Try fighting Tempered Brachy when you unlock it. Go ahead, you'll love it
Monster Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
try fighting my dick going in your ass bitch
destroyed lol
How do i maximize my fun with Longsword iai slash?
>hammer spins to clutch claw to the face
I'm sorry, what's that?
by listening to this
The guiding lands were a mistake, I'm already bored of this shit
A lot of people were fucking crying about the massive chip damage on lance in IB. It was present even on AT Nerg as a massive issue, but I hear more and more lancers struggling or getting shredded against their own shields in master rank. Even guard 5 doesn't help at times.
I'm constantly looking towards using the weapon, but never quite sure whether to start playing it seriously when IB drops on pc. I've already played quite a bit of GL, but mostly as wide/long shell spam.
Can you give me advice on how bad the chip damage situation is? And how do you deal with it? The obvious solution is to avoid it, but world Lance is all about counters and reflective damage, even the new offensive guard skill suggest focusing on counters to maximize your attack.
Also, are the elemental lances now better than raw?
Only two monsters that would make Lancers their bitch are Velkhana and Shara because of the amount of chip damage it does. Shara can literally OHKO you if you block the sound blast because it'll keep ticking you till you're zero HP. Evasion Lance is always better
People need to learn that just because you can block doesn't mean you get to ignore positioning completely. Guard dashes and backhops are generally enough to get away from the shit that actually chips hard.
>Try tempered savage jho, seething bagel & regular dodo for a five box. Guess the time & faints
Im the fag from the other thread you posted in, wanted to add that guard advancing into an attack instead of just sitting there guarding helps in a lot of cases.
What about elemental lances?
And i dont know about elemental lances, I use the shara lance with NEB
diablos bros our time will come soon, do not worry.
Velk set bonus. Only provides a decent damage boost but it works with special sheathe and looks fucking cool. You will coom hard when you actually land that 1-in-10 iai spirit slash.
Elemental lances could totally be viable but raw works so well for me I havent looked into alternatives. It would require a different set entirely with probably crit element
Ok, user, thx anyway. Good hunting.
your time is already here, MR Black Diablos is a killer, and the tempered version is as close we could get to a Bloodbath Diablos
Solid enough, but Offensive Guard only effects raw
Will the best raw lance still be acidic glav or Shara lance will be better because of longer sharpness maintain?
I personally like the shara lance because i can only afford handicrsft 3 in my set. It gives enough purple for like 6 jabs and a good bit of white and a lot of blue. I dont know how much sharpness you get with acidic glav lance and handicraft 3
Is offensive guard better than crit boost 3 crit eye 7 or WE3? I have these in my set and dont know if i want to give these up for offensive guard
It's a straight up 15% boost. Since you're Lance, you'll proc it all the time
It sounds good but I wouldnt know where to swap it in. Probably critical boost would have to go away and I guess the 15% increase is better than the increase from critical boost?
only slot one crit boost
Remember to participate in the survey!
Are you one of the people who fell for the wording of the skill and think it's a 30% boost to crits and not 1.25x -> 1.3x for the first point?
But yes Crit Boost is the first offensive skill you should drop if you have to swap things around
Elemental crit draw build is legit now though.
Thorn pods are so much better than other slinger ammo
It looks like a meme but I'm tearing shit up with mine. A different set would probably be best for slow monsters but for Iceborne's speed demons and farming Shara tenderplates it's been a blessing.
>extra five minutes
High level doubt
>Tempered Black Diablos in the Guiding Lands
That thing is harder than Savage Jho, holy fuck
that THING is my gf. better watch what you say or youll regret it
What's your favorite roar?
Just because Lance centers on blocking doesn't mean that the answer to every attack is to just block it, sometimes you should move out of the way
Namielle and nergigante's roars are pretty cool
Are you ever supposed to guard on sns? It almost seems unnecessary.
Crit draw, quick sheathe, Velkhana set might be neat with it. Curious if evade window works with it.
Only in emergencies, when you aren't confident you can get out of the way in time or i-frame it. Like GS.
Put a Health Augment on your Lance. Elemental Lances are better than raw.
Wait, seriously? I just wanted an excuse to use Vaal's GS again with 700 dragon.
Rath roar without earplugs = guard every time
They did the timing to where you can't spam dodge and escape the blast
Namielle is one of the most fun fights and designs in the series
And the cutest too.
what's the best style for hammer in GU? Using Guild right now but other shit looks fun.
The geuse
They really nailed the jellyfish-like wings since the whole monster is a dragonified Ctenophora
I have no idea how to properly use the Iai Slash (other than keeping the momentum after a Full Spirit Combo), but godDAMN, does it gives me the best killscreens
i read that as cloaca. does namielle have one? thats hot
It's a guy
i read that as cloaca. does namielle have one? thats hot
>It's a guy
I'm gonna need some proof on this one champ.
Fuck off retards
bro i think you might be gay if you dont want to have sex with rathian and lunastra
*runs underground*
I didn't say that though, but this isn't the place for it
sure it is, start posting porn of them now
>Optional Shara quest hasn't shown up once for me since beating the story.
Thank god for SOS
how can people enjoy a monster that doesn't stop attacking. Just why
black diablos is fucking hot thats why
>Yian Garuga
>Daimyo Hermitaur/Shogun Ceanataur
>Royal Ludroth
>Great Maccao
I hope sonic pods still works on her
Bro don't you know harder means better
Great Jaggi
Nerg's chip damage was always retardedly high, so he's kind of an outlier. Honestly, it's probably better now because the clutch counter can get you out of a lot of bad situations safely after a single tick of chip rather than being forced to tank it. Another issue is that lancers just forgot how busted health augment actually was, and losing it until you beat master rank is kinda jarring when you realize you haven't had to put your weapon away and heal for like the past 100 hours.
Like someone else said, Shara is unique in that it has attacks that last so long that if you block them they will hit you until they break your guard and keep going. It's still survivable if you have 200 health and were near full, but you'd take less damage from just eating the beam outright which is dumb. Guard 5 might actually fuck you harder, because you'll just take more chip hits before your guard breaks.
