Why is Lucina's design so aesthetically appealing?

Why is Lucina's design so aesthetically appealing?

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Because it's a very nice blue.
Also Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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it's not.

Slim white girls are hot. That's it.

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It's probably the use of lighter tones of blue on top of darker ones that allow her to have nice contrast without sticking out like a sore thumb. The gold trim across the outfit along with the tiara is a nice touch.

How tall is she?

I'd wager 5"10', give or take.

Color coordination. Girls who wear clothes with a similar color to their hair mesh well and their outfits features become more stuck on one's mind.

err, 5'10"

Sexy uniform with a cape.

It isn't, It's too blue. In Smash she looks like a blue mass with a sword. Her design is Marth but worse

>explain my opinion to me
That's pretty stupid.

probably the typical JRPG female size: 5"'2-5"4'

These makes sense. Nice usage of primary colors.

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it's the thigh high boots

I hate Lucina! HATE!!

Bitches hair is naturally blue, what white people have natural blue hair? Get the fuck outta here.

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>Young Lucina will never have a puppy love crush with you.
>Lucina will never grow up and meet you while you’re younger
>Lucina will never hear your woes about never meeting s nice girl
>Lucina will never blurt out “I’M A NICE GIRL!” to you.
Why live bros?

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Live in the hopes that there will be a dimensional merge.

>ywn marry a blue haired pretty girl, sent from the future.

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I plan to ascend. Or, in this case, I guess it'd be descend.

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What's her future going to be like now? Does IS have any more plans for her in the future?

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I hope not. She finally got her happy ending.

Because it's non-threatening. She's fairly attractive but not to a point of being intimidatingly so. Most waifufags don't want "sexy" girls like Camilla or Aversa; they want more "cute" plain girls that they can feel as though they'd have more of a shot with. It's why girls like RE2make Clair and BOTW Zelda are so popular with waifufags.

can't draw ol lucina now too pissed off she pisses me off now but have this one i did last time

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You never know. Infact, she could be dealing with a entirely new threat apart from Grima in her timeline.

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Why? What happened?
But she stayed in the past timeline.

Thank god. I want nothing to do with the woman who killed her franchise.

>But she stayed in the past timeline.
Since when? Even so, there's baby Lucina to take account.

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The future she's from is gone. She has neither a way to get back nor a reason to do so. There's no reason for her to remain miserable when she can be happy with her friends in the past.

Fates' Owain, Severa, and Ingio are from a timeline where they went back to their desolate future. Anakos' heart snaps his fingers and brings life back to the planet.

Fates confuses me.

>Most waifufags don't want "sexy" girls like Camilla or Aversa
Aversa maybe, but Camilla?

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Every ending where she's married to someone has her stay, only her solo ending is mildly ambiguous and just says she wanders off. She still has no way back to her timeline or reason to go since all the people she cares about are in the past.

cut to the chase and admit you want to fuck Marth. its okay to desire Marth. Marth is perfect. girlmarth enthusiasts are pathetic.

I want Marth to crossdress as Lucina and seduce Robin.

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Her younger brother Morgan is superior.