Good hand to play when you're high?

Good hand to play when you're high?

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dude fucking weed bro I’m so fucking high this is fire bro siiicck don’t tell your dad

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A royal flush

>phone poster
Kill yourself

okay this is epic

I played dead cells high last night it was pretty fun had my own music blasting and I lost myself in the game


>smoke weed
>gain 20lbs in 14 days from eating shit

God Hand

Sekiro is a good weed game.

big if true

>I cAn QuiT aNyTImE, I juSt smOke EVerYdaY


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counter strike and adderall is my fav.
but fallout and weed is pretty sick

I'd say Jack Ten suited. Every card that comes out your slow-mo high brain will think you're about to make the epic straight or the flush.

Yea Forums is full of children
you can't bring up the devil's lettuce here

You better start talking video games or I'll lose it

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Russian Roulette.

I can't play games when I'm stoned, my brain just shuts off. But like said counter strike + stims is fucking god tier

>playing games when you're high
I don't get it. You are already losing cognitive functions from doing the drugs, why the fuck would you then play videogames?

RTS games are really comfy when high, speacially at night.

left hand

weed is for children and man children

Fighting games, shmups, Doom, etc. Arcade games are prime stonercore
I met a lot of drug dealers and chinese/latino gang members in the arcades during the 90's

because dude weed bro

i prefer both hands when i play

moms gonna get mad bro

sure Yea Forumsro

videogames are, like, totally healthy for your brain.No dopamine involved, no escapism, no sensory overload.

Videogames are the hobby for those who win at life everyday

>smoke weed
>become an even bigger autist
>literally cant speak more than 2 word sentences because i think i'll look like a supreme assburger
goddammit anons how do i cure autism

You clearly haven't played games stoned before


Damn good thing I don't play those and only come here to have a quick laugh at retards and butthurt virgins.

Suicide. Try it sometime.

I have and it's dumb. I'd rather watch a movie or youtube. Playing videogames while high is like drunk driving. It's not fun losing control of your cognitive functions when trying to do something.

smoke weed on your own and define your own high experiences, away from anything that might cause paranoia or self-doubt. dont be like alcoholic idiots and only take part in something because of social cues.

t. straight edge

I would not have gotten through 110 hours of bullshit and dlc in ac odyssey if I wasn't high on green crack and alien rock candy
Weed has only caused me to lose weight which is a shame because I kinda need it

>20lbs in 14 days


any game

that shit doesnt happen from weed. youre not shooting up pal.

This is good advice for shut ins with no social skills, or anyone who takes a drug and loses their ability to function.

>why yes I play God Hand on the hardest difficulty how can you tell?

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what else

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Don't smoke around people. My last experiences have been the same and I've been refusing weed when my friends partake in it. On the other hand I've had a lot of success with alcohol (not beer) for social interactions.

Five of a kind beats royal flush.

What are some games where I can beat or kill junkies?

Learn to eat healthy snacks when you get the munchies user. Some good examples: assorted nuts, baby carrots, celery with some peanut butter, fruits work too but don't eat too much. My favorite snack to eat while high is peanut butter filled pretzels.

Like everything in life, moderation is key. Even weed and video games.

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based retard

The dude weed lmao meme posters are ironic as fuck. They say weed smokers are children while at the same time they are coming with that ridiculous meme.

I suggest a cold ripe peach

>friends always complaining that they don't have money
>they spend $100 on week every other week

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I played all the dark souls games high the first time.


If you believe you have 100% mind clarity while you are smoking then you must be pretty low iq to not notice

It's why I can't smoke It. I turn into an insatiable fiend.

Stoners are low IQ, not surprising. Also the excuses.
>I need weed to sleep!
>I need weed for my back pain!
>I need weed to be somewhat tolerable!
>I need weed to improve my experiences because I'm a soulless nigger!
All junkies should get the rope.

Nah, i think that's you my friend, and about people smoking weed of all things.

I'm not seething, you'll just go to jail. Shit is hilarious.

someone's gotta keep the stoner retards in line

Yeah I always have to quit when I try playing stoned because I just suck. I get lost and play like a retard. there are cool games to play tho, flywrench comes to mind

>"D-don't make fun of my addiction!"

Not with this shitheel

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Super Robot Wars.

Sure my friend, keep ''laughing'', kek.

Russian Roulette

>this meme I saw on 4channel is really immature guys

It's not actually addictive, you do know that right

Max Payne.

I smoked everyday for almost 2 years, had no trouble quitting.


You absolutely Can. water weight will make up at least 10 lbs of it.

Re-read your post again. Slowly.

By acting even more retarded!

I don't smoke weed, that's why the meme posters look stupid as hell.

I play better when I'm high. and when I'm sober I have no interest in videogames.

nothing is as good as fapping high as fuck, busting a nut and then going to comfy sleep.

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>friends always complaining that they don't have money
>they spend $100 on week every other week

>$100 a week
>don't have money

Do you live in Venezuela by any chance user?

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you dont even know what the fuck you mean by "mind clarity". You clearly dont understand the effects of drugs on both your logical and emotional processing. Have you ever attempted to do a task while high? You've never noticed the positives and negatives? What are you a fucking bug?

>smoking weed
I bet you also put ketchup on your sandwiches you scum

Those people are dramatic, but not addicted.

Nobody has ever gotten "addicted" to weed like other drugs, or nicotine. At most it can become habitual, just like anything else in life.

Also depends on how heavy you are, when I was 275lbs I could lose 10 pounds water weight in a day easy.

on the list of the grossest thing a woman can do to look unappealing, short of having sex with a black guy and having tattoos - its smoking pot

Rocket league
Hotline Miami

Yes, meme posters in general are very stupid. Or are you saying that there can't be stupid memes?