Velkhana is also a pain, but it's mostly because its basic-ass beam is unblockable without guard up and comes out fast enough that you probably won't be able to hop out of the way fast enough. The only fight I can think of where chip damage is an issue is savage jho who seems to be designed specifically in reaction to how everyone went lance against regular jho. He looks like he's going to bite so you guard counter, but then dumps a breath cloud on you. Also they made his grab unblockable even with guard up for laughs.
Why does Namielle's theme sound like it belongs to a James Bond villain? It even looks like one too.
How does the counter even work? I've tried everything and I keep eating hits
get used to using the Clutch Counter to get away from bullshit
That's just how an enraged Diablos is
Bring a Lance, a para weapon, or wait out its enrages
Is it just me or do guiding lands monsters have more hp? I was wailing on a regular Anja for like 20 minutes straight, took longer to kill than fucking zinogre
I just assumed that was true
>Arena Master Quest 07 isn't Tigrex and Brute at the same time
Wasted opportunity. It would've been a good callback to 4U's Triplets.
Can't wait for Final Invitation Mk. 3
I do hope we get 2 Jang arena again. You fucking know Capcom won't do it though.
How does it make you feel that monhun will never be on handheld ever again?
>ahtal-ka - egyptian
>shara ishvalda - hindu
whats the next final boss theme?
I'm a consumer whore and will follow MH wherever it goes
It might get a P3rd treatment considering they need a bigger budget for MH6 since these aren't PS2 games anymore.
jehovas witness
African maybe
I was dicking around with it and it's not bad. If you use the slinger to skip to true charge, it still gets the lvl 2 frostcraft buff. So effectively what you're losing is a 40% buff on true charge through crit boost in exchange for 20% through frostcraft, while giving the move you're actually going to land constantly a multiplicative 30% buff on top of crit boost's 40%. Seems like a decent trade-off. Frostcraft + airborne + aerial charges are also neat.
I need to do a lot more testing on the numbers though. I have a feeling that even with critical element + high monster weakness and all the buffs going into element damage on charges, going pure raw ends up equal or better in all cases.
As a huge ele fag this pleases me, but could you explain why?
World made more than enough money already
I just can't kill AT Xeno
I always time out as a blademaster
I always cart thrice as gunner
please send help
We already got Rajang
Crit boost brings crits from 1.25x to 1.4x
It is not a 40% increase from the normal crit damage
Tremor resist+heat resist, there's not much else to say
Are you running Heat Guard?
>Amatsu - shinto
I got them both
Sometimes blocking will put you in a way better position to get back in there against attacks with long animations (like anjanath double charge off the top of my head). Also whenever a monster can possibly "frame trap" you after a knockdown with something quick and lethal right after get up i-frames end
anybody have a swaxe setup they're running with evade extender and power prolonger?
Why the fuck is everyone turning on the Guiding Lands now? People were praising it like crazy, and now everyone's calling it absolutely terrible. What the hell caused people to turn on it THIS BADLY?
Lvl 3 dragon res, dragonproof mantle and temporal? The rest is just learning his patterns
our guy wife beater said its bad
but nobody is?
Im mad that my main (sns) got bone zoned for namielles weapon. All the water sns options suck
My guess is that it was comfy when nobody knew how it worked and just went out hunting random things, but it's grindy when you only want something specific from it.
>everyone and their mother praising it and saying it should be a standard for future MH games
Also isn't Shara clearly buddhist inspired?
The female beta set literally has a wheel on its back, which is a symbol of buddhism
Rajang is chinese, retard.
from what fucking reality? if you say youtuber, you can kill yourself this instant
(((Golem))) monster
I was considering the frostcraft set using 0% affinity since you're relying on crit draw and it's probably a waste to stack affinity on top of that purely to boost your non-draw moves. So in this specific situation it can just be considered a simple 40% buff.
Gaijinhunter told me to think that it was bad because I cannot form a single thought in my own head so I have to go to youtube and twitter to have people tell me how to think/feel/enjoy things
Because people quickly realized the only relevant fights were, shockingly enough, tempered elders.
I told you so
When did he say it was bad? Can't find it
>all those replies over a weak-ass bait
where? in your head?
Quick, I need a long 6 gunlance setup, stat
Shit is fun as fuck but my setup is completely unoptimized
How do you manage your camera while playing sns? Every now and then I'll miss a tell and get smashed because the camera was too close. Any tips?
In the off chance your monster isn't getting in on World through updates, who do you want the most in MH6?
the bugs
Why did they ruin it in World.
I only want him when underwater hunting is back. Which it inevitably will be in MH6.
My frog bois, Tetsu and Zamtrios
but it sounds fine?
Is SnS even better now? Is it viable solo?
The eagle screech in Royal Ludy's makes me chuckle every time.
>unnecessary dragon screech added
Yeah, ruined.
I want the whole piscine squadron
Yeah it does, that fag's probably half dead
what did you think made Yian Garuga? it makes even sense now. Goddamn you're bitchy
Magalas and Fatalis.
Kecha Wacha
I was scared that it won't be in ever since that Jap commercial revealing garuga. Once I fought him in guiding lands, I heard that echoing roar in all its glory, carted twice to the firebal/charge combo and knew my boy's back
Scarred Garuga is inane bullshit, but that's kind of why I like him
Clack clack and gigginox
He's not some ED or Jho-tier threat, so he's not coming to iceborne, but he'll be in World 2, r-right?
The Magalas and Astalos
But why? He's ugly and pretty much an easier version of Diablos.
>Monoblos comes back
>Gets the Lunastra treatment and gets made stronger than Diablos
Good. He needs that treatment
Man as final monsters got this thing is such a letdown.
>He's ugly
I'll fight you
>circle strafe and put rapid Ice into it for 20min while sleep bombing
Crit boost is worth building if your affinity is at the very least 40%. Rule of thumb goes:
>40% – 55% Crit boost lvl 1
>55% – 70% Crit boost lvl 2
>Above 70% Crit boost lvl 3
What? It's a whole lot better than most final MH bosses. Plus its actually hard
I've pretty much only used the lance so far. What weapon should I learn next?
>sound-weaving eldritch monster that penetrates through any defenses and leaves shitters crying
Literally every fight that's a pain with Hammer is great with Lance and vice versa
How so?
Fight can be frustrating and hard, or easy and boring based on how you approach it.
But visually and thematically he's just too good to be considered a bad monster. Also weapons and armor are god tier.
