Windows 10 Hate Thread

>fuck dx12 and windows 10

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Other urls found in this thread:

>games actually use DX12

yeah i dumbly pre-ordered it now I'm gonna refund it. I hate windows 10 so goddamn much.

Is there crossplay game chat in modern warfare, I want to spam audio to my console friends

werks on my machine
maybe u got the gay?

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post your specs OP

win10 is for fags, fag

Im running win8.1 with gtx 1070

>using Windows 8
>calls others retarded

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Bet it doesn't run on Voodoo 3 either. Those anti-gamer fucks.

wind 8.1 is better than win10 in every way

>no auto updates while gaming that restarts without your permission ect

you are a pathetic retard

This literally never happens.
Or maybe it does if you don't update in a couple months, but then you'd have to be retarded anyway.

>be op
>use outdated software
>wonder why new stuff doesn't run anymore

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Perhaps your stupid ass should have read the requirements before throwing away money? You have no one to blame but yourself.

Who still Win7 here?

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Never happened to me. It usually happens when I'm asleep and nothing's open. Even then, Win10 notifies me at lets me set a date. and I can keep delaying the update forever. Also Windows 10's UX is miles ahead of most OSes.

yeah how do you like NSA and FBI all up your ass too? I bet you're gay.

>muh spy meme
I don't care.

You can even put them fully manual so it never downloads and install them if you don't want to

reporting in

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It happens to me on my work PC, but only if I leave it running for like a month and even then it only restarts sometime during the night, never did it reboot while I was doing anything.
I turn off my home PC every night.

Fun fucking facts retards

Turn off your schizo brain for a minute
Turn off your paranoia for a MINUTE



THERE is nothing wrong with windows 10. If you're still on 7, great, you got memed on! If you're that scared about the JIDF, maybe just continue using the OS by upgrading it and turn off whatever makes you a scaredy cat over boohoo computers.

>but all da YouTube and 4channelers says..

Fucking neck yourselves for staying I a duct for so long. Open your eyes you paranoid shits, how can you know something is bad if you haven't tried it? How can you continue to believe people about le windows10 shit? The fucking linux or free software shit left the goddamn building.

Just use it

Reminder for AGDs, support OpenGL and Vulkan
Microsoft's planning on going kamikaze with phasing out executables for UWPs and intend on taking you with them if you can

OP here. Never mind, I figured it out.

You would have to be one hell of an incel not to use Win10

The very reason I stopped using windows is windows 10.
Specifically because it destroyed around 80 hours of rendering with an unannounced update and hard shutdown.


I fucking love Windows 7
I really don't want to use Windows 10
maybe I'll try switching to Linux once shit stops supporting 7

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windows is so fucking gay I went back to windows 8.1 because it used too much memory and ran a ton of unwanted programs and constant surveillance on everything I did which sent data on a regular basis to Microsoft which ruined my experience and now they fuck me even more pushing old users towards Dx12 just to play a fucking game.

As in at no point had it left a notification visible that "Oh hey btw we're gonna shut down your computer at [Time]"

You are cancer

Holy autism i havr win10 and none of that shit happens. Is that what a pedophile in hiding looks like?

itt: linuxshills debate microshills

Right here.
It'll probably be my last windows, been on the ride since 95.

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How about the fact you havr to fight W10 on everything?
>Open Edge
>Search for Firefox
>Open Firefox
>Can't just click "Make default", have to open up W10 defaults
>Select Firefox
>OS panics because the user has free will
>Pops up dialogue windows with vague and confusion options
>You have to do this for every program
When Windows stops treating its users like a nusiance and stops acting like it should have more control over MY hardware than me I'll think about it

>Just use it
Fuck off pajeet

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Doesn't happen on LTSC

If you microcucks hate w10 so much you should skip it and install ganoo leenux instead too bad about the lack of games though

Let me guess. You play le doom and le quake. Wow so epic and oldfag *is in awe of you*

Fucking radical boomer fugging BASTE!

no, just aN IT nerd

>none of that shit happens

Yeah, sure it doesn't. The mandatory windows updates and network usage magically don't happen, right?

