We’ve been silent for too long. It’s time to put an end to that

We’ve been silent for too long. It’s time to put an end to that.

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Fuck off Cuckman

what is this about?


Fuck this limp wristed faggot.

Fuck The Last of Us, where is Ghost of Tsushima?

I'm a normalfag that liked the first game to some degree, but the 2nd is just off my hype radar after seeing the politics this guy is pushing and everyone else seemingly doing so.

Who the fuck cares, not gonna play as a LBGTBBQ character

Rip xbox, rip nintendo, rip pc. NG back to show future


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>I'm just a regular neutral guy with no bias but here's my generic rightwing political hivemind opinion

Oh boy, what kind of pandering is Cuckman gonna show us this time?

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Ghost of Tsushima is a PlayStation exclusive.

woman: exists

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Imagine being so much of a bigoted right-wing drone that you think two girls kissing is "pandering"

I'm sad, I thought the knife was a ship and this was gonna be teasing some sort of space game.

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stfu, kike
Go back to Israel and push your gay shit there.

>Imagine supporting the same studio that gave a giant middle finger to Jak and Daxter fans.

Attached: Jak_4_concept_art_2.png (1238x1650, 1.3M)

Holy pretentiousness cringe

>i'm just a normal guy who spends every waking hour on /pol/ like everyone else

>two girls
It's basically child porn.
Not surprising, see Epstein.

Back to /pol/ faggot.

>tfw making a game
>not gonna watch this

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dial 8

Can't wait

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They aren't any age retard because they're imaginary characters. Take your puritanical morals back to /pol/ faglord.


yes but is the gameplay original?


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>imaginary child porn isn't child porn
Fuck off, pedo.

>piercing not on the actual lobe

I don't think this artist knows how attached earlobes work.

he's right though

The kissing scene was fucking cringe. Sniffing and french kissing. It's like Cuckman had to shove his disgusting fetishes into a game. But that's not even the worst part. The whole game is a cinematic slog where you walk down a straight path, courching and dodging enemy attack. With scripted QTE sections 90% of the game.

found the pedo in denial

It's another shooter.
Do you expect the kike to come up with anything original?
They never do.
It's all copy+paste.
Bad copy+paste.

Yeah but your personal politics inspiring your art and they way you present it doesn't mean you have to put them in there as a centerpiece.

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Maybe the PC police should stop pushing regular people away to cater to the most minor of minority demographics to fix general opinions.

>imaginary child porn isn't child porn
It's not. I guess you think first-person shooters are the same as real-life gore videos.

And it's still better than anything you can draw desu.

Joel dies in the game.

When will you freaks realize no one likes you, Even the normal fags are getting tired of your shit.

>A character fucking over the world because he's a broken asshole is somehow personal politics
I feel bad for the unpaid, uncredited intern that came up with that ending just to have the jew live off his talent without even understanding a single portion of the very thing he's using for social acceptance and the illusion of success
Too bad snoyggers can't live without their hold left stick up for 10 hours and pew pew occasionally ""interactive"" experiences

>what do you mean a moderate is put off by my radical leftism?

>Sniffing and french kissing
How much of a fucking prude do you have to be to think kissing is some degenerate thing. You were homeschooled weren't you?

Nice seething, sorry I don't want to support a dev that doesn't think games should be fun while being a pretentious prick.

As much as I hate the fact they admitted putting political pandering in this game (Google "the last of us 2 won't shy away from politics"), isn't Ellie like 19 in this game?

What can i say, Yea Forums loves Sony

>being against one thing means you have to side with the total opposite
the world isn’t black and white, zoomer

wtf this is crazy! gamers are pathetic!

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>Fucking these child dolls is completely normal and not pedo at all
Justice sees that differently than you, fucking pedo.

kys you degenerate fuck.

Says the delusional incel living in his own bubble screaming "tranny tranny tranny!" to everyone who disagrees with him.

>his politics are going cross country with an underage girl
makes sense

get some help

Lol u mad that your favorite artist can't even into earlobes?

Nigga, pls.

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Sure. Stay ignorant


>muh degeneracy
Keep crying puritan.

It's not creative story telling. It's something you find outta fanfiction.net.

/report off topic derail

Damn I really wish all the "normal" people afraid of gays liked me, they're as fun as Christians.

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>two kids innocently kissing

Fucking Americans.

Are you a virgin by any chance?

This one will include a story about a child getting abducted by a kike onto an island, where he fucks the child for months, passes it around to other kikes and in the end kills it.

Includes unexpected guest star (pedos).