>4 4gold 1silver zinogre investigations
>no skymeralds
Is there a single monster that’s harder with a range weapon than a melee? Can’t think of one
I really wished it introduced sound as an element.
Shit man, you fags were not kidding about Savage Jho, I was hunting a Fulgur Anjanath in the Recess and after Deviljho got enraged he harasse us the entire fucking fight, I don't think I can even take credit for killing the Anjanath, pretty sure Deviljho did all the work and I just took the credit by booping its snout with CC
Jesus Christ
Not him, but 4 thorn pods are pretty much 2 stuns with weapons with low stun values.
I play GS and I can stun a monster super easily with them.
holy shit are you the new el gatito poster in disguise?
remember its four (4) meows
Boy you guys are gonna LOOOOOOVE tempered Savage Jho.
I want to ride kelbies...
>Savage Jho is back to being the apex invader
i just hunted Velkana for the first time earlier, you know what my reward was? game crashed and progress was not saved, apparently it happens on all platforms randomly. my luck was it happened on the story one so i absolutely have to redo the fight and hope it don't happen AGAIN.
God why is hasten recovery so trash
I’m rocking B.vaal + ruiner nerg set bonuses
Lv3 Recovery speed
Lv3 Health boost
Yet I heal more with b.vaals bonus.
We need a Jho version of KIRBY'S FUCKING PISSED
>geology 1 let's you pick up two of each shiny monsters drop in guiding lands
They drop about fucking 10 in one fight anyway. The only issue with the guiding lands drops is the fact that there is a different material for tempered versions of every monster.
>probably can destroy a entire city by just digging below it
>still not a first class
Leave Deviljho to me...
3 zorah parts with 2 uragaan parts, vaal gunlance, gives artillery 5 and guard 4 and guard up, very strong
I'm sticking with my head cannon that Ishvalda was old and near death anyway, which is why he wasn't stronger.
imagine the quest plus sub/variants
What kind of skills do you think they're gonna put with his armor?
Hopefully we'll get RAJANG'S FUCKING PISSED
What’s with this el Gatito Gaming meow meow meow meow thing?, I’ve seen dem posts, but I don’t know if it’s somthing random or if it’s a youtube channel or something.
Either way you are based and dare I say it, meowpilled.
something that shits on kirin specifically
Is the whole asking for underwater combat thing just sick joke? Or do some of you genuinely want it back.
got a shitload of Spiritvein Gem Shards from the guiding lands. What are they for? can i melt them to Spirtvein Gems?
theres nothing wrong with shell spam
probably one of the best and reliable sources of damage
Aztec final boss in that game we finally have a Bird Wyvern as the flagship
why is so much shit locked behind higher MR?
grinding these event quests is such a slog
I think it COULD be good but i'd rather them not waste development time on it and just add more monsters instead
The return of Edgemaster
>Fighting a design variant of the Quetzalcoatl
Guiding lands nigga, hunting one of the level 6 guiding lands required monsters will give you an entire rank in one.
>Kirin's GS hits 720 thunder
Have you done all your optionals and leveled guiding lands?
What build are people using for Funlance in Iceborne? What armor pieces/decos should I aim for? I currently have the first Viper Tobi GL to hold me over until I can get something better.
>grinding MR from events
you fucking retard, grind the guiding lands. I went from 50 to 100 in a single day from constant hunting, especially lvl 6 regions
Is Usurper's Boltslicer the best electric LS in IB?
Badasstalos, Valstrax, and Gore
Hinduism and Buddhism both emerged in India around 500 BC. Their iconography and belief systems share quite a bit.
Element GS is rock solid now. Hell, even MH4U Crimson Fatalis's GS was more than viable with less than half the support it has now.
>get oneshot by Zinogre because a shit-ass Paolumu I didn't see roared
>Two Glavenus Mantles in the golden box
Wew lad, what's worth doing with these bad boys?
Daily reminder you are not allowed to play Iceborne if you can't do this and haven't beaten all AT monsters in 5-8 minutes with at least three different weapons (ranged) excluded. You are but a husk. You have betrayed the game and you have betrayed yourself.
/virgin/ god out.
>dude, earplugs are a crutch lmao
ig and cb
The Acidic Glav CB right? I know they share the Mantles
Might do that, been looking to get a bit into CB, thank you
Does anyone have glitched shadows in Hoarfrost Reach or it's just me (base PS4)?
What's the second song?
Happens to me sometimes as well, will probably get patched down the line, Capcom seems more focused on major bugs
Also, my Zinogre cutscene had 3 Chameleos. Shit was weird
every time I see someone write 'yo' with more than one 'o' I can't help but imagine the 'ooo's being pronounced the way they are in words like 'hoot' or 'woo'
Happens to me on PS4Pro as well
both are good cbs
the fire one is probably the best fire phial element cb
I still think I'm going to go with Acidic one, I'm not really planning on going in depth on CB, just want to build a general set for it
>Also, my Zinogre cutscene had 3 Chameleos. Shit was weird
my Acid Glav got immediately btfo by gajalakas after his intro cutscene, just as soon as UI became visible he got bonked in the head with molotov, stunned and beaten
I regret not saving the clip, shit was comedy gold
I seen a very similar clip, made me regret not establishing friendly communications until endgame
Try fighting its nuclear holocaust form in 4 Ultimate, go ahead, you'll love it
>still haven't left MR4
Man I'm the slowest fucker alive. I'm just fucking around doing quests and answering SOS to get used to some of these monsters.
>Raging Brachydios notg in World
What a missed opportunity
Nuclear brachy's explosions aren't even that impressive, he's just a tremendous pain the ass to melee
Where the fuck do i find a prosperous crystal? My forest is lvl5 and i mined a shitload of times. I need it to unlock the second camp
Don't worry, it's probably because of the three minute long loading times.
Magalas and Fatalis'
Please Capcom. Please.
exactly thats what I mean.
And how is your IB playthrough going, user?
Anyone has a set that works with Zinogre HH? I want to swing a guitar at a monster's face.
>try fighting the easier Brachydios
How about you try fighting 3U's famous Super Brachy.
Is zinogre's head a double break? Cause every hunt I break his horn and nothing.
