What game is the most fun with friends?
What game is the most fun with friends?
Other urls found in this thread:
No idiot, those are watermelons.
Did he squeeze lemon juice into his eyes?
Reminder that these "people" all voted for Trump because they think they are racially superior.
what a waste of food
This is the American version of that British pub webm.
>That fucking anxiety skeleton guy
Jesus, poor bastard. I'm surprised he can stand up, let alone walk. His bones look like they're made out of literal twigs.
depends on your friends
whats with this creepy blatantly anti-white propaganda on social media
Yea Forums in one image
I promise, as a white fucker, if you look harder there is anti-human. Disregard politics or skin, there are people that 'join' any side they can to just hate everyone not on 'their side'.
Sometimes they refuse to hate their own skin color or shit they like, but even then that is rare.
reminder your posts say more about you than anyone, thats why you hide behind the veil of anonymity
Blonde bowl guy looks like that one character that Monkey Jones played.
We used to have a lot of fun with Worms Armageddon on the PS1, since you could play with 4 people and only needed one controller (you pass the controller when it's the next team's turn)
We also loved Bomberman on PC, although only two people could play at a time, one on the arrows and one on WASD
>reminder your posts say more about you than anyone, that's why you hide behind the veil of anonymity
M-Maybe Trump was the wrong choice bros
If you can actually get 4 people together to play this game it is an absolute blast. Peak coop experience. Probably works with 3 but dunno if it'd be as fun with 2
shit I miss being a kid
Is this the American idea of fun with friends?
Don't worry bruh, I though a party for you somehow
and /pol/ keeps saying white genocide is something that should be prevented
multiplayer games nowadays are all either fotm trash or twitch bait
nice ad homenirkfgx
Bowl cut nationalism
I'm glad you consider us white
me in the middle
only two people posted video games, god this board sucks dick
>Fat fuck immediately grabs a piece of the cake and shoves it in his mouth
this group is unironically based and if you disagree you do not know the meaning of the word
they are racially superior its just they arent nurtured well
what do you do for fun faggot?
I voted for Trump because I wanna own the libs and shillary killery dickriders. Get destroyed, democrat.
well this is a thread about friends on Yea Forums so it's not like most people can answer from experience
Not that you dumb amerilard
He is scared to answer lest he be judged. The actual opposite of based.
Absolute fucking unit
Imagine being a wh*te male.
why the fuck is that hungry skeleton pouring chocolate sauce on itself?
>he doesn't hit his best friend with with a refrigerator
if whites die out whos gonna feed your dumb ass, jews? Hahah
kill yourself shill faggot
Post it
Mario Kart
Street Fighter 2
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Overcooked 2
One Strike
Civ V
Board games
wow impressive, almost all of them are multiplats!
Watermelons are pretty fucking heavy.. that poor fat guy got fucked up.
I'm an idort, if it's fun I play it
to turn himself into a pocky stick
>Yea Forums is to young to remember Mario Party
This game destroyed friendships but fuck it was fun.
They are racialy superior. That just means all other races suck even more.
>with friends
nobody on Yea Forums is able to genuinely answer this
>Lardass with no muscle
>skinny emo twink
>racially superior
That dad is unironically based, because he has a lot of kids who go on to have a lot of kids because they aren't neurotic pieces of shit.
It should be prevented, whites aren't better until you look at everyone else, they are better by default.
>whites aren't better until you look at everyone else
KKona SoBayed
What in fuck's name am I watching?
Yea Forums meetup
The future of america, they will have sex and have kids while everyone else doesn't.
>america's """"heartland""""
brit here, i got you
I don't even like Trump I'm a moderate Liberal and will still vote for him to spite everyone because I don't really care about this country.
this. i'm a liberal but I vote Republican usually. the left isn't liberal these days. i want to go back
this is a work of art
sorry britbongs, america has you outmatched in terms of stupidity.
why are humans like this? why are we so fucking strange? don't even try to make this shit about one group or whatever, i've seen blacks, asians and white people all do some weird ass crap why are we such fucking freaks?
I watched this while waiting for something interesting to happen.