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Well these "feminists" are bigoted anti-female trash that hates everything femenine and push with every bone in their social programming that women should be men rather than women.

It's quite disgusting.

>Being a selfish cunt rather than helping mankind as a whole is my personal politics

Oh boy, nice one.

>/pol/tards now larping as soccer moms so fucking hard that they're offended by kissing
How many layers of irony do those people operate on? Does the rabbit hole ever end?

>Keep quiet
>Let us spread our degenerate Sony kike propaganda
Some people have to take a stand on this filth.

>video games aren't allowed to depict things that are common in reality

I don't want modern snoy infested NG touching any of their old IPs. Their new teams are retarded.


>Hilary in the image instead of Trump

im at least happy that they admitted it wouldnt work.

Maybe this isnt the darkest timeline

Lol, you really take any excuse you can to spam your /pol/ shit don't you? I bet you were just desperate for an opportunity to post that cringey pic weren't you? When are you faggots going to admit that you don't give a shit about vidya and you're just here to spam politics?

Fuck this guy.

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>comon in reality should be common in vidya
>Strangely holocausting kikes isn't a common game theme

Kys pathetic coomer

Keeping the dirty infidels in line

And no outta fucking nowhere, DUH JOOS

personally i love those stockholm playstation fans who think that snoys ever going to revisit series' like ape escape, jak and daxter, or even legend of dragoon

it tickles the fuck out of me

I am not interested in this game. It looks less like a game and more like a wannabe movie with political propaganda. Americans really eat that shit up, don't they?

It feels like they're always going to find a "reason" to make the character a woman, you can *always* ask "what if we made this character a woman?" And the answer will always be, "Nothing would change, actually." How can Naughty Dog even make male characters anymore if every single one of them can be made into a Woman without any loss of coherency?

He's not. When I write stuff I can pinpoint when I'm allowing my political beliefs to seep onto the pages, and I can choose to rectify, modify or let it be. Being political while writing is a conscious choice.

>I'm just a regular tranny with no penis but here's my cancerous resetera blog quip
can you fucking imagine if this site had emoticons?

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this happened

They sure do

Man I used to love Naughty Dog up untill Jak II where they went full retard ever since.

You know every review site already has a 10/10 review pre-written.

Anything less will cause accusations of anti-antisemitism and sexism.

You can't help yourself can you. Trannies living rent free 24/7 within your brain.

Why does a normal kiss scene make Yea Forums seethe so much?

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Yep the dirty Jews, What are you gunna do about it, Pleb?

What the fuck happened to this dude, I cant believe this is the same person who made Uncharted 2. Was it a girlfriend who brainwashed him?

>naughty dog
Western gaming is flaming garbage holy shit

Not necessarily, even Kotaku's resident transsexual gave GreedFall a 7/10 because, while the game was fun, the Colonialism theme was "deeply FUCKING problematic."

Because everything makes Yea Forums anus anguished. Seriously, start a thread bringing up any game and you will get a bunch of people talking about how it's the worst thing ever to happen to humanity.

>any opinion to the right of antifa is bad

Exsanguinate yourself

>Was it a girlfriend who brainwashed him?
He's Israeli, every Jew becomes a globalist shill once they hit 30.

Election tourists.

Control didn't have any politics though. Jesse could have been a man and it would not have changed even any dialogue except for pronouns.

The first game was ok, but it was massively overhyped. It's an alright shooter with a decent story. The second one has so much empty hype behind it that it'll be impossible to discern its actual quality from rabid fanboyism, but I guess that's the usual for those kinds of games

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The Jew had no power in Uncharted 2.
Then he fucked over the based fat drake woman and kicked her out.
He has been grabbling ever since.

Because Ellie's stupid daddy issues reflected in her sexuality are ruining her entire race in-game and it's being celebrated as brave instead of fucking disgusting individualist hedonism.
Or not even that, they won't touch that in the game. Coward Jews.

I like how people call them "tourists" when they're really "migrants."

Absolutely disgusting.

>*SNIFF* OH ELLIE SMELL MY FARTS *SNIFF* *SNIFFFFF* HMM SMELLS LIKE BACON HMM *SNIFFF* *SNIFFF*. *Proceeds to French kiss eachother with noises*

It's strange that you can't question or deny that the holocaust happened since they have so much proof that it did. It's like they're afraid of something... hmm maybe were on to something. Find out more on /pol/ if you're curious :^)

Those guys were later found and arrested, get rekt niggers

Lol, ok Mr Incel.


Good, I hope those white men got what they deserved.

Her gf is ugly.

Amy Henning was unironically based. She made the franchise and Cuckman had to fuck it up.

