ITT: kino vidja antagonists

ITT: kino vidja antagonists

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I have some serious questions about the plot of kotor 2

ask user we shall spoon-feed you

"I only wanted to be united with her... That is all I ever wanted... All I ever
asked for... Is this the end...? Ahahahaha!"

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So kreia got kicked out by the jedi because she trained revan and revan did bad stuff because he got brainwashed by a super sith lord? Then she becomes a sith and teams up with the plague guy and the grey guy but they backstab her? So then she hates everyone and wants to kill the force so she somehow links herself with the exile and trains you. Then she was going to suicide at malachor to kill the force but doesn't but still gets killed by the exile and the force doesnt die? And force wounds make no sense

You may ask.

Is best to forget The Old Republic ever existed, user. The MMO did irreparable damage to the lore



I'm sorry, but you're too stupid for me to write an essay to explain everything. I'm out.

do you think he used the loli versions as well?

>I suffered... indignities.
So. What exactly did they do to her?

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Fed her eggs.

She had to eat ALL the eggs.

Just explain force wounds and why kreia dying on malachor (which is what she wanted) didn't destroy the force then. How was her committing suicide any different from getting killed by the exile and why did she suddenly back out?

I will not let this kotor thread die

This is fucking sick

>Oh this one can talk and all!

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I really tried to get into this but hfs obsidian sucks at fucking everything except storytelling and even at that they can be very pretentious with their avellone shit, I'm just tired of their half baked products. thanks god for larian tho.

Force wounds are just that, if you kill a large amount of people, or a planet, the force is hurt, and the wound spreads, just think of Yoda gripping his chest when all those jedi die during order 66. It creates an echo, the bigger the echo, the bigger the effect. If you can create a "wound" big enough so it echos throughout the galaxy nothing of the force will remain, it can't "restore" itself.

Kreia didn't destroy the force because it would have killed all living beings, so instead she chose death but tried to make amends for her past mistakes.

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current obsidian is not the same obsidian that made kotor
but you should still get content restoration mod

Name a more kino RPG encounter.

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>Leave, leave while there is still hope HoPE

i did that, the game is a mess nonetheless. just like any game they've made. here's hoping for outer worlds tho.

Try out Alpha Protocol. In my humble opinion, it's the best game ever made.

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Of course not, do you see how dedicated he is?
He could have just gotten Lenneth from a different timeline but that wasn't good enough, it had to be this specific one.

>Kreia didn't destroy the force because it would have killed all living beings
Did she realize that 10 seconds before confronting the exile on malachor or just have a change of heart? Seems like something you would know the entire time

No she realized that during the meeting with the jedi council.

She thinks you survived the force echo on malachor somehow, then got your connection severed forcefully by the council, which is what you tell her and which is why she's interested in you in the first place, you found a way to survive, and that means there could be a way to kill the force without killing every living being. But as it turned out, you just cut yourself from the force at that moment to save your ass.

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makes sense. I'll pay more attention. Going to do a dark side run in 2 after I finish the dark side run in 1.

She wasn't bad though

antagonists aren't inherently villains
an antagonist is simply a character that gets in the way of the protagonist's goals
In Death Note, Light is the villain but he's the protagonist, while L, the good guy, is the antagonist

>Light is the villain
>L, the good guy

How do I not run out of force points so fucking fast in 1? I'm doing a consular build and run out during some fights and regen is so slow. Mostly using horror and lighting and choke

Charmy and Sams Underrail

well yeah but I had to make a fast example and Death Note is an easy example of what most people would consider a villain as the protagonist and the good guy as an antagonist

czerka corp did nothing wrong

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Did nothing wrong

Okay, yeah, meeting the master face to face is good, but why do that when can just turn on the bike and run very quickly?

>So kreia got kicked out by the jedi because she trained revan and revan did bad stuff because he got brainwashed by a super sith lord?
No, Kreia was kicked out because they (The Jedi Council) blamed Revan's crusade and his fall at Malachor V on her teachings.
>Then she becomes a sith and teams up with the plague guy and the grey guy but they backstab her?
She became a Sith because of her hatred and resentment towards the Jedi order. However, the Sith is a never-ending cyclical of betrayals piling upon betrayals.
>So then she hates everyone and wants to kill the force so she somehow links herself with the exile and trains you.
She doesn't hate everyone and she doesn't want to kill the Force, per-say. She hates the Force because It has shown itself time and time again to change the course of events and decide people's futures and destinies. The Force is determinism manifest; Its existence proves that everything you did, are doing, and will ever do is because the Force wills it. In the Exile she sees a hole where the Force should be—she sees a way for life to exist outside the influence of the ever-present Force and that's beautiful to her.
>hen she was going to suicide at malachor to kill the force but doesn't but still gets killed by the exile and the force doesnt die?
She doesn't go there to take her own life. She has failed as your teacher because at the end you've either accepted the Light side or the Dark Side, and thus accepted that the Force is the guiding hand in your life; something she absolutely abhors. She has failed to teach you to throw the Force aside and learn to live through your own actions. Thus, she falls yet again and accepts her fate as Darth Traya. She awaits you at Malachor to confront her last failed student.

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