
Attached: same.png (507x571, 373K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>how i feel when playing an MMO

Object labeling macros are low-quality reddit memes incarnate.
Fuck off and go back there, fucking crossposting scum.

Playing a game for the story is like going to a restaurant for the ketchup packets.

Introverts are scum.

maybe reddit's more your speed, champ

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>food analogy

I spend all day around people, I don't feel like gaming with a bunch of randos

would have been better if you said, to read the menu

Wow bro...so deep I can relate....we live in a society.

>people are now starting to call single player games “story games”

>food analogy

>story mode = just the story element

people like a tailored, narrative overall experience sometimes. the "emergent gameplay" meme is just justification for laziness

>Introverts are scum.

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Based, I'll have 50 ketchup packets please. Just squirt them all in my mouth at once

This. Minecraft in single player doesn't has a plot.

Can't we just play co-op?

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Based mom socializing her kid so she doesn't become an autistic fuck

99.9% of all school shooters are introverts

how would you know?

>takes away singleplayer and forces multi

name 1 game

100% of school shooters breathe oxygen
oxy-normies must die

>bother no one
>literally just want to be left alone

Attached: oighjfrte.jpg (640x480, 110K)

if you wanted the true/secret ending for mass effect 3, you had to play MP

Unreal Tournament series?

play unreal championship lmao

cowa dootdoot

Don't mind me, just posting cute

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An introvert is not the same thing as an outcast.

>most of them think of themselves as superior in their minds
>sincerely believe themselves to be loners because people like jerks over quiet nice guys and not because they’re fucking boring
>fantasizes about killing you
>shoots up the school
>finds excuses to leave a good time
>are usually unfunny dicks online

introverts get the girls too

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coping friendlet

Story mode is just another way of saying single player campaign

enjoy depending on others for your enjoyment, you're essentially an annoying child to us grown ups.

I go to Chic-Fil-A as often as possible to keep a stock of these suckers on hand. They are just the most darn nifty thing imaginable and the good Christian folk at Chic-Fil-A let you take as many as you like.

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This is what happened to Call of Duty. Used to be an immersive history shooter and the campaigns slowly get worse.

I see them printed out and pasted on college walls, proof it went at least through 3 or 4 layers of more shit websites.

At least it had some nice missions like the one in Cod 4 with the gunship. Even if it was simple fun time begin, fun time end.

>why don't you want spend your time doing something you like with smelly,ugly,dumb,retarded,probably underage incels who just want to scream at people online?

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You're right and the salty as fuck replies prove it

This thread is terrible, lets just have a GuP thread instead.

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CoD4 was where it started going downhill because the multiplayer got super popular. As more focus was placed on it the singleplayer campaigns became more of an after thought. MW2 and BLOPS weren't bad, but you could already see the writing progressively start to resemble big budget action movies, plot holes and all.

>All those shermans
Why are shermans so AESTHETIC?

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God those look so fucking nice compared to having to open 3 packets at a time to get enough to dip with

Literally this it takes no effort at all, its nigger tier. OPs image hardly makes sense. Fucking cancer

never forget this fucking garbage

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dude just remove multiplayer lmao

do americans really like ketchup that much?

I enjoy singleplayer modes and singleplayer games in general.
I'm around people enough at work as it is.
I play games to relax and get away from other people.

It's inherently human to be social and outgoing. Therefor, introverts are the least human a humanoid can be, less so than an autist, less than a black and even less than a lizardman or jew.

literally every fast food restaurant has fries, what else would you put on them? ketchup packets are for when you get your meal to go. it's for convenience.

the ABSOLUTE STATE of neo-nu/v/
normalfags really have taken over, haven't they?

imagine being so fat

>responding to obsessed posters


cole slaw on fries is delicious

I don't have autism so numbers and gains are not my only motivation for playing a game. I like a game to have good game play to keep me entertained and a good story to motivate me to keep playing.

this is ff14 so hard
all those random quests and story and suddenly a mandatory dungeon with 3 strangers

There are people who seriously type things like that and thinks it's good enough to actually represent their opinion and post it.

>Being an introvert is bad
To a point sure. If youre literally never going out and looking for any reason not to leave the house (Like ordering food instead of going to pick it up)you have a problem.

On the contrary, i have no problems. In fact, most problems in my life arise because there are other people

Plant gang rise up

I don't see any problem.

*generalises based off of reddit """introverts"""*

Are you aware that every country has introverts? Yet only America has these people

Introverts tend to blame a lot of anti-social behavior and unhealthy lifestyle choices on being "introverted"

and for some reason consider themselves smarter or more sensitive because they can't function in public spaces

>99.9% of all school shooters are introverts
99% of school shooters are black and extroverted as fuck.

Stop LARPing as extroverts, you're on Yea Forums for crying out loud.

>playing with other people
What's the use? Oyher people hate me for being slightly fatter than normal, hate me for liking things they don't like, even tho it is harmless, and hate me because I'm honest. So what's the use of playing with others?

>Hell is other people

Let me post an actual introvert.

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Black pepper

>and for some reason consider themselves smarter
Because we are

>someone other than me read that story about the three sinners
Foegot the title. But I once told my friend that my headcanon is telling me it ended in a threesome.

Didn't have a real story (it did but 90% of players did other shit) but I really loved playing oblivion

the fact that we can't process thoughts properly in public situations makes us mentally handicapped, not smarter

shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

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You seem to be confusing introversion with autism.

I'm not, but most introverts seem to.

If you can't have deep thoughts in public places, then you're mentally restricted. Even worse, you worry about your public image above all other concerns, including your own alleged passions

Who the fuck has ever said they can't think deeply in public places? Maybe that they don't like public places sure. The most I've seen people say is it's very tiring to socialise or be outside too long.

>The most I've seen people say is it's very tiring to socialise or be outside too long
That's pretty much the definition of introversion. The person you responded to doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. Self consciousness also isn't a part of introversion, although it probably correlates with it

I'd still knock you out tho

We pollute the inside rather than the outside like extroverts.

Literally everyone finds it tiring to socialize for too long, and everyone is self-conscious to some degree

Sport is also tiring for everyone but there are people who enjoy sport and people who do not.

Extroverts are mindless scum.

How stupid do you have to be to not understand OP's image? It's pretty straightforward.

Yes, but people don't abstain from sports because it's "tiring", but because they don't enjoy it

Socializing isn't always enjoyable either, and some people don't enjoy it at all. But it's somewhat offensive to tell people that you don't enjoy interacting with them, so you have "introverts" rationalizing putting their own needs above others.

But they assume that 'extroverted' people always enjoy socializing, when in reality everyone involves themselves in smalltalk and social events that they don't personally enjoy just for the sake of social cohesion. They might not like a social activity, but they enjoy making other people happy up to a point.