FFS Im glad I did everything I could to de-fang windows 10. I'm even happier that I kept my windows 8.1 installation.


I still have win XP on my old PC.

>buy game on toaster
>don't check minimum reqs

How do I continue playing vidya if Win7 is kill and I don't wanna """upgrade"""?

>Just let us spy on you're not a pedophile are you?
The W10 shills are getting desperate

1. install gnu/linux
2. realize videogames are for children and trannies
3. grow up into a responsible adult and stop caring about digital toys

At least Modern Warfare let's you try starting the game, Garden Warfare 3 uses dx11 and Origin refuses to start the download if you're not running windows 10.

Well... are you?

>20% of steam users still run windows 7
fuck windows 10

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>t. toaster


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Install (Distro) and wine.
Maybe get a VM for shit that just refuses to work.

Laptop users.

Fuck off retard you can play vidya on linux

>4 cores
>too afraid to show BIOS
Oh yes

name 1023 games from this decade that run (read: more than 60 fps) on linux


does it physically hurt being so retarded?

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Buddy that's more than the character limit and I'm working

>try to boot game made in early 2000s
>only way through training mission is glitched
>boot game made in late 90s
>no training level, first level works flawlessly with no bugs

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Who are you quoting?

Name 1000 good games from this shitty decade first.

Shouldn't have pirated :)

>boot game made in late 90s
>runs at 20fps max since it runs DX8 or earlier

That sums up my biggest gripe with windows pretty well. If I'm on an administrator account I expect to have full control of the system and I don't want the os to stop and hinder me at everything I want to do or even worse the os starting to act behind my back. I don't need microshit patronizing and treating me like a retard that needs to be protected from himself.

Early 2000's is a fuckfest because of Shader and API shenanigans.

I was until I got my new PC a few days ago. I resisted when they were trying to shill their free copy all that time.

I miss Aero

Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid V by Kojima Productions

>playing cod

>not even pasta
image being a faggot who writes all this for you's

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i think future games will use this gay setting by default

Don't forget about a month later when it decides, hey I know you installed this and set it to your default through about a dozen dialogs, BUT WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE MICROSOFT EDGE???

>a mere 1070
>Not even TI crossfired
Oh yes


you're so fucking dumb, I rarely play games anyway, if i were to SLI it I'd have to get a entirely new PSU and I'm too lazy to spend $500 on my PC, I rather use money on booze and hookers/strippers. Win10 is just a inconvenience to me

kek. was a good thread.

install LTSC OP

Is downgrading to Windows 7 worth it even when it loses support? Or should I just stay with Windows 8.1?

do this

I don't plan on using Windows 10

so you just dont want dx12? even if you can get it with a decent version of 10?

>muh spy meme

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>doesn't update to the latest operating system
>complains when his operating system doesn't contain modern features

That's like complaining that your Super Nintendo can't play Nintendo 64 games, stop being retarded

>using windows 8
Fuck, you have horrible tastes.

but my super Nintendo can play n64 games

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get fucked autistic retard

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does your Nintendo 64 work directly for the FBI?

>2 updates back Windows 10 reset itself and I had to make a new sign-in because my old account disappeared but the files still exist in the /users/ folder

it keeps resetting itself too so I sign in and sometimes it takes a few days for everything to get nuked again and in the meantime I can install or use any programs despite being admin.
My original user files are still there though and don't get deleted.

>having something to hide

I have win7 Embedded edition.

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Why do you hate the feds
what did they ever do to you

Its the same shit.

I was actually thinking of moving to Windows 10 LTSC maybe sometime in the next year or so because xbox game pass seems pretty good for 4,99 a month.
How much of a hassle is it to find a download and install it though and can i do it without formatting an entire drive?

Here, but tempted to upgrade to LTSC for the HD Age of Empires. I love Windows 7.

Imagine actually using an OS where you can't even choose which updates to install.

t. ignoramus

they spy on you for no reason all day, we live in a surveillance shit-hole just, do some research about Edward snowdwn

So what are you complaining about 8 doesn't support DX12

if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear

I would use Linux but I think its comprised as well. So I might quit using my PC altogether because things are just getting worse. I'll probably just use my ~$2K machine for multimedia and work. Gaming doesn't seem worth it anymore on PC and on console either.

