Post your vidya opinions that piss Yea Forums off

Post your vidya opinions that piss Yea Forums off

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Final Fantasy 12 is the best game in the series

a gay character existing isn't offensive to me

Final Fantasy 6 is the worst game in the series

the HD models in Half-Life 1 are better than the originals

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Everything, Yea Forums is thin skinned bitches

Splinter Cell Conviction is a good, fun game.

Sonic Force is great.

gaming is for children, losers and faggots

I like Dark souls 2

This, Christ you'd think these idiots would be privy to their hypocrisy concerning nearly everything.
Though overall Nintendo has a lot more better exclusives than Sony, Sony exclusives are often masterpieces that no Zelda, Mario, and few Metroid games can rival. Prime example being Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2; I can think of no Nintendo game that even comes close to dethroning them.

Having lgbt characters in games is fine
A game having anime girls and anime boys in it generally means it's good

Gravity Rush 1 and 2 are boring garbage. They didn't fail because Sony didn't market them enough, they failed because they're shit games. Who the fuck would watch a trailer or gameplay video of these and say "yes I want to play this" aside from autistic weeaboos who perform retarded mental gymnastics to delude themselves anything Japanese is good.

I enjoyed YIIK unironically.


Console wars are an extremely childish thing that adults and even most teenagers have no business participating in. Even "ironically"



This but SOTFS

half life 2 is a shitty tech demo and half life 1 and its expansions are the only true half life games

Steve would actually be a good character for smash

Well, that's it. Yea Forums is officially over. Everyone go home.

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It's a good thing the Superstar Saga remake happened, because it proves Nintendo still cares about the classic Mario RPGs.

I unironically agree with this. I even enjoyed FF2 more

But a straight one is

Every single RPG/Metroidvania fag is a brainlet and should be purged from Yea Forums

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Smash isn't really fun in the slightest, despite me liking and knowing a large majority of the characters, i only liked 64 because it was cute.

100000000000000000000% agree

Stop posting this spam

Good story, low poly is horribly underutilized by most games, good artstyle, good puzzle design, gameplay is good enough to get through the game. Too many people wrote it off without playing it, it's not a 10/10 by any means and it's clearly an indie game but there's a lot of fresh ideas and I'm sad it got killed by reviewers seething that the game wasn't "Hipster and his sjw friends save the world".

There is an entire generation of kids whose first video game ever is Fortnite. And they are honestly lucky.

>Thinking Yea Forums is a hivemind with any kind of consensus on anything

Protip. This is the quickest way to out yourself as an outsider since it's indicative of the kind of internet forums you're acquainted with, and the mentality you've been conditioned into as a result of those forums (Circle-jerking echo chambers where the popular mentality is NEVER CHALLENGED)

genuinely pissed me off, good job user

Yea Forums is definitely a hivemind on many things like half life and valve worship

Dark Souls is artificial difficulty
Mario Odyssey is artificial fun

Fire emblem sucks

A good chunk of Yea Forums actually hates the series now

Death Stranding will be the best game to come out this year and after I finish playing it i'm going to drink every last tear from you faggots as I browse the archives.

tf2 is and will always will be trash

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the Xbox is a good console.

this actually gave me a chuckle but i find all s hitpostin hilarious

Planetside 2 is a pale brainlet imitation of Planetside 1 and loathsome in its implementation.

Trophy hunting brings no joy, only misery

smash 4 was leagues better than melee and will never be topped

final fantasy XIII is a great game, and one of the best in the series.
banjo kazooie is far better than tooie.
paper mario 64 is far better than TTYD.
all fallout games are garbage.
the switch is a fine console.
i can name 3 RPG's worth playing through all the way.

there's nothing wrong with celeste having trans representation

I love vintage memes

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isn't this pretty much agreed on by everyone except melee autists?

smash 4 is widely considered the worst in the series, 2nd worst behind brawl maybe. ultimate or melee is usually the favorite.

Japanese games are mostly garbage, especially anime games. Japanese developers are at their best when not catering exclusively to their pathetic culture

Zeld BotW is a bad game

The Discord mantra if ever there was one

Death stranding is gonna be a good game Kojima is a genius and totally not a hack

Tyranny is a good RPG and The Outer Worlds does look good.

If nothing else the sheer originality of the game should be commended, the whole thing is a risk

My goddamn brother.

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is that why we have tons of thread detected to shiting on valve?

Those are epic shills

FF1 and FF2 are better than half of the franchise at least

Borderlands 2 is the best game out of all looter shooters

The Last of Us is a good video game. There are plenty of games with far more cutscenes and for far less gameplay.

Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3's Control scheme almost ruins the entire game. For this reason I played through 2 and 3 once and had over 300 hours in Peace Walker including multiple playthroughs and basically 100% completion.

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this is god tier bait but I'm sure that a disturbing amount of modern Yea Forums users actually believe this

prove it

Human Revolution is rather easily the best game in the Deus Ex series.

100% agreed. Dead Rising is a prime example of this.

I'm genuinely excited for Pokemon Sword and Shield.

