What's your favorite horror game?

What's your favorite horror game?

Attached: 1561396811210.jpg (584x433, 60K)

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Oh no is he okay?

he leaned back too far and rippen

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

Before anyone asks this is the carnival ride where the centrifugal force pins you to the wall. The carny who runs it ride is showing off.

From his clothes and tats he's a carny, he's doing it deliberately.

post the webm

Grieger or anything with phallic imagery

Attached: bit it right off.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

sorry, don't got that but have this instead

it's pasta.

Silent Hill 2 overall. But Resident Evil Remake 2 is what I recommend over it just because it's more playable and enjoyable.

Attached: 1568602249094.png (1107x886, 884K)

very kubrick-esque

The fuck is that


Is this the only good meme to ever come out of /x/

Castlevania IV

i liked when tulpa's were a big meme on the anime boards, people really thought they could make their waifus real

We call them sea niggers over here in south carolina


it's a geoduck you uneducated swine.

Attached: 1564968884126 (1).png (326x288, 33K)

You really think the image would be that detailed if the ride were actually spinning? It's turned off and leaned to the side. Some are lying down and one guy is standing. But cucks will still believe it. Go on, prove me right.

Fall on a vertical broomstick

I only have this.

Attached: RIPPEN.gif (584x433, 1.04M)

>oversized phallic mollusk
Everything about this is fucking disgusting.

Rofl what? If you're also on the ride it doesn't look like anyone else is spinning... also I have doubts that a ride like that can even be put on its side

Yeah it's disgusting. She should have at least given it a suck before biting though, it would have been VERY funny!

would've been a kino webm if she did.

I wonder how it feels haha



nono it's geoDUDE user

More like a Geodick.