Videogame Prices

The latest reaction here to Link's Awakening has been an amazing eye opener for me. I honestly do not believe that the poor should be allowed to have opinions on videogames.

Think about it, this place is anonymous so people here will openly complain about the price. But in non anonymous forums or real life they'll just insult the game for other reasons since they're ashamed they can't afford $60.

This causes a confusion with actual proper criticism and people mad they're poor.

Thoughts? Opinions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Poor people ruined the internet. There should be a poverty check before you're allowed to post anywhere.

You Nintendo cock suckers do some amazing mental gymnastics. Fucking retard.

It's just an easy shitpost that caught on. "$60 for four hours of funko pops" is pithy enough that it can drown out any discussion and short enough that shitposters can comprehend and remember it

Fucking stop me then bitch nigga.

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I completely agree. Why should they be allowed to comment on something they can't ever afford?
Certain steps can be taken

This isn't what mental gymnastics means bro

Based ancap user

>60 bucks for a gameboy remake

Honestly I'm just glad that one of the greatest games of all time is finally on a handheld

>pay $60 for a product you bought for $7 several years ago or your poor
A fool and his fucking money, nigger

>want to buy the lite
>switch game that came out a year ago are still 79.99$

Nincels seethe while Sony breeds. We can’t stop winning.

Video games should have never been allowed to be priced higher than $40


Gotta be honest here lads, I'm digging the style, it really grew on me. but the framerate is complete shit. Drops when entering a building, drops when exiting a building, drops sometimes when cutting grass, drops at approximately the point where the screen would transition in the game boy game, drops when talking to people, locked to 30 on the map, locked to 30 in certain areas, really think I'd just prefer an overall 30 FPS lock at this point.

Spotted the poorfag

I can afford to buy this for everyone in this thread 5 times over but I'm not an autist that just goes out and wastes their money because something is "new". So, user tell me why I should spend my money on a game I've beaten twice years ago that's only seen minor QoL changes and a facelift?

>making 170usd of purely disposable income every day
>still pirate everything
best of both worlds

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So poor people on the internet can't call you a poorfag

I have a 400-500€ entertainment budget per month, and I refuse to pay full price for a game I'll be able to complete in 12-15 hours (and a game I'm able to get for much less on the 3DS VC).
If they added content aside from a simplistic dungeon builder, alright. But they didn't.

The poverty check was owning a computer in the first place.

With computers and phones so accessible that tax is long gone.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy this game

All poor people should die and when they die there will be the new poor people. We just keep killing all the poor people and it will be a nice world.

You must be american.
In first world countries our sense of self worth doesn't revolve around the amount of money we have.

Also if you check other "forums" the price is the no1 complaint.

Imaging lying on 4channel Yea Forums to impress a bunch of incels. Why don't you poorfags just leave us alone?

If you spent half as time working as you do complaining you wouldn't be so poor



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why does Link look like a Funko pop?

The problem is I'm not lying and couldn't give a shit what your opinion is. It was a rhetorical question making fun of the fact you want a game that preyed upon your low intelligence.

I am from Mexico, $60 for a shitty remake is too much, if people like it, I have no problem but that doesn't mean that you are gonna buy every fuckin game because it's new and shiny

i think this is where the problem lies. This user is bragging about a 500€ budget per month. Like holy shit i can't imagine being so poor i have to budget my entertainment.

The problem seems to be that poorfags don't think they're poor

forgot image

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because funkos looks like LA artstyle from 1993.

you know, you guys can just return it once youre done with it

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>anyone who has less than infinite money is a poorfag

He said entertainment budget of 500€ per month, not monthly budget. But I guess you're so poor you can't pay attention.

I have a full time job.

Daily reminder that:

Crash trilogy - three 6 hours PS1 games remade for $40
Spyro trilogy - three 8 hours PS1 games remade for $40
Zelda remake - one 7 hour gameboy game remade for $60

Is there ANY fucking reason why nintendo didn't include the oracle games as well? I mean, they're clearly not as good as Link's awakening, but they're still must play zelda games. Also, they all share the exact same fucking graphics, meaning that they recycle shittons of assets between games.

Bottom line, the game is a scam, you're better off just pirating it or playing the superior DX version.