No one is falling for your shit

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Imagine thinking that someone being put off by homosexual behavior makes them right wing, or a bigot. I unironically want you sinister, hypocritical monsters to all be destroyed.

It's mildly hilarious that this reply came right before this one.

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It panders to me if they're cute

Why does the media always do this? Write a sensationalist headline about the *crime* but quietly brush away the perpetrators? And for that matter, they always describe the perpetrators by their most nebulous descriptors,
>Group of men ASSAULT lesbian couple
>Lone man MURDERS family
>Youths get ARRESTED for huge drug ring

Amy Henning wrote the first 3 Uncharteds.

I´m unironically excited for this game.

>anyone or anything that disagrees with me is pol

You're worse that they are by a huge margin.

>group of asian youths

>Pretend to be gay
>Don't want to kiss
>Objects get beaten up
Purely based.

Old Yea Forums:
Using racism, pedophilia, murder as an edgy joke but not actually advocating it.

Actually believing in all that horrible shit.

I bet you're one of those faggots that shits on lolicons.

>thinks being against pedophiles is pol

Die monster

That's called intimacy, which is known to induce vomiting to autists like you.

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Horror/stealth games is something we actually need more of. Bing bing wahoo cartoon bullshit is something we don't.
That said I'm not entirely sure TLOU2 with succeed at being a good horror game or stealth game, but it's nice that they're trying.

Cover your eyes you bitchmade faggot.

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Man can't wait to see all the scripted sequences

Rent Free(tm)


lampshades and soapbars, Kike

Have you even played the first game you complete retards

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>Hillary a known Pedo
>Trump is not

Gee I wonder why it has Hillary.

Homosexuality is an accepted thing in the Western world and that isn't gonna change, if you are so offended by it then move to the third-world as they are very homophobic.

>all these plebs that dont know the multiplayer is far superior to the single player

Start to finish, loved it. Joel was a dick, but I can't say I don't relate. What does that have to do with you being a whiny /pol/fugee?

I still feel like his behavior changed drastically. He wasnt all "Ellie is a stronk lesbian" until the DLC came along.

imagine actually unironically waiting an entire gen for this shit

Is Yea Forums ready for more kino that will revolutionize the industry once again?


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>if you are so offended by it then move to the third-world as they are very homophobic.
Or you could just move to their Colonies in the Western World and be happy there.

Every. Fucking. Time.


It’s not and the world is reacting as such. People are pushing back against degeneracy and insanity. They’re just lucky that people aren’t violent yet.

have sex

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it was her turn to fuck the children and murder them for adrenochrome

Jennifer Connelly still looking hot

Very compelling.

>t. Leftist hivemind talking head

are you the person that calls everyone that didnt vote for hillary an incel

>He wasnt all "Ellie is a stronk lesbian" until the DLC came along.
The DLC was testing the waters, user. This happens literally every Naughty Dog game;
>Introduce strong white male protagonist
>Give them some scrappy ethnic and/or female partner
>See how people feel about aforementioned scrappy ethnic and/or female partner
>If it's positive, shill said character and make them the star of the next game.
Happened with Uncharted too.

but last time the judge told me to never do it again?

This is why /pol/tards will always fail, you embrace violence and cruelty, all we need to do is just highlight what you say and we win.

Do you even know what it means for the world that Ellie is lesbian in the first place? Think about it

It's clear they did it to virtue signal.
Nobody would've cared if the whole thing wasn't surrounded by estronauts screaming "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE"

Have sex.

At the end of the day, You have to live with trump, I don't. 4 more years too cunt. Enjoy it.


I'm not referring just to politics. But the fact their games are obscenely bland.

Also you could argue the need to put a old, ugly manjawed strong independent woman as the lead with ugh so creepy janitor guy hitting on me and sht im so oppressed is enough to be politicized. I wouldnt know, playing beyond 5 minutes of that game is as interesting as watching rocks fornicate

Remember how people were saying Ellie wasn't a lesbian before that preview of Part 2 dropped despite Druckmann confirming she was years ago when the DLC was released?

except the fireflies would have failed and ellie would have died for nothing

At some point most normies will go "enough" and do what we say in reality and unironically.
You will understand very soon.
Don't say that we didn't warn you.

>people are gonna do what we say just because!
Lol, zoomers are the most progressive generation, you're living in fairy land.

So is some weirdo setting a date for shanking a motherfucker or are we getting a game?

The entire goddamn point of TLoU was to show Humanity doesn't really deserve the cure, that the best thing to do is build your own future instead of trying to rebuild the past.

it's going to be a shit movie game and sonygoys will eat it up because they've already proven they're retards alt throughout this gen trump 2020


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ugly jew GF. they couldnt even use a cute jew. Drukkmanns perverted fantasy to desecrate the goyimess.