Actually pretty bad, if the loading times don't put me to sleep, the shitty framerate disgusts me. I really shouldn't have double dipped again. The console version is a piece of shit.
Heck I would love to Play 3U and trying to fight it, do you have a video to show off just how "Super" it is?
>4U babbies
>playing any other MH games
I've hit that point where I'm grinding things to grind things to grind things and not sure where to start. The guiding lands isn't helping by being a big vague grind all of its own, and I'm not sure if I want to get on that before or after I get a proper endgame set made.
Latent Power or Agitator.
Keep trying in the forest, it's rare.
For 6th gen
Oh yeah. That tempered Brachy and Glavenus quest is literal cancer. Mostly just because Brachy fucking sucks... kind of always has. More of an issue in this game because his slime puddles stay for-friggin'-ever. Also doesn't help that he just becomes one giant hitbox making clutch claw usage a nightmare half the time. I'm always disappointed by how they never fix Brachy in any game he's in. Probably his best version was 4U. He was the most concise, didn't attack forever, and his puddles disappeared in a fair amount of time. Also it helped that he didn't have moon-sized hitboxes on his punches like 3U and IB.
Thinking about it now, why are ANY of the hitboxes bad in IB? Like Tigrex... jesus. I mean, this is supposed to be a modern game with modern graphics on a modern engine. Fucking Dragon's Dogma had better hitboxes than this, and it came out like 7 years ago. But the hitboxes are probably the least of the game's issues. They need to rebalance a lot of the monster's movesets so it's not frustrating while you have to sit and dodge everything and wait for one small opening only to get a couple of hits (one hit on slower weapons) and then have to return to dodging everything again. Don't think G Rank has ever been this bad before.
That's not saying all monsters are bad, but there are too many that are fuck awful now. Like Diablos and Black Diablos were nearly perfect in High Rank. And instead of expanding on that and keeping them logical, they just added more tracking and longer combo strings... and no recovery frames on 95% of anything so you spend most of the fights running in circles and last-second dodging. If they wanted this to be Ninja Gaiden could they at least speed up attack animations for the player so we can have a reasonable back and forth?
It's just a Brachydios with insane stats. Even full parties have a lot of trouble bringing him down.
People meme about 4U's 140 monsters, but they go down in less than 15 minutes at the absolute worst. Super Brachy is 35-49 minutes of him kicking your ass.
Ive played all the monster hunter games except for generations and world, and the MMO?
I remember there was one where they switched monsters, like one wehre your fighting the pink wyvern with big ears thats like a little brother to the yian garuga, and it suddenly shifts into the tigrex
When did Shagaru get into frontier?
while Freedom unite was my first game, I played alot of 4u and the 140 monsters werent as hard as I thought they would be, but the monsters I had the most trouble with were brachy and chameleos, Deviljho and Rajang i was okay with but they scared the living fuck out of me, especially the apex variants. When I was playing with friends I was a few missions away from the very finale so I had not unlocked Wystones so I just tried to keep everyone alive while dodging everything
Honestly, despite my aggravation with most monsters (many are just blatantly unfair) IB's version of Garuga (haven't fought the Scarred one) is probably the best one ever. It's the only one where you don't get fucked by broken hitboxes and shitty stunlock... with the exception of the divebomb windpress which is avoidable by most weapons that couldn't properly slot in windpress anyways (if you are SnS or DB then you don't need nearly as many armor skills to make your weapon good so you can take that sacrifice). So all in all, I'd say Garuga, at least the regular one, is a good fight... finally.
I know White Fatty's an old man but what a lazy fuck for not going to the New World like all the cool kids did.
How did he even get hit 0:34
Ghost hitboxes are making a comeback
2017 I think
Apparently it sounds worse in world though.
Oh man, if you thought Brachy was bad in 4U, then you're in for a show if you ever play 3U. Way bigger hitboxes, does more damage, forces you to fight him a lot for his god tier weapons, and is one of the most aggressive monsters in the series to the point where he often completely ignores both your shakalakas after a taunt.
You could say he's a very sticky monster.
they nerfed brachy's theme and explosion sound, too. god I loved fighting brachy in 4U
They’re all viable sans striker and alchemy
Aerial is the definition of unga
Adept is my favorite, the power charges are nice
People like valor a lot but I couldn’t get into it.
Vaal's hitboxes seem so much worse now. Anjanath still has his infamous hitboxes. Oh, and Velkhana's tail. That shit's Lunastra tier hueg.
Sounds like an absolute blast to fight against,
so he just fucking tunnel visions you and shit
Im sad that I missed the fun but I am unsure I'd go back from 4u to 3, my autism is retarded when it comes to playing older games but If I get the chance to I will get 3U and play it abit
>Final boss is a boomerang wielding emu bird wyvern
South America
>Giant thunderbird or fire snake elder dragon
Or some deep sea Atlantis themed shit.
On top of all of that, he also has the best logo in the series.
I want a quest where you fight Raging Brachy, Seething Bazel and a slightly miffed Teo in the special arena all at the same time.
>doing Ebony Odo investigation in Hoarfrost
>see his icon really near Savage Jho and wonder if they are fighting
>Jho is strutting with Odo on his mout
>not sure what to do, just shoot poop at Jho
>he swings Odo at me like 4-5 times doing 300 damage to him each swing before leaving him on the ground and just running away
Props to the developers, i'm actually scared of Jho
Magalas, alatreon and the other gen flagships
Oh don't get me started on anjanath. If you have to fight a crown sized one it is easily the worse designed fight in the game. You literally cannot reach any weak points so damage is ass most of the time and his well known shit boxes become even more of a problem as he has the pleaioth scaling problem where his hitboxes just multiply in size in all directions for no reason. I've never been more frustrated in this game. Not even because it was hard (didn't get hit most of the time) but because it just lasts forever while you do chip damage. I was literally salivating for an opportunity to clutch claw his stupid ass into a wall. Fuck anjanath. They need to go back to the drawing board on him. He needs better openings that work for ALL sizes not just the fucking smallest ones.
I hate Lunastra so much. This fight is pure shit.
They fixed everything wrong with him in Iceborne. It's called Fulgur Anjanath.
It's my favorite fight in the game.
Anjanath is just a shitty monster all around. They should just replace it completely with Fulgur.