>responding to obvious bait

user if you seriously honestly think that 500€ is a lot of money then you're a poorfag. Sorry you have to find out like this. That is unironic chump change. Do you work at McDonalds?

i CAN afford $60, but i wouldn't pay it for a game that is clearly an indie tier piece of trash

shitpost harder bro i can feel the metascore dropping

This desu

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I know what he said and my point stands. The only thing i think about when buying a game is if ill like it or not. i don't budget my entertainment and the fact that you don't get that is because you're poor as well

>not having a bro who works at walmart who can get you switch games (which are $50) and get you that $5 discount

Nintendo games are a unique case. Outside of black Friday, their prices never seem to depreciate.

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Buying Link's Awakening for $60 is like buying an indie game for that price

>I couldn't give a shit what your opinion is.
>So, user tell me why I should spend my money on this game

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This. If you are found to be too rich, you shouldn't be allowed to open your mouth

I agree, unless you have 50000€ to spend on entertainment a month you're a poorfag

>make 160k
>still aware 60 bones for a shitty remake of a game older than all of Yea Forums combined is a bad way to spend money

Not a shitpost, just stating the facts. Link's awakening is my 4th favorite zelda game and it pains to see it being used to steal money from hungry switch owners. The game deserved better than that turd remake

one of the greatest games of the 90s

I had a heavy week and I'm drinking right now. You're right, my sensors were off.
Back to Torna for me

sure is 1-1 remake in here

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here it is again, this user is bragging about 160k kek.

you guys are like frogs in a well, you need to go outside see the real world and realize that you're helplessly poor.

Let me give you some advice, us non poorfags don't even think about spending sixty fucking dollars lmao. i saw the game and thought 'heh that looks fun ill buy it' without even thinking about the price

>crash remake
>has crash 2 which is the best crash game ever

>spyro remake
>has spyro 3 which is the best spyro game ever

>zelda remake
>doesn't include the best zelda game ever majora's mask


>actually complaining about spending $60 when games use to cost $100's of dollars in the 90s.
I guess everyone forgot how much video games use to cost.

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>ohnono poster
>opinion is complete shit
Every. Time.

>Let me give you some advice, us non poorfags don't even think about spending sixty fucking dollars lmao. i saw the game and thought 'heh that looks fun ill buy it' without even thinking about the price
What if the price was $6 trillion and gamestop pulled a fast one on you because you didn't look at the price

>They made the baby game even easier

I didn't forget and I can only imagine how much money was wasted when I bought shitty games for 100$

Yeah, N64 and SNES got away with some ridiculous shit. One thing I enjoyed seeing that no PS1 game I ever saw go above $40. No load time tax was paid I guess.

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That promotion was something they tried exclusively for Days Gone, not a permanent policy and it wasn't a refund it was a $60 credit which means you still had to walk out with something(s) of the same value.

Lol I think that boss model is an import from the 3ds

if you go on the extra blocks won't they just fall off?

How about we just ban third world countries from the internet?

So what you're saying is video games should be priced even cheaper now. I agree.

I actually think you're right. It's extremely close to the LBW iteration.

>bragging about the consumer items he can afford

Do you know how I know you're a middle class poser?

It's not even full priced on Amazon, i don't get it

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Sometimes it seems like people get addicted to the act of just spending money, doesn't matter what it's on.

>link's awakening fag
>no counter arguments

Your game is shit user

Only 2 (two) sidequests, one of them being mandatory until halfway the quest
8 short as fuck dungeons with shit puzzles other than eagle tower. Most rooms are basically just defeat all enemies to spawn key/chest
Overworld is short as fuck and some are basically just visited once for a few minutes like the desert and the ancient shrine.
Shit combat. Remake further shits on the combat by making it too shield reliant and thus slower

But I guess it has bing bing WAHOOOOO 2D sections, so it's clearly a masterpiece and I'm stupid

>i saw the game and thought 'heh that looks fun ill buy it' without even thinking about the price
You are everything wrong with capitalism. People like you enable companies to shit out products without worrying about the real value of them. Impulse buyers should be gassed.

It's just the sweet spot, kind of like consoles not being above $399 before people check the fuck out.