>when in reality everyone involves themselves in smalltalk
Not all countries indulge in smalltalk


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Absolutely based, look at how many seething introverts replied
They couldn't talk to you irl because "gotta zip zap zoopity bop my batteries doggo!!!"
Introverts are pure reddit

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This is just bullshit. There are plenty of people who spend all their time at parties hanging out with other people purely because they want to. There are people who, after a hard day at work, want to go and socialise with friends in order to relax and recharge.
For an introvert socialising IS work. They'll most likely still do it to an extent, in the same way people can work as a hobby, but that's very different from how an extrovert treats socialising. The fact that extroverts don't enjoy every instance of small talk has nothing to do with anything

Damn what the fuck? I never knew they had these. Will steal some now and actually go to chic-fil-a

Typical modern nugamer thinks the only choice in gaming is storyshit and multiplayer garbage.
Go play real games. Preferably ones made before you were born, back when gaming wasn't full of fucking shit.

Reminder that the scale of introverts to extroverts is a bell curve and the vast majority of people are in the middle, being “average”. It’s very very likely that you aren’t an introvert or an extrovert
Actually, Yea Forums probably leans more towards the introvert side, but only a few people could actually be classified as such

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fucking americans

wow, its like its in the fucking name

>food analogy

>ketchup packets

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I'd say I'm more extroverted. Talkong to people is fun and I never needed to "recharge" or whatever numale terminology introverts use. Yes, there are times where I simply don't want to speak to someone because I don't like them, bit that's about it. I can go to a function and not go on my phone once, for example.

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Have you considered *why* it's more work for some people than others? Because you're putting more conscious thought into socializing, calculating what to say and how to present oneself. This is what happens in the absence of social skills and in prioritizing your image above all

Central to this is the inherently inability to accurately read other people's reactions and perspectives. For most people socializing requires little or no thought. Not because they're dumb but because complex acts require less attention as they become more familiar. It's inherent, for the same reason you don't have to look at the keyboard and think about what letter to press next. It's muscle memory. But when it comes to socializing you're the guy that has to mentally spell out words and hunt for the next key to press, one at a time, except you're fucking it up because you're on a timer

The fuck is that even supposed to mean?


Thanks normalfag
Now fuck off you dumb nigger

So why the fuck play an mmo? Retards.

When I want to read retarded opinions written by literal mongoloids, I come to Yea Forums, and I'm never disappointed

This picture makes me sad.

>gotta zip zap zoopity bop my batteries doggo!!!
what did he mean by this

"god I'm so lonely, pls respond to my post"

i literally don't have a car to go pick up food.
And what am i supposed to do anyway, talk with the pizza guy whom i couldn't possibly care less about?

>underage incels
This, underage incels are the worst. 10 year old Billy needs to man up and just have some damn sex already.

An introvert is more likely to cry about loneliness tho


Isn't it the other way around?
An introvert goes out of their way to isolate themselves. Extroverts go insane if they're left alone for even a short amount of time.

Playing a game for the story is like going to a restaurant for food.
Playing a game for multiplayer is like going to a restaurant just to talk at the table.

I know this feel

No you didn't. You just had to go all in with Paragon.

Holy fuck go outside and stay there if you love it so much

Fucking normalfags

What? The whole point of being introverted is that you WANT to be left alone.

I'm only an introvert if I don't know someone. Once I'm comfortable, then I become an extrovert. And an asshole.

>play single-player kino
>remain seated to wipe their ass
>drink water and eat celery sticks
>bluepilled, usually trannies
>play fotm multiplayer battle-royale garbage
>stand up to wipe their ass, smearing shit between their asscheeks
>drink hfcs sugar garbage and eat mcdonalds for every meal
Okay, Yea Forums, which is more based?

>going to a restaurant for the ketchup packets.
>ketchup packets
I already know that you are a burger you fat fuck.

no, if you have an active social life with people around to support you life is much more tolerable than spending weeks, months, years alone as opposed to a few hours.
Humans are social creatures, the majority of people don't actually enjoy being isolated user.

Is this really how extroverted people think or is this some kind of an elaborate psy ops?

how can anyone shit themselves so they can keep playing mafia 3

>the majority of people don't actually enjoy being isolated
and the minority that don't are called introverts.

rent free

why do you post on a site that doesn't cater to you? actually curious

>Muh americans
Half of you niggers are thinking if you mix butter and flour, your food isn't loaded with butter.

But people like you are so unlikeable that it's literally more healthy to not interact with you. This is a proven fact.

user, some people who are introverted don't choose to live that way because they want to. Very few people actually enjoy isolation for extended periods of time and it can have a negative impact on your mental health. Everyone needs a break now and then but we're not talking about remotely similar things.

nosgoth never had single player, it was 100% always designed to be a multiplayer game, and you're retarded for getting mad about it.
It was a shit game, and it died because of it. But at no point did they ever claim it would be single player, or even canonical, just that it took place in the same universe as the other games.

Extroverts in this day and age are almost exclusively made up of mentally ill people that require validation for their existence. Your mind has been so warped by social media and normalfag culture that you literally cannot function without your fake interactions.


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>original post is seething extrovert mad people won't validate his narcism/sociopathy
>somehow introverts are the angry ones

normalfags are a cancer

>Billy needs to man up and just have some damn sex already
He did.

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>pure reddit
>replying to bait

Go fuck yourself.

Nice bait bitch

it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it

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>extroverts are quick thinkers
No they just save time by asking the same questions or telling the same stories they've already told everyone. They don't even remember the conversations, literal NPC's.

Seethe harder genetic dead ends

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so you are saying our society is so basic that the only way to communicate with them on an even ground is to repeat and cycle through the same sentences and approaches that are considered acceptable and easy to comprehend so giving an even more basic answer is easier

fucking NPCs

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What do you mean "doesn't cater to me"? This board is to discuss video games. It doesn't say you have to be X kr Y to post.

>extrovert reading comprehension
He said site, not board, retard.

Why are you so upset?

>go into playing RO
>literally play alone for years, minding my own business, building my own characters, creating my own MvP hunter
>getting much more profit playing alone
>one day a bunch of people look for me since i'm that good
>I just agree because why not
>suddenly they become my "friend" always asking for help
>without noticing i'm suddenly friend with all the world
>I cannot mind my own business anymore, I cannot have fun with my characters anymore, I cannot go hunt MvP alone, the 80% if my time is spend in talking with people I don't give 2 shits about
Fuck I hate people.

People like you should not be allowed to play MMOS at all. The genre is dead because dumb developers actually listen to you morons.

people like you are why I prefer to be alone

>join a guild in WoW after playing solo for years
>respec my character because my current group leader asked me to do so
>sure why not
>get active help and its kind of fun working together towards something

>guild master comes on
>its just constant abuse and yelling on teamspeak
>think that he maybe had a bad day and he had to vent
>this happens the next day and following week
>get into several arguments and ask if its really needed to be this vocal
I will never join any guild or clan ever again, if the MMO has no solo play I won't play it either.

Fuck people and fuck people that let that do this to them.

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people like him are living proof that solitude is the only true path

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>he doesn't take dozens of packs of KFC hot sauce to hsi house every time he buys their dollar fill up
Get dabbed on user

plants breath oxygen too you double digit retard. Photosynthesis is essentially the opposite of cellular respiration, converting solar energy and carbon-dioxide into sugar.

