of the fixed price point and gamers still have the audacity to complain like they are victims. If anything you should be thankful for DLC and microtransactions because it enables whales to subsidise games for us. The alternative is that we all pay more and do you really want that? (No you don't.)

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Dumb exchangeratelet.

Got a nice Talmud quote for that?

Alright you dumbass I'll explain it in a way for your pea brain to understand.
The price of game development has gone up as with everything due to improvements in tech, larger teams which are necessary for wrangling the higher tier graphics. But as with all entertainment a lot of the budget gets sidelined for advertisements which can get gimmicky as fuck for AAA and gimmicky shit is expensive. How much do you think being able to get your commercials on prime time television cost, how much is putting a mural on a swanky hotel gonna cost, this shit adds up. It's not the development that balloons game budgets but the insane advertising. To use your retarded example imagine if Mega Man one didn't just have comic book adds but high production value anime commercials during prime time, huge adds on the sides of city buses, custom made limited edition breakfast cereal and custom made statues and figurines if you pre-ordered your NES copy. Now quite a few devs can pull one maybe two of these off (Japanes kusogi devs can find a way to shell out for body pillows and shitty figs too) if they're lucky but AAA devs pour hundreds of millions into advertising far more than they did when Mega Man came out you fucking brain dead troglodyte

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I wouldn't mind paying more for a video game if it meant it was guaranteed there were no microstransactions in the game at all.
But acting like Gears 5 needs the money is ridiculous.
Most of these AAA titles are spending more on marketing than the actual game.

In 2008 the banks and the corporatos were bailed out by the people, ever since then corporatism is communism. Bankruptcy is a feature of capitalism, not a bug. Shitty unprofitable banks and their associated parasite companies need to die.

Actual religious jews are simply much less prevalent, especially in the USA. It's probably list ethnic jews.

Normies, the majority of the audience, won't buy a modern AAA if it doesn't have celebrities and AAA graphics.

>alot of text
so what you are saying is, even if there was 0 ads (which is a retard calculation anways, because they were add costs for games since the MSX days, but i make it easy on your brain) videogames are still more costly and it doesnt make sense they cost exactly the same. Thx for agreeing with me.
Also, if i would were you i wouldnt brought up other entertainment forms. Did you look at the price devolpment of ticket prices, 200 IQ kun?

Or maybe Ubisoft can settle with a few less commercials during the Super Bowl and no murals on hotels for the next Assassin's Creed

>games have gotten much more expensive to make
Which is why big publishers only release like 2 big games a year now. The entire system is fucked from the ground up.

Why are people so mad about things during the most peaceful and well off time in history of humankind?
Lack of personal achievement?

because the people who are "exposing it" are also in it for the money and attention.

I know it's too late to save you from believing in the jewish conspiracy but I'd be remiss if I just let these myths about cast iron stand unchallenged.
1) They certainly are not non-stick even when seasoned well. Not compared to, you know, actual non-stick pans.
2) Heat distribution is another big one. Cast iron takes forever to heat up and its surface temperature will be uneven. You can test this by throwing some flour on a hot pan and see how unevenly it burns, which is also useful for knowing your pan.
3) That's all there is to it.

>corporatism is communism
imagine being this stupid


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>companies should just like make less money dude
Wouldn't that be nice. But until you're ready to join the revolution that's not how the world's gonna work.

if it pays well i might if it doesnt ill do something else. whats that? theres 40 more people that want the position? supply and demand you say?

i got news for you brainiac ive personally stopped buying games with non expansion micro x. go ahead and charge more. im still not going to buy your game, i just will cutoff buying games at an 88% instead of an 80% on metacritic. youre not playing the game right retard. your industry is entertainment and thus optional, dispenseable. youre supposed to say how you hear us and are trying.

Our minds aren't made for constant peaces, simple as that.

>If anything you should be thankful for DLC and microtransactions
Oh fuck off. Now games go down to $20 but all the DLC is like $60 if not more

No, they do this because microtransactions covers the costs of making more games. They only needs a couple of succesgul games to have co stant incomes vs needing to make severals long AAA games that might or might not be a sucess.

you guys have not even the basic understanding of economics, arent you? while there is clearly jewish amount of ads in our generation, you need to learn to use your brain. Do you think it make sense that you would put the same ammount ad money into a 4 million game vs a 30 million game, which can only turrn profit if it sells to a larger audience? And now, say it with me, user, how do you get a larger audience roped in? With ads.
Do you think the avarage joe browses Yea Forums for upcomming videogames? Or that desire is awoken this way to buy a product? like holy shit you can hate big companies all you want but dont bring up retard 4 year old toddler arguments

Advertising affects sales more than actual quality. In many cases it affects normies' enjoyment of the game more too.

everyone else remember minecrafts marketing budget? sold millions .... no billions of copies you say? . spot of advice skip if your "adverstising" budget rivals even half your games development, your game is bad and consumers are catching on.