The hitboxes and crazy attack speed in IB made me choose IG just to get crazy mobility as well.
It works and i fucking love it.
Savage jho is such a great monster, it’s so disappointing that his gear sucks
not sure anyone likes that thing
not sure what they were thinking
Yea it’s a double break idk why it doesn’t say it is
Why not give him more fire bite attacks to mirror Fulgur? Thunder bites were a fantastic idea.
You don't actually play monster hunter online with randoms do you?
You either hunt with bros or do it lone wolf as nature intended.
I miss playing freedom unite with the bros... sucks they're not interested in mhw.
What skills does Teo's MR armor have? Is Kaiser X good in Iceborne? Please, let it be good.
You're right. But why not also fix regular???
don’t have bros anymore haha
I pretty much only play with randoms. I love the chaos of it, trying to carry a shitter team one hunt then getting a bunch of pros the next.
If I had friends I would definitely play with them as well but I wouldn't abandon random SOS.
you disgust me
I don't know anons.
Should I get PS+ for online or not? I haven't had PS+ in a year now, I just don't want to pay for that shit, but I'm wondering how much fun online is compared to offline in Iceborne.
I think it's hilarious that for all his bravado odo is still small enough to be manhandled like a toy by jho
Ah alright thanks
Would have liked him to put up a fight though. Does he still just stand there and let Jho grab him?
>Three Deviljho Crooks from one quest
God, I love investigations.
What weapon should I use in FU?
Hammer or lance
Man, Guiding Lands fucking suck. Any hope of Capcom patching the whole leveling shit? Kill my motivation.
I feel bad for anything grabbed by Jho
Copper Blangango Destructor
I don’t normally go out of my way to pick on people, but you two are fucking scrubs. I’ve beaten this game without upgrading to G-rank armor and the only reason I was able to was because hunters are far more movile than ever before, giving you the chance to react to what you see and predict in a split second and because hitboxes are far better than they ever were in the base game.
I’ve skirted around Velkhana’s tail stabs as I pounded the head. I’ve dodged Ebony Odoggo’s dragon blast by so little I could practically smell it. I’ve rolled between Garuga’s legs as it tried to peck me.
And specially, I’ve downed Blackveil without taking any one hit that didn’t actually connect because I was directly on it’s way. For fucks sake, Val, bad hitboxes?, it did have a bad hitbox in the base game where its entire wings would become a hurtbox and you’d get hit if you tried to vault over them. But you know what?, they fixed that shit in IB.
Quit bitching and acquire some fucking skill and you may not get hit so much.
>Another issue is that lancers just forgot how busted health augment actually was
i plead guilty of that , i'm really starting to miss health augment it's so fucking good., hopefully i just got to the guiding lands and i have acces to the new upgrades
You done wanking yourself off?
>flash Lunastra
>she stays in the air
>don't have to hunt Velkhana anymore
>don't have to hunt shara anymore but I probably will
It's a good feeling boys
so. we gave everyone an evasion mantle...
Shara is Buddhist
Velkhana is an invader in Guiding Lands Region 6 lmao
What don't you like about it? I fucking love it, myself
There's some overlap I bet
It could have Botanist, Palico Rally, Sleep Resistance and fucking Aquatic Mobility and it’d still be the best set in the game just because of Master’s Touch
I'm having more trouble with Shara Ishvalda than any other monster in the game including shitty Collab monsters and Arch Turds
Not until you are done being trash.
Now open wide, papa’s gonna nut.
Git gud
The hitboxes are basically perfect now
Deviljho finally found a worthy adversary
probably the part where grinding the zones you need at the time de-levels the zones you spent hours grinding before, forcing you to grind them again
It's the only G rank source of master's touch, of course it's good. Right now I'm seeing lots of TAs that use the beta helm, arms, and waist, usually with the kirin alpha or beta chest and garuga greaves.
If you want convenience over pure deeps you could also sub in the vaal chest and greaves, since they only need 2 pieces for super recovery. The beta pieces can even be recolored entirely red to match teo's look, but the alpha chest has that rad cape.
Yes, including Ebony
You mean rajang is going to shitstomp that newfag
I hope they fix Guiding Lands before the PC launch
Eh, I still love it. You can fight every monster basically simultaneously. Watching savage eat a pukei pukei while I'm running to a los is god tier
>People at launch saying that Odogaron would win in a turf war with Deviljho
>resistant to dragon
>agile enough to at least dodge some attacks
>try to fuck a elder
>still no turf war with jho
its not fair
What are you getting hit by?
What's giving you issues?
Are you bringing stun resistance?
I find him consistently simple and relaxing
with his kit, he could stand a chance, but ryozo hates him
is it possible to lose rewards if you go afk on the reward screen, or does the game default to assuming you wanted to collect all?
Because it's the fucking Everwoods.
>His kit
Having weakzones on his entire body and whiffing attacks?
Odogaron is literally the prime example of a shitter monster, the fact that Deviljho doesn't automatically kill it after spitting it out is impressive by itself
>I've totally played them all, I just don't know the name of one of the most universally known monsters in the series.
Can some smart user help me figure this out? Trying ti decide which is better since I cant fit both, offensive guard 3 or crit boost 3 (lance) assuming a 90% affinity rate in both cases.
Essentially which does more damage with 90% affinity, offensive guard 3 or crit boost 3?
I would test it in the training area but offensive guard doesnt seem to trigger on the barrel bomb explosion so I cant really.
I play alot of games and my memories shit, so please forgive me for that
This whole statement reeks of desperation. I love the epeen types on here that pretend like the beat the whole game without taking a hit, using low rank armor... whatever... lol.
What's good MR hammer armor?
I can't even pretend to take this seriously.... hahahahahaha.
absolute cringe
It's good everwoods. The only thing it needs is the ability to have the ability for the host to duck out so you can just live there. Like oh got that los mantle I'll brb, come back with a new set and keep going
Namielle is a far more interesting fight.
>Namielle is a far more interesting fight.
Oh yeah, super interesting.
>water jet
>water jet
>water jet
Oh looks like you need some WATER JET!