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Humans are literally born in a social group and need to be in social groups to learn essential interpersonal skills, you retarded weeb.

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literally me except I'm not balding and shower regularly

People like you will never understand.

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This money for nothing pic always gets me laughing for some reason, thanks for posting that pic against than user, user

>Isolate myself to the point where I fit the definition of a schizoid
>Somehow, I'm likely not an introvert

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It's the same shit that reddit latched onto years ago with impact-font image macros
Just something the average retard can pump out to scrape what little social capital they can get (upvotes/retweets)

At least you know you're wrong; you didn't even try to at least argue back lol

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Why would I argue with you? That'd be like trying to describe the color red to a man born blind or trying to explain music to someone born deaf. You and I will never see eye to eye because the worlds we experience are too fundamentally different.

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I know the feeling.
I absolutely dread interacting with people to the point where even the most mundane conversations with strangers make me feel really uncomfortable if I don't have several minutes in advance to mentally prepare myself.
Trying to improve my social skills, but I don't think I will ever learn to actually enjoy socializing with people.

You're on Yea Forums

What I said is fact though. You are where you are today because you were part of a social group. Humans need companionship. If they don't get enough, they become lacking individuals.

Were being the operative word. Once childhood development starts to end those "needs" can be more readily denied, and once adulthood hits you can effectively be a hermit without issue. I no longer need baby formula or a pacifier. By the same logic, I no longer need the sort of highly social interactions that developed me from infant to functioning human. After that, it's just a matter of preference.

I spent a lot of time playing Nioh online and sometimes people would shoot me requests, and usually I would ignore them.

one time, a guy sent one, and i accepted, and we played a few boards. then he sent the dreaded "do u have a mic" "u should get a mic" "when are u gonna get a mic" "cant wait until u get a mic bro"

every damn time. I just wanna play games bro not listen to you tell your kids to go to bed and figure out what to eat with your girlfriend

fuckin' voice chat people

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I thought he meant he meant how introverts gotta rest after big confrontations before they feel like socializing again

Hey do you want to be friends and play games together. I hate it when people interrupt my gaming time when i'm doing shit too.

>food analogy
Amerifats get the rope.

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Jesus fucking christ where did you get that image of me!

What story mode should be:
>tightly crafted combination of level design, environments and classic narrative components such as text and music to make the player feel a certain way while playing the game
What retards think story mode is:
>dude just put movies in lmao

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Stupid fuck. People like you are the worst. Some people just enjoy exploring a permanent world filled with actual people. That doesn't mean they want to be forced to interact with them.

The only thing that weirds me out about that in FFXIV is how they act like you're running those dungeons solo until the last two base game dungeons, then go right back to acting like you're doing it solo.

Fuck off gayass nigga.

>Some people just enjoy exploring a permanent world filled with actual people. That doesn't mean they want to be forced to interact with them
Do you even realize how dumb you sound
If you don't need to interact with people they might as well fill it with NPCs and you won't know any better. Shit, they even fucking did with new dungeon bots which are better than half the playerbase.

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Ammonia bros where the fuck you at
When are we gonna take these oxy-morons down.?

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Extrovert here you're a faggot.

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Enjoy living on the whim of others like a basic bitch simp

Holy shit, with your high level autism I don't blame you for being scared of people. Its sad that MMO developers actually listen to people like you

You may as well ditch MMO's and their inflated grind for good RPG's.

How I want co-op to go
>Enter into room with 2p
>Room has a lever, a door next to it, and a portrait on the wall
>2p and I look at the lever
>2p tries pulling it
>Hear a click, but the door isn't open
>Go and look at the portrait
>2p tries the lever again
>Portrait shakes
>"Hey, I think there's something up with the lever and this portrait"
>He pulls it again
>I tilt the portrait
>There's a smaller lever hanging there
>Attempt to pull the lever there
>2p "Hey, my lever just shook when you did that! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
>"On 3. 1. 2. 3!"
>We both pull the lever
>Door opens
>We high-five and move onto the next room

How co-op goes in the modern internet age
>Enter into the room with 2p
>Before I have a chance to look around, 2p has beelined to the portrait
>Rips it off of the wall and flings it as hard as he can into a blank spot on the opposite wall
>The entire wall falls over revealing a secret clown car circling around a warp point to the last level in the game
>2p shows up
>He's wearing a clown suit and has a sword made out of balloons
>Check the stats; They're the ultimate joke weapons in the game
>2p forces a trade window open for me
>Puts the legendary sword and shield into my inventory along with 30 chickens
>While I'm trying to process all of this, he beelines for the warp zone

Fuck Co-op.

>"You're an asshole."
>"I disagree."
>"HA! You responded, which means that you are!"

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Whoa, check out this guy dishing out the wicked insults from the hayday! You KNOW he's been lurking every thread since 2016. Wow, what an oldfag! I have SO much respect for you right now!

>when he is an introvert

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uhhh what

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Sure feels like discord in here

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>demon Hunter reaction pic
Normalfag detected.

It's been a topic of debate for years whether solitary confinement is ethical or not but no, I'm sure some fatass NEET faggot on 4channel knows what being alone and without any social interaction really does to a person and I trust his realization that humans are not social creatures because he wasn't invited to prom.

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Sometimes the News seems so stupid and bizzare that I cant help but wonder if it is a false flag. I know this site can be filled with false flags because its an effective bait nowadays. But behind all the ironic shitposting and false flags is someone taking this seriously. A newfag, a redditor, an underaged, doesnt matter what you call them. Theyre here because they think theyre in good company. We pretend to be idiots and attract them here.

Dont pretend to be stupid just for the (you)s. It's a problem.

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Overton window made """extroverts""" (people that corroborate the narrative/propaganda) the normal.

You motherfucker the crayon one made me cry.

>game developers
You seem awfully keen on signalling that you aren't from reddit for someone who doesn't know what used to be posted frequently on Yea Forums.

The worst thing is tumblr "when x" memes. Look up clips on youtube and every single fucking comment will be one of them. Every single fucking one. No petty arguments and bullshit, no actual comments on the video, just "when x when y WHEN Z WHEN α ///!WHEN β!//"

Shut the fuck up retard. You literally go insane and die without any social interaction.
You're also a fucking retard.
>it's very very likely youre not an american because it is 4am on the east coast
>but i am an american so????? yeah youre wrong
If you can't see the fault in your bad logic then you're even dumber than I thought.

It’s obviously her teacher/caretaker

then say single player. story mode implies that you're just playing it for the story

The only problem I have with the matchmaking is you get paired with people on their third character trying to speed run the fucker and they shit on you if you drag behind for just a second.

Shits just obnoxious

Lost planet 2

Or was it 3?

Dead Space 3

But yes you are correct

>go to a club alone
>feel like dying inside shortly
>I wish I was at home playing videogames

people like you ruin mmos, neck yourself

nice damage control nigger

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I accept your concession.


An asshole friend of mine did this when i played Terraria for the first time since i was late to the party.

