So where the fuck is my "day1-crack" bros ? did you lie to me......AHHHHHHH

so where the fuck is my "day1-crack" bros ? did you lie to me......AHHHHHHH

Attached: 1568485368920.png (1198x1686, 2.17M)

Other urls found in this thread: 3 crack&oq=borderlands 3 crack&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30.100644.104994..105202...0.0..0.59.807.22......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i3.tqPMEtAzTtw&ved=0ahUKEwiDhfW4-d_kAhVJK1AKHevIDDkQ4dUDCAU&uact=5

>wanting to play trash games
imagine having taste this shitty

I'm patient, plus the game isn't fully out yet, it still needs to launch all those DLC maps and characters.


i didn't, i at the time said it would take 2 weeks, then i heard of the new countermeasure they did, its gonna take a while to crack, better use that time for other games and for the DLCs to drop

what's up with using black people as reaction images? i see it all the time on twitter its really weird

it still uses Denuvo 6 though, as Denuvo 6 came out this year and was only quite recently cracked. IMO it's the combination of epicfail store and dneuvo that's a problem. What is up with this? there are several ''claimed cracks'' and evne release dates for one. 3 crack&oq=borderlands 3 crack&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30.100644.104994..105202...0.0..0.59.807.22......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i3.tqPMEtAzTtw&ved=0ahUKEwiDhfW4-d_kAhVJK1AKHevIDDkQ4dUDCAU&uact=5

(Yea Forums doesn't let tinyurl, yeaaah…)

>be a pirate
>can play ltierally any game in the world from any year on any platform for FREE
>sitting there refreshing the crackwatch page for some dogshit reddit looter shooter

please consider suicide

I wanted to talk to you but you said ''reddit''

Attached: buzzwordstrategy2.png (843x903, 43K)

its alright lad, is there something else we could argue about?

…. what games we SHOULD pirate?

there big lips/nose/bulging eyes make them look funny

can you even play it in lan?

Eat my dick, Randy. I wouldn't even pirate this shit.

>can't even pirate this shit game

one of 1000s games you havent played before, the world is your oyster. bonus if they're from shit publishers

yeah but that's the problem, it's like panning for gold; I need ot look at thousands of grains of sand before I strike gold.

>posting the verison where /pol/ swapped "have sex" and "dilate" because "have sex" still hurts their feelings

>muh /pol/
Rent free.

It's got a few performance issues and frame drops right now that can hopefully be flattened out. I'd just wait OP

just buy the game poorfag
randy need money for his new car