Why do Americans love censoring things?

Why do Americans love censoring things?

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Not very much since they're the only ones who make a stink when it happens.

San francisco is the answer to everything wrong with video games

I'd say a lot of problems stem from that part of the US

because they have trump as their president

You got to realize that America is a divided country with no moral consensus.

Because they are stupid, just look at their president

America censors sex. The rest of the world censors violence. Just how it is.


Why do we pretend like censorship is a bad thing?

sex bad

wanton murder good

>fix video games by pozzing them up with the gay
yikes, this is your brain on onions

gating off creative avenues in a creation driven medium is bad.

It is, fag. why does anyone pretend it does any good?

>America censors sex
>also the world's biggest producers of pornography

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Why do you pretend censoring stuff like OP's pic makes sense?

Because censorship can make something more appealing to people that would otherwise have been deterred from buying a product.

Christian guilt despite the missing Christ.

How did you confuse "to" with "for"?

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The worst part is when America drags down Europe with their cringe faggotry

Jews want a monopoly on the porn industry, and this surprises you?

If they don’t change this back I’m going to be pissed.

Those "people" are not worthy of playing viodegames in the first place.

Well since you don't live in America why does it matter to you?

And yet media ratings are exponentially harder on sexual content than they are violence in America.

But then the integrity of the original product is ruined and so is your public image. When has censorship ever helped?

How does removing head petting from a game make people go "Okay NOW I'll buy it!"

Because creepy things make people not want to buy a game, who knew!

coomers btfo

Gore good, boob bad, unga bunga liberals

>hey bro, glad to hear you want to buy this cutesy game with young, lightly clothed girls revolving around an industry that panders to fucking losers
>removing that headpatting really drove up our sales

Rent Free (tm)


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Not only do a lot of issues come from CA in general but also a lot of the problems they claim the US has, are mostly found in CA cities. Their ability to project and inability to fix literally anything is baffling.

>hey bro, glad to hear you want this game thats all about making underaged girls' boobs grow or shrink, has pantyshots all over the place and is practically soft corn porn
>but to drive up sales, we at Sony decided to remove some mini games
>What? The uncensored version sold more?!

>Remove the sex scenes from Monobeno
>"Boy I sure wasn't going to buy that hardcore lolige made by reprehensible deviants before but now I'm happy to give them my money!"
This has literally never happened.

>you see, we at game company realized that we want to cater to a wider audience
>and we'll do so by alienating literally the only people who buy our games

>Lived in muslim country
>everything is censored
>you cant cursed in TV
>you can't showed any private parts in TV, everything is blurred even people smoking got their cigarette blurred
>you can't buy adult video games because of violence and sex in it.
>the only holy grail for me is MTV from satellite channel when I was still young.
>Growing old start to learned about gore and adult game from the US
>start pirating shit because this is the only way I can get them
>feels like a free man in my own country.
>Decade later the US now imitating my own country law.

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Game name?

It's funny to laugh at, especially when idiotic americans like yourself defend it.

You are a complete idiot.

I'm sorry to hear that Ahmed.

it's not "Americans", it's a vocal minority made of of pearl-clutching religious fags and SJWs

Don't be, I didn't picked to be born in this shitty country.
Ever since I was young I [prayed some other country start bombing my country and kill so many people so I got reason to moved to another better country.

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they just got confused because they never saw anyone skinny enough to show vagina bones

We have fallen far friend
very far

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I don't see the problem, unless the game is somehow affected by it, literally who gives a shit. I doubt the emotional impact of this scene is hurt at all but her having a more covering outfit.

>Why do Californians in big cities love censoring things?
I dont know user. I don't know.

I agree. We need to devolve the thread topic back into politics instead of talking about video games.

It used to be Alabama with their conservatism. Now San Francisco has now picked up the banner under liberalism.

You made a request you braindead idiot. Fuck off to /wsr/.

It matters to me faggot because every other state has to put up with your faggotry, Oregon's faggotry, Washington's faggotry, New York's faggotry and New England's faggotry
Make your own ESRB and censor games in your shit parts
Leave us regular americans alone


>he thinks we can gatekeep like Yea Forums
lmao, they actually can do their job

>literally who gives a shit
Well in that case why was it changed?

slippery slope is a very real thing
10 years from now if this keeps going, games from Japan will be outright banned from the USA

absolute brainlet
on the topic of censoring, doesn't the japanese government prohibit the viewing of genitalia on porn? i always remember the nip videos having black bars across the breasts and vagina.

