It's good

It's good.

Attached: call-of-duty-modern-warfare.original[1].jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It sucks and you cant see anything.
Fuck Youtube normalshits
Fuck IW
Fuck Reddit
And Fuck Niggers


Hard to see fucking anything, the resolution is fucked on xbox and you can't fix it.

>not playing on pc
>not setting FOV to 100
>not crouching with ALT

Console niggers lmao

kys shill

console babies are ruining the game

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

The performance is ass so I'll pass.

I have a GTX 1080, i5 2500K 4.3ghz and 8gb of ram and it runs at 80-120fps on high settings
but the ram gets saturated, I can't really alt-tab to windows

The website says the open beta starts tonight at 6PM PT, then the game says it's 10AM tomorrow, PT. I'm assuming the website is wrong, then?

Beta is open for pre orders and PS4 players already, for the normalfolk its tonight

Why does Price look so generic now

bad/blurry graphics + same boring COD gameplay as every other year

it's not

excited to try ground war tomorrow but what ive played so far feels no different to any other cod game

whats the ground war mode? does anyone know? 32v32 TDM?

I wish PC.ucks would be quarantined to just PC. You are all vermin

Attached: gw.jpg (373x767, 69K)

Thanks for using your brain to create an insightful contribution to the thread user, as opposed to regurgitating things everyone’s heard 1000 times

woah, COD is doing what other games have been doing for years, GOTY!

I normally play on pc but the niggers I play cod with are on xbox

Just looking at it its already shit
Looks like fucking battlefield, flashy shit animations, garbage optimization, battle net, slow shit pacing, no modding, nothing is like the cods its supposed to finally replace. But yeah, pre order it, just like you always do with CoD, BF and nigger NBA and Fifa games, get 30 hours of playtime for 60 eur and call it worth.

but this has crossplay so you can just play pc

Yes, but if I try launching the game, the game says it's tomorrow morning PT for everyone else, not tonight PT.

Yes, the thread was really designed for highly intelligent conversations with an opening like "It's good"

Seethe more

Open beta is tomorrow, right?

just under 24 hours to be exact

it really fucking is. been playing all night, havent slept yet. love how scopes and optics look/work now. pretty realistic with the fish eye effect etc etc

i mostly play tdm in cod's, but the map for dom and hq is fucking amazing in this. couldn't even bother going back to tdm.

i don't think its the resolution, at least not on ps4. the general image of the game is just really washed out. you cant make the brightness too high like you can in most cod's, and you cant make it too dark either.

warning: claymores are cunts. if you actually manage to see one (they're impossible to see), you can see the little red lines off the edges of the claymore signifying the blast radius...but you can still get killed by them if you're not in that signified blast radius. have to be careful clearing one, it may still kill you if you're too close.

also game needs: pic related

Attached: tavor.jpg (1920x1277, 318K)

on the mw subreddit

>pc fags
millions of complaints
games crashing
game wont start
shit graphics problems
cant connect
cant hear audio
blurry visuals
all kinds of issues

>console chads
0 problems

lol go troubleshoot more problems pcnigger

ive been playing since yesterday man, didn't even pre-order it. i think they dropped it early for people.

The website says tonight, the game says tomorrow. We will have to wait and see.

Attached: 1565838958723.png (1624x942, 1.71M)

Associating with niggers makes you a nigger

If you're on PS4 the beta started yesterday.

Sold my beta key for 10 bucks. People were scrounging for this shit

Call of Duty has babiesfirstfps.jpb zero skill console trash since CoD2.
If you play CoD, you objectively have bad taste in games.

FUGGGG I forgot about this, how many days do I have left playing the beta?

It plays exactly like every other fucking Call of Duty. It's so tiresome.

It plays slightly slower and rewards camping more than the last few entries in the series. Fun for a few rounds I guess but gets old fast and is definitely not worth paying anything for.

