Are RTX cards worth it?
Are RTX cards worth it?
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I dunno.
Technically they're the best cards on the market but they're also overpriced since Nvidia realized they can slap any price on them and people will buy them.
Raytracing is a marketing meme.
worth what? your money? no. They are over fucking priced.
no buy 1660 ti.
Yes, I’m playing at 4K with buttery smooth 20FPS on medium. Ray tracing is totally worth it, even though I’m using a projector with VGA inputs.
Not right now. And Turing raytracing will probably be left in the dust soon, as the gimmick it is.
>Haswell is amazing
>Pascal even better with perfect price to performance ratio
>RTX comes along
>Here's this niche technology that fuck all games use and kills performance
>Oh and we're charging a premium for it :^)
Yeah fuck off kikes.
for me,it's the gtx 1070
I just bought a 2070 Super. It's expensive as shit, but I like it a lot. I can basically say "fuck you" to the graphics settings and turn everything to ultra at 1440p and get at least 70-90 FPS.
No more having to bargain with the graphics settings to get acceptable frame rates.
But the 5700 does that, so does the 1660/ti variant. So does the 1070ti and 1080 still and they're cheap used. Unless you really want raytracing why pay the premium?
>A literal genius at Nvidia figures out proper hardware support for the literal holy grail of realtime rendering
>first gen is, understandably, slow, as it's the first generation
>Some retard on Yea Forums thinks he's being scammed and calls them Jews
For RTX alone? Hell, no. But even without this marketing gimmicks current green cards are OK albeit overpriced a bit.
If you a baller and have 4k 43inch monitor like me, then yeah, get it, otherwise - not worth it.
First gen is bad because the hardware isn't there yet sped. They're literally charging you money for a gimped product they know won't be decent for years. That's without even getting into the fact power wise they all suck. How is it the 1080ti 3 years on still beats everything but 2080ti? Even the 2080 super is just as powerful as it. It's pure greed and muh 1st gen is always bad!! Is a shit defense.
Because I had the extra money for once and I don't like AMD cards. I used one in my budget build 8 years ago and was disappointed with it. Prices in general are still fucked due to cryptomining faggots anyway.
RTX is Nvidia's plan for a Moore's lawless industry, and has been planned for several years before the release of the cards. It's a genuine masterstroke of long term planning, and AMD are going to have to figure something out quick before the ~40% generational performance improvement turns in 20% and eventually into marginal improvement.
you know. To combat moores law, how about optimizing aoftware instead of pushing new hardware to it's limits and letting shitty software/game engineers cuck us?
Hardware rendering is just a meme to market 3d accelerators. Software rendering is the future.
>lol why don't they just type some numbers and make everything go faster
a mystery indeed
While I'm waiting for my 2070 Super to arrive, I think RTX is a meme that won't really catch on until next generation mid generation console upgrades or even 10th generation and 5700 XT is more worth it.
But the only reason I bought 2070 Super, was because of recent promo where you get Modern Warfare code, which can give me back $50.
I mean he's not wrong. PC has had this issue for ages, it surprises me there's still no decent GPU level APIs. Everything is still engine side. Consoles are a great showcase for what optimisation can do.
easy to optimise when there's literally one set of hardware for the entire generation
>was because of recent promo where you get Modern Warfare code, which can give me back $50.
But the 5700xt would still be cheaper then.
its alot harder to do optimizations like on consoles though because pc hardware is so vastly different from eachother
And we can't stick with one GPU architecture because? Everything Turing bought was useless fluff. Why not carry on with Pascal and make a GPU API for it instead of relying on devs and their engines to optimise. Half the issue on PC is GPU manufacturers constantly jumping forward for little gain technology wise, it only exists to make money.
then fuck off
Just get a RX 5600
No raytracing is a meme at the moment and current cards will be to slow for rtx when next gen cards release, they can barely do it now at 1080p on the 2080ti.
Plus the fact that no one makes games for high end PC's anymore.
Yes, but the performance difference in some games justifies it a little more considering the -$50. Also at least in my shithole, Nvidia's good non-reference GPUs are cheaper (compared to reference price of said GPU) than AMD's, also they couldn't get 5700 XT Pulse yet. I really wanted to get this one, but they dragged on for too long.
