ITT: Shit that actually happened for some reason

ITT: Shit that actually happened for some reason

Attached: raiden-ac-brotherhood.png (1280x720, 822K)

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What the fuck

Attached: ee5.jpg (328x330, 34K)

Assassins Creed Brotherhood had an unlockable Raiden skin.

Attached: FFXV-AssCreed.png (1024x576, 1.01M)

is that actually fucking real wtf

Cross promo with MGS4 and AC. There was an Altair outfit in MGS4 also.

I actually used that suit non stop since it was ridiculously op. Though in hindsight he just looks like adam jensen in that screenshot

>It's real
How did this exist without barely anyone knowing about it?

Attached: doge.jpg (225x224, 4K)

>there are actually zoomers on Yea Forums who dont know about this

God that hurts. But I admit I played AC Brotherhood and forgot about the raiden skin in that even though now I remember I did unlock it. I remember the hay bale in Peace Walker.

Brilliant. Are there any more simultaneous giants in genres to do such fun crossovers with anymore?

>Lots of multiplat characters
>Big Daddy is from a game that was on Xbox for a year before Playstation
This game was so weird And kinda fun

Attached: psas.jpg (900x532, 155K)

But Assassins' Shit is a zoomer game

AC is 12 years old. Most zoomers were still babies when it came out.

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Is that a reference to the controversy of Diablo 3 being too colourful?

Not gonna lie, i would genuinely like it if they made a sequel to this game, or at least revisit the idea of a PS crossover fighting game.

only faggots play asscreed

Yeah I think if they got a bit of a better roster and made some changes to the gameplay they could make a pretty good sequel, I felt that having meter move being your only way to eliminate was kinda limiting
They better keep my boy in there though

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It was cool at the time up until Brotherhood. Then revelations came and the realisation AC was going to be made an annual affair hit.