Open Beta on PC starts in 6 hours.

shit maps
guns either take 1 bullet to kill or 5+ shots and no kill, inconsistent
shit maps
sound design sucks
shit maps
some of the perks are fucking worthless
shit maps
loot boxes and cancerous season pass shit
shit maps

Attached: 1541947593850.png (970x542, 257K)

oh wow so what cod 4 PC had in 2007 but without dedicated servers? this'll go well.

How? Access is free.

neat, I made the mistake of buying BO4 because a friend was saying it was really good, got me and another friend who's never played COD ever to buy it then he immediately dropped it, I probably won't buy this one but I'm looking forward to giving it a shot. I haven't actually really played COD since BO1 besides the week or so I spent in 4.

It's literaly just call of duty

>retarded complaints
>there is no season pass
>hasn't played it
Lmao, cope.

It has rng recoil.

Attached: 1568787469145.jpg (640x795, 27K)

You mean last week.

have played it. worse than cod4/mw2. cope with loot boxes ruining the game and shit maps so everyone can camp. all the guns feel like the F2000 from MW2, weak trash,

Codes were for pa4 early access on the beta last week. Some retard spent $10 to play it like 2 days early lol.
Literally they could’ve done what I did and preorder on amazon the day before, pay nothing, and cancel as soon as the code came in...

played a few rounds today but got bored again
when is ground war dropping? and has realism come back yet?

that thumbnail though

Attached: yeit87tc96701.jpg (1014x993, 108K)

price lookin tummy thicc


so battlefield from 2004

the framerate counter is fake as fuck
90 feels like sub 60 and locking the framerate to 60 feels like 30

Burnt out on this shit. They got rid of realism and night mode just for shitty tdm on hackney all day. Probably have to wait til the last day for ground war

Why is the netcode such utter garbage?
Apparently I have 1ms ping on the scoreboard and so does the rest of us.

Killcams are literally 1 second out of sync to what really happened.

Visuals can be hit and miss.

Shotguns are worthless.

M4 niggers 2 shooting me in realtime yet killcam its 4/8 rounds towards me.

This is just going to be Black ops 2 of RNG lottery tobacco nicotine fix tier connectivity isnt it.....

Desync trash or skill based health pools? Who knows.....

CoD has always had some super fucked lag compensation

Black ops 4 was fine
Black ops 1 was fine (despite the babies from Brazil crying about hitreg)
Modern warfare 2 was the best
COD4 was second best.

Every game made by newfinity ward has been utter fucking ratbag levels of desync, I get 12ms on BO4 and owned in every game until it became lootcrate hell, but this game.... I'm praying it's just beta issues but this is literally Deja Vu.

Ghost is mandatory as well which just makes tier 2 perks pointless

Can't handle PC? Get back to Console then bitch.

night mode is back

feels more run and gunny than the supposed tactical shit we're shown in the trailers, fuck even cod4 was slower than this game

Attached: ohshit.jpg (346x360, 14K)

These kikes really pushed it a day back to make you pre-order

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is the MP MW2 good? that's my pinnacle.


Super sprint was a fucking mistake. Just dash and jump around corners and get easy kills.

I got really bored with the CoD series around the time of black ops 2, picked up black ops 4 and had a fucking blast playing TDM. Tons of shit to unlock, i got about 90% of the way to unlocking the dark star camo before I finally got bored. I realize many people find this series stale but sometimes I just want to come home from work, get high turn on some tunes and shoot shit.

The return to slower tactical gameplay actually has me less excited for this. My predicition is this will be about as popular as the WW2 game a few years back. I do miss the bigger map design though from older games.


It's called "Modern Warfare" you fucking cuckold faggots, it's not supposed to be easy and fun. Maybe improve your fucking game and stop being a retard.

>playing any cod after the first one
Why would you willingly play shit games?

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he thick

>He didn't play COD 3 AKA the peak of the series

looks too blurry

I've been told open beta has started and the launcher says it's live but the game says it goes live tomorrow, what's that about?

Lmao, they didn't even update the website hours.