>At some point most normies will go "enough" and do what we say in reality and unironically.
Never going to happen, normies are too busy enjoying Madden or FIFA to notice these games.

>you're a fat woman
excuse me don't assume it's gender and also imagine being too retarded to understand the point of the comic you fucking retarded cunt go dilate

Attached: Dina looks like that.webm (1920x1080, 1.14M)

>you embrace violence
>what you say
>speech is violence
out commie out

>do as we say
>do what we say
>that's the same
No, it isn't.
Normies had enough with all the disgusting degeneracy. And they will do, what we have said for ages (but we didn't actually do it, because tons is through a few ironic mirrors).

I don't think I've ever cared about anything from Naughty Dog. Only swung by because the OP was weird.

the left truly can't meme

Its tolerated and not accepted, big fucking difference.

Fucking /pol/ go back to fucking /pol/

>they will have had enough of these degenerate vidya games
You have no idea, don't you.

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Like, Honestly. Who wants be on the same side as fat blue haired dykes who tell you what you can and can't do?

Do you realize how retarded you sound right now
Then again I guess you understood the game far better than I did thanks to that incredibly stupid train of thought
Imagine unironically thinking that though

Hello now fuck off back to /pol/

I think this is the wrong way to portray minorities in videogames, they're acting like everything in the game should be a "comeback" to piss off sexists and incels. This kills creativity.

You do realize the fact that Joel didn't hand Ellie over to those scientists has fucked humanity over, right? Like, they could have developed a cure, but Joel just told them "fuck you, my feelings are more important".

fair enough

Fuck off back to leftypol

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>I'm not racist! See?? I'm part of the discussion!
Your brain on /pol/

Here's what I don't get, the typical picture of a classroom is like 80% PoC and yet everyone in that picture is white (except for that one girl.)

Why does this always happen? Why are Whites always so eager to visit these events?

Didn't see that coming.

Yes, which is why Joel is depicted as a terrible human being and a selfish cunt throughout the entire fucking game

you belong there too retard you're clearly discussing politics

I dont really have a problem with that but he handled it in a fucked up and insufferable "white men step aside" way rather than organically. Its also really pathetic how he shoehorned his shitty butchdyke waifu in the Uncharted spinoff instead of giving the indian girl a proper sidekick.

Oh wait, They can't

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overton window moved faggot

Fuck off back to /pol/

>Being against illegals makes you a racist
No, it doesn't.
It makes you someone, who doesn't like criminals.

garbage bait you should feel ashamed

They hold those at a library here. The drag queens read stories to kids and the kids fuckin love it. Big colorful weirdos reading educational stories and doing voices etc. it's actually pretty wholesome.

And because I know you are very retarded; no, they don't read them books trying to "convert" them. The books are literally kids books and the occasional stuff explaining what a drag queen is. At no point to they encourage or discourage the kids to be or not be anything. It's purely educational.
t. guy who's roommate works at the biggest library in the area.

>Whites always so eager to visit these events?
we haven't done enough redpilling the normies

>eager to visit
Yeah, the girl totally looks totally "eager to have visited this 'event'"

When that girl grows up, she will kill trannies.

Hello nazis now fuck off back to /pol/


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make me

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>the kids fuckin love it
I'm autistic, and even I understand the expression in the girls face.
Pro-tip: it's not love.

fuck off back to hell you fucking tranny demon, and then dilate your rotting gash.

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How do we solve the /pol/ problem?

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Actually they depict him as a protective father willing to do anything for his surrogate daughter. It's not until the end do they show him being a selfish cunt. The game is saying that not everyone is perfect. Joel is selfish, Ellie is childish and everyone's an asshole at the end of it.

What radical leftism? Two dykes kissing?

>You are the National SOCIALISTS.
We are actually against SOCIALISM.
And the Nazis weren't really nationalists, they were basically globalists before globalists existed.

the left truly can't meme...

based cunny bro

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>everyone's an asshole at the end of it.
Except for the kikes.
Saying otherwise is antisemtic.

Hope the multiplayer doesn't have any dlc that breaks it this time since it was fun as fuck to play with some guys form Yea Forums when it came out on PS3

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Because whites are unironically the most tolerant race, this should be obvious by the large ammount of white SJWs. Blacks and latinos are religious and homophobic as fuck.

man this place really went to shit didn't it guys, lmao i want this ride to end

Who was in the wrong here

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You're a racist.

two fictional dykes, one being an ugly jew, kissing in a fantasy directed by a literal jew, for no other reason than subversion, in an ocean of other subversive jewish media.

