user NOOOO!

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Other urls found in this thread:


gonna touch the butt


I love Midna's eye!

I’m going to [fuck] midna

We're playing Cave Explorer whether you like it or not Midna.

oops, my uh fridge is running
bye thread

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anal imp

Do you think Midna prefers vaginal or anal?

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Why does the entire fan-base prefer her as an imp?

Makes no sense.

Attached: midna.jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

true form loses any likeable personality ttraits

Attached: pussygone.png (480x676, 243K)



according to a majority of her art?

Vaginal, but she offers anal.

She's an anal bitch user, is canon


Is she ok?

>Midnafags only talk about their short stack fetishism instead about the gameplay, music and lore of TP

Human form is just generic dark elf chick, nothing exciting. Also lacks any character and personality since she has all of 30 seconds of screen time in a 20 hour game. The player has time to get attached to imp form


TP is the best 3D Zelda after BOTW, just deal with it.

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Why would she have a different personality? She's the same, but hotter. Her personality isn't her body traits

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Her true form doesn't have the same personality. Imp midna is bratty and a dom and a tease.

Turn into your human form and I gonna bury my face into your feet RIGHT NOW

People are visual. It's technically the same character but again people arent going to have nearly the same attachment to her because the design is foreign at that point and only around for a few seconds. Imp form is just more memorable so it makes sense people like it more

Did the TP manga ever get more scans? I can only find new chapters on YouTube with some stupid fucking commentary.


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I hate every zelda game except tp because it gave us Midna, how about that

What's the point of this thread?
Do you guys seriously only think about cooming?

Right now all I'm thinking about is midna.

i just want to expand of the romance between link and human midna

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Only some of us.

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MUCH more expressive features, and plenty of examples of her being likable and sassy, as opposed to "I'm so beautiful, also here's an out of nowhere piece of melodrama, bye forever", and literally nothing else. Hell, you get a coy smile out of human form, and then serious face for the remainder of her screen time, there's absolutely nothing there to get attached to.

Rank the dungeons, bitch.

1. Arbiter's Grounds
2. Snowpeak Ruins
3. City In The Sky
4. Temple of Time
5. Goron Mines
6. Hyrule Castle
7. Palace of Twilight
8. Forest Temple
9. Lakebed Temple

I like the game more than I like Midna.

You are all fucking degenerate

I just want to know about the official manga.

>Arbiter's Grounds
>Snowpeak Ruins
>Temple of Time
>Lakebed Temple
>Palace of Twilight
>Goron Mines
>City in the Sky
>Forest Temple
>Hyrule Castle barely even counts as a dungeon

She's sassy at first but as she warms up to Link and realizes she can trust him more than just use him, she softens her stance a lot. Midna in the entire back half of the game is almost nothing like she is in the beginning.

Made for cock AND yuri

stay mad

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For someone who's supposedly all knowing you don't seem to know where you are

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings user?

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I think the pivotal point was when she gets poisoned and you need to rush her to Zelda. Her personality changes after that.


>Pretty human
>Unique looking imp
Nobody cares about some generic standard of hotness. She looks so much more unique as an imp.


Hyrule Castle was primarily a battle gauntlet above all else, but it did remember nearly every item in the game, the Ganon fights make for the best boss encounter in the game, and is the only dungeon with an optional small key. Speaking of which, the hidden grove section stands tall among most other stretches of any other dungeon. I also have to admit that blowing out the torches stumped me the first time I played the game. Felt real stupid afterwards.


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You aren't going to find a child that looks like imp midna, not even a seriously deformed one.

*unzips dick*

I do both

Attached: Midna and Puppy Link.png (460x630, 39K)

Imagine living your entire life in your normal body, but the second you turn into some creature the world immortalizes you as it.

The fuck is going on with her crotch there?

It's a good thing Midna isn't real and thus her opinion on which form she likes better is irrelevant.

She's got a little fupa

if you had to choose between a conventionally attractive literal who or a stupid sexy imp beloved by the world over which would it be?

Midna is pudgy. Also, you fuckers better vote for her as Queen of Yea Forums.

didn't type correctly, meant this as which would you be

Isn't that Etna?