Its funny, at first it was the bible belt conservatives who overacted and tried to senor videogames, now its liberal feminists and nu males.

what a joke

Why did the Europeans censor it as well?

>posts a game when the tard Obama was president
>it's actually the trumps fault

>unless the game is somehow affected by it
Well when a game gets censored it gets censored, so yeah, they're always affected by it.

People who are unhappy with their own lives get a rise out of telling other people how to live their lives. It also gives them a false sense of control likely from having a bad upbringing.

america gets worse the more nonwhite it becomes lol

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American games openly feature boobs and sex now, but for some reason they still censor japshit.

Because all localisations get done for America first and Europe is forced to deal with whatever changes you oversensitive fuckwits demand.

>doesn't the japanese government prohibit the viewing of genitalia on porn?
They also censor gore way more than they used to be. You can thank America and the NU for that since they pestered them way too much.

Why is this just the same thing six times? Yeah it's different pictures but it's all the same model of the same girl

You're importing the same goddamn problem Hans
Too bad you wont have any guns to save you

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>Washington's faggotry

Woah which side of cascades you talking about m8? Because I call tell you right now most of us on the east side can't stand the garbage seattle tries to pull.

Ofc I'm talking about Seattle
How about you faggots do something about that since that one city pretty much invalidates any votes you do?

why do americans automatically assume that anybody who insults america is european?
rent free indeed

More people. Even if all the old folks around these small towns voted against them it wouldn't make a difference.

Because Euros dont know when to quit it Bruce
and for the record your country is way more cucked than ours

Get fucked retards. Maybe you should localize your own shit then faggots.

>Americans pestered the Japanese Government into banning explicit images in their own media

what did he mean by this

>What is international pressure?

indeed it is cucked
one of the many problems of having a technically illegal dual-citizenship english elite ruling the country

>i-its sony fault

Soccer moms and remnants of a retardedly conservative Christian past

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if you think America, the Jewish degeneracy capital of the world, made the Japanese goverment ban explicit images in porn for their own citizens, your a fucking retard.

Soccer moms haven't been a problem for years, it's all the "progressive" left causing the censorship now.

What is this from?

>Neither SMT or Fire Emblem.
>Jpop shit.
>Fucking censorship ontop of it.
I don't like selling my product either.

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America is one big meme about who can panic the most because that's American Values™

The people who don't play videogames love censoring them.

I wish we wouldn't goddammit. Too many busybodies here trying to fuck everyone.

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never forget

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>Jpop idol jambrain shit gets censored, removing the only value it had to jambrains
who cares

They are also the world's biggest exporters and producers of violence so uh y'know heh

It's literally the SJWs

It's already confirmed that they did, don't worry. OP is just retarded.

Dumbfuck newfag trying too hard to fit in



The new age is dominated by screeching harpies and their beta orbiters, and they despise beauty in women.

>literally who gives a shit
It's funny how this argument is always made for a female character, but if you took a hot male and censored him in the same way it'd suddenly be incredibly important.

Don't act like that shit doesn't happen in Europe, in fact it's worse there than in Canada or America

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>rest of the world censors violence
No violent games have ever been banned or censored in Canada, unlike in Europe or Australia which have entire Wikipedia articles devoted to listing all the games banned there

>alabama does this shit
>california does this shit too
What state can we trust games with?

anyone in the midwest, probably

The west is where all this shit is worse, we don't need Hongcouverites making games they've already ruined so many of them

Most of us hate it but unfortunately the loudest screeching autists are all in bed with each other so anything promoting or portraying actual women and beautiful women at that gets fucked over.
This is why you don't support localization kids.

Isn't Japan the country that censor actual porn?

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Leave Japan to their thing. Kill UN. Ignore SJW cries. Ignore conservative cries.

Everybody in the US hates California. If they and Texas would secede things would be 50x better.

Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.

That's one of the big no-nos of branding. You do not focus on customers you do not have at the expense of customers you do have. This is specifically why censorship is bad. Especially when you're trying to sell a product because if you do, someone else will come along and take your customers because you decided to offer less than your competition.