>Camera spins uncontrollably, completely neutering play. Otherwise, this would be a Platinum rating.
Ah yes, it'd be "perfect" if it was playable but otherwise it's good :)))))
Gotta love those reviews.

Also looked at SFV, a game I know is impossible to run on proton, and a few reviews still gave it platinum like I wouldn't notice lmao.

t. FED

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Okay glownigger.

Imagine using a package manager
Imagine pulling a dependent and bloated package
Imagine using a centralized system
Imagine not having direct access
Imagine having to use package manager-dependent software

but distro admins would never compromise my system(d) they're my greatest allies

wait, this shit is for fags? i mean, windows 10?
WTF, well there went my fun this weekend.

I thought LTSC didn't support windows store games

looking around it seems you can add the window store app to it

Works for me.

customer service has went to complete shit since 1998. even worse around 2006, when w10 came out about that time it went to fucking total shit.
they just look for ways to fuck you over like they dont serve you.

Works on my potato.

thats because you have win10

cool yea no no such thing as an organized crime or a cult. like ever before in history. nope. trade my liberty for security.

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Imagine using Windows 8 instead of 10. Its the same shit

win8.1 is much better than win10 you're dumb. Win10 only has one thing going for it, Dx12

What i don´t get in this thread is why OP would downgrade from 10 to fucking 8.1 instead of 7????

>too retarded to set a single group policy
Just play on console.

>>no auto updates while gaming that restarts without your permission ect
Things that never happened: The Movie.

Just install W10, what the fuck is the issue? It looks like W7 and you can use W10privacy or buy the enterprise version if you're scared of surveillance.

You're gonna have to switch eventually anyway lol, the W7 support will drop, more games will require it, and there's not going to be a next version of Windows without tracking

Ahem, reported users you mean. I opt out of that bullshit

Suck my dick if you want me to install windows 10. And you better suck it clean right now.

>too retarded to set a single group policy
I'm ok with the automatic updates as they are, don't need to set group policy.

>I hate the thing because it's becoming mandatory for new games
there are reasons to dislike windows 10, this aint one of them, old operating systems get their support dropped sooner or later, thats just a fact of life.
the first thing anyone should do upon installing windows 10 is run the likes of OOSU, or just straight up run that handy package someone set up that guts the entire OS, depending on how deep you want to go with the unfucking.

>You're gonna have to switch eventually anyway lol, the W7 support will drop, more games will require it, and there's not going to be a next version of Windows without tracking

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why in the fuck would you think 8.1 supports dx12?
who the fuck even uses it, it immediately lost all support, its so shit that they actually backported dx12 for windows 7

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Or just wait for a patch. Games are always buggy on release.
Or search support forums for a solution like real PC gamers do.
Don't blame Windows just because you made the jump from consoles with no knowledge of how to troubleshoot PC issues.

>friend has PC with W10
>he's having trouble installing Minecraft Bedrock
>go over to his house to help him out
>download the game, but fails to install with a shitty "We couldn't install this app." error
>try deleting all the related files
>everything is protected in a "WindowsApps" folder with godawful permissions
>try deleting the Windows Store cache
>try WSReset
>try the AppX PowerShell tricks
>nothing works
>the only this Windows has to help is the same "We couldn't install this app." message that tells me jack shit and a Bing pop-up that doesn't tell me anything
Fuck this broken OS.

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>using Windows Store in the first place
It's your fault. Also, does it not give any error codes?

>riding in a fucking chopper: the movie
>also running extended distances

I want to build a new PC soon but I'm concerned about being forced into 10 by my motherboard, what do?

feels food man

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He wants MC Bedrock because he plays crossplay with his friends on Xbox. How the fuck else am I supposed to get that if not through the store?
>Also, does it not give any error codes?
It gives me the same error code every time it fails (0x80073D0D). Google lead me to the same 5 results that I already tried, and none of them worked. We're both this close to saying "fuck it" and just reinstalling Windows altogether.