The multiplayer in that is great, still active too (on 360 at least)

>cod post MW2

I'm getting mixed signals.
this images says open beta starts in 6 hours (6pm PST Sep 20)
this image says it's actually in 22 hours (10am PDT Sep 21)
so who knows

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would this run on a 1050 ti / i3 4160

Official site just updated not long ago, it’s 6pm tonight and not tomorrow morning.

Attached: B76BC03B-36F8-4BDE-A8E3-25828E173ECA.jpg (1024x576, 86K)

So, in 6 hours?

Where is the fucking gore and dismemberment? All this hype and not even a little ? I killed 3 dudes with that missile strike and they just flopped away like dummies . Immediately uninstalled. I expected insurgency tier violence and got less that bo3 and 4. Gaaaaay

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I’ve spent more time downloading the fucking beta than I have playing it.

>M4 niggers 2 shooting me in realtime yet killcam its 4/8 rounds towards me

This happens way too often. I often get instantly killed and then when the kill cam comes up the guy was taking his sweet time.

oh shit literally me in the middle of coalition

Insurgency doesn't have gore, what are you talking about?

Is this bait? Lmao i cant even tell

Children's online daycare LOOOOOOOOOL

I've not played a cod in years and I fucking suck

Usually pretty good at shooters, at least have a positive KD, but in this I just die so fast

Gotta git gud, I guess. Looking forward to 32v32 tomorrow, from what I've played so far every mode just feels like TDM

It doesn't. What the fuck are YOU talking about

The fuck are you babbling about? Cod has had awful net code and shitty tick rates since bo1.
Mw2 was the last game where it didn't feel like you were pouring bullets into your opponent, only to die to a single bullet from them.
It's like Activision brought their A game to compete with Halo3 at the time Mw2 launched, and once they became top dog on consoles, they just cut costs and phoned it in since then.

>it has rng recoil
>implying theres no shooter where elements of randomness are implemented into recoil

I’d rather play the division 2 or battlefield games.

Yeah one thing I noticed playing BF and COD is that COD players are actually fucking good at the game.

Activision is so fucking incompetent fuck them

It's actually bad, like really really bad. Doesn't resemble anything of the good days.

Just bring back dedicated host
I rather deal with one God Mode player bullshit rather then this garbage.

This. Even Battalion 1944 is better than this.

The PC port is legit trash though.

Never had a problem with BO1 and BO4, both are treyarch and the meme is 3arc make the better games, but the shittier netcode.

Maybe the fact I pull lowest ping and host (back when cod was p2p) in every single 3 arc game is proof that the game fucked over shitters with awful wireless connections.

Yet here we are on this beta, the latency is 2ms on myself and the server, with an open NAT type and I can't win 1v1s even when I get the first shot off, and then the killcam shows me ringing te corner weyyyyy past when I dropped to ADS and getting 3 rounds off maximum.

Last night I ran a moderate NAT and while the issue was still observable, it was leagues better than today, further proof you can literally win Fagwards games with a unoptimized connection.

The game is shit.


They really need to update all the fucking character models. This seems to be a huge complaint.
Either that or they better have to better fucking maps. I'm tired of players peek a boo killing me. Or niggers be right next to me, but completely blended into the shadow.

Just google insurgency sandstorm gore you brainlet


But it's a valid complaint dumbo. This encourages even MORE campers in a camp heavy game already.

wait, new cod doesn't have dedicated server ?

>This encourages even MORE campers in a camp heavy game already.
You haven't played CoD recently. 99% of modern CoD is SMG rushdown with specialist one shot spam.

Attached: killstreaks.jpg (1860x1160, 237K)

i think he was talking about the source Insurgency

Thats black ops with higher ttk as far as I know

>muh camping
git gud

IW and WW2 were the exact same. Though WW2 also favoured the incendiary shotgun and sniper spam too. But as for camping? That has't been a thing really since Ghosts. I legit at this stage miss AR headglitchers I'm taht bored of SMG rushdown.

How can you tell? I can't play the beta yet on PC.