They re the same person. I'd want the one that didn't feel like a big booty child.

What kind of weird mutant children have you been seeing?

She lost already

How low we have fallen.

Because she looks like a blue poo in loo otherwise

Also want to know this. I was enjoy reading it, but translations stopped and it's way behind.

>he doesn't want a 2' floating onahole

>vote for her as Queen of Yea Forums

Midna better fucking win queen of Yea Forums I can't think of any Yea Forums waifu who consistently has solo threads as frequently and for as long a time as midna has. She fucking helped inspire an entire subset of lewd art.

My first choice in the poll isn't there. I'll vote for her, but only for true form Midna.

I love midna, but i swear to god if you make me shit post I will do it.

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Check the archives. She was up against Fio. Midna vs. Fio and Samus vs. Maya are all that's left.

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>queen of Yea Forums
Where can I see that poll?

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I'm pissed that Zelda isn't going to get any more companion characters because of how much people hated Fi, which Nintendo doesn't understand is because of the constant forced reminders and tutorials from her, not fatigue with companions.


i know who im backing

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There's never threads about it during my time zones. Fair.

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Her human form really was completely wrong for her. She’s spent the whole game with extremely expressive, sinuous body language and exaggerated facial expressions, all about movement, and flowing between different poses, and curved lines, very much showing off how constantly emotional and mischievous she is.

And then at the very end she switches to this tall, serene character who’s defined by long, straight, rigid lines and a fixed, regal poses and very subtle expressions. It’s ridiculous, and no wonder the imp form is so much more beloved. It simply expresses the character people had spent so long getting attached to so much better.

To be fair, those are both generic names, and Marcus is the only MS name most people know.

bowsette was a meme and died as quickly as she came and is strictly bound to /aco/ on her best day and /trash/ every other because of disinterest. Midna doesn't only represent midna, but shortstacks everywhere.

how did anyone lose to these literal whos
what a shit poll

whichever one involves putting my penis inside her belly button

I've never fucking seen this so it must be a retarded burgerhours thing.

Midna looks fucking furious when she gets turned into an imp and loses her throne to Zant. She looks mad when he's around her and she explicitly states that she only cared about returning her world to normal. She didn't choose to look like that; it was literally a curse placed on her and she hated it.

Attached: midna and zant.png (720x480, 273K)

Who the fuck is Fio? Literally who?

TP threads are legit the best threads to discuss Zelda games. Midnathreads haven't been good in a long ass time because most of it is just anons reposting trash-tier imp art and IM SO HORNY IMP ON MY DICK posts,

you have to 18 years or older to post here.

My friend's sister reminds me of midna so much. She's short as fuck and has this mischievous attitude about her. Shame she's my friends sister.

>her opinion on which form she likes better is irrelevant.
She hates the imp form you faggot. She makes this clear early on.

>friends sister
>not your sister
You're in the clear.

Maya got to the final four? I'm beginning to have some faith in you Yea Forums.

>ddlc shit
>lara fucking croft lost to river city girls
How many people voted in this, like five? What the fuck are these nominations, it's missing like 20 people

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I don't even give a fuck about video games im just cooming

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Thats just your perception mixed with the short screen time she has. Had human midna been in the same situations she also would have been bratty and mischievous.

Will you be voting for her as our queen today anons?

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Nope, but you're still a faggot user.

Rutela is the most beautiful and elegant Zelda and you'll never convince me otherwise.

Literally never even seen this, when the fuck did this happen and who's the retard that made the nominations

It was shitty Lara

That’s not the point. Her design itself expresses her character poorly. She’s not regal and serene and subtle, she’s exaggerated and emotional. Her imp form is designed around those traits, with big, exaggerated expressions that are shown with her entire body - big head and overproportioned facial features that take up her whole face, constant body movement into expressive, strongly defined poses. Her true form fails at meshing well with the character, because it’s stiff, defined by straight lines, with more realistic, smaller expressions and none of the sinuous body language. It expresses a serene, regal, noble character.

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I like this list more. The new water temple got no love which is a crime. Its boss was awesome.