>Shows up as a fucking jojo character
>Summons a mile long dragon which insta kills everything before it can even come on screen.
>Suddenly piloting some ufo thing and there's a giant pit going down to hell right next to the wooden shack i'd built for the guide.
>"The fuck are you doing?"
>[Wall of Flesh has been defeated!]
Soured the whole experience for me and i didnt play it again for weeks, i envy you fucks that managed to have fun in multiplayer.

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>plants breath oxygen too
plants expel oxygen as a waste products of photosynthesis
plants breathe oxygen the same way humans breathe urine, despite the fact that your mouth smells of cock that is not the case

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The fuck are you on about, the first example sounds more like one of those corporate gameplay trailers where everyone talks like they're in a play.


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>jawline only exists when masked bhy shitty facial hair.
Dude, you didn't need to go that far…

u wot

I didn't know weirdos like you existed

>be intp (sometimes intj) and also leo
>like boomer games like zelda orcarena of time, new vegas, silent hill 2 and dark souls, none of that sjw waifushit kek
>normie extrovert brother annoying the fuck out of me being all like "HURR IF YOU EVER WANT 2 TALK JUST ASK ME DURR" every so often'
>cant even find a qt gf that is introverted like me but none match my intelligence

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this socializing in early development is insanely important

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>It's popular so I hate it.

this is the new fedora archtype, the beanie

It's amazing how many shills rushed into the thread to doggedly shit post and deflect this completely disengenous,nonspecific jab at video games because it just targets all the FOTM diarrhea AAA studios have been shitting out.

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Clubs are trash joints for trash people. you're not missing anything.
>on a pub crawl with friends
>one guy says let's go to this place next
>it's a club
>turn to guy who picked it. shout at the top of my lungs "Why this place?"
>whaaaaaaaat? guy can't even hear you because the music is too loud
>no one talking. look at people sitting at tables. they're sitting in silence just tapping their feet because they can't talk.
>people on dance floor on drugs dancing to shitty music.
>leave and find the other group who went to a pub.

>All of the Anchovy ones

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I really like that art style. What's it called? I've been trying my hand at different drawing styles for when I'm bored and this seems cool.

>They hated him because he told them the truth

>the first example sounds more like one of those corporate gameplay trailers where everyone talks like they're in a play.
That's the problem, you illiterate.


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Nah, devs appealing to people like him ruin MMOs.

I want the possibility to party when I WANT whenever I want to or chat with some randoms while I play my singleplayer game.

>nosgoth never had single player, it was 100% always designed to be a multiplayer

You fucking retard. Its a multiplayer only game in a series noted for its single player story.

Attached: HUUURRR.jpg (225x224, 11K)

most scientists and artists are introverts
the consumer herd that doesnt create anything is extroverted

introverts are not averse to human interaction, they just don't thrive off it constantly. most of humanities greatest minds have been introverts.

based as fuck

That mom's cute I wanna fuck her

My only social interaction comes from playing Space Station 13 now, which is a step up from nothing. I use it to practise real interactions for when I leave the house.

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Check this 6 niggers

tfw everything matches except for shooting school

Attached: hanekawa5.gif (500x406, 866K)

tbf this is a fair way to treat a child, if they show resistance to socializing with other children it needs to be discouraged because lack of socializing at a young age can create anti social behaviour

The main purpose of games is socialization. Singleplayer games don't have that. They shouldn't even be considered games.

God I hate these, they're not even funny or authentic, it's like that one episode of Spongebob where Squidward puts his shitty nose on the artschool statue as if it makes any difference.

Normies need to be gassed. They will once machines make them obsolete.

>t. armchair anthropologist

dragon quest 10

It's free?

I have a friend that does the exact same shit and ruin the fun for all his friends (including our mutual friends) , thanks god my friends know I can fix what his autism broke but still
>Play Castle Crasher, we all pick level 1 character, faggot pick level 90 character destroying everything in one-hit and ruining our fun
>Play Borderlands 2,we pick brand new characters, retard picks his high level character, again destroy everything in his path and leave us nothing
>Same thing with Dying Light, same thing with Starbound, same thing with Terraria, same thing with MMOs, ...
How are you supposed to stop this kind of autism?

>How are you supposed to stop this kind of autism?
Just tell him to fuck off or start low level like everyone else. It's not that hard.


i sometimees put joghurt or salt and chocolate on mine.

I don't know who you quoted but they aren't an introvert

amazing, look at these fucking fragile faggots getting riled up when you shit on the label they DESPERATELY latch onto
>Umm excuse me im an introvert please sit farther away from me :)
>Honey sweetie im an INTROvert. We belong to this group of broken people for validation.

The introverts of back then are extremely different from the introverts of now.

Black Ops 4


plants absolutely breath oxygen the same as they breathe carbon dioxide, since they still need it to break down the sugar into energy again. Google it retard.

People who don't overcome their introversion are weak. I give speeches once a month as part of my job and have to manage my coworkers daily, which includes talking to them about their personal lives, but I hold nothing but disdain for them and eagerly await the day I can retire early and become a full NEET.

>dude I'm just like Tesla or Einstein... I r smart!!
Imagine thinking you're even in the same league as these people who contributed to humanity because they were """introverts""" like you.

This was Warcraft 3 for me

Absolutely based and redpilled

>cries about da ebil introverts blaming everyone else and feeling superior
>does exactly what he cries about
Extrovert scum.

It's the opposite you shitlord

lol retarded bumblefuck tribalism caveman thinks he's human


>ITT, nobody even knows what introversion and extroversion actually means

Introverts are just people who "recharges" their mental battery while being alone, not people who can't function being around other people. Those are genuine autists.

Never mind scientists, some of the greatest politicians and statesman have been introverts. I'm fairly sure quite a few of US presidents were too. In fact, statistically men have a >50% chance of being introverts.

It's a misconception anyway. Most genius scientists weren't autistic introverts at all, that's just how Hollywood portrays them.

Who made up this "recharge" stuff? I only ever read it in some old tumblr comic, and everyone repeats it like it's gospel.

It's just a common metaphor for how some people function.

>Have friend who does exactly that shit
>When I told him to cut the shit so we can actually have fun starting the game over he took full offense and starting spouting a bunch of bullshit and deleted me on steam and discord

Attached: D_coaO6U0AE7_pk.jpg (750x597, 55K)

>he says on Yea Forums

>be intp (sometimes intj) and also leo
>like boomer games like zelda orcarena of time, new vegas, silent hill 2 and dark souls, none of that sjw waifushit kek
I am going to kill you
I really hope it doesn't I like beanies

I want a cute, motherly teacher gf.

Attached: 1566551743713.gif (487x416, 3.75M)

>you got rid of the autistic faget
sounds like a win to me

Laowhy86 here please respect Vivi!

How can you care about other websites that much... Also, Yea Forums isn't known as a seal of quality, so chill and remember in what context you're timing these posts.

nobody is forcing anyone to play multiplayer games

The entire premise of the thread is that Devs are focusing more on multiplayer aspects than singleplayer, leading to a reduction in the quality and quantity of singleplayer games/modes.