Trump loves lolis, he fucked tons of them with his buddy Epstein. He wouldn't have anything to do with censoring a 17+ high schooler idol dressing like a slut and fucking faceless old men like Tsubasa.

Yes, cause I'm sure microtransactions in full priced games, shitty DLC practices, and rushed releases have nothing on waifufaggotry.

is that milk?

It was a century old law during Japan westernization that was not unchanged because no politic figure crazy enough to say "Hey guys, lets stop censoring our porn"
So basically old christian western law fuck up Japan 100 years ago.

I'm embarrassed for you.

>it's Christians fault that Japan censors porn and hates gays and is racist!
Yeah nah

Can't blame the white men forever.
Are you gonna tell me that black people problems are are the fault of white men?

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hating gays, being racist, and doing away with porn are all very christian things, user

its got nothing to do you bullshittery.
Japan was doing modernization back then and start copying the west, one of them is the fucking porn distribution.
>Article 175. (Distribution of Obscene Objects)A person who distributes, sells or displaysin public an obscene document, drawingor other objects shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 2years, a fine of not more than 2,500,000 yen or a petty fine. The same shall apply toa person who possesses the same for the purpose of sale.
The Penal Code was shitty old as fuck law that has been under changed over the years but no one these days with their right mind would touch any subject related to porn.

I don't blame the west, I blame they actually using west culture for their shitty law.
Why the fuck everyone keep thinking I was blaming the west every time I mention this?
Fucking victim syndrome.

Japan censors it. There is no law in America that requires censoring nudity.
Nope. Movies, tv shows, and various games are full of sex.

DILATE more, FEtard.

Vagina bones are problematic

So we can't complain about Japan's censorship laws because the law was influenced by the west? As always japan can do no wrong.

can America be saved from them so we, the rest of the world, can finally enjoy vidya uncensored and without limits? is a world like this even possible

I knew trying to start a conversation in this place was a fucking mistake.

>no politic figure crazy enough to say "Hey guys, lets stop censoring our porn"
...Because the Japanese population by and large approves of censoring porn. You can't blame whitey for everything.

no you'll just have no videogames because right wingers don't make vidya, they just ban it altogether




How has uncensored content improved your life?

Is it just me, or are we only getting this exact thread reposted a few times a day now, instead of every hour?

Because America = sex bad violence good

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Why is Yea Forums so puritanical when it comes to gore?


It’s because it keeps happening, people need to learn moon runes to avoid this shit.

Sorry pal



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this game is fucking terrible, why do you care if they censor? you 100 percent were not going to buy it before hand

In the amount of time your average Yea Forumsirgin spends complaining about censorship most people could learn three languages

Pretty much. Even George RR complained about this. He could describe a violent scene with exquisite detail and be fine, but he couldn't describe a sex scene with the same detail.

The ironic part is even though the censorship is similar the purpose for it is completely different.

Censorship in Muslim countries is due to very conservative culture, and modern censorship in gaymes is because muh wamyns.

Good fucking grief, this is correct.

I think you may have the wrong idea about Puritans when it comes to violence.

Mississippi, nigga.

There's actually a reason why it's censored like this. You see, Americans love guns. It's actually a national pastime for cops to shoot black men on the street, which they see as a compliment. Not pointing a gun at them is actually more insulting than pointing a gun on them because it implies they're not worth the cost of buying a bullet and firing it at them.

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>insulated from the (((porn))) industry
>going crazy because pussy hard to get and "other options" are nothing to be proud of
>drowning in (((porn)))
>thots & bitches & porn down to a science
>coomer booming your very life essence out of you
You had it best when it was hard to get.

I wonder if there have been studies correlating availability of pornography to birthrates

Why would you even consider playing this game to begin with?

Why don't euros just make their own translations if they hate ours so much

God how many problems would be solved if we just fucking glassed san fran right this very second? So many.

>smoking weed was fucking great when it was illegal
>now is legal, i barely want to smoke it.

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you'd be having more frequent debt ceiling debates and splinter into different conservative factions because you can't survive without someone else to blame

I'm up to like the 4th dungeon and not a single person in-game has mentioned her gigantic tits

You insipid faggot I voted for obama twice. This is the reason sanfran must be glassed. Stop sniffing your own farts and pay attention to the world around you you ignorant sack of shit.

point still stands, the only thing that will change is you have less federal funds. literally none of your problems will go away

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I agree with the other user, San Fran and La need to be glassed

Oh no, the Miltech budget will drop by a fraction of a percent. How terrible.