I could not give less of a shit about the national dex shit and I'm surprised it took them this long to do it. People who complain about it are genuinely entitled. They were never going to keep every single Pokemon in every single game for all time. It's just not feasible.
Complaining about the graphics is also dumb. Who gives a shit about a fucking tree and all the example screenshots they use are exaggerated and not that bad.

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Huey legitimately did nothing wrong.

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>300 hours in peace walker

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I liked FFXV and I don't think it deserves all the hate it has

>remaster for free shekels is the same as giving a shit

Have fun paying for a $60 3ds port

Turn-based combat is shit.
The red/blood screen effect is a valid way of visualising injury.

Fallout 4 is the best game bethesda ever made.


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GTA V is better than GTA IV.

super mario sunshine is objectively the worst 3d mario game


I absolutely will and I thank you for wishing me fun.

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These are meant to be "post your vidya opinions that piss Yea Forums off" not "blatant lies."

It's one of the better games in the Franchise.
>more replayability/much more content in general
>stayed true to the franchise formula while ditching the mega retarded pre-MGS4 controls
>an (coherent) storyline that knows its universe is campy cold war spy schlock with tons of side dialogue via tapes if people want to know more
>chico not a rapist yet

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I like all levels/episodes of Duke Nukem 3D and, while some are great, they're all at least good. Also people who claim only the first episode or, worse, the first level alone are good are just outing themselves as retards

Normies that play smash and mortal kombat but won't even consider playing other fighting games

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Nier automata is just the talos principle dumbed down for manchildren who can't pay attention to anything that doesn't have porn and katanas

Hey, so you've only been browsing two years and love Yea Forums because it "shits on anything," huh newfag? Hivemind mentality is board culture, and all Yea Forums suffers from it to a degree. I am sure I don't need to explain to you why the idea is antithetical to anonymous posting, but I guess humans can't escape biological impulses even in online affairs, and have to create and adhere to hierarchies even in this shithole.
>nuh uh, t-that doesn't happen on Yea Forums!
Right, which is why we don't have near-constant Nintendo cock sucking. When two years before it was Sony cock-sucking. Or the Xbone hasn't been ridiculed since launch. Or the PS3 having no games, or it being, ironically, the home to dumb weebshit like Underage Panty Quest. Yeah, all those phases of the users of this shithole were all in my head, I am sure.

Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG

I agree with all of this, plus I actually thought PW's staff management was a lot better and less arbitrarily restricted (deeper skill system for soldiers, random females who could actually compete while still being rarer, etc.)

Good pasta

That's not even an opinion.
CDPR don't even consider it an RPG.

Bad cope.

I enjoyed Doom 2016. It was a great. well-designed game.

Speaking of D44M, I have a new, controversial opinion relating to it and Eternal.
Borderlands 3's Zane's skill tree, with the addition of Mirror's Edge parkour movement, makes BL3 potentially be a faster, funner "Doom experience" than 2016 and/or Eternal appear to offer.
I know it's fucked up, but trying to replay 2016 after having hit Lv. 10+ as Zane is impossible. I'll admit you can fuck up and play him slow with certain builds, but once you start racking movement, gun damage, and reload modifiers the game becomes unimaginably fast and fun as fuck. Randy did it, even if on accident.

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I prefer mobile gaming to console and pc.

not mad until you explain why, and what kind of games you play

candy crush and gacha


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I enjoy making threads about small games I like and hosting lobbies to play with Yea Forums

But you're correct


fpbp, it is. Well in mainline it is.

Dark Souls 2 is the best souls game

Ocarina of Time is shit

better ingredients

Papa Johns

bretty gud

I disagree, rather it is the very epitome of the worst of the franchise coming together in one unholy production.
It has nothing new to offer, having less gameplay than its MMO predecessor, and the story is such a hot mess it potentially hooks you with graphics and dub, only to indiscriminately let you go somewhere between I'M CAPTAIN BASCH FON RONSENBURG and aimless exposition dumps about crystal macguffins.
It has absolutely nothing to offer gameplay-wise, and the story takes the piss by being as underwritten as any other iteration while bumping up the time spent in cutscenes and meandering dialogue even more, all the while behind the scenes showcasing the newly minted Square-Enix's true colors and their corporate bias for easy money versus artistic integrity.
So no, I'd have to disagree with what I can only assume is the extremely misguided consensus that Final Fantasy XII is even close to being the "best Final Fantasy", let alone a decent game.
I hope I've potentially given you something to think on. It's all I can hope for.

Agreed, I love Dark Magic

Visual novels are games

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no dog don't hurt tomato

Most fighting games have outdated control schemes that add nothing to the game and detract from the fundamentals like spacing.

in reality, a character's sexual preference should be irrelevant because it's not an actual character trait.
Unless a romantic encounter or relationship is part of their story/arc, then why are their preferences even being established?
This is nine times out of ten it feels forced, because a character's sexuality is otherwise left open-ended, except when it's pointlessly established for brownie points.
This is where Overwatch fucked up. Well, behind the scenes, anyway, the gameplay is a whole other issue.
This is also why people who hate faggots aren't necessarily homophobic. When (You), and you know who you are, pretend that your sexuality is your personality, is when you become an annoying faggot, no different than a frat bro. Two sides of the same faggot coin, sexuality completely withstanding.