What does weed feel like?

As somebody who's seen a lot of mecha and fumbled through a few Japanese games which SRW is the best to dive into? Or more specifically which had the most quality of life improvements?

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That's not how it works buddy. You don't need a physical addiction to a chemical for something to be considered addiction, hence gambling addiction

i envy your ability to be this stupid and happy

Junkie hate thread

I'd take a ketchup fag over a weed fag. At least ketchup fags don't go around saying shit like "DUDE KETCHUP! I'M TOTALLY FULL RIGHT NOW LOL"

When i was 14-15 i would smoke weed and we unironically would say dude weed and joke about it. That was almost 15 years ago..

I'm saying you are currently dedicating your time to complaining about a meme being immature on Yea Forums. Reevaluate your life.


and I shit you not, Shadow of the Colossus, I have never seen anybody more amazed than my roommate, when he saw me playing the game during his acid trip

Gives you extreme paranoia and intrusive thoughts

It has the same effect as tobacco on me, then again I'm pretty sure I've only ever smoked mid.

dude before I quit cigarettes that shit was running me like $250 a month. Get a real job

If someone is complaining about a lack of money, $100 a week is a lot. They could just stop smoking and be well fed for the week, or stay dry for a few months and get a brand new gayman PC

well when I make burgers i put ketchup mayo and mustard on my top bun which I toast a lil before and spread it
always three pickles on top of the patty too
then a big bong rip before I bite into that delicious burger

>But I also need it for my back pain dude!

Not him but
>Do something that makes your brain release chemicals that make you feel good because of repetition
>Implying this is exclusive to smoking

>Gambling addiction isn't real, actually

>friend who I trusted scammed me with a fake cart

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i know that feel, when i wake up to realize i drank 12 beers and ate 3 bags of doritos it usually has to do with the weed

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>go to jail
>for weed
Lol imagine living in a police nanny state

>before and spread it

Are you a girl?

nothing is more retarded than talking about what games to play while stoned

I mean yeah? Some people genuinely smoke or take CBD oil for pain. People have been doing that since the discovery of pot.

why stupid? elaborate.

Keep making excuses for your addiction nigger

>good hand

a Yakuman-hand obviously.

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More like complaining i'm pointing out the irony. I like doing that, and yes, right now i am in Yea Forums, anything that i do in here is a waste of time, like anything you do in here too. This is my free time to waste, so yeah.

You sound like you were low in to begin with.

t. Goes to work stoned every day making 50/hr programming.

Then I go home get stoned and work on finishing my indie-game

I said that because most dumbfucks don't even realize that they're just gaining water weight and not fat. +20lbs of fat in 14 days requires a surplus of like 5k cal per day.

it amplifies you emotions, if you don't feel comfortable you'll get anxious, if you feel at ease you'll get outbursts of laughter/a nice warm numb feeling. if you're hungry you'll eat till you die and so on and so on

>Imagine still smoking weed on regular basis after graduating from college

All of my friends who do this are giant losers

Dude, I just do it for fun on weekends, just adding another perspective to your small. small world.

Should be executed desu

Nobody implied that and that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you can develop an addiction to weed. Not only did you butt into a conversation you weren't apart of, you couldn't even stay on topic in it.

It's exactly what I said. I smoked about half a g of hash on a daily basis.
Not gonna lie, I have pretty addictive personality, but when I quit smoking weed I didn't had any carving like I had with meth for example dropping meth was probably the hardest and almost driven me to suicide at one point
Your argument is trash. What is it that you don't understand?

no sorry

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Shouting retarded things at weed posters is even more retarded. Try doing it in real life, and see if you don't get weird glances.

Cool, hope you get arrested soon :^)


Everyone has a different experience with it user but mainly it feels like fog is blanketing your head and everything seems interesting and fun. Some people that aren't used to it get 'too'' high and that sets the paranoia and causes them to freak out but those people shouldn't be smoking weed in the first place. If you have a problem controlling your own thoughts and emotions in the first place don't touch it.

It's not the best thing in the world but its nice.

Is that the shit people are dying of

I'm doing a STEM PhD in a top 5 school and everyone in the program smokes

I have lumbago. It’s a serious condition.

>tfw live in a recreational state

It's de-criminalized in my city :)

Have fun being a hardass user

>on a daily basis
>for years
You're in denial.

it takes a pretty low IQ to just dedicate time to numbing your brain with drugs and pornography and then being glad you did it

I love how when you get high. Yea Forums always cheers you on.

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Used to be like this
Damn near ate two bags of Costco french toast sticks one time I hung out in my friend's converted garage
Now I mostly just drink coffee with milk and something sweet to go with it
Usually cinnamon sugar pita chips, but I'm trying to find another sweet and crunchy snack and just don't know where to look

Well shit dude in my defense I'm high right now, gimme a break

I don't smoke weed because it makes me anxious, but my friends do, and they all have their degrees, some have masters, and they all function pretty well in their lives. So my experience cancels yours. You know why? Because you can't generalize without being wrong sometimes.

Pretending to be straight edge doesn't make you edgy or interesting

found the boomer.

You're a student. You pay money to be there and you consume substantially more resources than you contribute back. Nothing is more pathetic than a student with the ego of a doctor

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I mean, I smoked almost everyday for 3 years in college and cut it cold turkey 4 months ago.

Haven't had any problems whatsoever except that falling asleep took a little longer for the first week sober.

But that's easy shit

>wasting weed for game
stupid fucking zoomers

That's fine, stay there junkies.

>paying for a PhD
I get paid for doing it though

calm down edgy, we're sorry your trade job fell through

All the same guy