Game has infinite procedurally generated content

>game has infinite procedurally generated content

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it's clearly finite though

I don't have a brainlet wojak pic because I'm not a fag that saves wojak pics but I would use one here if I had one.

procedural content has an aweful habit of making a lot of the same shit, so it usually winds up being wide but shallow.

no one knows what's outside the observable part retards

Depending on your definition, it has the most or the least content.

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>if it's not obervable the it doesn't exist
This is your brain on atheism.

so your nonretarded conclusion is that it extends forever?
fuck outta here you goomba

This game sucks.

>They found that the universe is at least 250 times larger than the observable universe, or at least 7 trillion light-years across. "That's big, but actually more tightly constrained that many other models," according to MIT Technology Review, which first reported the 2011 story.Jun 7, 2017

Outside the observable universe is the universe. But no one knows what's outside of that.

Because procedural is limited.

Nature is recursive.

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wew lad

We do. Your mom pussy

do you think aliens have videogames

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Honestly Yea Forums, do you think is there life out there? That we are not alone in the galaxy?

Other intelligent life, yes.
Ancient aliens, No.


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You sure they aren't just making all that up?

wait a minute
how do human beings know the milky way is shaped all spiraly like that when we've never actually seen it? literally no human on earth has even seen the milky way in person so how do we know it looks like that?
how do we know any of that looks like that?

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Of course we do, jesus fuck the arrogance of some people.

it's called red shift. Google it

Logical deductions with the experimental data collected

ayy lmao

You have vidya AND jesus?!

>we know but we dont know
ok man

sounds like a lot of hoopla if you ask me

sure, he comes every year, great guy

>he doesn't know that the one thing we know is that we don't know

sooo... you dont know?

You asked us

>tfw Blame! game never ever.

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Come back and say that AFTER google.

>scientist makes shit up that sounds smart, so people still think hes smart

Considering how big the universe is, it is pretty much guaranteed that intelligent aliens exist somewhere out there. The question is whether or not we'll ever meet em.

Most certainly. They will never come to Earth and they have never been here, but there is most certainly intelligent life out there.

Watch this video:
Every little spec of faint brightness is a star. You can only see a little fraction of all the stars in that part of Andromeda. Most stars are believed to have planets.
There are at least 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe.
Most galaxies have billions or up to 100 trillion stars (like in the largest know galaxy).

Imagine 100,000,000,000 galaxies with 100,000,000,000 stars. It's impossible that there's no intelligent life out there.

We can deduce how small your brain is via red shift as well user, it's surprisingly simple.

>infinite procedurally generated content
And all of it's usually shit. Give me good level design over that shit any day.

I fucking refuse that we're alone in this universe.

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deal with it

Most likely, but they're either so fucking biologically strange (we're talking Ammonia based life) that we can never really interact with them or they're of a comparable evolutionary path that they might as well just be reskinned humans.
Its more than likely that we don't have any intelligent life on or above our level in around 200 light years from us though
Because if you look at the night sky you can see the fucking thing and how it bulges in the middle, which suggests that the galaxy is spinning, and therefore not some weird shape like an elliptical or irregular galaxy.

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>200 light years
Even if that was 200,000 light years, it's be fucking nothing. But that doesn't change the fact that what you wrote is true.

What kind of memes do ayy lmaos have?

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Yes, the Bible tells us this.

It'd be fucking nothing if you could travel faster than light, but since you're stuck with barely a percentage of that practically sending anything outside your own solar system is a waste unless your civilization just wants brownie points or you're orks

>game has different wikis

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If we somehow come across aliens in our lifetime, how much porn on the internet do you think there will be of them within 24 hours?

welcome to science

>brainlet doesn't understand science so he dismisses it out of hand

>this mother fucker doesn't know about known unknowns and unknown unknowns

Life? Yes. Intelligent life, very very few if none at all.

Not when I'm done

Consider our current state of technology im amazed how far we have been able to explore the universe without even leaving our own planet aside for one time landing in our moon.

Doesn't erased the fact that you are a god dam retard.

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How does one observe the scale of the universe?

That's because we can't. It's all a bunch of bullshit to control you and disconnect you from God.

>very very few if none at all.
we just don't know enough to make that assumption. We haven't even found microscopic alien life.

If God wanted me to connect to him maybe he should be as fucking cool as a whole universe

If a small planet in a backwater galaxy managed to do it I don't see how other planets couldn't develop life.

I honestly doubt we'll ever meet another civilization though.

How does observing creation disconnect you from god?

It's pretty impressive how much information we're able get from light. You can figure out so much about a distant location in the universe just by looking at its spectrum and how shifted it is.
I'm curious how much new information we'll be able to get from other waves/particles.

0 actual idea any of this shit outside the solar system is accurate. its the same as dinosaurs, scientists just wildly change everything about them every 30 years. literally just people making shit up because they're bored and it affects nothing

There are exactly TWO(2) other intelligent and civilized species in the known universe. A race of giraffe necked silver skinned folk that look like kaminoans from Star Wars. And a race of androgynous dick girls that reproduce hermaphroditically like snails.

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statistically more probable that it does exist than doesn't. That said, they probably won't even be alive during humanity's lifetime, much less in our region of the universe.

I believe so. I just can't imagine with how vast and plentiful of solar systems and galaxies there are that there isn't one that has life. I don't think we'll encounter that in our lifetimes. Space is just so fucking big that we won't have technology that'll be FTL till hundreds of years after us.