>Trying to knock out all these optionals before i fight velkhana
Post a video of these bad hitboxes or go back, you cockmongling faggot. I've beaten Shara and never had a single problem
I just use tiggy, it's easy to gem for earplugs and whatever else you'd want. Plus meme meal and speed eating is just the best feeling
the only fun flying wyvern
maybe it's a Harlan Ellison/I Have No Excuse, and I Must Flex type thing
That's what I hear. You use a full set or only 3 pieces? If only 3, what other armor do you use?
I'd like it if they added some jousting attacks to monoblos.
Meanwhile Plesioth is even worse and also has a water jet.
Plesioth wasn't even a good fight back in the Unite days and still isn't. The part where it jumps into the water is also just annoying.
I tried doing the math
Base damage of 60 just for example w.e
Crit boost: (60)(1.40)(.9)= 75.6
Offensive guard: (60)(1.25)(1.15)(.9)= 77.625
I dont know if my math is right based on how they calculate damage in the game. From my calculations offensive guard beats it out barely, but I also have to activate it, which isnt hard, but crit boost is still active all the time.
Maybe it's a you're a gigantic shitter blaming the game for your own shortcomings type thing?
>Swims back and forth
>Shoots water
>Shoots water
>Flies on land
>Duck walks back to water
>Shoots water at you
Whoever came up with it needs to die
I use the gamma helm and all alpha armor. Gemmed in HGE, tremor res/windproof, Atk lvl 7, flinch free, and stun res
At least they fixed the ultra low quality roar though, that shit was painful to the ears
Odo gets fucked by Deviljho entirely because he uses the same skeleton as tobi kadatchi and turf wars are skeleton based.
Blos, If you like to run Slugger.
Jho, If you like to run Stamina drain.
The exact same meta set everyone uses for almost every other weapon if you don’t like memes.
Me?, I’d run both Slugger Secret and Stamina Thief secret if I could.
I’m accostumed to fighting without looking much at the monster and just predicting what they do because I’m usually too busy comboing to actually control the camera and when I’m actually looking at it I’m usually too close to properly identify certain attacks. It sounds silly, but I’m crazy aggressive which works great until it does not. Also Shara has very specific moves and properties that counter some of my key strategies.
Not even him, but you know that epeen challenge stuff has been always a thing in this community, right?, people have been beating the game naked since the days of the PS2. Also it really is bull that Val has bad hitboxes. Velkhana’s tail does trigger me though.
get into fighting games. you get good enough at them, you won't have to brag. other people will do it for you
What the fuck is this spawn of nurgle shit? That is one UGLY motherfucker. The cutscene alone made me go double check on the deli drawer of my fridge. Looks like they finally got to implement that mold dragon from the concept arts.
>play MHW for 150 hours
>get to tempered monsters
>spend about the last 90 hours doing nothing but s&s (i am not very good, it is an extremely safe and reliable weapon for contributing while not dying)
>i never die but all my teammates from all over the world end up losing it for us
it's a shame i don't have friends anymore
*shoves big penis inside rathian and lunastra simultaneously*
There are ways to get it to stop, learn them then try your post again.
What's the meta set? Tigrex?
You really think that they put that shit in the game just because it has the same skeleton as Tobi?, that they unthinkingly added it just because Jho needed something to use as a bludgeon?
Jho can already grab Jagras, Dodo, Girros, Tobi and Titzi. They had something for it to chew on in pretty much every map. They put in Oddo too because it was a very concious choice to have Jho manhandle an actually fearsome monster, to make it known that Jho was on another level entirely.
I don't know what the fuck did they do but it feels like IB looks miles better than Vanilla World
>Blast to fight
I'd imagine a not-insignificant amount of stuff in World is just shit the design team has been wanting to include for years
Shit, ahtal-ka was basically just to satisfy their urge to make a bunch of egyptian themed designs
>accidentally deleted my mhxx save like a retard
what the FUCK am i going to do now
I'm getting flashbacks to Clashing Dicks.
Speaking of which.
Kaiser X head, arms and coil.
Kirin chest
Garuga greaves
All beta
Please be a bit original with your set at the very least. There is viable shit besides the meta set.
sink another 400 hours into mhxx?
Where are my focus jewels? It's been 550 hours. I don't want to waste my charm slot on it.
What game was this actually concept art for?, the resemblance to what we actually got is uncanny.
How do I fucking get good at melee combat? I feel like I spend most of the time getting knocked around because I'm trying to attack during an opening. Been using the gunlance since I can at least guard a bit (plus it's fun when I can actually land attacks), but I just went up against tigrex and it just absolutely demolished me.
Holy FUCK the Tigrex set is fucking great. Speed eating and free meal are absolutely bonkers, I love it.
Odogaron survives on design alone with people. His fight is so fucking shit. Stupid asshole can't hit worth shit and Barioth on the otherhand does the spastic dickhead routine with actual hitboxes.
Apex Steve. The sound filter worked so well with his.
Post shara ishvalda
The game always looked this good. You are just enjoying it more, besides it being more obvious due to the variety in visuals the new monsters provide.
Have you fucking fought Savage Deviljho or Ebony Odogaron in the Coral Highlands at night?, That shit is gorgeous.
Narga and Diablos
dont try to match his aggressiveness, GL is a slow weapon with lots of unsafe moves, learn his attack patterns and wait for an opening.
Let's be thankful once more that Iceborne doesn't have those blind retards or bullfangos plaguing the areas.
Gem in Recovery Up and you are unkillable solo.
Gem in Wide Range and even chinks won’t be able to cart online.
Those buffalo headed assholes in the Elder's Recess are pretty bad. Not as plentiful as Rhenoplos or Bullfangos, but still they've pissed me off a few times.
That's what I was trying to do... But he'd just attack through my guard and deal a bunch of damage anyways. Trying to upgrade my guard charm but I have shit for decorations/skills.
