Underrated Games/Hidden Gems

Post games you wish people would talk about more.

I'll start.
>Warsim: The Realm of Aslona
>Cladun X2
>3D Dot Game Heroes

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I'm pretty sure 70% of the posts bringing up this game were from me

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Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. Easily the best zombie game.

Eldritch sux


And in that same vein I recommend Unreal World

Pulsar: Lost Colony

Every year or so i’ll give Unreal World a go and get way into it but fall off to play something else because I’m an easily distracted brainlet

Sell me on these games. Why are they good?

Pulsar: Lost Colony is a co-op game where you and four of your buddies fly around the galaxy in a space ship. Imagine FTL but each crew member is individually controlled by a player.

Legend of Grimrock, the Wizardry games. Blobbers in general, really.

Sutte Hakkun and Ninja Five-O
Sutte Hakkun is a very difficult puzzle game about eating paint (and spitting it back out into platforms to make them move in certain ways, you can also eat rocks to become a rock)
Ninja Five-O is like Shinobi with a grappling hook

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I liked 3 but never got into 4. Is 5 good?

that little guy is cute

APE OUT. It’s so rare we get monky kino in game form.

Can you at least say something about the game?

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is a game with actually appealing gameplay and battle system over being generic storyfag bullshit like Final Fantasy.

5 is the best one. Slightly overhauled battle system (which was already good) with nothing but improvements. Dev has also FINALLY redrawn all the assets instead of using the same ones from a decade ago and the game looks above average graphically for indie standards.

That said, if you decide to play 5 first, it will ruin 4 for you because of how much better the former is.

Also, forgot to mention it's a turn based RPG if I wasn't clear enough.

Always wanted to play that and Star Trek Bridge Simulator, but I don't have any autistic friends.

Pulsar is the Star Trek game I've always dreamed of. It's great

i remember seeing this game in 2016 or so where there were only ships, and glancing at the steam page it looks like they added planets and a lot of enviroments

what else is new?

Aurora 4X
Hands down the most autistic 4X there is but it hardly ever gets discussed.

Legend of Grimrock and Wizardry series, such hidden gems that no one has heard about!

is that grimoire game good?

And if you do get bored of that and you’re still autistic you can fire up some VATSim

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Grim Dawn
The only Diablo clone I could ever enjoy, probably because the gameplay isn't a visual clusterfuck clicking simulator. Very moody, atmospheric, combat feels good and the class system is stellar

Super couldbuilt
Battle chasers:nightwar
Creeper world 1&3
Particle fleet

100% escape from tarkov

sub commander
amid evil

Super Hexagon

Scavenger SV-4 and Duskers are my favourite underrated games.

Scavenger SV-4 is a first-person game where you play as a captain aboard your private space ship in orbit around a highly HIGHLY radioactive planet. You can't go down there, in fact you can't even stay in orbit long before you get seriously ill and die, but you can send down and directly control a rover vehicle.
You explore the surface of the planet, discover buildings, ruins, artefacts and items all of alien unknown origin, shuttle them back up to the ship and see if your on-board science systems can figure out what they are.
You have to balance your time between controlling the rover on the surface, sorting out the objects you bring back up and monitoring and managing your health. The on-board autodoc can help but it can't do quite enough to stay ahead of the radiation damage.
I've got just under 60 hours on this game and I haven't found everything or seen all the lore. Exploration and experimentation are key to making big bank when you fly back home!

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Scavangers looks good, will get it on the next sale.


Rule the Waves was a really fun game, I even went autistic playing that game and compiled all my ship specs in an excel workbook. Good times.
Anyone know if Rule the Waves 2 is any good? I saw that it was recently released.

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Grimrock us great. First one has a really stupid end boss though. Not as in hard, but just stupid.

shit nigger scavenger looks rad

virtual grow
drug lord 2

2 is better than 1 but still has some kinks being worked out since it's a 1 man project. Besides naval aviation, carriers, and radar, the biggest improvement was how armor improves and damage calculated so armor keeps up with weapons unlike 1 where weapons easily outpace armor.

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Hell yeah nigga, love these games.

For those who don't know, it's a fun little RPG dungeon crawler where you can create multiple characters in a party with a pixel-by-pixel character creator. You can also make weapons, armor and other items. It's really nifty.

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for me, it's streets of rogue

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this appeared in my recs and its cheap as shit 70 pesos thats a steal

Thanks user, I'll keep it on my radar. Know any other good naval games? I've played silent hunter 3 with grey wolves mod but that's it. I know there were a few naval games that made within the last couple of years.

>Paca Paca Passion
>Cool Cool Toon
>Ganbare Neo Poke Kun
>Come On Baby!
>Lost In Shadow
>Tomato Adventure
>Tiny Tank
>Snoopy Concert

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this game looks cool

Too much weeb shit bro.

Basically more of everything. More ship types, more enemies, more different planets, more quests, factions are more fleshed out