>Her design itself expresses her character poorly. She’s not regal and serene and subtle, she’s exaggerated and emotional.
user, the shit she had to go through justifies that. For fucks sakes, her imp is the equivalent of her being a disfigured burn victim.

>be into rock music, animation and wild life
>my natural design as a black man poorly conveys that

user, I understand why people would like imp Midna a lot more. You spend 99% of the game with her and only see twili Midna right before she's about to leave.
But why in the holy mother of fuck would you spend this much time justifying her being an imp? She admits hating it and she sees it as a blight on her and her people. It's okay to say you like the way imp Midna looks, but this is just bizarre.

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You realize that "She admits hating it and she sees it as a blight on her and her people." has literally nothing to do with the conversation, right?

>She admits hating it and she sees it as a blight on her and her people
why does that matterr? he's saying human form doesn't fit her established personality from the entire rest of the game

Goron Mines has to be in my top five. Love the ambiance of the steam and metal.

He's talking from a pure artistic design perspective, in-story justifications and the character's feelings are irrelevant to that.

>You need to base your opinion on which look you like better on what the fictional character fictionally feels is better

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She pretends to hate anal because she wants you to punish her for being so bitchy to you, but she secretly loves it and gets off on pleasure denial.

Don't try and discuss design principles with over-emotional waifufags. The guy you're talking to, at least the main one, is filling every single one of his arguments with the character's feelings. She feels, she hates, etc etc. He can't separate fictional from reality.

Luckily for you, you're not a videogame character or your appearance being in defiance of your personality would be the artistic point.

I always liked Twili over Imp because I like tall girls and Imp's proportions are fucked up.

Thats part of why its so hot bro.

>over-emotional waifufags
So impfags?

That's fine, that's how opinions work, but you can't argue "You need to like dark elf Midna because she likes it more she is depressed and angry in the form you like user!" and not sound like you have brain problems.

>No u
It's all so tiresome.

City in the Sky
Twilight Palace
Hyrule Castle

>It's all so tiresome.
It is, can't have a decent Midna thread without impfags shitting up the place with their shit fetishes.

She can learn to enjoy it, though. Is it still hot if she does, or does it ruin everything if she decides she really likes being small and lightweight enough for you to manhandle while she pretends she doesn’t like it?

If you need to ignore 90% of the content surrounding a character to have a 'decent thread' then you have idiotic standards.

Are we talking Ace Attorney Maya or P2 Maya? Because while they're both a best there's a clear difference here.

>90% of the content
Now you're taking shit out of your ass. There's good Midna art Imp or Twili but fags always try their hardest to post the worst shit here.

>Sable lost to the fucking cacodemon

Fuck this entire thing honestly

Its fun to tease her about it and see her get all flustered I imagine. Look how excited she gets just riding Link.

*spurt spurt spurt*

Animal Crossing isn't popular.

Imp Midna is for big Link dog cock

It's almost like the contrast of her being a princess but also being a plucky tomboy is intentional.
Guess which form you see her more in.

>It's almost like the contrast of her being a princess but also being a plucky tomboy is intentional.
And then she changes form and looks and acts like a princess in defiance of the personality she's supposed to have. What a good 'contrast' where she's both looking and acting in the way expected of that look.

When does she actually say this? Or are people just speculating on facial expressions? Been a long time since I played Toilet Paper.

god I wonder what midna ass tastes like

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Shit and tapeworms, like all asses.

normal people don't have tapeworms jose, that's a thirdworld thing


You'd be surprised, all the rimming aficionados who made this disgusting practice a meme are constantly complaining about intestinal parasites now.

>acts like a princess in defiance of the personality
The first thing she does is jokingly flirt.
Come on.

she wants your babies, so vaginal

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Nah bro, she loves being an imp. Look at how happy she is!

Attached: Twilight Princess - Midna's Curse [HD] 2-27 screenshot.png (854x480, 211K)

>One small 'flirt'
>Is wooden and lifeless the rest of the scene
Amazing character.