The original game concept was vague and more blatantly fantastic than it ended up, with lots of focus on alchemy and shit
"Monster Hunter" was initially just a working title that they ended up keeping
>MR Black Diablos
>Not MRs Black Diablos
What the fuck Capcom
make an Uragaan set then, it has Guard Up and regular guard skills.
just max distortion wow
maybe some equalizer too while you are at it
>getting the upsurge exclusive butterbur ingrediant actually require platforming
It's ez platforming
>just got the full zoomaster
Time to capture some rare mons
>have tons of fuel for the steamworks
>put a rubber band on the R2 button and walk away
>come back to a handful of celestial prints
man the steamworks is so good
Flail weapon when
It is easy, I'm just surprised. Still have to get the other one, the moon drop or whatever
spear when
Can I get a flowchart of gl? Weapon seems absurd now. On weakpoints seems like you'd want to open with the stake then shotgun loop on a wyrmstake blast for normal. How about long and wide? This blast and artillery 5 are throwing me off. How about wyvern fire? Seems almost worth using now on a wyrmstake blast
Good idea lad.
don't you get better success by doing it manually? Here's what I do and its unironically better
X-Square-Triangle and then do it in reverse and cycle from here. Always does it for me
Why the fuck this nigga take so long to kill?
its all random, there isnt any pattern to it unless you hit the jackpot.
get some rocks->load wyrmstake->stick it to monster->shell the fuck out of it->win forever.
Rate my fasion meme build.
930 ice. I promised you guys I would make the set
Now that I look at it, that hammer actually looks a lot like Gogmazios’ weapons.
>"Monster Hunter" was initially just a working title that they ended up keeping
So you are saying the concept for Blackveil Val goes all the way back to the first fucking game?
Tons of monsters were concepts since first gen. Anjanath is one of them too
>cat name
not that i'm complaining, far from it actuall, but why exactly do we have a cat companion that follows us around?
It's cute
There is something of a patron, for example, I’ve observed that 95% of the time, if a combination started with a certain button, the next one won’t begin with the same one.
I’ve seen it happen, but it’s very, very rare. That alone makes it so your chances of hitting the first button correctly are around 50%.
Try it, it works surprisingly well. The steamworks ARE random, but there is a method to the madness. Keep at it and you’ll crack da code.
Post more cute MH strips plz.
bat man for mh6
Seregios is terrible, its moveset is badly designed and makes no sense in term of gameplay.
Astalos is the true fun tho.
He attacks the monsters, for example if you make a paralysis weapon for him he can paralyze the monster for you. Also his abilities. Plunderblade will give you extra monster parts, the horn will give you buffs, etc.
He's just a nice support if you like to play solo or with one other person. More than two people and he goes away.
The jail hammer did make it in the game though, it's been around for a while
i was asking about the lore behind it, not the mechanics of it.
I love that you are willing to try new things, but you didn’t actually need the five pieces to be Velkhana. Please cut either the helm or the waist, they are the worst pieces in the set and there’s no actual reason not to.
>gs user so i place lots of traps
>sos arena gold rathian
>exhausted my traps
>everyone is now placing their traps
this is cute
I did that on purpose
What the fuck.
Consider me amazed.
But I WANT to wear the full set.
Oh... I honestly have no clue.
youre fucking disgusting clownsuiting piece of shit and especially cause youre telling others to play how you play for muh 10 second faster kill
kill you're self
Ditch the waist and use Thermae Waist layered to cover it up and look like a slut. I'm using the Damascus waist to fill out Focus and the juicy slots. Not sure how much Focus 3 vs 2 actually matters.
There isn't really. Felynes are just naturally subservient, helpful types. You used to be able to hire whole fleets of felynes to work as chefs and hunting partners, World just has the one.
I say "hire", but you don't seem to pay them or anything. It's basically willful slavery.
surely we’ll get a 4/4U monster in iceborne right bros?
seems like gore or steve are the only two real runners though
unless they tweaked it for iceborne, focus 3 is the worst point of the skill for great sword, anything more than focus 2 is entirely unnecessary unless you have no other good skills left to fit in instead.
>drop the most fabulous piece of the set
The fuck is wrong with you guys?
>wants to look fabulous
>isn't using the Alpha version for the cape
Shiggy diggy
>steve with fluidly moving scales
3 part zora
2 part gold rath
Go for 5 art and 5 divine blessing
go Vaal GL and upgrade augments to 6 slots for 2 healing augments. get 3 focus. never die.
It's got Master's Touch so it's good but it's bogged down by Latent Power still being garbage even on Lance and CB
Glaive and Lance not enough for you?
We need a chain weapon
>Savage jho
>cant block or counter his leaping grab attack
>stationary breath cloud ensures you take damage
>cluth clawing his face means you take passive damage as long as your on him(only tested on face)
>Seems to always be enraged so no wall banging
>lance counter clutch claw means you wont fall off if hes still attacking but you will eat least two attacks worth of damage and maybe a third while landing
Am I supposed to just mantle and trap cheese him until death? What am I missing here?
>no brachy bazel turf war
i’ve been betrayed for the last time
I think beta looks better. Same with Fulgur's set. Capcom's dumb design philosophy really backfired here.
>MR Teo didn't have sheathe control as a set bonus
Was their a bigger letdown? How about STILL not making punish draw a deco?
What would you like the flagship of MH6 to be?
my dick
a giant wyvern
A mantis shrimp
Go for the legs, dont get bodied, trip him and git gud, if you're playing solo bring palico with shocktrap, itll interrupt him long enough to get jump attacks in, mount him down him chop off tail, no more tail, no more tail swipe range. The only thing that's truly scary about jho is his slam and his no start up tail swipe, just gotta dodge the slam but getting rid of his tail can be achieved.
a kangaroo with boxing gloves
Chakrams when
Either a new leviathan or a new fanged wyvern.
Bringing insect monsters back would be cool.
When are we getting a fucking bug flagship?
A new skeleton, whatever it is
Fuck the flagship. Give me a Copper Blangonga vs Black Diablos turf war.
Never because bugs are fucking garbage.
wouldn't getting Nami's set bonus be better?
Seliana is so comfy. MH base builder when?
That’s fair, full sets look gorgeous in this game, but usually just switching just one piece around (the one you deem the worst), can make make your set way better. And we are talking actual noticeable diferences, not ‘kill something 10s faster’ kind of difference.
When metafagging, regardless of how good the individual pieces are, the increments in quality end up being miniscule because a set can only get so good, but when you throw in a really good piece in a set that was already pretty good the difference is a big one because you just took out the worst thing about something that was already good.
I also very much enjoy the unique looks you can achieve doing this. Not all clownsuits look terrible. I personally think I look superfly in mine.