I haven't played a CoD since BLOPS2 (and for like 20 minutes on a free weekend of Ghosts).
I had probably 1000+ hours on 4 and MW2 each.
Convince me to buy this for Pee Cee.


Just download it and try it yourself

Let's get down to brass tacks.
>Gameplay feels like a fusion between the slow methodical Rainbow 6 siege and cod.
>maps may seem smaller but they built everything around vertical movement and so the maps open up. Lots of climbing which is nice
>Buildings have doors which can be busted down with a melee, traps are often set up behind doors, but you can just shoot right through them
>Guns can be customized akin to black light albeit a lot more watered down. So not even the same thing
Can't customize your fucking character and you can only play as these 12 ugly fucking character and sigourney Weaver. Only the camo mesh guy and the default Russian looks good.

Basically, it's different. It's a different take on COD, it isn't as spastic, but I wouldn't call it slow. Weapons feel really cool and look good. But for the love of God have a bit of Mercy and let us customize our own characters. Nobody wants to play your fucking diversity required character designs that nobody would have voted for.

I'm already bored. Should have raised the level cap with today's update.

If you pre-ordered you could play it yesterday. I don't think it's open till 6pm tonight IIRC.
It's not as good as old CoD. Just because it beats modern CoD doesn't mean shit, that's an awfully low bar.

Camping wouldnt be an issue if the maps wearnt shit

shotguns are utter dogshit so I'm skipping this year's dumpster fire

>6pm tonight


Big thing is not having anyone to play with I think, most everyone in my HS played MW/2 and everyone would shit talk and troll on XBOXLive, even moreso than HALO did at the time.
Maybe that's why I liked it so much thinking back, though I always like an ever increasing number, plan to pick up MHW when G rank comes out so that will scratch that itch.

im sick of these brown and gray maps. haven't played cod since mw3 and its somehow exactly the same after 8 years

And that’s a good thing

>haven't played cod since mw3 and its somehow exactly the same after 8 years
Trust me, it got a lot worse after MW3. The fact this is the best CoD in 7 years despite being mediocre really sums up how fucked Ghosts onwards was.

So you have to install Battlenet in order to get the openbeta which is 40GB

Attached: _73075467_coffinjapes.jpg (624x451, 68K)

>Using AUG
>ADS and move forward down narrow lane
>Some faggot comes running like a meth head
>"You're toast asshole"
>shoot him
>10 hitmarkers
>he shoots me, I'm dead
>look at killcam which showed I only shot him 3-4 times

Loving this game. Every second.

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I it good on pc ? Well optimized?

It's always surprised me how shit CoD's netcode is when it's a super fast game. You'd thunk that's the one thing you really have to nail.

MW3 had some really good maps though.

infinity ward is BACK baby

>get to BTFO consolekiddies with M+K

Yeah, I'm thinking it's based

>You'd thunk that's the one thing you really have to nail.
They have zero reason to imrpove. Keep in mind Ghosts which is the worst selling call of duty still made more than 99% of AAA games.

Remember Dedicated Servers?

Attached: zampella west.jpg (620x358, 102K)

Bahahahaha wait for the 32v32 test tomorrow.

Nope, and the open beta is 50 gigs big.

Man, 10v10 was already a cesspool of nonsense. 32v32 is gonna be fun. Might just go jihad mode.

>Get early access to the #ModernWarfare Open Beta on PC!
>Watch two hours of MW streams with a linked & Twitch account and you’ll receive early acces on BNet.
>Ends 9/20 at 10am PST

>and the open beta is 50 gigs big.

The full game is 90 so that's not a problem.

too much freezes crashes and other bugs, I won't buy it, they don't care about PC


Fuck no, this is clearly the best COD since 4/WAW which isn't saying much

>90 fucking gb
>not a problem


Of course COD will always feel like cod at the end of the day no matter what they do.

