Is installing a backlight on my GBA worth it?

I don’t know shit about soldering but they look so fucking perfect.

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Nintendo announced this cool new console in a Direct last week, dunno if you saw. It's called the Game Boy Advance SP and has a built in light. I think it's going to release in February 2003, so look out for that and make sure to get your preorder in

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please.. plaes don't forget about me... please

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Can't play GB or GBC games

Shit ergonomics

How to install a backlight in your GBA in three easy steps:

>step one: acquire all the tools: screwdriver, soldering iron, etc.
>step two: put all of these in the bin
>step three: call in an expert to do it before your stupid ass fills your GBA with solder

I was kind of surprised to hear people prefer the og model. I've always considered the SP an upgrade in every way.

I literally only found out about it this thread

Before anyone tells you to get an AGS-101 SP:
The screen is similar to that of the DS lite with horribly oversaturated colors (on top of the screen displaying more colors than GBA games were designed for) and horrendous ghosting. The ghosting is atrocious.
A front-lit SP is the best option. The micro screen might be okay too but still has incorrect colors.

How many GBA cartridges do you own?
There are retro handhelds these days that might offer something better if you dont already own these games.

Soldering is easy, pleb.

Have you tried playing it as an adult? It's way too small and awkward

No one will tell you this but the backlit screens won't fit the case, you'll be required to cut and shave away bits of plastic off the case to make it fit

Where do I buy a etc.?

At the etc and misc store.

>Where do I buy a etc.?

Even a retard can solder, buy a cheap one from amazon and do it

i got sol but i'm not a solder

Do mods devalue the system when trying to sell it?

You're really not gonna be reselling a modded GBA for a profit. There are tons of people on etsy that have perfected the art and control the market.

you ever snarf your barf?

Fuck I want GBA so bad

Wait so i can just buy one? Based

nigga how is backlight real nigga? just like buy a ds nigga, it runs all gba games nigga

No GB & GBC fuck off

Just look up guides for fucks sake. Yes, it's worth it.

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Then buy a flash cart faggot.

the newer ribbon cable converter doesnt even need soldering, it's optional

Won't be as bright but it you don't trust yourself or don't know anyone who could solder for you it works

Where can i buy the kit all i find on amazon are things for the SP

SP was neat when I was 11 and had tiny hands, but trying to play those with adult man hands is awful

I will never forget you Mirco-Kun

"gba ribbon cable" on aliexpress
or ebay if you want to pay more for the same produict

If you have a 3ds, it's easy enough to get it so you can play gba games on it.
The GBA is nice, but not worth the trouble if you know nothing about soldering or don't won't to spend $100 getting it done on etsy.
A 3ds with a $10 grip will cost less, will be able to do more than a GBA, will be just as comfortable and with a bigger screen.

Nostalgia can get expensive.

You could lose 200 pounds and it would be fine

Tell me about it
T. Spent 160 on a Modded GBA and a Gameboy Flash cart

The good news is I won’t be playing for games still I could have brought a 2DS for 1/2 that and a hour of hacking

the absolute pinnacle of nintendo aesthetics.

Go to your local flea market. They sell them for cheap. I got mine for bucks

>is it worth it
this day and age, not really

>should you do it anyway
yes. yes you should

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Sorry to hear that user. We've all done something like that. For me, it was buying some SNES games I never played at the time/borrowed only to realize $80 later Donkey Kong Country isn't half as good as I remember.

Like you say, at least you don't have to pay for more games, and it is a nice little handheld when hacked with a backlight.

I remember that Penny Arcade too

Kind of hard not to when one of your only commercials featured you getting fucked by a mouse.

What Handheld console do you recommend for me?

> i hate nintendo
> i hate pokemon
> I hate the legend of zelda
> I hate RPG games
> I only play video games Rated E for Everyone in the ESRB (or PEGI 3)
> hate, call of duty
> I don't like fighting games
> I hate violent games

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Unironically the New 3DS
>when hacked, can play games from every system released upto the PS1/N64 era consoles, or every Nintendo and Sega handheld
>great variety of E games, stuff like shovel knight, terraria
>cool platforms like VVVVVV and gunman clive
>dirt cheap

Yes it’s worth it. Comfiest way to play the gba

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I don't want anything from the nintendo bitch

Any other alternative to the fucking 3DS?

I want to be 100% free and away from everything Nintendo, zelda and the fucking pokemon

PSP then. Probably the most hackable handheld ever made. Has a huge and diverse library of games.

your only other choice is a fucking Vita then, you fucking retard

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the sp becomes comfortable once you realize you're supposed to hold it by your fingertips instead of trying to press your palms into its edges

Then what said retard.
Having some hate boner for a console is truly amazing.
Get yourself a Game Gear and fuck off.

And what about smartphones?

And what games for PS Vita do you recommend?

by the way, no indie games. No violent games, no shooters. no fighting games please

my bmi is low as fuck, I'm just 6'4". Stop projecting and go run a few laps my guy

>no indie, shooter, fighting, violent (so anything with combat at all is off the table???)
jesus fuck just go back to your goddamn amish farm you fucking mong

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I was going to suggest LittleBigPlanet but you kill, inanimate objects, so it might be a bit too intense for you.

If i hack my Vita for NES, SNES, GBC, GBA and PSP games is there any way to use save states?

>is there any way to use save states?
Try looking in the emulator's menu, there's usually an option for them there

>what is an Internet search engine


Well, see your issue here is actually that you're a grown ass man playing with kids toys. Stop playing with things made for children. Videogames are fucking gay.

Fair enough. You clearly need someone to spoonfeed you basic, easy to find information. I'll larp as your mother if you want.
>okay baby, first you need to check the page you download your emulator from, and read its feature list
>here comes the train, choo choo!

Kek. Fuckin based

too small for white, adult, male hands

>Shining soul II
Mein nigger.
Why did they stop making good RPGs?
Why did the sequels suck?
I wanted to explore that world more.
PSO was the only other game to scratch that itch.

what happened

upvoted Yea Forumsedditbro

>horrendous ghosting. The ghosting is atrocious.
You bought the wrong type of screen for your GBA, retard.

I know, I did the same thing. With the correct GBA, a later model with 32 pins instead of 40 pins for the connector, there's absolutely no ghosting.

The "incorrect colors" are an issue with older games using fucked up palettes so they'd look better on washed out screens without any lighting. You can either mod those games to look correct, or play them on a seperate device. They don't look much better on frontlit screens.

It's literally one wire, probably the easiest hardware mod you can find. I guess you have to shave the case down a bit, but that isn't hard if you own a fucking craft knife.

Quit playing kids games nigger.

just buy an SP

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Have sex

>i hate violent games