I'm fine with that since I live in a blue state but I'm not sure how the red states will survive without California's welfare.

they'll just cancel anything that could be considered a subsidy and split the savings between military and israel

I'm sure they'll do just fine with the food that they grow for the rest of the nation
Food has more value than Aids califaggot

she's 13



It's almost like there's a difference in culture
Almost like the age of consent is different in different countries. I can't possibly fathom as to why they just put more clothing on my blatant waifu bait of a character, how dare they. It's not like I look at her fan art to jack off to it anyways!

Ah but we live in a "multicultural" society you bigot
My culture is cool with having girls show a little skin?
Come on faggot follow the rules

We don't. Japan is 98% tojo.

It would unironically make America great again. I literally cannot find any benefit to keeping California around.

oh whoops I'm sorry I thought you were the Califaggot
my bad

Because despite
being an absolute fucking joke of a barrier to entry, you would get laughed out of court if you tried to get pornography banned/censored on behalf of children because it clearly says the content is not appropriate for them. Same goes for R rated movies.
Video games on the other hand despite having similar age and content ratings are apparently removed from this logic. So when underageb&'d sees tits and some skin in the M rated game mommy bought him, it's the game's fault and no one else's.
Its fucking stupid and I hate it

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what do you think the ratio of posters who've had sex to posters who haven't had sex is in this thread.

40% of them are gonna die soon thats for sure

I'm not as offended by the censorship as by the total fashion-illiteracy of whoever did this to Tsubasa, the line of the costume (And also the wedding dress) is ruined by these amateurish edits, there's intelligent ways of censoring things without making them look ugly and stupid.

I mean, look at Lin from Xenoblade X, yes, the outfits are censored for the sake of not having a 14 year old loli prancing around in the same stripper outfits as the 18+ whores of the city, but they're not ruined, they look good, whoever censored them knew how to keep the outfit looking good, whoever censored TMS#FE is just inept at designing clothing, probably a woman since women rarely have talent for fashion design.

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They ruined Resident Evil 5 because they love blacks so much.

Fuck america.

It's because the people in charge are mostly old boomers who never grew up with video games and so they think games like Pac Man and God of War are the same

There's absolutely nothing wrong having adult girls show skin
But the way it's portrayed in Japan is obviously sexualized dude, you literally cannot say her appearance in the JPN version isn't sexual at all, she's young, dude. Again, why does censorship matter to you all in this case? It's literally not even big deal knowing you all jack off to off model porn of her anyways

The censor is better in this case imo. The amount of undress in the original just out in public is distasteful when contrasted against what I'm picking up as a cutesy personality. If she was supposed to be a bimbo sure, but in this case the censor just fits better.

America was settled by religious nuts who were too zealous for the UK. Hence why ‘murica has such a problem with sexuality.

>cry about how evil video games need a rating system to protect children from evil video games
>get a rating system to protect children from evil video games
>continue to cry about children playing evil video games because you can't be bothered to read a letter

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It’s always a bad thing. Nothing should be censored. Yes, NOTHING

because we're faggots.

Isn't it fucking weird how japan censors it's porn but not these games? Guess which country has a higher birth rate

I dont give a fuck
it's all fictional and hand drawn
Jokes on you I prefer tall girl, tomboy, and dark skin tags

People like you need to be publicly executed

We have "higher birth rates" because everyone but white people have kids
White people are stuck in college or in some dead end wagecuck shit to pay for them

neck yourself statist bootlicker


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She's fucking ugly so the censored versions are actually improvements

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Is Texas comfy? I never left California and am stuck with family to cut costs. 2 bedroom apartment is 2k a month and I cant get a proper job until i get my degree.

cartoons are for children....this anime shit is for pedos who have childlike minds but adult urges

Yeah you tell them Epstein

Don't fucking come here. Cali expats are goddamn parasites.
Stay in your containment state.

everything is bigger in texas, so you have to keep that in mind

Says the childish christcuck who thinks his invisible magician gives 2 shits about him

>t. westcuck developer


Why so rude?

she looks better on the right actually

Americans are retarded

fuck you

what are you talking about religion for? im not religious you pedo faggot

We dont want you around
t. Florida man

gaylord faggot

>Just fill in empty spaces with black paint
>"Looks good!"
What's wrong with you?

the censored version actually looks better

You talk like people would willing go to florida, even flordians are trying to escape from there

her design on the left isn't as tasteful as on the right
maybe if you weren't a retarded coombrain you'd understand why

your overweight aren't you user? you will die alone you know that right?

