Captain, I'm detecting a Star Trek games thread approaching us at Warp 3

Captain, I'm detecting a Star Trek games thread approaching us at Warp 3.

Attached: 220px-GeordiLaForge.jpg (220x333, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Burtons voice makes me want to take a nap

Number 1... I order you to Number 2...

Attached: PicardShocked.jpg (694x530, 67K)

on screen

Captain, I must remind you that we have never yet encountered a good Star Trek game. I recommend we go to red alert and fire sage posts at these threads.

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does anyone have a link to that episode where Picard slaps that woman's child for stepping out of line and you sort of figure that he'll learn a lesson by the end of the episode but they just never revisit that scene again?

Kill them all this is a white ship now

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and a friendly reminder that dukat did nothing wrong

Attached: 7215bd108ef977171a8c0d1271e45294.jpg (400x397, 24K)

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The one with the Indians?

Attached: destroyed fleet.webm (960x720, 2.5M)

Why must one man suffer so much?

Attached: 11465413254354.png (448x352, 232K)

Despite all that he still got to smash the Troi puss.

>its a deanna episode

>it's a Bashir episode

Because he was too good for the world.

Attached: trek threads.webm (960x720, 2.91M)


is the game where you play a star trek crew in VR fun?

he had the chance at a cunny wife and gave it up senpai

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please die

Captain, I have determined with 100% certainty that this particular section of the website is full of fucking losers, and yet despite this, I find myself drawn to it on a regular basis. Am I a loser captain?

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Attached: Data laugh.webm (960x720, 1.69M)

is data even allowed to say obscenities?
how do i know you arent his brother?

>mfw no good BSG games

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Attached: tenor.gif (320x240, 990K)

that's the real tragedy.

Babylon 5 doesn't have a game. SG-1 doesn't have a game. Well at least Farscape has a game.

Attached: Scorpius defeated.webm (480x360, 2.74M)

>it's a Lwaxana episode

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"Hmm, the holodeck doors are locked closed, someone must be inside. Computer! Who is currently using the holodeck?"
>Lieutenant Reginal Barclay
"And how long has he been in there?"
>Barclay has logged 6 hours and 37 minutes thus far
"Six hours?!? Is he dead, what are the status of vitals?"
>Elevated ... for the last several hours
"Oh ... Computer, please order custodial to the holodeck upon the lieutenants exit ... and make an announcement to the crew that starting now the holodeck doors will be locked open from now on unless given proper authorization from command."

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1436x1080, 899K)

Fuck Bajor and fuck Bajorans.

how to get into Star Trek?

Is Geordi our guy?

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I don't get it, why did they imprison and interrogate a simple file clerk?

Attached: star trek genocide.jpg (767x575, 71K)

Start with The Next Generation, but remember that season 1 is shit.

Is it bad, or is it insufferably bad?

It's really not that bad in a vacuum, but it's so much weaker than the rest of the series that it might as well be shit.

>its a giannen season

>that episode where O'Brien tries to lynch Geordi and Guinan for making too much noise in Ten Forward
It was a different time

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Season one is fucking kino you trog.

Season 4 is where it goes down hill.

Would this xenophobia fly by todays standards?