Fuck you user.
while it did get better as it went on (the midget was a nice touch) I think the burger one is better
the dude drunk off his ass marching was nice though
in the beginning, boring beaner guy presses a lemon over the eyes of the asian looking dude, fucking him up.
Afterwards, you see him throw a small melon or whatever super carefully into the grass and then dodged the dangerous silly spray.
He started well into this chaos, but pussied out by the end of it.
rent free
Is this during the middle of the day?
>Nobody is trying to kill eachother
boring, looks like america wins again. get better at being retarded you fags
Those are all minors, none of them voted for Trump. Maybe in 2024.
Is that a tranny or a woman with male features?
have you never seen a british woman? That's just what they look like
Maybe your just a buzzkill.
Margot Robbie is cute though
The weak should fear the strong
>video of shitskins being violent drains on society
>comments disabled
>you get banned
>video of whites doing something silly or stupid
>open season
besides the jokes it is actually a well known tranny in that local area
She's Australian
Looks like they're all having fun
>I'm a moderate Liberal
clearly you arent
>being a kid
The nigga on his knees is past his 20s, the rest are at least 18. They are young, but not fucking kids anymore
imagine giving a shit about contemporary politics, i just want this country gone.
There are more videos of white people doing fucked up shit than anyone lol
careful you dont cut yourself.
Pathetic Americans hitting each other with food at a birthday party. Here in Europe we hit each other with tables to celebrate their birthday.
Fucking white people are weird as hell man.
is he dead? He didnt seem to react to being slammed in the fucking head
leak reality disagrees
It's an AI that learned how to play the game
Nah he's just drunk as hell. Later on in the video they bump into him and spill some of his drink so he throws the rest of it on them.
90% of this site is brown people being monkeys
This is like the gayest thing I've ever seen that didn't show exposed cocks.
i dont even follow politics dude, i just like proving that a voting system is bad because it lets people who know nothing about what they're voting for, cast their opinion.
Does anyone have the webm of the fat guy and the skelly doing some retarded dance
how did her face not get burnt by centipede explosions?
yes, and?
White people are dying, thats the ultimate evidence of their inferiority.
What the fuck is that liquid?
>first 10 pages
>like 3 videos of niggers dismembering someone
>tons of cartel killings
>an african mob lynching a midget
wow white people xD
At least they're not dying of poverty and aids.
>This link I posted proves white people aren't fucked up
boiling oil
>itt: another /pol/ thread
Can you fuckers just die out already.
Why are you so angry? Anything that makes you shitskins look bad gets banned. Whites are constantly attacked.
White do all of that and more
Yes they are
Woah. It's almost like there's a bunch of non-whites with inferiority complexes that use this site or something.
Can you really blame them though?
They look like funny people. I would hangout with them
holy shit this site has stuff even liveleak wont show and no censorship nice user
No, this is the gayest thing you'll ever see.
>Anything that makes you shitskins look bad gets banned
Are you talking about here or other sites?
Liveleak has been trash for years. Nothing but normgroids banned from youtube and the occasional police shooting video. They even refused to show the Christchurch shooting.
Just use YNC/Bestgore.
The old feller with the cane looks like he has good stories.
I wish I had friends like that.
She chose to drank from the rejuvenating waters.
hot oil
Europe sounds fucking awesome
>They are forced to watch a degenerate fortnite predator
Amerilard education
What is wrong with america
this dude hela based
Why are Europeons so obsessed with America?
Is it because you have no guns and are not legally allowed to defend yourself when attacked by a pack of feral economic migrants?
>be american
>get shot
>go bankrupt because treatment is $100k
>be european
>get beheaded by muslims
>be african
>be african
>be asian
>die by suicide from overstress in work
>be australian
>entire country is filled with shit that wants you dead
you're all fucked
Based and unironically red pilled
That's going to be my wife once she's of age.
your average american
>Be latin american
>Have none of these problems
I will be here in the south laughing at you "first" worlders
I can promise you not all of us are like this.
oh shit, sorry i forgot
>be latin american
>get shot by favela cartels
>get treated by a favela doctor
>he's actually an organ harvester so he just fucking kills you instead
Actually why do rural rednecks think they are superior?