VIOLENCE GOOD SEX BAD, the amerikek mindset

Sorry, your blind and ignorant hatred for things you don't understand made it hard to distinguish you from them.

Florida is fine outside of South East FL which is a spic shithole


I think I actually prefer the "censored" version. Bikinis are easy lewd. But a nice short crop top, or tank top, or sports bra even leaves more to the imagination and ends up being hotter.

Go on user. Don't be scared, it's just a childish umbrella

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i'm 120 lbs

They invented freedom, so they can handle it as they want.

So what's the faggot excuse this time? Is this another SNOY game?

California is the proof Moralism is the problem.

>sex bad! school shooting good!
Your choice. I'm having sex with my woman tonight.

Not him but.
Another skeleton bro. I have been 100-110lb weight range for the past 9 years. Haha
kill me

No one say Europe or Canada didnt censor shit, thought.

This image will never grow old

Then why do they need so much money from them now?

But I thought the joos wanted us to be sexual deviants. This is all very confusing

Because they actually don't, fucking faggot
Your state is the most unequal in wealth

Jews hate normal sexuality, everything needs to be gay and degenerate

i've always been around this weight (give or take -3/+3) for as long as i can remember
went on a fast food binge just to see if it would do anything, nope
what's your height?

Anime girls are not "normal sexuality"

Everything bad is joos, don't you know? Even the joos did the holocaust.

>conservatives censored vidya
Literally never happened. Leftists are the ones who did that. Did you think Jack Thompson was a conservative?

So what you're getting at is the kind of person who ironically post coombrain is a small man with low testosterone, unless you aren't a man which would just make you a femcel for caring.

And little girls are? Mr. Epstein?

>this is your mind on /pol/

We should give California to Mexico and test more nukes on Nevada to make the boarder an impassable radioactive zone.

>conservatives censored vidya
Less censor, more POKEMON IS SATAN

Yeah they can be. Dummy. Its a medium, not an ends.

fucking welfare queens

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>And little girls are? Mr. Epstein?
So Xenoblade X was made by jews? And then cenosred by jews?

The money goes to farmers so that food will always grow
Sorry but your illegals and faggots aren't a natural resource

California has the highest agricultural output in the US. California is more important than whatever flyover you're from, by any measure.

>DC not included

the biggest welware queens of the lot

Almonds dont mean shit

DC aint no state

And you crossed the line, spic

Not him but I really don't think California's actual hardworking citizens appreciate citytrash riding on their coattails especially since they've been pressing for California to split into two states for the past 50 years.

I drove through Mississippi this summer, all I saw was Dollar stores and churches every 3 miles.

It's like the entire border and immigration debacle all over again. This is why you shouldn't let anyone lower than 24 y/o to vote. Kids are fucking retarded and a bunch of lazy schmuck to even fact check. Their entire school life is them being fed with whatever opinion that their hippie teachers have.

And a certain demographic...


Because they can shoot to kill anyone who disagrees on their censorship

But I thought only snoy censored? Umm, Switchbros?

Poor Christians?


Yeah, but why?

based niggy

But you just said they didn't need money because they farming was enough on its own

Soccer moms never disappeared and are still behind most of censorship. Why the fuck do you think Trump blamed video games for mass shootings? It certainly wasn't to appease SJWs.

I wouldn't pay taxes either if I didn't have representation

It's really not a big deal to alter a 17 year old idols clothes and then change her age to better localize the game

The US without Cali and Texas would be Canada-tier on the world stage, and it would lead to the age of China's global hegemon

>other states can't fill the vacuum
delusional califag

Why would I want to buy a game where you play as a singing prostitute?

*goes back to cooming to censored hentai*

The State of Jefferson would only represent a pityful percent of California's total yield, and wouldn't have the means to purchase the imported water they direly need for their crops.