You all are babies. All of you.

Anita Sarkeesian was absolutely right, deserved every penny you all gave her in attention and clickbait, and I hope you continue to give her and people like her more acknowledgement to validate their opinions and cause more counter-reaction for profit.

This is not a troll. I am not fucking kidding.

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This is such a bait post.

Said no one ever

>Quake's multiplayer is vastly overrated and a chore to play. IDGAF how "skill-based" it is. It simply loses its fun once you begin to take it\ srs

>CS is outdated in all iterations. Most of the "pros" are running scripts and people who justify gittin gud care more about stroking their e-peen to tedious horseshit as skill. RNG fucks you over in GO. SOurce is outdated trash for a multiplayer FPS no matter your tickrate on PC specs. As mentioned before, cheaters have infested this game. Spray patterns are fine but do not mesh well with the other aspects of CS's gameplay

>The only people that still play TF2 are autistic children, autistic man-children, and/or those that have serious cases of depression. I genuinely enjoy TF2-fags seethe over OW 3, going on 4 fucking years later while their game has progressively gotten worse. I say this as someone that considered TF2 to be their favorite multiplayer game at 1 point. Current TF2-fags are unbearable and most of you need to sit down already

Banjo Tooie and DK64 are THE peak 3D Platformers and is the casual filter to weed out the SM64 Banjo Kazooie casual bandwagoners

>no different than a frat bro
Everyone lol at this faggot.
I agree with everything else.

Spending money on gacha games is fine if you're having fun.

No. It is boring and tedious. It's like Rare took all the worst aspects of their other #D platformers and combined them into 1 game

RDR2 is in my top 10 goat vidya but I'm not a zoomer :)

anime games are played by exclusively pedophiles

I like Skyrim.

A game being intentionally "difficult" doesn't mean its fun, much less good.

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Hotline Miami 2 is better than the first game in every regard.

I think Silent Hill 2 is melodramatic to the point of absurdity.

>There is an entire generation of kids whose first video game ever is Fortnite. And they are honestly lucky.

This angers me, but only because it is right.

Nu-Fire emblem sucks

SMT and Persona games look really low cheap, to the point where persona 3 and the gameplay segments from DDS look like simple2000 budget games.

not the pistol

>managed to piss someone off

This one pisses off my friends a lot.
The story and characters of FF7 are outright terrible if compared to FFX. FFT was released near the time of FF7 and it also had a much better story.

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Persona5 is actually a pretty cool game

Dark Souls is only popular because it's a dick contest

Doom II is better than Doom 1 and the gimmicky levels are genuinely memorable and enjoyable.

pokemon anime >>> spinoff pokemon games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mainline pokemon games

Dogs are cucked wolfs. Emotional parasites that are only good at

Wasting your money
taking shits everywhere and wait for you to clean it
dying the second you look somewhere else

chose a cat

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Fast travel is a good thing and a necessity in an open world game.

Starcraft 2 existing

you clearly haven't had a cat or pet in general
they all do that

Foot Fetishists make me a mix of disgust and rage that nothing else can, I hate them so much that it brings me to tears.

>taking shits everywhere and wait for you to clean it

unless your cat is very old, they are pretty clean

if this isn't bait then you really should think about why you bother coming here.

Why do they gross you out so much?
I'm not a footfag, but I can kind of see the appeal.

I can't explain why because I'm not sure myself

I've come to make an announcement
Everyone in Yea Forums is a bitch ass motherfuckers

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I don't like footfags, but there are way worst fetishfags that exist.

fpbp without a hint of irony

Dead or Alive 6 is the best iteration of the series, gameplay and character design-wise, especially Helena, shame about no tag mode though

Alright, here goes nothing
I'm gonna FUCKING say it
NIER AUTOMATA IS _________________________________________

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Pretty true desu

Japs are legitimately better at making western shit than we are. It just works every time.

>God tier story, literally encapsulates most of human history and dozens of mythologies while exploring deep characters like Solomon and Mashu
>Gameplay that can be cleared with bronze units through sheer skill due to how well designed it is
>Writing by some of the most well known and acclaimed Japanese authors (Gen Urobuchi, Kinoko Nasu, etc)
>Always pushing the bar higher and expanding its lore, scale, and mechanics

If you don't play FGO you're either an out of touch boomer or a retard with no self control to avoid paying for quartz

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desu i hate anime games

There's literally nothing wrong with people to consider gaming a mental illness.
And the fact that they want to ban violent videogames is much better, maybe finally those faggots will finally get away from my hobby.

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Resident Evil 2 Remake was balanced really badly.

Perhaps you're mad that they can accept a part of themselves that is a little weird.
Do you like feet? Maybe you do, but for some reason don't want to.

Sonic Heroes > Any of the Adventure games.

based. Sarkeesian gives community college 101 level info on feminism, and the bitch boys here still throw a tantrum over having to think about the medium they supposedly care about for 5 seconds.

I unironically half the ps2 library is shovelware


FFXV is objectively the only good FF.

Nintendo just rehashes games with each generation. Nintendo fans are too stupid to realize this.