>MFW I'll never be captain of my own space ship and fighting other privateers to win the heart of the space pirate queen

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So, what's the point of all that? It's so dreadful to me to think that we will never know what the purpose of all life and the universe is.

What's your conception of god?

>one time
We went to the moon six times user.

>they might as well just be reskinned humans.
Man imagine if all that schlock sci-fi turned out to be true

>we finally make contact with another species
>we arrange a meeting after decades of international debate, development of new technologies and the logistics to support such a monumental meeting in our history
>turns out they're just blue humans with antennae or something

Real big protractor.

On the plus side they'll be just as shocked as we are, and will probably find it just as silly.

I was thinking of actual humans landing on the moon. After we sent people there and back, had there been other missions that successfully put another person there and back?

What's beyond the "beyond"?

>believing in the '69 lunar landing

>you're finally going to meet aliens
>you're the astronaut chosen to make first contact
>you enter an airlock and the door closes and seals shut behind you
>your nerves are racing and you can feel your blood pumping through every inch of your body
>the door on the other side opens
>another human steps into the room

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>devs creates a bunch of details in the skybox
>claims it's content
>99.9999999% of it can't actually be interacted with
How many people has Godman scammed with this shit game? I want my soul back

I still remember that indie game that was about sentient psychic rocks killing an entire crew in a space station because they started to fuck up with the magnetic waves the rocks produce as a form of sentience.

>wait, their penises are right by their assholes?

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Yes, humans walked on the moon six times. There were six manned moon landings through 1972.

Most likely but I don't think that we'll ever figure out FTL travel so it really doesn't matter.

Could wormholes ever be used to explore habitable planets outside of our solar system? Or are we just doomed to never ever meet alien frens throughout our entire existence
I don't care if the alien is just a pile of sludge that can think, I just need closure on this shit

>tfw you got cucked out of walking the moon

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As long as our understanding of physics remains as it is, there is 0 chance of interstellar travel

Great Filter will get us all sooner or later anyway.

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What's the point of knowing all that?

something that it's not that "beyond", a "no-beyond" otherwise it would just be more beyond

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There is no purpose, so we have a lot of time to think about stuff like that.

Not really, if you could even find the exotic matter needed to keep a wormhole open you'd still have to get its exit to where you want to go first, so you'll still be waiting thousands of years before you could go through it.
Not to mention the possible paradoxes wormholes open up.
The only way I see space travel becoming somewhat viable is with an Alcubierre Drive, and that also requires Exotic Matter to be a real thing and for Quantum Gravity to not fuck with General Relativity a huge amount

>we have a lot of time
we really don't

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>It's an alieniggers episode.

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This is what's gonna happen. We're about to hit what filters 99.99% of any intelligent life from further advancing.

Have you ever read game guides?

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kek this can't be real

>tfw every stage of civilization has an innumerable amount of fail states and even if we as a collective do every right move we're still at the mercy of God's RNG as a stray celestial event could in incidentally fuck us over.

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I can't give you the episode or season number but I can assure you that is real.

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There could be a gamma ray burst on its way to us right now and we have no idea.

>The Nygeans governed a sector containing several humanoid species, one of which was the Benkarans. The Benkarans, who occupied less than 10% of Nygean space, made up more than 80% of the prisoners in Nygean prisons.

Did you edit this just now? Am I being rused?

Too bad FTL isn't real and we're not going anywhere.

There's no such thing as outside this universe. Spacetime is expanding. "expanding into what" is applying logic about this universe to the non-universe. Which doesn't exist. There is spacetime and it expands.

>game has a great beginning, but gets boring pretty fast and most of it is just bland, slow, and boring

Hopefully it happens in my lifetime.

>implying humanity needs magic space teleportation to engage in large scale space travel
what is cryogenics
what are generation ships

>that TNG episode "Relics" where the Enterprise finds a planet that's actually just a giant metal shell surrounding a star to keep its power enclosed
>upon breaching the exterior you can see the actual geography of a planet all along the inner wall of the shell
One of the coolest things I've seen, science-fiction related.

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>ywn be an invulnerable being that can fly around the universe exploring whatever you want whenever you want

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>If a starquake happens anywhere within 10 light-years of Earth we're all just straight up fucked.

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the great filter doesnt necessarily mean we all die
it could just mean that there's no feasible means of faster than light travel, so everyone's basically stuck in their lonely little corner forever
or Drake's equation could be total bullshit (probably this)

Just do what the combine do and hope universes. Space travel is impossible, let's just fuck up AU earthlings

The more you think about it the more it's just shocking that we haven't been wiped out by what amounts to RNG. We could all die and there's nothing we can do to stop the earth from being a lifeless rock again.

>those jre episodes with graham hancock and randall carlson
>we could get randomly hit by some mass extinction cataclysmic event and humanity would have to start over again

FTL travel is obviously the filter. It's not going to happen.

>he doesn't know
You only unlock god mode when you kill yourself. If you don't kill yourself, the server admins think you're enjoying the game and will just reincarnate you so you can keep playing as a mortal.
>tfw I legit worry this is partially real and the only way out of this hell is to sudoku

>But no one knows what's outside of that.
the unobservable universe

Of course not, Voyager has its moments. the episode is Repentance Voy S7 E13.

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Post more size comparisons of celestial bodies.

>existential horror: the vidya
no thanks. black holes and really big planets are kinda spooky

Curiosity to see future advancements is the only reason I haven't killed myself.

We've already hit the great filter. The West won't recover from what's ailing it currently.

We've just reversed aging. We can take as long as we want

What about animals? They generally don't sudoku.

Dolphins, whales and sharks kill themselves in captivity