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It's full priced on nintendo's store. Amazon and other places are selling it at lower prices because even they understand that the price is bullshit


Nintendo loves their Nintendo tax.
They do shit like charge full-price for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze when it was a cheap WiiU port.

This is because they know Nintendo fans will just gobble it up.
Meanwhile other companies have the decency to sell their shit at a reduced price

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Didn't read lmaoooo

Dont have to stop you, you being poor is stopping yourself.

ohh shit I just got #told
help im naked

$60 for a 20 year old Game Boy game with a downgraded artstyle and framerate is not appealing to any rational person.

Even with eight hours of sleep every night you have 16 hours. Try again.

yes, but while the tiles are still there the boss has way more space to move, which in turn makes it laughably easy to not get hit

i bet you look at the prices of food before you buy it too.

can we please go back to calling poor people peasants and ostracizing them from society?

He also doesn't "reset" his damage.

>Old Moldorma had to be hit several times in succession with him getting faster each time which meant you were very likely to be knocked off the edge, if you didn't hit him fast enough he slowed down again but you could never kill him unless you got the successive hits before he slowed down
>New Moldorma's tail can't even be hit immediately after he's been hit, he speeds up while keeping his tail protected and after he slows down again his tail becomes vulnerable. You just repeat that several times and he's done, the fight doesn't ramp up at all.

Mixed feelings on it, it obviously makes him way easier but I admit that LA Moldorma was a fucking asshole of a first boss to drop on a kid. I would have preferred a happy medium if they were (probably rightly) nerfing him.

On the other hand for some reason they made Eye Slime marginally harder? He was a joke of a boss before you literally just held down peg boots and steered into him repeatedly and that was it. Now you have to follow one of the splitting slimes and hit them in the eye as they split apart, then run back to the middle and peg charge the splitting point to get them to break.

I'm appreciating a lot of the other QoL changes though, even if they just contribute to making the game even quicker to finish like the extra warp points near zones you backtrack through a lot.

>i bet you look at the prices of food before you buy it too.
Any sane person would look at the pricetag of the things you buy. The price can say a lot about a product.

People complaining about $60 for a good 15 hour game are ridiculous. Game prices have not increased at all in 15 years. If game prices increased with inflation they would be over $90 now.

I already played the game. That's my ultimate issue with it. I don't care about the price, but it is an issue with the switch, and we're seeing it more with stuff like the new pokemon. Still the quality of a handheld title, but 1.5x the cost of other pokemon games. What's up with that? If the quality improves in scale with the price, that's fine, but if it doesn't, it's no better than lootbox shit.

A good new 15 hour game, yes.
But the remake has nearly no new content, mainly the new graphics and QoL changes. Meanwhile you can get the original on 3DS for a tiny fraction of the price tag.

>Defending impulsive normies niggers
Faggotry of the highest order, a king of faggots if you would

The graphical quality has increased massively which means dev costs went up. That's the reason why most games these days have expensive DLC or microtransactions, because they're not making their money back in sales anymore.

The best shit it is still a shit.

Then don't buy it

I think Nintendo has a history of being a bit of a bitch when it comes to pricing of shit. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze retailed at $50 on release for Wii U. They add Funky Kong and suddenly a game that came out in 2014 is not $60 on Switch. You can see why this is a problem right? How about Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival then. This game retailed for $60 and came with 2 amiibo figures and 3 amiibo cards. You couldn't buy it separately from this bundle either. There is one game mode, it plays itself and the game mode is absolute trash. Is this game worth $60? $200? $15? who's to fucking say? I would say it's not worth $5 because you could compare the fun had, quality, and time spent playing it with other games that cost $5 and say "yeah, I had as much fun with that as that one shitty mobile game". The Link's Awakening controversy is not about being poor, it's about the value proposition and the fact that this is 100% a budget title that has already been done. You can buy Link's Awakening on 3ds for $6 on the virtual console right now! If you don't give a shit about the look, music, and VERY few new features you'd be a mongoloid retard not to just play the gameboy version. Nintendo thinks their additional work on this game is worth $54 and I fucking disagree big time.

The original is an ugly ass gameboy game. You couldn't pay me to play it.