>be australian
be latin american get shot at a club along with every person in it because the cartel was after some fat kit in the corner
Everyone thinks they’re superior retard, some people are just better at lying to themselves
jesus, imagine suddenly falling into burning oil and then exploding from the inside
The african one got me
>literally no indication of them being American
why dude
I'd rather deal with the the above issues than have poor living conditions. Fucking christ you can't even drink the water in most countries in south america. They're nice when you're a visiting tourist tho.
They're superior to city dwelling whites since their at least reproducing, as opposed owning multiple dogs.
Oh fuck user had a stroke!
>Cartels everywhere
isn't there also a webm going around of a guy having his junk ripped apart by dogs
We have plenty of guns you retarded subhuman, also the only thing you gun hoarding fat asses use your guns for is killing your pathetic selves. ALso your death count to muslims is a thousand times higher than europe's, kys you ugly monkey.
>nice ad homenirkfgx
Meanwhile, your cops are too busy chasing a guy with a knife because they can't do anything.
It's the only national prejudice they won't be arrested for having.
>We have plenty of guns
no you dont
this is only even remotely true if you're from switzerland
You faggots are the root of all evil, the spread of communism in both asia and europe is mainly your fault, same goes with migrants from the third world as a result of your retarded meddling
>kid wearing a big American flag shirt
>no indication
what a clown world
This is pathethic to watch.....
This one is gold. Any burger cop would have rightfully magdumped him as soon as he stepped over that brick wall.
i'd love to know the full circumstances of this, i really would
i've seen cops pile in and fuck up people for having a stanley blade, i've even witnessed a fucking cop take on three punks with a baton once because they didn't pay their tram fare and tried to run
but then this, 10 fuckers not being able to approach a single guy going nuts...it's gotta be some backwards shitty town on the day shift, and they're all PSO's or something, fuck
Because they actually live around tons of niggers.
only in america stuff like this exists
None of them are old enough to vote retard.
>generalizing an entire race is bad!
>unless we do it
So this is an anglo problem
even the biggest white loser thinks he's superior to others
it's part of their culture
Why the fuck is he tryin to spank him
The same reason literal niggers post "BLAX WERE DA FIRST RACE, WHITEY STOLE EVERY INVENTION, ANCIENT EGYPT WAS BLAX" shit. These are 60 IQ monkeys who cannot function in modern society but think they are superior. You also have La Raza tatted up Latino gangbangers who sell cocaine for a living talk about how Latinos are the master race.
Typically people who are of higher intelligence or ability actually doubt themselves quite a bit. You very rarely see successful, intelligent blacks/whites/asians/latinos proclaim superiority. Its always the bottom of the barrel trash who only have their skin color.
are you having trouble following the comment chain or something?
Uuuhh lemme check
>Do you have any idea how fast you were going?
Also, as you become more intelligent you tend to become more aware that you might actually be a hallucinating nigger or some eldritch tentacle thing.
Dylan Roof looks so happy. I wonder what changed.
Blacks still manage to be poorer and more violent than white trash
The game that brings you closer together.
i dont wanna do this but we gotta dump the quaaludes
He has been a really bad boy to daddy.
>meanwhile in MAGAland
Basically it's just wh*te people being cringe.
hi jontron
Probably couldn't get a tazer out.
The UK is like fucking Payday where you need a certain level of carnage before they send out the beefier units.
She cute
Or my wife when shes 12
Aren't the libs in USA right-wing?
Liberals are left.
Aren't all parties in the USA somewhat liberal?
Depends on what you mean by liberal I guess.
The political use of the term pretty much only applies to the left.
I hope my daughter ends up like this
Here in Brazil liberals are viewed as right-wing because they support the economic theories of Mises and Adam Smith, that's why I've asked.
In America liberals support Karl Marx and
conservatives support Adam Smith.
Interesting how the ideas are the same but the labels are flipped.
She had moonwoman skin, it's impervious to extreme temperatures and remains smooth for decades. Downside is it degrades suddenly and can go from 25 to 60 overnight.