>sincerely believe themselves to be loners because people like jerks over quiet nice guys and not because they’re fucking boring
No they all know the truth. They're loners because they have triple digit IQ so they can't relate to over half the population.

OP you look like a chinese Dora the explorer

A reminder that introverts all deserve to die.

Everyone on any imageboard or forum should die

Everyone everywhere should die

Just you

>user thinks he's a respectable member of society for saying this

Attached: 563784947398393.gif (500x281, 974K)

>playing with others
>tfw you were the bus driver
>tfw chosen for duck duck goose
>tfw youre in the black kid basketball team to get a free win

>playing by yourself
>there are no playground game to play by yourself
>walk around and look at kids having fun
Social > introvert betas

>playing with others
>having to put up with annoying low IQ retards
>getting brain damage from said retards being retards
>getting in trouble due to "that kid"
>getting picked on just because
nah I'll pass on that

Why is she orbited by transparent planets?

Go outside.

Is anyone else introverted, but able to feign decent social skills?

It takes practice, but I can hold my own in a conversation even if it's a chore.

Me but with nice jaw and not overweight.

Woman here, we hate introverts.

She's as big as a star

Man here, no one gives a shit what women think.


Being an introvert doesn't automatically mean you have poor social skills. It just means you want to be left the fuck alone.

We all do.

Attached: mommy.jpg (469x320, 32K)

>tfw introverted living in an extroverted world
Why couldn't it be the other way around? The world would be in a much better state if introverts were the majority.

>Coming from a website that is full of introverts.
>Coming from someone who is probably an introvert themselves.

Gravy is great on fries though you obviously need a main course that also goes good with gravy. Just slather the fucking thing and eat your fries with a fork.

no, those are incels. All incels are introverts, but not all Introverts are incels.

probably a tranny. i think introverted guys are normally really cute, at least in personality. they tend to be more reserved in conversation, even if awkward and come off as sweeter and less cunty.

Battlefront (2015)
>inb4 it has single player
Like 5% of the entire content and are just fucking tutorials

>mfw shes an extrovert

Attached: 1491701997347.png (400x400, 189K)

99.9% of hardened criminals are extrovert.
The difference of course is that an introvert going bananas is actually a fucking rarity, because they're usually self aware enough to know that if they're miserable and in a miserable situation, it's not really anyone else's fault.

Versus, people who kill their spouse over an affair, people who steal, people who beat the shit out of someone because of hearsay, and people who peddle drugs to vulnerable people. These people have longer lasting and deeper influences on society.
Charles Bukowski sums it up in Ham on Rye
There is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
Human being to supply any given army on any given day

And the best at murder are those who preach against it
And the best at hate are those who preach love
And the best at war finally are those who preach peace

Those who preach god, need god
Those who preach peace do not have peace
Those who preach peace do not have love

Beware the preachers
Beware the knowers
Beware those who are always reading books
Beware those who either detest poverty
Or are proud of it
Beware those quick to praise
For they need praise in return
Beware those who are quick to censor
They are afraid of what they do not know
Beware those who seek constant crowds for
They are nothing alone
Beware the average man the average woman
Beware their love, their love is average
Seeks average

But there is genius in their hatred
There is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
To kill anybody
Not wanting solitude
Not understanding solitude
They will attempt to destroy anything
That differs from their own
Not being able to create art
They will not understand art
They will consider their failure as creators
Only as a failure of the world
Not being able to love fully
They will believe your love incomplete
And then they will hate you
And their hatred will be perfect

Like a shining diamond
Like a knife
Like a mountain
Like a tiger
Like hemlock

Their finest art

Mayonnaise you fucking barbarian.


what the hell is going on in this thread

The tl;dr is that normies are shitty

Introverts LARPing as extroverts and actual introverts coping

what RE5 started and continued with RE6.
i'm glad it died

>Lets make your game more Diverse, shall we?

Attached: ScreenShot09-20-2019001.png (1322x413, 29K)

Thanks friend, but I already knew that
Only normies don't know abot normies

>Extroverts actually trying to kill introverts ITT
Why? We don't even do the same stuff.

We're basically worlds apart.

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>he’s too insecure to play pvp
What a fag

I mean, you are the one here acting like some kind of psychological expert, stating that being an introvert or extrovert first involves being a statistical outlier in your personality traits, when the truth is that those terms are rarely used that way and are applied in a much more broad way. May I remind you that in a bell curve, just the area covered between the mean and one statistical deviation away from it, you have around an empirical 68% of the population. That means you are, on the best case scenario, saying that only 32% of the population can be called either an extrovert or an introvert, and the rest are what? Ambiverts? Where's your citation for that? There are very few studies made on ambiverts in the first place, so that'd be a pretty big claim to make. Nevermind that what I just said is taking your statement the generous way. Statistical outliers are normally taken to be those beyond 3 standard deviations away from the mean, which represents anything beyond an empirical 99.7%, so your statement could even be taken to mean that you consider only 0.3% of the population to be called introverts or extroverts by anyone who actually understands the terms you tried to use that you clearly don't actually understand. You even acknowledge that Yea Forums is probably introvert leaning yet still somehow say that it is likely the average person here isn't one. Where's your evidence for any of that? Just pulling crap out of your ass?

My point being, you are a big fucking retard. Shut the fuck up unless you are going to back up the retarded claims you make with anything beyond your PhD obtained at Yea Forums university.

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>when she's fat

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Because some extroverts base their own sense of self worth on how other people see them. As an introvert you're literally insulting them by not wanting to be their friend user. Stop being so cruel.

I agree, fuck them.
Literally every woman
>hahah im such an introvert xD


They're the perfect scapegoat because they don't speak up.

Lol, you're just wrong kid.

Playing a game for the story is like reading a book for the pictures.

The worse thing you can do to a normie is ignore them.

I think some anons think that introverts == incels

EDF with level limits prevents that shit. You could grind all you want but you're still subjected to said limits.

Or incels = terrorists.

>Elliot Rodger and that Toronto retard killed people that means any man who can't get a gf is a terrorist threat

tripfaggot fucking scum, EVERYONE in here is posting anonymously, but nooooo, not you you little shit

you just HAVE to be a special little cock gobbling dickwad

>putting ANYTHING on fries except salt

What kills me is that people like Elliot Rodger have such a shallow effect on the world. He's a fucking joke now. Hell, he was a joke then as far as Yea Forums is concerned. Those "Moroccan Harem Boy" threads in /pol/ had me in fucking stitches.

Know who does have an adverse effect that runs deeper than that, though? Someone useless that knocks a chick up because he has a lot of bluster.

Yes, extroverts go insane without any social interaction. True introverts on the other hand are immune.

Rainbow Six Siege

i didnt read past your first sentence lol

>It's inherently human to be social
Why do you think I am on the internet?
>and outgoing
Humans aren't inherently outgoing. We just prefer to work together, and I like my contribution to be solely mine.
>Therefor, introverts are the least human a humanoid can be
It is inhuman to discuss the value of human existence, as it inherently questions and damages the right to live.

Posting on imageboards is also a form of social interaction. Try only lurking on the internet and not talking to anyone for years. You will go insane.

