Dark Spirit has invaded!

>Dark Spirit has invaded!

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If something can be within the confines of the game, it is a legitimate strategy.
If Miyazaki didn't want me quitting when invaded then it wouldn't be an option.

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>within the confines if the game
>turning off internet
imagine being this level of seething

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It isn't an option.
Pulling the plug or alt+f4 arent't things that a dev can simply prevent.

You're the one seething. It should punish you if you disconnect after invaded. Otherwise it is a legit strat.

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>Jester Thomas has invaded

yikes, that's a big mega oofy cringe there.

>being mad and crying is a legit strat!

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You're the one crying. I laugh when someone wastes their time invading, so I just unplug and keep playing.

They could punish you for disconnecting.

So this is the power of video game discussion.

>dark spirit has invaded
>clearly hit him
>He takes no dmg
>run away
>die 25 meters away from him by melee hit
dark souls 3 was so ep*c

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More like every DS

yeah a folder like that is a real mega coping seetherino

>cutting the power
>getting a nice bite of 120v

s*yjack deserves it

Is he the new Barneyfag? The autism he emits is astounding.

In that he's based? Yeah

>Dark Spirit has invaded

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I wish there was some other vidoegame board to go to.

Causing so much fear/frustration/anger in your target that they immediately remove their internet connection rather than face you counts as a victory. It's basically an admission that they cannot measure up to you, and any excuse they can give is just a pale attempt to save face. Listen to them and their endless reams of justification. It's all just a defense mechanism so they don't have to admit to their perceived inferiority.

Truly, people who disconnect on invaders are the most emasculated of souls.

user, barneyfag isn't based. He's just really sad. It's like Chris Chan in a way.

There are numerous.

You a horsefucker of some kind?

>that's a big mega oofy cringe there.

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They actually do, but the system is not very good. You need to disconnect dozens of times before it flags you. This shit is literally what the Way of White Circlet is for.

I've always wondered who the fuck makes all of these. It's like there's a warehouse full of chinese monkeys pumping out new variations 24/7.

>keep playing
that black screen in sure fun to look at user

Maybe if autistic tweekers wouldn't make their level 1 min/max build just so they could invade noobs at the starting area of the game.
Invasions peaked at day 1 because no one knew what they were doing so it felt like a fair fight. After week 1, a new player would get invaded constantly by someone at the same level but with +10 meta weapon + ninja flip ring with a clear intent to piss people off.

wait why would he cut it and waste a perfectly good canle when you can just unplug it?

>I've always wondered who the fuck makes all of these. It's like there's a warehouse full of chinese monkeys pumping out new variations 24/7.

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jesus, the basedjaks get more lovecraftian every day

This is why the invasion system of Dark Souls 3 was better. Weapon level limits actually made a lot of sense, the potential to twink was still there, but it didn't just make shit completely trivial. A minmaxed level 30 build invading a new level 30 player and his two friends is pretty fair. All the dedicated invaders I spoke to pretty much hated invading solo players anyway, because it was either 'Duels-at-the-Bonfire Souls' or being a cheap dickhead and running off into the level. Much more fun when the host has 2-3 buddies and is actually attempting to progress and accounting for your presence while you try to set ambushes and hinder his efforts.

That's the true Dark Souls PvP, what it was always supposed to be.

haha it's funny because he looks like people who disagree with me politically and who enjoy things I don't like!!! haha ONIONS!!! KEK!!!! NPC!! haha please stop the lonliness I can't take being a racist adult virgin anymore!!!

>autistically build character as twink to PvP in low level areas with min-maxed shit
>call other people pathetic

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such is his terror

Care to share your folder collection?