15GB for the game
60GB for localisation

Attached: Cro.jpg (1028x840, 101K)

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Except it's not you bozo

And they were all brown and gray

damn nu-price has a nice ass
cod is shit by the way

Again? FUCK

post your gunfu

Attached: ak.jpg (1366x768, 89K)

Apparently PC can't handle the port though

Attached: pepe_smoke.png (888x894, 520K)

Attached: AK10004.png (1920x1080, 1003K)

lol you don't remember the massive bugs in that game that IW never patched

Games are getting bigger user.
Everyone has around 5TB hardrrives these days, it's literally not a problem unless you're a pirate.

Attached: Annotation 2019-09-20 152205.png (873x689, 487K)

It's anything but good, and its probably one of the worst call of dutys I've played. As a "beta" it has so many problems with its design that unless they remake the fucking game, I don't ever see it getting good.

The weapon balance is trash, every time I try and use a gun that isn't the m4 I just get killed by people who do. Shotguns don't even work correctly and using LMGs will get you killed before you can even ADS. Doesn't help that the netcode is terrible as well.

The maps are some of the worst I have ever played. I have played F2P FPS games with better map design. All 3 of the beta maps are so cramped that no matter where you are in the map, you'll get shot from 3 different directions if you don't just camp. These small maps in conjunction with broken spawns make it so that 3/4 spawns are you just running 5 feet and getting killed by someone holding a corner. Also, the spawns never flip, so if your team gets put at a disadvantage, you'll just get spawn trapped for the whole game. These small maps could work, but since the spawns don't work at all, it's just a giant clusterfuck.

These are only some of the issues I've had since playing. Shitty lighting makes it so that it's impossible to see people in shadows and footsteps being way too quiet, just to name a couple. It's a real shame, since the gunplay is actually pretty good. The animations are nice, and the gunsmithing stuff is cool too, but it's surround by such shit design that I wonder if the people making this game have ever even played another COD game, let anyone any sort of good multiplayer FPS.

Overall, shit/10, only retards will enjoy this game.

Attached: ace4.jpg (887x491, 147K)


how's the campaign?

>Everyone has around 5TB hardrrives these days

Yeah, for storage. Not for playing games.

Attached: qt specs.jpg (1181x878, 163K)

>it's literally not a problem unless you're a pirate.
why is that a problem, though?

Fuck this shit. I'm getting a PS5 next gen and just buying physical.

This is 100% random. Managing recoil (or trying to) will get you killed if the other guy is spraying and rhe rng gods favor him. It's the most skilless piece of trash element an fps could have

I haven't played CoD since the first Black Ops, just completely lost interest. Figured I'd play this because it looked fun.

It's a good time, voice chat is pure autism but that's not surprising. The Froghammer is the best weapon in the game, which is hilarious to me.

Man I want to look at gameplay but on twitch everyone is a quickscoping faggot who doesn't show off any other weapons.

Probably the guilt that a pirate feels having to download less GB for a superior version of a game.

I was talking about INS 2 yeah
I know Sandstorm has gore but that poster didn't have enough braincells to mention that

you nostalgia fags don't remember how broken MW2 was.
Javelin carepackage bombers.
Commando literal teleports.
Chopper gunner liiterally in spawn
Model 1887 sniper range.
Riot shield camping in corner with scavenger and C4.

wtf is going on in this image?

Attached: 1568999099506.jpg (1920x1080, 661K)

>0 issues
Youre playing a fucking fps on a console you retarded ape. That in and of itself is an issue and bigger than glitches that pchads have to deal with. Cant patch out brain damage though. Lmaoing @your lyfe.

Attached: 1565202395906.gif (320x240, 1.76M)

That's his helmet, dumbass.

Attached: _44628979_-7.jpg (203x152, 9K)

But thats what the beauty of MW2 was, that everything was fucking broken, so it went back around to being fun.
Having one thing being broken = unfun
Having everything being broken = multiple avenues for fun

>all these people already at rank 20
What's the point? It's a beta.