What's wrong with reading?

I never said posting on the internet wasn't social interaction, you silly extrovert.

Not even a good one.

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What you implied though is that introverts don't need any social interaction in their lives. That is flat out wrong.

It's not wrong, it's true.

based, introvert is a nice word for beta male or degenerate

cringe degenerate

What a fucking retarded analogy you stupid piece of shit.

How can I forget when I still play it sometimes?

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>most of them think of themselves as superior in their minds
I mean, lack of exposure to others can create the stereotype that most other humans are stupid, which isn't exactly incorrect in itself. Realistically speaking, how intelligent is, say, 50% of the population?

>sincerely believe themselves to be loners because people like jerks over quiet nice guys and not because they’re fucking boring
I'm pretty nice, despite being quiet and an introvert. The idea that my introversion would make me 'superior' is pretty hilarious and retarded.

>fantasizes about killing you
Sure, but I doubt you've never had a dark fantasy about somebody disgusting.

>shoots up the school
That's incels, not introverts. Many school shooters actually sound/seem like they were pretty social, which is how they were bullied in the first place.

>finds excuses to leave a good time
I...have no idea what this even means. If you mean 'finding excuses to leave at a good time' then that's just basic human interaction. Extraverts are REALLY fucking annoying with how they extend their conversations.
>"..And that's why I am here buying a burger for my cousin"
>"That's cool. I have to go now to resume work/study/hobby/obligation"
>Ignores "Oh yeah! And here's my new puppy!"
This is a cliche example but good fucking god is it common as fuck. You aren't being 'social' or 'interesting' you are honestly being obnoxious. Let people move on with their lives you attention whores.

>are usually unfunny dicks online
This is correct.

>he's an introvert and proud of it
hahahaha oh wow dude thats crazy

Attached: cringe.png (1150x701, 1.31M)

You were picked on because you had low social IQ lmaoo

Well yeah, you just have to go to YouTube and the whatever dumbass story the game shits out.

>extrovert jealous because he's nothing without the validation of others

Holy based.

Wtf he had a huge effect, why are you downplaying it? He caused this whole incel shit to get out if hand.

That's what I thought until I tried /vrg/. It's obvious most of these people are fucking normalfags.

i have a question for you. not that user, but how do scum degenerates like yourself actually do the mental gymnastics to try and convince themselves that socialization isnt important? like seriously, get a fucking grip on reality trannie

it's a known quote tho

>ug ug it still 40,000 BC
who gives a shit i can order pizzas from my phone and earn money by developing websites

Incels are introverts.

Not all introverts are incels, stupid.

>Incels are introverts
No? An incel is more likely to be an introvert but there is absolutely nothing stopping an extrovert from sucking at getting a girlfriend or something.

When the game first came out and had no DLC you were simply not able to get the amount of points required for the Renegade ending where Shepard survived, unless you played multiplayer to get more points.
Go away, retard.

do extroverts/normalfags even have free wills?

>muh free will
let's see how much you lasted of nofap gamer

I'm sorry these simple facts and logic seem like such mental hurdles for your pathetic extrovert brain. Maybe your 500 twitter friends can upvote your post to make you feel better.

Literally just tell him to go make a fresh character instead or you'll kick him.
"We're all starting from scratch, dude, if you don't want to make a fresh character then you can just go play on your own"

Introvert is a code word for socially retarded.
It's just a euphemism for autistic.

No, because all their thoughts are outside their heads. They're literal NPCs

Did you know that every great human invention in existence was made by an introvert?
Introverts are statistically proven to be smarter then extroverts. Being a loudmouthed ass begging for attention is not a positive trait.

Where do you think you are?

>people that spout memebrain are the same retards that believe in "fate"

Attached: wew lad.jpg (513x486, 101K)

>I'm autistic and that's a good thing!
>the accomplishments of better men are the accomplishments of me!
Ok retard

t. lonely "depressed"(aka socially inept and defecient of serotonin) virgin

based. there are no other answers to this pathetic pseudoparadigm, all else is the pathetic attempt to delude and self validate for being a lazy degenerate commie

yeah... and were talking about 0.0000000000000000000001% of introverts that did anything for people. you are scum. higher iq also correlates with mental illness you tranny subhuman.

It still has a campaign mode though.

t. seething trans roastie

>in this moment I am euphoric
>not because of social blessings, but because of my free will
>is that an anime tiddy
>moments later

It's a weird line coming from a very celebrated 21st century author. I think the idea is that too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Bukowski was a very raw, practical person, the kind of man that referred to the love of his life as "old snaggletooth."
I imagine he had a problem with people using books as a substitute for talking to others, not necessarily in an extroverted fashion, but in a one on one, "let's learn from each other," way.

NSMB WII was made awful by the need to make the levels big enough for four people to be on screen at once.

literally falsified agenda to make subhumans feel better abput themselves. bohr, richard feynman, einstein were all reportedly social butterflies. in fact feynman was such a smooth talker he reportedly had sex with friends' wives behind their backs.

Incels are introverts because they talk the biggest game online but are timid as fuck irl. They're also extremely racist for the wrong reasons (stealing girls from other races).

Best post on this board right now

Room temperature IQ post.

if thats supposed to mean that im disgusted by mental illness of trannies i fail to see the ad hominem

You are an idiot. Go learn what being an incel means.

So is it "fate" making you act like a retard or are you just one normally?

>damn bro... like nobody understands me...
>they're all sheep and low iq unlike me....
>wow look at those NPCs being social.... heh....
Holy kek you faggots literally went full circle eith "im 14 and this is deep" shit. Fucking embarrassing.

Attached: broo im a le doomer lol.jpg (750x913, 448K)

>extroverts are this retarded

>internet memes
>huge effect

Nothing changed because of him. At worst, people were made somewhat uncomfortable with the idea that all of these losers and idiots they went out of their way to be horrible to could snap and pull shit like that.
It hasn't changed anything, though. No one changed how they interacted with the world in response to it. Both parties used the corpses for a political soap box for a few months, and then we all went about our lives. TSA didn't launch some new ball inspection procedure, police funding wasn't jacked up. None of that.

I have trouble thinking in public spaces, but I probably have autism.

Fucking kek

There's a Polish guy who asked out 500 different girls only to be labelled as a creep. He dropped out of college soon after.

Pretty sure introverts would kill themselves before doing what he did.

I was 100% sure after reading that line that some dumbo would stick onto it not understanding its meaning.
Thank you for giving me the satisfaction

Introverts are 100% more likely to be an incel as well. Go """"recharge"""" your hatteries subhuman.

I'm also a fellow introvert. It's my choice and I'm proud of it.

Try to contain your jealously, it's unattractive to your normie friends.

Epic, simply epic.

It caused all these future incels to start shooting up places though. He literally inspired a whole bunch of mentally ill people.

unironically true for half of the people in this thread. theres a reason you swipe left on anyone with "introvert" on their bio. introverted men are inept and awkward and poorly guided narcissism has led them to the path of delusional failure and filth rather than the successful pyschopath most social narcissists are. or alternatively the crazy ones when living in delusional filth for too long

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Why would anyone be jealous of introverts?