That's a lot of words

I've never spent more than 20 on a videogame and I never fucking will. I don't care if I have to wait 3 years.

>Mixed feelings on it, it obviously makes him way easier but I admit that LA Moldorma was a fucking asshole of a first boss to drop on a kid.
Probably right. Still, with the increased room to dodge and his damage not resetting, they could have increased its health a bit. It only takes two spin attacks. Even the mid-boss with the rolling spike thing had more health.

This. Because it's a remake, the price = hours equation doesnt work. Should the original be $60? No? Golly, no shit.

Finished it on 7 hours
Then finished my casual 3 heart speedrun on 4 hours

The game isn't that long if you know what to do and where to go (and you should know where to go unless you're a dumb zoomer that didn't play this masterpiece in the last 20 years). And if you don't know where to go, you can always just consult grandpa instead of wandering around for hours because you didn't know that you had to use to push the fucking bird statue and play the wart song on the bones.

I'd rather buy the GBC version on the 3DS for just $5

So many angry people on either side. buy the game or don't, nerds. Who cares

Yeah yeah, every store chain has gaming experts to judge the matter I'm sure

>That's the reason why most games these days have expensive DLC or microtransactions, because they're not making their money back in sales anymore.
That's wrong, retard. Stop listening to EA, ActivisionBlizzard, WB, 2K and shit.

Games have free to play style monetization, season passes, silver/gold/deluxe editions and shit because companies want to earn more and more money than they did last year. They don't even have to pay tax. In fact you pay tax that the companies get.

Literally Japan vidya prices.

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Most people who buy this haven't played the original tard.

>I honestly do not believe that the poor should be allowed to have opinions on videogames
Stop me, bitch.

In that case I pity you for your closeminded, superficial and vapid way of thinking.

>the graphical quality has increased massively
in terms of pokemon, we can explicitly say that no, it has not, and they are in fact using existing models and skeletons and animations. They are charging 1.5x the cost for nothing more than any other new title, which costed $40.

And what keeps them from buying / emulating the original?

Would you rather have it "Reddit spaced" for you? You big fat bitch boy.

I'm a MAJOR nostalgia fag and this was my first gameboy game, so I will probably buy it.

But it sucks knowing that it costs 60 bucks... I'm going to beat it in like a day too...

I am from Mexico and lots of people are uploading pics of this game to FB

Maybe people need a job

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Then they should have played the fucking original game. It's a fucking gameboy game, you can pirate it and emulate in less than 5 seconds. Just like I said, they had 20 years to do that, and it's not like the game was hipster shit or something, link's awakening was always praised and placed high on zelda game rankings.

But it's free.

you people are actually retarded here huh? you actually think normies are going to play a game that looks like the original

I miss when games were priced based on their quality, like they still are in japan. shovelware garbage like madden and fifa and cod are $40 at release. Conversely, niche weebshit is usually $80 or more.

If you wanted to stop the poor, just ban phoneposting. Literally the only people who would ever both browsing and posting from a mobile device are poor niggers. If you block any IP coming from a phone, that would immediately resolve the problem.

The reason $60 games make poor people so mad is that they know they’ll buy it anyway and then blame the 1% when they can’t pay their rent. If poor people had self control, it wouldn’t be a problem. They wouldn’t have to pay $60 and the price of the game would come down in a few months because fewer people were buying it. So they’d still get the game, they’d just have to wait a little longer. But poor people have no self control and can’t understand the concept of delayed gratification, which is why they’re such failures to begin with.

Yeah, I don't think you have to be a billionaire to see this isn't worth $60.

Graphics don't matter

>also nintendorks
I'm buying this game because I love the toy like graphics

>worth 60$
You're retarded.

Now I know this is a shitpost but it brings up an interesting point, because companies saw exactly this happening, with people waiting a month, and games dropping like 60-70% in price, so they started adding online passes and shit.