Chill m8. I didn’t tell him to run Kaiser X for Master’s Touch or some other meta shit, just to switch one single piece. It was also a suggestion, to a command.
Someone telling him how to play would have said crit draw is a meme, that so is Frostcraft and that only retards use elemental GS.
Me, I’m just happy to see someone run something that isn’t the same tired meta set. Because I like it, I offer help but suggesting how to actually make it almost equivalent to the meta sets, because there’s nothing sweeter than sticking it to metafags with tier 2 builds.
t. Someone proud to have never used a Drachen piece in the base game.
Frostcraft apparently buffs element by a lot. Having crit draw built in is also a nice bonus.
Nergigante blanco
>Please cut either the helm or the waist
yea sure suggestion my black dick
then why suggest it at all you piece of lying shit.
user, I plan to drop a piece when I make Nerg's GS. For now, it's an excuse to finally do well with the Speartuna and Kirin greatswords.
my zinogre cutscene had all the monsters invisible except their attack effects, rathalos was roaring and shit but you only saw his fireballs.
How fun and viable is the Switch Axe in World? I’ve always been interested in it since 3U but it never seemed viable to me, especially after 4U.
Snake-like wyvern, mollusc, crustacean or bug. Down with tetrapods!
Also it should be stealth-focused. It’s time people start feeling like the hunted, rather than hunters.
scorpion maybe?
you are goddamn right
I'd actually really like it if MH6 sent us out into the wilds of the new world to establish a forward base for further research and expansion. Then they can have the LR and HR story be mostly about building the new village until they uncover a partially submerged tower or something and that triggers the release of the MH6 Elder or Final Boss.
My team will be considering all this, thank you for your response.
>Admitting to being black in Yea Forums
Yikes, opinion disregarded.
Just do play what you enjoy user. I was only giving advice based on what I personally enjoy. You need not listen to me anyways. God knows I listen to basically no one when making sets.
Make sure that the catloli is extra cute
How to SnS lads? What's the bread and butter combos
Much appreciated Ryozo-san.
Before you go, would you grave us with a tip on how to be a big dick hammer chad?
They already reached perfection.
just use view mode and youll do great!
but mini gold crown jyuratodos is already in world
>Find First Wyvernian
>LS is the most played weapon
>HH is the least
Do you guys just NOT like free buffs out the ass?
music stick not unga bunga enough for grug.
Just a shame most of her weapon choices look like ARSE
And LS is? Fuck I despise those players.
how did you get all that stuff
How do I unlock it's optional?
Seems you can buy the deluxe kit now for the knight layered. Yukumo seems like it's still preorder exclusive.
Thanks Ryozo!
its the final boss of icebonre
I mean after I beat it's assignment
How much of a cunt is Silverlos in IB?
Joke doesn’t work. Even a mini gold crown Jyura dick would still be a world record-smashing phallus.
Fuck I wish my dick was half that big tbqh.
its like xeno and zorah
it will appear randomly like how Xeno's quest is.
Is Narga GL a decent one to use for wide shelling? Looks neat.
Seething B
After 10 years playing, I’m almost as gopd as TA autists, but the punchy dinosaur always finds a way to royally fuck my shit up.
Monster Hunter Jackass ideas
hard mode: can't be outright lethal
There's no Wide 6 (yet) so might as well use whatever you think looks best of the Wide 5s.
Using Brachy slime as lube
I play cicling through every weapon
Trying to get a gunlance build going as I'm playing through IB story.
Important skills I have at the moment (not listing random useless ones that come on the armor):
Guard 4/5
Critical Eye 3/7
Earplugs 2/5
Artillery 2/3
Stamina Surge 1/3
What all does gunlance need?
So if Fatalis is the be all and end all of cataclysmic monster based events, what the fuck was Dire Miralis in the grand scope of things?
if they make final tier of wide kulve exclusive again I will not be happy.
glue some drugged meat to your head then start jogging naked in the elder recess
I actually think Azure is more of a cunt, but Goldian takes the crown for cuntery.
What new weapon(s) would you like to see for the next game?
I already got one of the weapons I wish they would add back in MH4 (Staff weapon that has staff twirling move set and has the ability to jump over monsters, which is basically what the Insect Glaive does and more), still waiting for the giant boomerang as a new ranged weapon and a giant fist weapon as a blunt alternative to dual blades as a fast blunt weapon so you can finally punch monsters in the face.
There's a decent chance of Rajang having a Wide 6 Gunlance at least.
For what it's worth, I'm using long type shelling.
So have I just been blessed previously or has a new variant of mentally challenged hunters been spotted? I keep running into people who trap directly under a mounted monster. I cant make any sense of it. The mount is a knock down, the trap is a stun, both are lock downs that allow damage unleashment. Why would you cut one short?
Good. I love mh, been playing since freedom, but it needed to be updated
Hornetaur nutshots
Give me chakrams gosh dammit. This series is perfect for them.
Gastodon ''bullfighting''
I did that too, I just started over even if it's suffering
The canon hunting whip.
I kind of want a morningstar
Long wants Focus since Charged Shells are most effective with Long.
>Savage Joe + SEETHING Basiljuice + Rajang triple threat hunt
>three-way turf war
You know they'll do this just for the meme potential alone.
a big ass shield
If i join a sos for a special arena for a monster i haven't captured does it count as completed for optional 100% completion?
Furious better not be a rotating event exclusive hunt or the expansion is shit.
This actually worked.I just got pissed off enough, kept going for the legs and he was eventually limping away to go sleep.
He did make me use DB's instead of my beloved SA though. No idea how to do this fight with it yet.
Cestus with phial pile bunker transforming gimmick so that dual blades has a blunt counterpart that also has the SA/CB/IG type charging gimmick.
Do it like FF does where it's the knuckles you hold so that it doesn't conflict with hunter armor too that way Fujioka's autism isn't damaged.
> implying OP won't vacuum seal you in and succ your innards out through your dickhole
You forget that to be OP is to be supreme faggot. You'd have an easier time trying to fight brute tig naked with an LR weapon than trying to outfag OP.
No you lazy shit. Go capture the monster rather than leech off of others.
But i don't want to fight diablos twice
arena fight with three or more Shrieking Legiana at the same time without earplugs or ice resist/blight resist gear while playing solo.
It did for me.