I'm pretty sure nobody in the game has ever said anything about their religions, nor has it ever come into play. But sure, whatever gets your nips hard, /pol/migrant.

An hero, Newfag

>Blacks and latinos are religious and homophobic as fuck.
True. They only tolerate it because white people tell them to.

If you've ever posted on /pol/ you're banned from posting on any other board. That would be fun, but impossible.
The easier and less fun method is just to delete the board and send the newfags, children and tourists packing.

Pro-tip: Hitler was a leftie.
Yes, research on it.
You will be surprised.

- brainwashing children at school, is that right wing? No, it's happening right now and it's a method of the left

- tons of gibs, is that right wing? No, it's left.

- being fascist and attacking the opposition using violence, is that right wing? No, tons of leftie terrorists do that to conservatives.


and you will never fuck anything with a pulse.

Honestly thanks for reminding me why I hated the game outside the lackluster gameplay and overly linear design. I just remembered it was childishly misanthropic and creatively empty.

That's why your writing is unmemorable

Keep trying moshie.

Have you seen kikes in that game?
What a coincidence.
I wonder why that is.

>sacrificed humanity's last shot so she could dyke out years later

Read the thread retard, the guy has become a full-blown SJW and he confirmed the game is going to be full of that. Hes in fact very proud of that.

Spic schizo tranny here
These are the kind of threads AAA western trash deserve

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What were "the jews" back then?
Most of the 1%?

Bernie is literally Hitler.
Blaming the 1% super rich and wanting to send them to death camps and taking all their possessions.

>hur Yea Forums's supposed to be shit
kys and then fuck off
see this is why the left can't meme

were it asians again?

Deflection? How?

In fact, please do me a favor and tell me how to argue my point without it being deflection. What should I have said while maintaining my views.

>Spic schizo tranny here
It checks out.

i get that you think you're making some clever revelation, but we aren't fucking libertarians. we WANT authoritarian protection of European bloodlines.


Fuck off with your moral superiority.
Faggy redditors always keep telling everyone how nice and good they are unlike those evil right wingers, but the never prove it. On the contrary, anytime they interact with someone they disagree with they turn into some of the most hateful people I've seen. They'll stalk your fucking 5 year long post history just to find a shred of "evidence" they can use to shit on your entire existence, they persistently parade around on twitter mobs jerking off about how evil you are.
And if you're anyone remotely important, they'll make sure to fucking ruin your life.

But i guess its okay because they don't dare to joke about black people.

Fix the industry and you fix Yea Forums Retard

Please, stay silent, preferably in a hole.

Yea Forums is dead.

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The right is as much to blame as the left. In fact most of the prominent "nu-leftists" work for a center-right/alt-right kike.


Explain why there are no kikes in that game.

What is (((Druckman))) saying?

Were they all exterminated?
Or are they on their pedo rape island, raping children?

i know

this is just the beginning my friend

Can anyone get me a deal on some ashes?

>leftist calling anyone a hivemind

I think both sides are retarded but leftism is literally pushed by the media which is the epitome of hivemind mentality.

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>Our lefties are actually also right wing, because they do left wing things, that aren't really what left wing is in my mind.
Phew, lad.

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Piercing? You mean mole?

>game developer gets political
>hurr fucking /pol/ stop bringing that shit up!

Kill yourself faggot

Fuck off back to /pol/ nazi

fuck this faggot game I just want the sfm pornos

They're not right-wing, but they work for them. Who do you think finances Hillary?

fuck of back to your safe space reddit low t beta

I don't recall ever saying there were none. Just that it's never come up. Maybe there are, maybe there aren't. The fact is all that shit doesn't really matter when there's spores that turn you into a mushroom zombie, mushroom zombies and bandits everywhere and survival is a day to day thing rather than a given. Your fucktarded politics and racism don't really matter. People kill people for food rather than stupid shit like ideologies.

You are a homosexual

It appeals to the male sexual fantasy.

We've moved beyond that, bigot.

>start making blatantly political posts
>someone right wing responds
>omg i can't believe you're bringing politics into this

Go back to your neo-nazi containment board

>tfw /pol/ won't stop living in my head rent-free

How do I get them out? Everywhere I look, everything I do -- I see /pol/. I'm obsessed and can't stop. It's ruining my life.

The OP was a vague post by a dev, likely a PR stunt or building hype to a game. The fact that you think it's automatically about politics shows that screencap is 100% right.

i love you niggers, This thread brought me laffs