This, introverts are a blight on society.

race mixing is absolutely valid to be disgusted by on every occassion. kys brownie

introverts invented your hobby

>going to a restaurant for the ketchup packets.
I do this, tableware too.

Prove it, incel.

I'm smarter than you because I somehow got a job as a programmer making 6 figure before I'm 30, and I don't HAVE to talk to anyone. I don't rely on anyone else, I don't need to beg for a job, or beg for help, or ask for anything.
If I want something, I get it on my own. So yeah, I am better than you because I have more than you in every way and I got more than you without anyone's help.
You're a dumb nigger faggot that thinks having bar friends will make you a success. Wow, you sure are a retarded black nigger.

Attached: you-are-the-blackest.jpg (1294x478, 115K)

Attached: Final Soy.gif (480x418, 118K)

oh yeah, and Hitler was an impotent gay midget with one testicle and excrement fetish, he killed 6 billion jews and the twin towers were destroyed by a plane, right?

Turing, a gay autistic, invented turing complete programming languages. John Carmack, an autistic, created the methods we still use to this day to render 3D.

Literally me and then i actually had more fun with others like developer said

>I'm a programmer
Classic introvert lie

Why has /r9k/ bled over into Yea Forums?

Doesn't add up.

>I also attend black lives matter rallies and think that people should suffer for what their ancestors did in the past
Not to toot my own horn, I am a prominent figure in field of spacefaring technology. You can thank me in whatever afterlife you're experiencing for when your offspring eventually gets to experience a planet different from this one, ungrateful fuck

Solitary confinement is bad for people because the lack of general stimulation for the brain, not because the lack of social interaction.

Maybe he meant a bottom?

It actually does add up because it was the 40's and society chemically castrated him for being gay. But of course, you're a fucking retard that couldn't even be arsed to read one fucking paragraph on the dudes wikipedia page.

Attached: read-a-book.jpg (566x480, 35K)

This is the worst analogy ive ever seen

Hard to tell apart with all the tranny threads here and there.

the only dev ive ever took time to get to know was john carmack and he has a wife and kids so nope! not intr*vert scum :)

hes actually quite the talker. same goes for actually almost every single.successful game dev. oh sure maybe you couod do the mental gymnastics with some indie shit like shitleste or something similar, but at the end of the day, thats all the argument boils down to

you do mental gymnastics to validate your socially inept filth and laziness, while i reap the rewards of my social efforts literally heading out to six flags with my friends later today

just because a great portion of the apex of the bell curve is jewish doesnt mean im sitting here defending their liberal lies and mental illness. unironically they are the kind of people to perpetuate such a lazy pathetic paradigm that introverts arent just inept lazy scum, which is why so many liberals are commies

How do you feel about resonance cascades.

Being racist because X race has low IQ, or are flooding your country is fair. Being racist because they are "taking" your "women" is top beta incel faggotry. Don't shoot up your school, incel.

Cringe and blue pilled.

>and he has a wife and kids so nope! not intr*vert scum :)
Uhhh, yeah faggot, that's because introverts have normal relationships. you just proved yourself wrong retard. Carmack is an introvert and a success with a family.

>Elilot Rodger started incel shootings
It's been a thing since fucking Columbine, you goofy fucker.
I don't think anyone who actually did any research on the shit show that was Eliot Rodger's attempt at a massacre would feel "inspired" by it, even if they were so inclined in that direction.
>Was going to use his friends' apartment as an HQ while they were on vacation. Turned out they weren't actually on vacation and he had to kill 3 Asian virgins like himself.
>Planned on attacking a sorority. Was completely baffled for about 12 minutes by the locked, glass door. Shot two girls on the sidewalk from a nearby STEM sorority (chubby girls that might have been in his ballpark had he done literally anything else with his life), before running off, reeeing into the night.
>shot blindly into a gas station and killed one bumfuck kid buying a candybar

And...that was it. That was his revenge against all the Stacies and Chads of the world.

Truly a real life Light Yagami. Move that blonde fuck they casted the fuck over.

Now, Breivik, you look into the fucking planning that guy did and it's chilling, even pretending to take up WoW to explain his long periods of seclusion.

>we played a few boards

Attached: think twice.jpg (713x226, 61K)

lemon pepper is p damn good on fries

Fuck off back to /pol/

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I can't take your post seriously considering you can't be bothered to fucking capitalize.

Why? Because your 9th grade teacher said you couldn't use it for your essays at school. Boy you're a faggot.

Attached: blood-type-faggot.gif (720x480, 126K)

>John Carmack
Carmack is alpha as fuck. He isn't some introvert pussy.

Most inventors were actually the life of the party. Some of them slept with multiple women monthly and never needed to "recharge their batteries". Stop trying to relate to people who actually contributed to society.

>someone has an opinion that is different than mine
>tell him to go to reddit
oh the irony

He's an alpha introvert you retard. He literally proves you extrovert faggots wrong. Same with people like Steve Wozniak and the other tech folks.

>Play terraria with friends & friends of friends
>Start new characters
>Dumb cunt wants to be better than everyone else and gives herself 999 platinum coins
>dies and loses all of it and i pick it up
>point it out
>bitch loses her mind and refuses to play with me

You mean like Newton/Turing/Tesla? The most autistic bunch of people ever that pretty much single handedly invented our modern tech?
(Newton invented calculus and basic physics, Turing invented modern programming languages, Tesla invented the modern electric generator design as well as wifi.)

>All the extrovert seething ITT
Holy cringe

>All the introverts seething ITT
Holy cringe

You need to accept that modern society is for introverts now; you lost chad, and the nerds won.

Attached: 1553728347690.png (350x332, 217K)

>He's an alpha introvert
He's an alpha, but not introvert. Stop self-injecting. You will never be like him.
>Steve Wozniak
Pick one.

>he thinks being smart is making 6 figures as a code monkey

Not even him but this "success = intelligence!" thought process bullshit needs to trashed. No motherfucker you aren't smart, you just won the "skill" lotto in the automation economy. On top of being fortunate enough not to be born in some Asian country getting paid peanuts because such skills is a dime a dozen.


I think that's just a variation of chibi

>He's an alpha, but not introvert.
He's an introvert, he literally sits inside when not at work programming more projects. Stop self injecting, you know damn well that nerds are introverts and nerds are the most successful people in society now. Face it, you lost.

Then what the fuck are you even arguing about? If being an introvert isn't related to success, why does it matter?

ambivert masterrace


i know what you mean, but i didnt say people are "taking" women im just saying racemixing is still disgusting

ok, since clearly you cant tell the differnece between an introvert and an extrovert you project your social inoetness on,considwr the following. is being a fluid public speaker, having a wife and kids, and being a successful business entrepeneur something that falls on the extrovert or introvert side of your pathetic excuse for a "paradigm".

you dont have to dig deep to find out that the "successful relationship" delusion of your argument immediately shatters in seconds when you think about it longer than 5 seconds. kudos to not being level of seething though and just spouting ad hominem as a defense mechanism, so seriously take it into consideration.