Now they just frontload game content/events/updates for the first month, and you miss everything if you don't buy it RIGHT NOW RIGHT AWAY BUY BUY BUY.

dont attempt to think like a person with money poorfag
itll give you a headache

Have enjoyed the music so far (halfway done), with a few exceptions:

>Why on earth did they remove the buildup music in the intro, that shit is iconic, and I sincerely hoped they were going to do a less "Yoshi Story"-esque title theme than what we saw in the announcement but nope
>Fire whoever is responsible for the ear diarrhea that is the new Angler's Tunnel music. I get the original was not great, but why the fuck is layering what feels like two other completely different songs on top the "solution"?
>Tal Tal Heights is sadly not bombastic enough, feels very subdued, I don't feel like I'm climbing a mountain anymore

>pirated the game
>still felt ripped off

I had to delete a fucking game out of my SD to make up space for it. First time I actually got angry for pirating vidya

>Yea Forums
>company releases game
>some people buy it, some people don't, everyone is happy either way
>nintendo releases game
>*gets out microscope*

This is one of my favorite games of all time and I don’t think it should cost 60 dollars in this day and age if nothing substantial is going to be changed. Majoras mask 3D was 40 dollars for fucks sake.

>Tendies have got to the point where they have to beg people not to criticise their games and call them poor
The absolute fucking state.

I've been dirt poor and have had an internet connection since the mid-90's

days gone was such a horribly buggy piece of shit, imagine the shitstorm if nintendo released a game like that in 2019

How's the drought?

Right. So what 3rd world country do you live in? Are the other kids on the playground going to be jealous of your 60 dollar baby game?

>tfw bought this, but won't buy Soi and Shit

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Just like other things, there was a barrier to entry. Back in the 90s, you needed a full desktop suite costing over a grand. Now? Go to the bodega down the street, plop $30 on a tracfone = your ass is using the internet.

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The price should reflect the quality of the product, inflating the price for a 26 years old port remaster only shows the control the publisher not only has over his audience but how they can manipulate the market ignoring the quality trait of the product

>implying we didn’t pirate

>Upscaled and just fitted in textures
>Upscaled and just fitted in textures
>Remade from the ground up in a new engine from scratch
Yawn. Next.

How's the deflection?

No one gonna say anything about this post? No one?

Seething lol

It's not the expense, it's that it seems like a $40 at most game but it's $60 so the autism boxes don't align

Smooth-brained post.

Yeah, and this is an ugly ass remake your point?

People are going to sperg out and praise this game to high heaven for a month, and then come next year, people are going to look back and realize it could've been a lot better.

I can afford this game just fine, but I can't justify paying so much for a game that has so little work put into it. This shit probably doesn't even have a full year of development time put into it, fucking shameful. Now look at a game like Wolfenstein Youngblood, they put a few years into making it, but understood that the game was utter shit and charged like 50% of a normal game for it. Nintendo should have done that for this game, greedy niggers.

And then they feel "woke" when tinfoiling about the "Nintendo bonus".

Is there a reason why Nintendo's first party games never go down in price? There are DS games out there that are still full price, it's insane.

Why eat a gourmet burger when McD's is cheaper? Retard.

>Food analogy

Their policy is that they'll never lower the prices regardless of time. The only first party exclusive that goes on sale is Mario and Rabbids, which is also a Ubisoft game

Because people buy them years later. That's really it. Nintendo games always get bought, usually when people buy a nintendo system, they buy all the first party games for it, because those tend to be the best, objectively speaking. If they know they have almost guaranteed sales for these games when a new system enters the ecosystem, why lower the prices?

You can find a fuck ton of their first party games for at least 75% off. If you are asking "why aren't their games priced at $10 one month after release" it's because a lot of their games have years and years of good sales and they don't treat their games like bargain bin trash

Because shit food is something that relates to poorfags and third worlders, brainlet.

Give me 500€ then if you don't need yours :)

I have 100k€ in savings, and I am disgusted at the $60 pricetag. This is a cheap 2.5D cashgrab. It's short as fuck, it's a rehash of an existing game so there was zero creativity period. It was so cheap that it was made by some third party studio, Nintendo couldn't be arsed to do it themselves. It's a low budget game.
And yet it costs the same as an AAA.

there's a lot of 3DS games that are still full price

Is it too much for you to read, retard ?

I can afford this game just fine, and I still wouldn't buy it because the game is not worth the price.

You're basically being a goy right now. Buying shit just because you can afford it, even if the thing is not worth the price being asked.