Also Future Tone Arcade only works on Nvidia cards, so there's this.
I bought a 2070super and I'm lovin it
It's very quiet too
>bought my card a week ago
>stuck with Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Contact
>Could have gotten Modern Warfare instead if I waited another week
When the fuck is Ampere coming out?
you're a moron
For RTX features? No.
What GPU is better depends ENTIRELY on where you live. Here the cheapest 2070 Super costs more than the most expensive 5700 XT.
I'm guessing summer 2020.
No, wait for the next gen of GPUs, this one has been awful
Enjoy your RTX 3000 series, mid-range starting at $700.
tl;dr the new features are a meme but the raw performance of the 2080 isn't
if there's another insane price series from nvidia i'll just go AMD.
Would be fine with this if the mid-range could actually do ray tracing effects at above 25fps
well i hope my 1080ti can last for another 4 years lol
1080 ti is more powerful than the 2070 super and 5700 xt so you're still good
It would actually be pretty fucking significant if it wasn't propitiatory.
Not until someone can explain what raytracing actually is/does
No. They are charging you for a tech that doesn't work. The raytracing often looks worse than the baked lighting except for a handful of specific scenes, and tanks framerate. 4k 60fps>1080p 45fps with rtx
No, buy AMD
it is the simplest, most accurate and most demanding form of lighting
Shit, it better be. It costs double of what I paid for my 2070 Super.
Maybe when the RTX 3xxx series rolls out and you aren't paying a premium to beta test anymore.
>RTX 2070 onl gets 20-30 more FPS than my 1070
>costs $750
>1080 ti is more powerful than the 2070 super
in older games, yes
I paid $529 for mine. Still a ridiculous price, but not that much.
I got a 2080ti and within a week got a hardware failure. I had to send it in for repairs, so, they're super sexy and powerful but they're fucked
>1st gen of a new hardware gimmick
wait until rtx2 when the prices come down and the tech becomes more mature and actually worth it
2 months rent or a 2080
Literally only the 2080 ti. 1080 ti and 2080 are roughly the same. Ray tracing is worthless.
Holy grail like physx? Fuck outta here.
>No more having to bargain with the graphics settings to get acceptable frame rates
Yeah until next year's poorly coded AAA titles.
>3% faster on average for almost twice the price
>buying a 1080ti new in 2019
you've filled too much of your empty skull with anime
I'm debating between the 1660 to and 2060 Super. Is the performance difference worth $150?
My main thing is the VRAM, which the 2060 has an additional 2GB of. Seems like a much more future proof investment.
do you have money? yes
do you lack money? no
buy a 5700xt
Where the fuck do you live that rent is 400 bucks? Mexico city?
grab the cheapest 1660 ti dual fan you can and overclock
if you need more performance get a used 1070 ti or 1080 ti
don't get RTX until new generations of it come out with better raytrace performance, current one is basically a paid beta
Not right now, but Ray Tracing is the future. And the more developers and engineers fuck the technology, the more juice they'll get out of it. I expect new consoles to all have Ray tracing technology capabilities.
>buy on Amazon
>say theres a scratch on my card
>they send me back 15% of the price
>only paid 800€
based amazon
>3% faster but not abused by shitcoin miners and will have a warranty
sounds based to me
>implying there's any upcoming AAA titles worth playing
I can't think of a single AAA game I'm looking forward to playing, let alone one that I would want to play on PC.
they are cool but overpriced, if you swim in money its ok.
>he used one when AMD cards were still shit and didnt use one now that they're as good as the competition but cheaper
But isnt the rx5700 xt straight up better at 4k thanks to radeon sharpening?
the sharpening thing really only seems good in a video, on your screen it's kinda ugly.
Here's the issue people have with Ray Tracing without even knowing it;
Ray Tracing has existed in video games since the late 90s and early 2000s. The main difference between RTX and "old ray tracing" is RTX is 100 percent in real time but "old ray tracing" was done at the time the games map was compiled.
What this means is for regular lighting, the difference between realtime ray tracing and pre-baked lighting is nuanced. Pre-baked lighting used the same Ray Tracing techniques to render itself as the RTX cards are. For reflections however, and for darker areas where it's difficult to get realistic lighting in a non-realtime developer environment, RTX is worth it. But it's a very niche application of what could have more potential.