He moved to a rural town and started a farming business for cover, even used some of his fertilizer for the bomb he set off as a diversion. He'd been philosophizing about the shit in his manifesto since fucking elementary school, and was trying to get firearms for this plot years before it actually happened.

>Introverted means anti-social
This is the dumbest shit. I like people but if I go to a bigger party or some family gathering it kicks my ass and I pass right the fuck out after.

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>Learning to socialize is like learning to type on a keyboard

What a gay fucking analogy. Not the user you replied to, but these two are fundamentally different.
When typing you already have in mind what you want to express, the closest thing it has to an equivalent is the act of speaking the words you wish to say, the repetition of different patterns, which is different from thinking of what these are going to be, how they are going to be interpreted by others in a particular situation and which words are most suitable for communicating your message to a person or group of people you are interacting with.
There is nothing to be interpreted with a keyboard. Each key has an assigned letter, and it'll print said letter on screen when you press it, the fucking massive vocabulary of an entire language isn't as rigid as that.
Not that vocabulary and interpretation of words is everything that makes up socializing, since I didn't even go into culture, mannerisms and possible subject matters associated with them yet, which I won't, because NPC Insects like you do not even have the attention spans to read an entire paragraph of text because you cannot comprehend that much information at once.

Please go back outside, and stay there.

Remember when Mass Effect 3 forced you to play online to get the good ending?

>having a wife and kids, and being a successful business entrepeneur
All unrelated to introvert vs extrovert.
And go listen to him speak, he does not speak well.

Einstein, Bohr, Feynman etc. were all not introverts and were literally the life of parties.
Inventors are often called introverts to get people like you to think you're special and worth something.

>Incels are introverts.

>demands interaction
>gets assblasted at everything when he is denied interaction
sounds like an extrovert to me

lol, you're mad that the nerds are making more money than you and your football buddies can only find you construction jobs. Top fucking kek

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>elementary school
Jesus christ was he blackpilled that fucking early?

Storymode isn't an actual challenge.
Step up child

>caring about story in a video game
Neck yourself cunt. Read a book if you want story this hobby isn't for you.

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OKay, so some great inventors were introverts and some were extroverts. What do you think you've proved here? To me it sort of seems like we've discovered that both types of people have something worthwhile to lend society.

Not that user but how is it an ethical question when your solitude literally doesn't affect anyone around you? It would be different if there were people that actually cared about you, but most in that situation aren't lonely to begin with.

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>Versus, people who kill their spouse over an affair
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Have sex introvert

Shouldn't you be on facebook?

>missing the point that hard
You are a retard, I feel dirty for defending OP but it's the lesser of the two evils

>"I don't need other people to validate my existence"
every time

I guess.
But what I'm trying to say here is that the extraverts and introverts of before were still different from what it's become now, and latching onto inventors to prove that one is special is dumb. That's it.

This wouldn't be a problem if story quests after you beat the original 2.0 story start tossing in mechanics the game doesn't bother to explain, and suddenly you're just expected to know how to do the mechanics your first time or people start trying to kick you for letting folks down because almost everyone else is rushing for more clears. I can understand researching raids or Extremes and all that, but no one's going to magically know this boss dropping meteors forces the tanks to eat them specifically at designated spots on their first time.

Ketchup packets in a restaurant? Do Americans really?

He didn't like the teachers making him play with the brown kids.
This is a juicy bit from it
>The author says he personally has been attacked repeatedly by Muslims: "I've 'only' experienced 8 assaults, attempted robberies and multiple threats. I've never actually been severely ravaged, robbed or beaten my Muslims (a broken nose is the worst thing that occurred) but I know more than 20 people who have. I know at least 2 girls that have been raped my Muslims and I am familiar with two more cases in my broader network (1 gang rape). One girl though was cut badly in the face by Muslims."

If this is true, than not even American blacks are this bad. Going to school with American blacks was enough to make me distrust them at some level.
Yes, there fucking is, especially if there are children involved.
But again, you tell these self-obsessed, self-glamorizing people that the world doesn't revolve around covering their stupid mistakes up (ie. marrying a slut) and they go into a full fucking conniption mode.

I was never trying to say introverts are better, I was arguing against this: "introverts are scum." from earlier in the thread.

It's not like my point is wrong tho. You shouldn't be playing video games for story.

Hey wait a second I don't think this thread is videogames.

You'll never make it

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Yea Forums has been Yea Forums for years now.

I'm 100% sure that was bait and look at all the seething replies.

OP here

Just wanted to say you've all made my day with your bitchass fights over a picture I've just stolen

Attached: giphy.gif (375x375, 166K)

>not a single thing on here applies to me

Yeah, I'm gettin' some based vibes from this one chief

>tfw I'm only ugly and overweight

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It matters because he wants to feel good about himself so he shits on others personality on an animu board.
Just imaginé being that pathetic.

now this is based

>mfw I'm not a complete introvert.
>mfw I love my alone time, but can summon the energy and will to do social things.
>mfw introvert roomies get angry and jealous that my obese ass can still bring girls home.
What can I say? I have a personality and women seem to like me, so I roll with it.

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>>mfw I love my alone time, but can summon the energy and will to do social things.
that's literally what an introvert is you moron
for some reason you dumbshits mistake introverts for some wizard hermits living in a cave somewhere

and thats a good thing!
its piss easy to play most of dqx alone

Attached: Dragon Quest X Online Screenshot 2019.06.14 - (1920x1080, 3.16M)

You're confusing introversion with shyness. Shyness is not being able to interact with others properly. Introversion is just wanting to be left alone in peace.

>so I roll with it
I'm sure you do, fatso.

Still getting laid

Attached: whew lads.jpg (384x384, 22K)

-Attention Whore (2019)

We live in a society where a race of hypocrites who say they respect the dead burns the remains of those who have passed daily
But it's only when a few of their own are burned up when it's treated as a tragedy
Fossil gang rise up

Attached: fossils rise up.jpg (275x183, 9K)

>what is mayo

relatives don't count

haha i saw your pic but didint read your post now what faggot

Disgusting is what it is.

Yes we often have condiments in restaurants

what game


100% of mass shooters are male.

Thats only because everytime a woman tries to do a mass shooting she gets arrested before hand because she can't keep her mouth shut about it.
Why are women so incompetent?

Attached: Mass shooter prevented.jpg (1080x1578, 585K)

>tfw no mass shooter gf

>Thread is full of retards thinking introversion = shyness or awkwardness
Makes sense with all the zoomers and Facebook faggotry that invaded this board.

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>instead of helping outcasts with their problems you ban more guns and ostracize introverts even more
Good job twitter normie

how do you play it when the servers where brought down over a year ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer

I feel like what happened with "nerd" culture might happen to introversion. Everyone is gonna say they're introverted because "xD im so quirky".

fucking delete this right now

That already happened around the same time having "OCD" or "depression" became cool

Not around where I live, at least. People still think you're "weird" if you don't want to hangout every second of every day.