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>so mad he replies twice

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because it's fun

nah, he's right. Nobodys reading that bullshit

If Sony can sell Ratchet and Sly for 40 bucks then Nintendo can sell a remaster of a 26 year old game for 40 bucks.
If Activision can sell 3 remasters in 1 package for Crash and Spyro each for 40 bucks, then Nintendo can sell a remaster of one 26 year old game for 40 bucks. I feel like regardless of whether or not you can piss away money you have it admit it's a bad value.

Bosses have less health too. Moldorma dies in 2 sword spin attacks in the remake while it took more in the original(including DX).

It still isn't worth $60, and when they mark it up that high the quality of the game should be judged alongside it. And even then disregarding the price, it's still a remake of a 20 year old game with frame drops and is 4 hours long. Quit defending Nintendo pulling this shit.

>not waiting until we can emulate the switch and play the game for free on superior PC

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High time preference tax

>full fledged AAA console Zelda game (BotW) is $60
>handheld Zelda remake is also $60

This is like the original Link's Awakening being the same price as OoT when they came out. It's hilariously bullshit.
Nintendo thinks it can get away with pricing handheld games the same as AAA games just because they're on the same system.

Feels good to be a wagie.

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>not getting the special edition for free from target this morning

pick none

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>tfw 8K and no slow down

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>60 dollars for a 27 year old game that is 4 hours long

christ you people are embarrassing.

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You can't even sheep properly. Nintendo didn't get your full $60 from the eshop.

OP acting the fag as usual, I see.
I played Link's Awakening, it's a pretty cool game. I was looking forward to the remake, until I saw the price. No, I'm not a poorfag. I believe that this game is not worth $60. Is there extra content? I would actually love to know. That may justify the price.
Activision does trilogy remakes and prices them at $40.
Nintendo is more jew than Activision.

What the fuck are you talking about?
People shit on Days Gone all the time, especially here.
Stop playing victim you fucking retards.

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There's some various QoL improvements:

>minor route changes in the map that allow for easier navigation - a good example is a ramp added to the cliff just below the entrance to the Mysterious Woods in Mabe Village, players previously had to move around several screens to reach this spot if they were coming from the direction of the beach, as well as additional warp tiles throughout the map in areas that are frequently backtracked
>Create-a-dungeon mode + challenges, kinda entertaining but not nearly as in-depth or rewarding to play with as Mario Maker - you're just taking existing dungeon rooms (and a few original ones) and remixing them together, you don't have direct control over the content/layout of any of the rooms. Also only shareable directly via Amiibo data.
>upgraded the crane game with additional rewards in the form of collectible figurines and useful prizes, as well as tweaking how it operates (you can end up dropping your prize if the crane doesn't have a good grip/moves too quickly)
>upgraded the fishing minigame, there's size scoring with proportionate rupee rewards, and just a generally improved control scheme for the fishing

That's all I've encountered so far, though I imagine the raft ride minigame has had changes as well I haven't bothered with it yet. Obviously graphics, controls, and music have all been completely facelifted - your appreciation of these will vary.

Worth $60 only for the die-hard, Link's Awakening was the first video game I personally owned and played to completion (countless times) so it has immense nostalgic value for me that overrode my good sense. It's pretty solidly worth $40, but I feel guilty at having spent $60 on it even so.

I'm out of the loop on emulation on switch. Is there a qrd of where it is now?

My man. I wonder what deal Nintendo made with Walmart to get games $10 less at retail?

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Local game shop in my area has it for $55. They always sell brand new games $5-$10 cheaper when they come out.

I could buy this shitty remake but I'd rather buy Dragon Quest 11 Switch.


All poor should be executed once automation makes them completely irrelevant to society.

If you werent poor you could buy both

Why would I buy a remake that doesn't appeal to me?
t.PC. PS4 Pro, Switch owner

Look at this poorfag.
I make 256 and I still pirate everything except my collection of physical hentai

>I don't want to buy this
"then don't buy it"
>Why would I buy it!"

Everybody throwing a shit fit over this is a fucking retard


Quantity doesn't mean quality, those remakes are even worse than the original.

Have websites scan the users hardware specs, if they exceed a certain amount of $, they are allowed to post.

