Game lets you play as the villain

>Game lets you play as the villain

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is this the new FotM indie memeshit?

Sonic Adventure 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day multiplayer

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>Call of duty

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im still annoyed they didn't call this Fowl Play

Asshole Goose Simulator is it's true name, but the creators didn't want to go for that due to it being kid friendly, so they embraced what everyone called it while the populace awaited a name and just left the name at that, Untitled Goose Game.

>game is two hours long

solid pirate
if it was 8-10 stages i probably would've bought it, the game itself is pretty good there's just too little

Did you really expect a 12 hour campaign for a stupid little $15 puzzle game?

>solid pirate
You're not pirating it, you're just receiving the copy that Sweeney graciously paid for.

I expected more than 4 areas and a victory lap.

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Maybe they'll add more content later if it sells?

Oh cool, another "qUiRkY" indie game where you play as an animal. I can practically hear the onions shrieks of bearded manchildren everywhere that think talking about this will make them fit in for the entire week of people giving a shit about this "game" before it disappears back into the aether of irrelevance. It's amazing what no taste normies will latch on to for the sake of emulating a personality.

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>game lets you play as the glorious imperial
>forces you to join the crummy rebels mid-game

>No Canada Goose

And I can see how you touch yourself just for the thought of being against something. Not liking things is always easier as you will always fit in as there's no way your taste is bad.

Good thing Remote Dog paid for my copy then

There's plenty of things I like. I have a pretty specific taste. I don't care about fitting in.

This. Never let people forget this guy ruined everything.

Hate this shit. Games like Langrisser that let you side with the cool empire the whole game are the best.