Was that fucking Tide at the end???
You don't even play fucking games.
What is your end game?
I played some games today.
I'm gonna plug that mouth of yours with my white dick and then you won't be able to post your Steam anymore.
never gets old
>Walk down the street
>Get shot in the head for your cellphone
Y-yeah, sounds great!
Did you check their voter card or something? If we're judging their looks and how impoverished they are, they probably voted democrat.
try Heroes of Might and Magic 3 multiplayer it's a blast imo
I'm the police. I shall protect you, you can trust me.
mass shootings are bad-
The entire spectrum of meth Americans
>Here's your white race bro
Depending on the group jackbox is always a great time.
Imagine how easy it would be to snap that twig's arms.
I bet USA shirt would get furious if someone threw something his way. There is always that guy.
>In America liberals support Karl Marx
No, no they don't. The only issues the Democrats are meaningfully different from the Republicans on are social issues. Economically they're not much different.
So some of the golden eggs are cracked. It's a big basket, go figure.
>Get shot in favela
>Sister gets raped in front of you
>Organs get harvested
>Your 13 siblings made into hotdogs
F-first world b-b-btfo...!!!
This is almost like a redneck Wes Anderson movie about coming of age in an economically declined white area in the USA
>Fat dude takes bowl-cut kid under his wing as he has trouble at home and is on a bad path
>Other kids are similar trouble makers
>They all bond one summer and this is just one crazy fun escapade they do to break lose for fat dude's birthday
>After this they all go hang out at the local watering hole and get stoned while staring at the night sky and talking about their feelings
>Motivation for the fat dude: he is just being the straight-shooting moral guide he wish he had as a kid
>The scene after this the bowl cut kid goes home and his heroin-addict / meth-addict mom gives him shit for staying out too late
>His abusive step dad looks at him in a way that says "later bitch boy"
>He storms out the house in a montage scene looking for fat dude
>Bowl cut kid can't find him and he goes into another crisis, steals alcohol from a nearby store
>Gets picked up by the police
>Next shot is him being returned to his deadbeat mom's house by the police and him being subsequently beaten by his abusive stepdad
Man this shit writes itself
You're a walking meme just like them.
None of those people are related i dont think
I recognize the skeleton and turbofat from some youtube video making fun of them
Think they did some social media crap with that big nigger with no neck or something
I've seen enough feminists with ussr shirts or pins to know that isn't true.
Would rather live next to them than melanin enriched individuals.
Not a single person in that vid ever voted and probably will never vote.
Based and incestpilled
>Toejam and Earl in Getting Fruity with Dylan Roof
>Violent Videos get removed for being violent videos
>white people doing stupid non-violent things don't get removed
kys retard
As someone who grew up around niggas, they are equally as retard. Everybody just gets socialized into believing that their specific brand of autism is not weird and dumb so they can live their lives in auto pilot while not thinking about shit.
technically the republicans are indeed more liberal than the democrats going by the poli sci definition. however, only the democrats identify as liberals even though in any european country the majority of them would be seen as center-right on economics and left on social issues, whereas the republicans are right wing on economics and conservative on social issues.
Clean it up janny
This man has 200 IQ. You're a stupid goyim.
Does someone have the webm of the 2 chavs giving each other a kiss then hitting each other with chairs? They were drunk in a back alley.
Not him, but you're retarded
Alright user, go and post clown world on facebook for me k?
Well he plays like a casual.
anything that doesn't involve autists from Yea Forums
Speedonvhs steamcommunity.com
Hazmat steamcommunity.com
adamantium steamcommunity.com
Big Bear Detektiven Jimmy steamcommunity.com
zerraina steamcommunity.com
solaireislove chlamydia /fit/ normalfag tard steamcommunity.com
Lammy steamcommunity.com
>Select your character
The garfield posters are the cherry on top
>Be latin american
>participate in the weekly rapist/pedophile lynching
Begging the question.
I wish I didn't have to see that today.
Should've specified the country and province, bucko.
well yeah i have a fucking huge dick and you are a faggot so bow down and star sucking
she cute