What I'm saying is they don't need to rely on expensive gimmicks, yes you need to spend on advertising or you game, especially new IPs which will be DOA without it, but shit like Assassin's Creed, GTA or Call of Duty don't need murals on the Figueroa Hotel or murals on the side of city buses that is some of the hallmarks of AAA game advertisements and is incredibly expensive. The complaint isn't dev cost it's how this one portion of dev cost is ballooning way faster than the actual core or the game development

>tranny era

You don't get to the most peaceful and well of time in human history by being content.

Kudos on your ancestors riding peoples coattails though.

Unironically cuckolding.

>bro come on it's time to take the dick everybody else has taken the dick at this point it's just the way things are you can even have fun when the dick is inside you

>companies should just like make less money dude
No they need to play smarter not harder use the advertising money more effectively instead of blowing their wad on the biggest most expensive venues they can find

It is a feature of competition. Minecraft sold well because it was a new idea (nevermind that notch stole it, it was a new thing to the average consumer).

But what happens when an idea is old? When a product is already established? For a while you can try to improve it, but there are only so many ways to improve something. Eventually it gets perfected. Then how do you compete with the competition? You can try to figure out how to make it for less money, this works for a while, but eventually thats optimized too. So whats left? The only thing left is to try and compete for consumer attention; advertising. So competition sees ever growing marketing budgets, and more and more of the profits have to be spent right back on advertising to maintain the attention of the consumer. Eventually it reaches a point where there are no margins anymore, you must spend all your profit on advertising just to stay in business. Then you must start cutting costs in more drastic ways, so you start laying people off, but eventually it becomes apparent that even thats not going to fix anything, so the company goes under, everyone gets laid off, the purchasing power of consumers decreases, and the entire world goes to shit.
This is known as a capitalist crisis, and it is what causes the rate of profit to decrease.
The global rate of profit is, right now, around 15%.

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Gears 1 was made in 2005 and laid out the groundwork for all the sequels to come. They had to do everything from scratch.
The new gears is made off the back of the games that came before it, reusing much of the assets from them.
Having more content is expected because it's easier and cheaper to make by virtue of it being the 5th installment.
And even then, it's arguable if it does have more content.

>Boo-boo think of how we are LITERALLY STEALING from these poor gigantic triple A studios unless they use micrograms actions to scrape by.
This will never not be complete crockshit.
Not only are Triple A studios' profits constantly increasing, they are racking in more profit while releasing less and less games every year.
The "We'd have to bump up the price" argument holds no fucking ground unless you really don't like having money.

We know for a fact that nowadays Triple A studios earn more than half their revenue from microtransactions alone, so if a Triple A game has them, what they should be actually doing is LOWERING the price to about 0.00$.

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>I will never be able to play the original Dark Souls on pc

I really don't want to play Dark Soulless Remastered

again, all this doesnt explain how vidya should cost 60 $ even when dev cost went up unpropotional

Of course things are gonna cost more and if you have the money you're gonna use it but gimmicky shit is expensive how much ad space could you buy if you chose several popular channels at a decent time over chasing a ten second spot at the Super Bowl. It's not about "big company hate" it's about dumb expensive shit inflating budgets

it doesnt though. it seems like most of gears 5 development went to the big empty open worlds in act 2 and 3. gears 1 had more maps and character choices at launch than gears 5. that new call of duty also fucking sucks and is a farcry from the original trilogy. except it will be packed with mtx as well. shits getting bad

Those $60 games were also guaranteed to work forever, or at least several decades. Checked my copy of FF1 on my NES, still works.

Meanwhile on Piss/Bone and even a sizable chunk of 360/PS3 we are screwed once they take away online for the patches/"post launch content".

The millions spent on commissioning canvas bags and fake Nuka Cola, hotel murals and Superbowl adds could be funneled back to the worker ants instead of Don Draper

If people would pay £60-£70 quid for a game they'd price them at that price. They'd sell them at the price that they can get away with.

>The price of game development has gone up
It's actually gone down. Sure, it's gone up on a per game basis, but companies just don't make as many games anymore, preferring instead to put out a couple of games per year pumped full of microtransactions.
As a result, dev costs have gone down dramatically and profits have increased just as much.
Ubisoft used to put out dozens of original games per year, now you get less than a handful ,almost all of them sequels, and they're all pozzed to the brim.
And yet, they're making more money than ever.

Because the customer demands it. If you spend more money than you needed to in making the game it doesn't suddenly make the customer willing to pay more for it.

Because libtrannies arent even buying games. Thats why they dont care about the price

The dev cost went down because they make less games.

Imagine spending money on videogames.

What the fuck does that even mean, you retard.