Surely there is a way to use the dedicated whatever that handles ray tracing to contribute in other ways when not in use... Surely.
Nvidia has sharpening too with Freestyle
the last game with actual good lighting was ac unity
and it sucks, as tests have shown
Unless you're in need of an upgrade, no.
Yes, that moron completely forgets about real time reflections and things like color blending. There are a ton of reasons raytracing live is better than pre-rendered. Having something "faked", specifically reflections and blending, looks obviously faked and takes away from a games look.
No user, Freestyle lets you add the photomode stuff from Ansel to the actual gameplay.
You're thinking of DLSS.
so just reshade but worse
>AMD does it
>Nvidia does it + more
why do people shill that awful control game?
actually 2080 gets better every update
the 1080 Ti extra vram might never actually matter, which is ironic, by the time it matters it will be too outdated
My 1080 stays until those Jews stop trying to meme us with subpar hardware w/ slapped gimmick
Its fun
price to performance is terrible
rtx is a meme
I'm getting an nvidia 1660ti and an i7 9700k
Wish me luck
only means older hardware goes down
the current cards aren't bad at what they do, it's just the price is absurd for the gimmick
once shit goes back down to the high end card being like 500 max, then you can see some value in the rtx shit
guys im actually tempted to go AMD again, the 5700xt is looking really good. will there be a 5800xt?
dude you are fucking stupid
i think amd is going to wait till next year for new cards
I didn't say anything about AMD retard
>only means older hardware goes down
Go ahead and look at the prices for new last gen cards. You won't be getting a high end RTX card for $500 before they're pulled from every store my friend.
>wait for new jewvidia cards
>amd teases something
>oh just wait for that
>jewvidia cards come out
>everyone says wait still
>amd cards come out
>they are shit
Explain why you diseased sack of cocks
the 5700 xt is great for the price if you don't care about ray tracing
Cope harder
>getting the shitty poorfag versions of both a cpu and a gpu
you will want to upgrade in a year
>9700k and good 1080p card
>ill need to upgrade in a year trust me
Imagine believing this and calling anyone else a retard
It's a brand new rig. I'm sitting here currently using a GT 920m laptop. Even some poorfag pieces would be better.
I was at my buddies yesterday while he installed an RTX he got that day. He booted up monster hunter world right after so we could see it all maxed out. I got to say, after 15 years of playing that series with no graphical improvement since the ps2 it was amazingly impressive. As for your question, probably not.
no its not. even quantum break was better
and i like movies
Just bought a 2060 for 300 bucks AMA
nevermind, don't reply to me anymore, I don't want to be seen with a mentally handicapped subhuman
I too can purchase used goods.
im trying to resist the urge to buy a gigabyte 1660
help a nigga out
Not used. Comes with a nice keyboard too.
I'm not even the same user buying the shit you cretinous retard, i just wanted to call you stupid.
>shop im buying from doesn't have 1080 or 1080 ti
What the fuck?
>lefthanded handjob m-m-m
Why the fuck does Nvidia do this stupid shit? They have to know this is scummy to just slap a ridiculous price on GPUs, but people still have to gobble it up because of the fact they keep all their fancy tech to themselves.
But freestyle is inferior and has a non-significant performance hit.
Not him, but Control really is fun.
Yes. Now that DLSS is coming into it's own and will only get better whatever penalty RTX inflicts on performance DLSS can effectively make up the difference.
Not having driver issues and unnecessarily high heat:performance ratio is worth getting an Nvidia card over any comparable Radeon
they have to stay relevant. they have to trap their customers somehow. AMD just fuck them in huge console market.
>use more performance
lol? how isn't it shit? even reshade is better
It has two new hardware independent cores that cost billions in R&D retard. You're effectively saying, "Why does Nvidia choose to innovate and push game design forward when they have a large lead over their competitors?" Stop being a brainlet retatd.
DLSS is literally deprecated now that there's these sharpening filters that work great with image scaling. Some games are even starting to implement them natively like Rage and Borderlands.
