It's over

It's over

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Why did Cloud drown Aeris? My theory is that Aeris was suffering from back pains and Cloud didn't want to see her suffer. But it was more than that. It wasn't just a mercy-killing. Cloud in fact didn't want to take care of her. He was selfish. So he drowned her to get rid of her.

it's sad that cloud only really cares about her because of his delusional state, his feelings aren't real haha


That's our boy

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Millions of retards are going to buy the shitty FF7 remake but I certainly won't. And I'm not even going to play it. Why? Because it's practically guaranteed to be full of cringe and retardation. First of all it's going to have voice acting. So that fucks it up. Secondly, that will get dubbed into English. That fucks it up even more and automatically increases the cringe factor of the game and ruins the immersion ("hey player, have you forgotten you're playing a game? if so, here is reminder #9746 that you're just playing a game; enjoy listening to this easily recognizable local american accent once again!").

And aside from that, we already know Squenix ARE modifying plot elements, inserting their fanfic characters into the story and backstory of the game, and changing a whole bunch of gameplay mechanics. And censoring all sorts of shit. As well as dumbing the game down in various ways so it's not too difficult by modern gaming standards; everyone regardless of age must be able to just "easily pick it up" and play.

And the game must be made to appeal to and be FOR everyone; it can't offend anyone at all, it can't be allowed to even in the slightest bit offend women, africans, or faggots or any other sort of "minority" group -- and you know what that means: censorship and re-writing dialogue and changing scenes. The characters getting fucked up designs will be only a tiny drop in the ocean of shit wrong with the remake.

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Isn't that the plot to Silent Hill 2

how dare you spoil this to me....

tl;dr that shit nigga

Oh sorry, of course, it's not Aye-riss, it's Air-iff. My mistake.

We can already plainly see that they're fucking up the plot to Crisis Core-levels of backtracking and retcons through flashing Sephiroth at us as cheap marketing in places he was never around.

I'll do it for him


How does it feel to have the mental capacity of a native african?

Do you actually care about the mechanical changes or are you just assmad cause of muh sjw boogeymen that all your favorite youtube influencers told you to be scared of

I'd like to hear this game with Japanese voice.


It barely makes any difference when you first have Sephiroth show up since he doesn't do anything important until Temple of the Ancients. I played the game recently, and hell, if anything, I thought they spent too much time building him up

Imagine going into an expensive restaurant to get a high quality dinner like pic related, but all they serve you is a Subway sandwich.

Pic related is the original game. But a shitty subway sandwhich is all you get - that's the remake.

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>it can't offend anyone, he says as he's literally screeching after being highly offended

Wrong. Each part will be a full-sized game. We've known this for literally years. Maybe update your shitposting routine a bit.

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This is a full-sized sandwich. Your point? My point: I can detect a difference in quality, texture, content and nutrition in this vs this:

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The game was indeed over for me at this scene, I beat it but I was in a state of complete disinterest after that. It was a bunch of filler in between that scene, Cloud's truth and the ending.

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You're able to deduce a great deal about that sandwich from 0.1% of prerelease footage. Not a single person will take you seriously, sperg. At least hold it in until March 2020.

>mfw doing a 100% playthrough for YouTube
Holy shit I didn not realize there were so many optional Fort Condor battles holy shit

I know you all think you’re being funny but I was genuinely looking forward to this game just so you friendless anime posting stinky mouth breathing retards could spoil the climax for me. What a way to ruin my experience and kill my hype for this game. Fuck you all.

Nice pasta m8

She's only paralyzed due to gettign stabbed through the spine
Also dead bodies don't float, live ones due

It's one of the most retarded optional quests ever. You have to go back all the fucking way across the sea after even slight progress in the story over and over again.

>Fort Condor
>get to Junon, save Priscilla
>new Fort Condor battle unlocked
>she gives you the Dolphin whistle
>new Fort Condor battle unlock
I dread the moment I need to go all the way to Costa del Sol, then take the boat, then go all the way to the Fort again. What's worse is that it's not even worth it. 3 Ethers? Feck off Square

Isn't there no real reward for it either? Why would you even bother until the one mandatory one?

nice pasta

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>can't use Phoenix Down to revive her

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Just a bunch of worthless items. No unique rewards. The worst one is when you're about to go into the Cosmo Canyon dungeon and have to trek all the way back across the world to fight one battle. You can get the Phoenix anyway in the last one, so it's just extra pointless to bother with.

>with females voiced by the likes of Cristina Vee and Runka Chunk

I was looking for this image so long. Thank you user

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0 HP is unconscious, not ded. Aeris was ded

>Leave Sephiroth to me

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shit wasn't even sad

That wasn't the point.
>gets it
>Sephiroth: dude give it to me
>Cloud: k
The only good thing they can do with the caped faggots is show how Cloud is always followed and silently trolled by Sephiroth, and that is the reason Aerith goes to kill herself, because she knows.

Yeah, after you've seen all the other FF death scenes, Aeris's is a little milquetoast. Probably didn't help that I knew about it though

You know, I don't really give a shit about the remake but this kind of attitude is so stupid that I can't ignore it. How do you know the remake is going to be shit before it's even come out? Sure, I can understand thinking a game is shit from watching playthroughs or hearing trusted friends say it's really bad without playing it yourself. I can even understand saying that it doesn't look like it's really your thing based on the trailers. But to literally say you know it's going to be inferior is so stupid. You're like that moron who got a BB-8 tattoo before TFA came out because he "knew he was gonna be awesome". I seriously wanted BB-8 to be the new Jar-Jar just so that guy felt like a jackass.

They took too long fighting Jenova to use it.

>knew about Aerith's death
>still hit me like a truck
Maybe it was because I always kept her in the party with Tifa because I loved her interactions with Cloud.
I loved her Limit Breaks and I loved her spunkiness

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post channel you coward

if he had you would have called him out for shilling his channel