I mean she's got plenty of other reasons to be that fucking angry during that scene. For all we know the imp part bothers her the least out of all of them. I just don't think it's enough to be this autistic about preferring regular Midna to imp Midna. Just admit you like one design over the other, this shit about trying to shame people is a little much don't you think?

Why is Midna a 1-off character? Why would they bring her back in other games?

Attached: midna_disappointed.webm (800x220, 863K)

Why are Midna threads always so popular?

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Repeat characters outside of memes (Beadle) and the main trio of retards normally don't get repeat appearances outside of sequels, and Twilight Princess didn't get any sequel games.

Yea Forums has a lot of Anons with shortstack fetishes.

Why would she ever want to come back? She already saved her world, Zant's dead, and everything is normal

In order for you to get intestinal parasites from another person, that person has to have intestinal parasites first dumbass.

The story does absolutely nothing with that concept. You can only do the "guys you don't get it, the design being unfitting is the POINT" if the game actually goes somewhere with that concept.

Man you can really tell who the fanfic readers/writers in the thread are.

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To tie off the cliffhanger involving her implied mutual feelings for Link? He's not ending up with that cold-ass Zelda he barely knows after all, and nobody likes Ilia.

And way more people than you think have them. Look up the statistics.

Midna is irrelevant. Link belongs to Telma now.

There are plenty of other videogame shortstacks (yordles, fairies, asuras...) yet their threads always die after like 80 posts, and it's just 1 guy dumping pics and another guy asking for more
Midna threads always reach 400 / 500 posts with plenty of IPs

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user YES!

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None of those games are popular here.

Midna was one of the first, if not the first, popular shortstacks, I can't really remember any that a lot of people were into before her. Most likely due to The Legend of Zegend being one of the more popular games.

>There was going to be a direct sequel to Twilight Princess
>Miyamoto made them scrap it in early development and turn it into Crossbow Training
>Next game was fucking SS

Attached: 222.jpg (471x291, 14K)

Because that's the form she's in for 99% of the game

Miyamoto has been nothing but a mess of bad decisions for years.


T-They could always go back and finish it, right? The remakes of games from 20+ years ago are flopping, right? They couldn't possibly be making more remakes for easy money instead of coming out with a new game, right?

Attached: midna_bobbing_for_apples.webm (1180x250, 3M)

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Please, everyone gets a turn on Telma, but nobody sticks around.

>that mouth and tongue detail
I can tell what this artists sins are.

I'm predicting the next Zelda spinoff is some fucking awful waifu gacha like they did with pokemon. Maybe she'll be in that.

*sits on your face*

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source i need to coom

Its literally a curse, that's how she refers to it as. She seems furious when beating Zant doesn't fix her to the point of attacking him and killing him. She clearly doesn't like being a walking onahole imp.

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>Is wooden and lifeless the rest of the scene
The scene fucking ends there you retard, the next time we see her is at the mirror where she's saying goodbye to Link.

Jesus I like imp more too but you're being an autist about it.

This! Why don't people wake up and realize her ass is actually bigger when she's human?

oh no come back I love shota androids

Proportionally giant on an imp s'why.

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Spin-off games don't count she needs her own mainline series game where she's in it for 50% of the game or more.

Attached: midna_shaking.webm (1280x540, 2.94M)

Attached: 1567015355351.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

But human midna also has some nice large breasts!

Attached: 1536327014971.jpg (700x420, 43K)

Outside of fanart, not particularly. But that's the good thing about fanart. Us titfags can get off to both true form AND imp this way. True power.

>Can shapeshift
>Doesn't shapeshift into her original form

Attached: Midna - shapeshift.webm (960x500, 1.33M)

Type 'Midna' into any booru and you'll find one true form for every ten imp.

Zant did nothing wrong.

Shut up, Zant.

haha what if you knocked her up and become the king of twlight with her as your queen haha

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Midna got this.

Attached: GoMidnaa.jpg (1000x1695, 702K)

Just how tall is Midna here that all the others are below her waist

My immersion is ruined and my boner is angry

She's standing on a box.


was killed for Yea Forums, lmoa


I don't think she's shapeshifting, just projecting an illusion.