Nobody including shareholders gives a fuck about consoles. Stay seething
you are still wrong. they innovate not for the sake of innovation
look at intel (the used their advantage and now having troubles)
You gain zero performance boost from using them. Why are you this fucking stupid LOL
Honestly glad people are still on the fence about RTX. Sold my 1070ti for 500 leafbux, so basically bought my 2070 Super for 250. Running pretty much every game I like at >60 fps except for TW: Three Kingdoms @ 3440x1440. That said, I could have probably held on to my 1070ti until the gen after...
you are fucking retarded
you are a fucking idiot.
>is buying first gen tech in a monopoly market a good deal
You tell me broski.
Based yeah I was just just getting ready to dunk on that retard for that idiocy.
Do you guys update your driver?
Im still using 391.35 to this day
I mean I know they gimp their driver but jesus each driver is worse than last
>those links
have a you or something
Dude. I mean like. They price GPUs for alot. Probably because of those bitcoin mining faggots, but also because they need more money.
>You gain zero performance boost from using them. Why are you this fucking stupid LOL
Lmao, are Nvidia users really this stupid?
>I mean I know they gimp their driver
I've never seen any evidence for this claim
I'm an AMD and Nvidia shareholder. Seeing as how I'm sourcing my arguments and you're just calling people stupid I'm going out on a limb and say it's you.
>I'm an AMD and Nvidia shareholder.
Is this supposed to be impressive? Anyone that isn't a complete idiot is.
>Seeing as how I'm sourcing my arguments and you're just calling people stupid I'm going out on a limb and say it's you.
I really don't like responding with sources to such idiotic statements because if you weren't so stupid maybe you would have googled them months ago like everybody else.
Nobody has used a GPU to mine Bitcoin for 2 years bro. ASIC now try to keep up
Also, you were the first one to call people stupid and extremetech isn't a source which should be evident from everyone here calling you stupid.
No you're not supposed to be impressed I like both companies for different reasons moron. Source me something in print with benches on both not a fucking Hardware unboxed video that again does not factor in performance gains. Not that fucking hard man. 40% saving in GPU load is not zero difference no matter how bad you want it to be. I agree sharpening looks better but that's a traditional algorithim and does nothing to save performance. Jesus what is with you tards today?
If you wanna play shit at 4K 60fps and don't wanna have to upgrade again next year, the 2080ti is pretty much your only option (or the Titan RTX i guess, but that card is an actual meme).
2070S also is pretty good for its price, in some countries you can get a decent model of it for around $500.
>extremetech isn't a source
Lol why? It doesn't suit your confirmation bias? Nvidia had the ps3 dipshit. Does your memory only go back in 3 year increments?
>Default middleware physics engine for Unreal 4 and Unity
My fucking sides there are some top level idiots in this thread today.
rtx 2060 is a good deal for 1080p gaming
2070/2080 are good but wait for next gen cards if you want to fall for the rtx meme
How long do you think I'll be able to use a 2060? Goddamn these things cost alot.
The cope when it comes to DLSS and sharpening in this thread is fucking astounding lol.
it's essentially the new 970. most likely going to get 3-4 years out of it if you plan on staying at 1080p. it's been going on sale a lot this week because of MW bundles, check out newegg or amazon for decent deals
Not him but for 1080p max/high you should be good for at least the next 2-4 years with a 2060.
Imo it makes a lot more sense to invest in a strong CPU right now and buy an even weaker GPU instead, even a 1660ti will be good for quite a while still.
I'm not 'murican. A shop I frequently buy PC parts from sells a Gigabyte 2060 for about 400 USD.
That's fucked up expensive desu, for $400 USD an american can get a reference 5700XT (which admittedly is kinda ass in some ways, but still much stronger than a 2060) or a 2060 Super FE.
Ouch. Amazon sells it from Germany for 348 euro.
you dont need to buy it user
Yeah i'm german too actually, our prices suck cus of the VAT.
Silly Germans.
Hold off Nvidia is readying a 1660 super
Games in the early 90's used ray casting completely different technique Carmack pioneered it. Even current games are still using a pseudo form of ray tracing because the image is still being rendered through rasterization. The first fully path traced game is Quake 2 and even then Nvidia had to go back in by hand to redo all of the assets etc.