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got blue screen, windows wasn't able to start no matter how many times i restarted it and all the recovery options didn't work, WINDOWS 10 NEVER EVER.

i plan on obtaining windows 7 when i get to work on my pc.


>The deployment operation failed because the volume is offline. -
>The 0x80073d0d error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
>There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.

If you're running Windows 7 still you're a sheep that deserves to get rooted.

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best os desu

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the latter part might be true, but absolutely not the former. Sheep use Windows 10 because it's what's handed to them, and that's if they use a computer at all and not just their tablet/smartphone.

Then what nigga, am I supposed to run Linux?

>want to play dark messiah
>ALLLLLL these bug fixes I need to install and rewrite

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Never had this happen. Is it from doing a clean install? All I did was upgrade from w7 to 10.

>game devs haven't all switched to Vulcan for literally no reason
I hate this world

>wind 8.1 is better than win10 in every way

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If you opted to stay with windows 7 because [insert every bad thing you've ever heard about windows 10] then you're still a sheep because you'd have to be some special kind of snowflake to actually believe that you're the only one that chose windows 7 for any combination of those reasons.

I was having USB driver issues, my USB3.0 on my case kept going out and the only resolution i managed was "upgrading" to W10. I still prefer 7, but i figured it didn't hurt to turn a "legit" w7 ultimate into a free w10. I can always acquire 7 again anyway.

>not going out of your way to upgrade your OS can only be due to being a special snowflake
Hot take.

>tfw have had 0 issues with win10 so far

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>ignoring the qualifier of [insert every bad thing you've ever heard about w10] as the reason for not upgrading your OS
Definitely special as far as snowflakes go.

>the botnet absolutely SEETHING at this post

Still live and kicking.
When I'm forced to upgrade because of retarded hardware manufactures I'll just jump to linux, get fucked microniggers

the new OS doesn't offer anything I dont already have

W-windows just restarts randomly for updates! I read it on reddit.
anyone who hasn't upgraded is just lazy or stupid. Or both.

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I made a partition of W10 just for games that force you to use it. The thing is, literally every game that uses DX12 exclusively so far is garbage, so it's gone mostly untouched.

Neat story. Not sure what that has to do with anything that's been said.

works on my machine

>oh no update your windows now or you'll get hacked
>"security" patches will keep you safe
>please just let us update your pc
>you won't be able to run anything!!!
Haven't updated my w7 for half a decade and it runs everything perfectly. Why do so many Yea Forumstards believe constant pointless patches for your OS are needed to run games? I bet majority of you fuckers "upgraded" to w10 lmao.

You can turn automatic updates off.

I really don't wanna update, despite it slowly falling apart. I just hope Linux gaming picks up, cause Windows is nothing but a pain in the ass.

>Mfw I had to install drivers to use the microsoft xbox 360 wireless adapter on microsoft windows, but not GNU/Linux

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ITT: support cope

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>Have network issues under W7
>Google problem
>"Go to the network settings and click right there" with a screenshot
>The text isn't hyperlinked on my system, I can't get to the next menu
And don't tell me W10 is gonna be better. Windows settings were only hidden more and more over the years.

if you guys had updated to 1803 or 1809 you'd be fine but now with 1903 you're all fucked, it's such fucking trash it breaks wifi drivers, it breaks folder storage, it cause random CPU spikes, start menu search is broken unless you use classic shell, it breaks remote desktop, it breaks sandbox, it fucks up sounds in games like there's a sock over the speaker, it even breaks visual basic.

So how you gonna get around this shit?

I'll tell you how you grab this piece of shit from here and use the 1803 ISO then use rufus to make a bootable USB that's how.

Stay off of 1903

>updates and breaks your computer

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not really sure why anyone using windows would have upgraded to 8 or 10 from 7

I very rarely use my PC nowadays, because the only thing it's really good for is gaming. I can do everything else on my laptop.
Last time I tried to play Dark Souls on it, it only showed a black screen. Going back to a previous version helped, but even then the next auto-update would just set it back to the one with blackscreen.

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You don't hate win10, you hate yourself.

yeah tell him, pajeet.