This desu, I'm surprised this has been going on as long as it has.

game looks like shit. I wouldn't play it even if it was free

really rich people know the value of money and know this game is not worth $60.
Rich people are often the stingiest. They didn't get rich by poor use of their money. Which this game absolutely is.

>Rich people are often the stingiest.
You have never left your basement

I wish the game was $40, but the precedent for games on the Switch is $60, so it would never be that cheap. Don't think discounts would drop it all the way to $40 any time soon either.

Attached: linkle_inquisitive.webm (480x700, 3M)

hey guys are you sure this game is $60? I found it for cheaper in a bargain bin

Attached: linksawakening.jpg (610x341, 42K)

it's not that we can't afford it, but we use money for all kinds of things apart from videogames and shelling out 60 boners for a rehashed micro game is bad. vocalizing these concerns is the only way to let people know nintendo is pulling the wool right now. OP is ghey

This is a top quality post, goshdarnit.

I'm a fucking sucker for macros, what camera?

What is she looking at?

What do you think she's looking at?

Attached: linkle_glance.png (480x700, 417K)


in australia at EBgames you can return anything you've bought and used within 7 days for a full refund. not even store credit, you can get your actual money back.
i bought CTR and used the DLC code and then returned the game and got my money back and the DLC code is stuck on my account. best way to rent games.

Attached: 1564982149628.gif (454x310, 3.5M)


I agree, OP. I think only multi billionaires should be allowed to post on Yea Forums, so you're automatically out.


This. It unironically better to play DxM with a more stable 30 fps than whatever the fuck jumps Link's Awakening is doing.

this, ffs the artstyle was perfect before. The "upgrade" is awful and a disgrace to what came before it.

How's the drought?


Attached: 1556200011400.png (600x600, 347K)

>need computer
>need housing to keep computer
>need to pay for connection
What we REALLY need to do is ban people from posting anything from a smartphone

Good post

Great post I am laughing very much

How's the drought?

The rich don't go to heaven.

You tell me, how's the drought? Enjoying your ports and a $60 fisher-price remake?

>But in non anonymous forums or real life they'll just insult the game for other reasons since they're ashamed they can't afford $60.
I am not poor and I will definitely be open about the fact that I am not willing to spend money on things I don't consider worth that money

i don't get it, LA was originally on a handheld. someone spoonfeed me the joke

Astral Chains and I'm pretty sure Blasphemous just came out so it's looking good I think. Also Smush has a pretty long lifespan.

Attached: 1551665730316.jpg (842x730, 83K)

This. I could pirate it but I won't.

That is the joke.

Because the downward sloping demand curve and the upward sloping supply curve intersect at the $60 price level and neither shift.

literally the same experience for a game boy rom that costs $5.99 on 3DS

Attached: gfgfgfgfgg.jpg (1920x1080, 99K)

>$60 rehash of a short Game Boy game with laughably childish artstyle

Buy it if you want to, it's just not a must-buy like most of the Switch's other first-party releases. It's more of a weekend rental game.

My Redbox locations don't carry switch games

GameStop has a 7-day return policy on preowned games, associates basically agree it's like a rental service.

>Western game
>$60 for 6 hour campaign and multiplayer
>plus lootboxes and mandatory dlc season passes to continue playing multiplayer
>japanese game
>$60 for a complete game with regular free updates

should have been $40 maybe even $30, especially since you can't share your dungeons online

who took the picture?

Imagine caring about what other people do with their money. Imagine sucking Nintendo's dick just to make you look cool against these dastardly contrarians on Yea Forums. Fuck off.

Attached: Bobby.jpg (900x900, 48K)

There is nothing more pathetic than shilling for nintendo

My biggest problem with the game is the controls for long jumping feel clunky and unrefined. Before playing the game I felt like I would have preferred a different art direction closer in consistency to the opening cutscene (and probably still would). I'm indifferent toward the updated music, but feel like it's missing the mark. I'd give the game a 6 or 7 out of 10, and feel it's maybe worth about $30.

Modern games are AS expensive or LESS expensive than they were in the past. Not sure why people are up in arms when you would frequently pay more money for a shitty NES game that barely worked.

Because this isn't an original title, it's a remake of a Game Boy game with minimal new content.