>The perfect Star Wars game doesn't exis-
The perfect Star Wars game doesn't exis-
It does, but that isn't it
>not BF '17
Jedi Academy was the end of an era of good Star Wars games. It's jank as shit and was clearly made on a tight budget but it was a lot of fun.
>lightsabers are basically nerf swords
Lmao and this is good?
>Not playing Visceral Studios' Ragtag
>13 years ago
X-Wing Alliance is still the greatest SW game ever made.
>X-Wing Alliance is still the greatest SW game ever made.
Not even the best star wars flying game
Mate it was shit, button mashing cack with no rhyme or reason. Throw in early 2000 internet lag to the multi-player light saber battles and you have a true stinker
>button mashing
well hello there consolefag
Can't wait for the Platinum Star Wars hack n slash with Bushido Blade damage mechanics!
>The fucking shill couldn't even wait for the 3rd
post to set in.
> button mashing
Way to show you never played it, retard.
how can you even tell whats going on
>posts pve garbage
now post pvp montage and we'll see how good this combat truly is unironically. I spent weeks on duel servers beating the shit out of people
Jedi Academy is easily the best video game ever made
Imagine being faced with a system as intuitive and deep as Jedi Academy and then being retarded enough to only button mash because it wasn't taught in a tutorial
This but unironically.
>rogue squadron 4 never
Is it too hard to make SW films that consist mostly of shit like that webm?
I swear, Disney fucking sucks at quality control allowing hacks like Johnson to make their retarded "subversion of expectations".
KOTOR I and II would like a word with you
Keep an eye on this mod OP, a block mode is gonna arrive publicly eventually. It's super fucking cool.
Outcast was better for SP. Academy for MP. But I honestly think neither will ever be topped.
Only ledditors hated this game.
>tfw we will never have a combat system this involved again
force rage and force heal best combo
What was it about Kotor II's intro level that made it so much more tedious than Kotor I's?
Made by Obsidian.
Literally the only game that nailed the power fantasy of being a Jedi.
The Force Unleashed was so fucking bad I don't know what they were thinking.
no you only get 10 seconds of that and then back to shit nobody cares about
Constant stopping for useless bits of dialogue about what's happening on the ship, long discussions with people you just met, and many tutorials. You spend most of the time just sitting there doing nothing. Taris had you basically get right into the action.
Outcast had way too many instant-kill environmental hazards, "puzzles" and vent-crawling desu.
>tfw you finally get your lightsaber but you get stuck in space vietnam with snipers everywhere
It's boring, goes on for too long, and doesn't focus on Kotor II's strengths (choices and consequences/awesome setting/etc.) Also, Exile is cute.
If you played someone good online at JKA you'd get utterly destroyed.
That made dueling near them fun. Loved it.
You were supposed to start out slow. Grabbing the saber and becoming a Windu tier king would feel ridiculous.
fuck them, seriously
Ah, Dark Forces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Outcast 2: Jedi Academy. One of my favorite titles. The only possible way for it to be better were if it had more Even more PvE Missions.
Force Speed+attack lightspeed slash was the coolest move
how is moviebattles 2
>tfw accidentally killed Desann at start of duel by knocking a pillar onto him
The most janky and inaccurately titled mod ever.
It's super fun, a must play if you love star wars.
Is this a custom face?
>Not han solo
>Not chewie
>Not R2D2
>Generic princess
>Strong, independent female gun slinger with a wicked sense of humor
>Some chinese guy with shit on his face
Seeing that I'm actually glad that they weren't competent enough to get anything working in frostbite. Doesn't seem like they had even a hint of imagination or originality going on in the writing or art departments and the open world aspect would have made it a million times worse than it looks.
>he didnt play male human jayden
but TFU and TFU2 exist
>The Last Jedi was shi-
>This is a template pos-
>30fps capped garbage port on PC
>2nd game takes literally nanoseconds to complete
no thanks, bro
>he doesn't know
you're right about the second game though
The reason why Rogue one's action is so good while TLJ and TFA's is so boring is because they hired a who has talent and experience with creating battle sequences and let him do his thing, right up until they fired him and did reshoots of the character stuff.
Johnson and Abrams are profoundly untalented and unoriginal when it comes to action sequences (and directing in general), which is why their big action sequences are just painfully inferior copies of OT battle sequences and Johnson's big original sequence with the bombers is a hot mess that breaks every rule of making a good action sequence.
>You seem to have posted the wrong Disney Star Wars movie.
Its very clearly modded you faggot liar
What Avengers film are those stills from?
Woahhhhhhhh cgi omggggggggg!!!!!!!
It isn't about CGI.
It's about making every frame in your movie look good.
Too bad its a fucking garbage movie then
Still Better than J.J. and Rian's attempts
They're all fucking shit user its not a contest
Eh, Some shit is better than others.
I mean, would you rather step in deer shit, goose shit, or dog shit?
I would rather not waste my time watching any of them
Star Wars fags are the worst.
You couldn't even pick a good franchise to be autistic about.
Which is a fair and honest opinion, user.
But I'm still going to say that Rogue One was the best of the nuStarwars movies, and the only one to even vaguely approach the prequels' in quality
Beautiful stills, but they are both bad movies
I'd kill for a port of Star Wars Arcade Trilogy. Fighting Vader for the first time was mind blowing
Yes, it was shit
It requires a good spread of skillpoints and actually thinking for yourself to be enjoyable, and since everyone played it straight after the first game (where Persuade was the only skill that ever mattered) nobody could actually use any of the advanced dialogue options.
How do I install Jedi Academy mods? I found an Ahsoka mod and I've never modded the Jedi games
Arent' those games arcade as fuck? No targeting computer or anything?
It was limited by the consoles and engine it was on. It was meant to give off a horror movie vibe but it misses shit like flickering overhead lights and dark corridors. The HK unit shows up too late and only starts humble bragging at the end of your time there.
You can even tell which Hollywood actors they wanted to cast for their interactive movie.
beta cuck here
ESB > TLJ > ANH > RO > RotS > Solo > RotJ > PM > AotC
And for star wars games I didn't play them all but
KOTOR 2 > BF2 OG > KOTOR 1 > Dark Forces > Rogue Squadron > BF 17 > Shadows of the Empire > Jedi Knight 2
JKA has some of the most fun and addicting MP gameplay/combat i've experienced -- the skill ceiling is very high; the tradeoff is the community is definitely the worst/most toxic/mentally ill i've experienced
If I happen to think that the worst thing about Star Wars is "lol this takes place thousands of years ago but literally everything is the same because fuck you" then how could I ever get into Kotor? I still haven't played either for that exact reason.
I think star wars operates the opposite of historical precedence irl, meaning that there's a cycle of war that dominates that galaxy and really halts all progress because everybody
Not to mention the era of peace that featured the jedi order was also some of the weirdest paramilitary peace keeping rather than philosophy building required for cultural growth. The planets themselves too always seem to bend over backwards and never really unite into a singular identity unless it's unga bunga shit or they're doing a singular job like the long neck aliens in clones.
Though I will say it's interesting the first order is able to upgrade to a multiplanet destroyer and a ship that can track through light speed, which means FO has some insane jumps in tech.
Meanwhile hardcore players cut you with accurate advanced slashes that keeps lightsaber inside your body to deal insane dmg, doesnt look good desu, but effective af.
Cope, disneytranny
Wat mod
Yeah gotta say that's what bothers me most. As realistic as it is. Doesn't look cool or stylish at all.
Still a fun as fuck game though.
imagine having the worst taste in the fucking world. How the fuck is the new trilogy better than the prequels even
How healthy is playerbase and how is lightsaber combat?