>your favorite game in a series is the black sheep
poorly-masked star ocean thread
Your favorite game in a series is the black sheep
It's the black sheep of the serie?
Try having this as your favorite Tales game. I am alone.
>black sheep
Not even close
>No one played your favorite game in the series
retardedreveal aside it's still better than 4 and 5
I allready thought 3 was the second best? (arguably 1)
Its not my favourite, but i liked it aswell, user. Emile was one of the best tails protagonists
I also name my WoW characters after it
>Black Sheep
>When 5 exists
lol no
Come to think about it, I never did beat this game.
What happens? I got to the real world and started getting my shit pushed in by guns I think.
but can the retarded reveal out-retard EDGE MAVERICK?
hot take here but if you play the game unspoiled the plot twist is actually REALLY cool, but I get why just reading about it would piss you off
3 was the black sheep until 5 was released
How is 3 the black sheep?
Isn't it the highest ranking Star Ocean game?
I enjoyed 3 the most, tho I have to say, they're all kinda shitty.
>tfw new ff7 remake is starocean but good
can't wait
How well does this game do on an emulator? I want to do some ENERGY BURST with Miss Maria again.
I played it on pcsx2 a decade ago I think and it was fine.
It runs fine I think, and there is also the re-release on the PS4 if you have one.
Edge Maverick didn't need two games set before the plot twist just to continue the franchise, nor did it need said twist handwaved away as a joke in the mobile game celebrating the franchise
>Name your sci-fi series Star Ocean
>75% of each game is spent on a single medieval shithole planet
Star Ocean 4 tried to remedy this but everyone hated it.
>lived long enough to see Sakura wars and Star ocean getting revivals
damn good time to be alive
SO is getting a revival?
there was a ton of sci-fi in 3.
(continue the trend thread, thank you)
There's the remaster of First Departure.
It's without shitposting
2>3>1>5>4>mobile for the most part
(the order of 2 and 3 is arguable)
that's not a revival
I tried OG Innocence but the dungeons were ass.
well some spoilers obviously
So you eventually confront big bad, you beat him but he "deletes" the world you came from, but everyone souls/desires bring it back. Assumed now disconnected from the 4d people
So I was basically at the last dungeon/region?
Dang. I was just burnt out and forgot about it.
Think they'll ever do another PC port?
SO4 was a pretty great port in all honesty.
I'm actually playing through SO3 with a friend and we have to be doing something wrong. Party is Cliff, Maria and Nel and once we got to Sphere Company, it's been a nonstop nightmare. We beat Berial and Belzeber but that took fucking forever. Think we're stuck on the chimera when you go back to the desert now.
My friend's played the game before but he said he never had anywhere near this difficulty, though to be fair we cheesed a lot of the game with Cliff with double Charge. Once the guns got introduced in the 4D world, we had to grind or get lucky to not get our shit slapped.
Well there's still SO5 to port.
More or less yeah, and I feel you the last quarter of the game can be a bit of drag if you forget you can just fuck off back to your world for side stuff mostly whenever.
Been a long time but I vaguely remembering Fayt's sidekick spam was OP as fuck in early-mid game, basically carries you all the way through main story. Cliff felt pretty shit but Nel is cute.
Late game I think I relied heavily on Maria's energy burst for DPS. But until she unlocks it she's subpar.
Japs are literally, LITERALLY incapable of originality.
iirc aiming device and scatter beam literally carry you through everything
Scatter Beam is incredibly shit but Aiming Device is good when comboed.
The range on her Long moves are surprisingly bad considering she's using a fucking gun.
that's the only good one in it tho
I'm still salty that this got a perfect HD conversion yet Symphonia 1 on the same exact blu ray got shat on.