They really couldn't get permission to use the AV-8B? sad

Attached: 1555150672046.png (720x720, 153K)

i dunno about you but getting smashed by the same broken ass shit when all i wanted to do was shoot people was not fun

This. In advanced warfare you could customize your character from head to toe. They do one good thing in a game just to get rid of it in the next. Its like they are completely retarded

>Youre playing a fucking fps on a console you retarded ape.
Yeah, a game made for consoles. So console heavy that console chads got to play it months before pc.ucks

I agree user. It's fucking awful. It's got awful netcode, maps, and the thing I hate the most is rng recoil which has zero place in a shooter

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what are the best settings for this on PC. the textures are stuttering and flickering on PC

So is the cover art character Price or someone new

how many hours till open beta you american niggers its 20.9.19 22:42 fucking timezones

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Modern warfares

the mustache screams price yea so maybe

Hey anyone who is playing it right now can you just post some random screenshots from ingame??

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>Looks like fucking battlefield
and that's a good thing™

sounds like fun to me, no mlg tryhard tactical faggots camping when there's 3 AC130s up in the air, 4 sentry turrets on the ground, dual akimbo 1887 users, riotshield fags, usp4-knife lungers, and Wazoos with acogs.

Shit was fun and unbalanced. now we all have this esport shit where nothing can be doing too much damage or we nerf tracer or nerf this killstreak.

fuck balance.

since mw2, black ops was the last one with them.

>link twitch to
>watch some faggot streaming the game muted at 160p for 2 hours
>open the game at 9pm EST
do I have this right?

Attached: 1448213109679.jpg (436x402, 44K)

this, balance is gay. Balance is what got certain maps permanently removed from the ranked map rotation in R6seige even though the game had a map vote option

>sound design sucks
kys, it's about time that CoD changed its sound design. Infinity Ward was using the same sfx since MW3. Now it's closer to the War Tapes from BF.

I think the problem is with the sharp contrast. A lot of studios are going for the "realistic" lighting but it can be a pain in the ass when you play that kind of game.

Sounds like you need to git gud u fucking fag lmao

So weapon progression is flipped. Check the stats you're given end game guns at the start. When the game is released it will flip it to how it's supposed to to be.

I've heard the devs say that this MW is made with fun in mind, not esports. The fact that they've stopped making 3-lane maps is a good thing.

Spot on

>crouching with ALT

Attached: 1558116692500.png (576x864, 710K)

leveling is pretty fast

thats what im doing i hope it works

Attached: 1498356711130.png (512x480, 114K)

I do not think it is good
I'll give it another quick go tonight.
Pre-ordered for the early beta then refunded

anyone found a way to make MSI Afterburner work? there's no way I'm getting the framerate shown by the game's built-in counter

>So weapon progression is flipped. Check the stats you're given end game guns at the start. When the game is released it will flip it to how it's supposed to to be.
Source: my ass. I thought you COD shills would have better damage control than this.

Attached: 1568360878500.png (1496x1042, 560K)


Attached: www.amateurdump.net_20181209_04_0166.jpg (1280x960, 106K)

This. Got in a lobby where console kids were trying to hit le ebin 360 noscopes all game.

>>not crouching with ALT
I use either ctrl or c

Does the game match console players with PC?

yes but you can disable it

Why don't you play the game?

Proving this game is the ultimate pleb filter. GTFO

Attached: HOLY LEL.jpg (342x342, 56K)

Because I didn't preorder it so i can't yet peepeehead

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this place is too good
you can defend both point A and B from there

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>open areas with low time to kill and smoke isn't unlocked by default


My "source" is that I played the game for longer than one match lol. Look at the guns, go to the very last gun you unlock, why are all the stats lower? Hmmm

Pathetic user.

>still no PC version

Attached: 1555264261143.png (500x431, 215K)

It's cute that you know almost exactly how old this poster is and that he's a console-tard with just once sentence.

>Look at the guns, go to the very last gun you unlock, why are all the stats lower? Hmmm
user, it's not good to make shit up for no reason and then pretend it's reality.

cod 2 was cod 1 but better

>fps with a controller sub 60fps
The state of console plebs.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 345K)

>made for console