The high taxes and high pricetag on gas fucks them up, but leavimg California would leave them even more fucked and vulnerable.

wouldn't other states attract the same type of people? California used to be republican

Why do Japanese love censoring things?

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No, the other States can't pull out an extra 40% GDP from their asses to compensate for Cali and Texas paying for all their shit. Suffice that New York and New England leave, and you've got the makings of a third world country.

Right looks bettee, but still, censorship is bad and America should be ashamed

n-not an argument amerimutt :(((

California was Republican during the Reagan years, when everyone was Republican.


>when everyone was Republican.
What do you mean?

fucking anti-Irish bastards

>america censor sex
>”actually there tons of movies with sex and nudity, unlike in japan”

Although I agree that censorship is bad, the design on the right is definitely more visually appealing.

Funny how that works, almost as if the more you tell people no the more they want it.

And what does that do with what he said user

He gets to go on Yea Forums for one thing

wtf did her legs get shorter too?

>income inequality means the state is poorer
Lmao, this Alabama nigger thinks that homeless parasites are a proper representation of Cali's wealth.

Get ready to have your mind blown, faggot, the homeless move to places like Oregon and California SPECIFICALLY because they are so rich and successful and they want a piece of the pie

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Somewhere super libertarian.

Midwest means the middle of the country.

Continue to seethe, Califaggots, I'm a Florida man and nothing makes me happier than seeing you and New York become shitholes due to your arrogance

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Why do flyover states hate Cali so much bruh?

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49 out of the 50 states voted Republican under Reagan. To say that "California used to vote Republican" is misleading because it only voted Republican when all of the other states did too.

which is funny because you would think a lesson would be learned from prohibition days

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Didn't some states in america recently pass a law to let girls as young as 11 walk around topless?

It's not like a shitload of people here aren't pro-censorship when it suits them. Any time a non-white character shows up in a fantasy or historical setting or anything else people see as "progressive" happens in a game there are calls for boycotts and petitions demanding changes

Surprising no one, Floridians are literally retarded

Success breeds jealousy.

Also, they resent being called out for their parasitic behavior. I seriously wish we'd have a right wing party that wasn't so dependent on their vote so that we could properly ween them off their welfare and let them fend for themselves (and subsequently fall into permanent poverty)

Americans never learn.

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68-88 California voted Republican

Attached: Cali.png (770x261, 16K)

>That's one of the big no-nos of branding. You do not focus on customers you do not have at the expense of customers you do have.
The problem is this will ALWAYS happen because of the obsession with making more and more with each new release meaning you will always need more customers.

The turbonigger State that neither the left or the right wants to claim due to it being on a whole new level of awful

Right looks better

To be fair, it wasn't just video games old people hated. Movies, TV, comic books, rap music, etc have all been scapegoats for whatever they needed a scapegoat for as well. Old people are always going to hate things that they didn't grow up with.

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And stay out

Is censorship acceptable on extreme cases.

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Why do third worlders have this endless fascination with Americans?


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considering pokemon is made for 5 year olds I'm confused why that was there to begin with

What something that you hate is being censored?

They hired a porn artist to draw that manga, this was the natural result.

I believe the aussies call it tall poppy syndrome

Attached: One Piece American Censorship.jpg (857x320, 220K)

Why did Square Enix have an ethics department?

Censorship isn't good period you fucking retard

The only time I can accept censorship is if we're in a legitimate war with another major power and media control is necessary in order to not harm the war effort. I don't like the censorship that the US employed during WW2 but I accept it was probably the right thing to do in that instance.

Violence is actually more enjoyable than sex.

5 year olds love tits retard.

Unironically this, especially if you get off on being punched in the face.

eww cooties

We should honestly kick you out of the Union. Let your swampy ass get ravaged by natural disasters and be forced to beg the neighbouring countries for help. It'd be fucking hilarious.

Lmao FL actually managed to leave the Union unlike you Calicuck
They had to drag us back in kicking and screaming

>Being proud of America's literal penis

Theres a reason shit like Floridaman exists. Your state is the fucking Randy Pitchford of states.

Those aren't people, they're faggots and casuals that aren't buying either way.


>can't even survive on its own
Absolutely pathetic. The Texas-NY-Cali trifecta wins again

What do you mean?
The whole Union had to fight Florida and the South to force us back and save their pet niggers