Why is god of war GOTY and not rdr 2?

so ive been playing god of war for a few days so far... and i have to admit at first i felt like i was playing the last of us for some reason... the game is great but not the best.. i just wonder why was it considered the game of the year in 2018 ... knowing that rdr 2 is my opinion the best game ever made.. rockstar did what for some programmers and developers was imposible.

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They're both pretty underwhelming in terms of gameplay and design

eexcuuusee mee mr perfect lmfao


It was payed by Sony to be so. There's no way in hell killing troll simulator could've beaten a slightly more decent game like RDD2 otherwise.

>knowing that rdr 2 is my opinion the best game ever made
You zoomers are somewhat fascinating.

>why did a group of soiboys decide they liked a tree-hugging walking drama over a game designed to be a game

i wouldnt call god of war like that.. however its great to finally find someone who agrees with me rdr2 the real goty

because rdr2 is a movie and gow is actually a game

since when exploring a huge and very well designed open world considered a movie?

I'm playing rdr2 right know, only single player for me, I love it.
I can understand why people don't like it. I just like existing in and exploring the world.

RDR2 has more going for it for sure. But journos rate TLOU really high and GoW took a lot of inspiration from it, so no wonder it won.

>knowing that rdr 2 is my opinion the best game ever made
lmfao calm down dad

This. It’s a watered-down version of an action game vs. an open world so full of bloat that it often forgets to be enjoyable.

2018 was a pretty shit year honestly.

sorry i made you upset son... lmao

empty open world, linear movie missions, no fun allowed "gameplay", trash controls, long movie cutscenes

rdr2 and kingdom come, great year.
And hitman 2, forza horizon 4. monster hunter world. And Indies like Return of the Ones Dinn.
And GoW was still decent
How you gonna call it a shit year.

Rdr2 make me fall asleep on daytime

Denigration of a male established character is way more important.

no that was just a great dad joke is all lol

RDR2 truly was something else, i'm with you on this based retard.

wow, zoomers will call anything empty these days, how's it empty if the world is full of thousands of different events that you will rarely encounter duplicates of? is actual content "bloat" now? if you think those cutscenes are long you better not play anything like metal gear solid 4...

I honestly forgot MonHun was last year. I keep thinking it was 2017.

RDR2 is still like 7/10 at best tho.

and some gamers forget you can actually skip cut scenes if you dont wanna see them

RDR 2 is not a great game.
I'm playing it now.

The story isn't good. There's no way around that.
Besides collecting (hunting, treasure) with some relaxing and combat in between, there isn't much to do in the open world.

There's is close to zero purposeful combat to be had in the open world. They should've made enemy gangs have a stronger presence. There should be more open world reason opportunities to get into fights.

Also, the psychic cops are really weird. Why would they do that?

That said, most of the core mechanics in RDR2 were really good.

I just wish it were applied better.
R* would be making the right decision if they just released a bunch of RDR2 "Episodes", not necessarily featuring the Van Der Linde Gang

because people really wanted the single player non open world game to win because open worlds are abundant and campaign games are dying

but no one really wants to support non-open world games that much

I agree but I never played God of So󠀀y

Because RDR2 is bloated and the Houser hacks are making up for their lack of talent and vision with
sheer manpower and budget. RDR2 is worse than RDR1 in just about every way. The missions are so
restrictive and the narrative is so boring that it retroactively ruined the mystery of the gang that
RDR1 painted.
I will say this though; it's one of the prettiest games I have ever seen. And I feel bad that all that hard
work didn't go into a better game. Because it sure as fuck deserved it.

Nah, rdr2 is better thatn rdr1 in every way you can imagine.

Nigger Kratos was barely a chapter before, which makes trying to make him "emotionally mature" is the most retarded thing you can do.


Soundtrack (especially the free roam tracks)
Gunplay (RDR1 had better physics and less retarded enemy wave mission design)
Narration and dialogue (Dutch in RDR1 is a sadistic piece of shit, in RDR2 he's just demented. Sadie had no part being in this game. Overall the gang is nowhere as wild and crazy as 1 made you believe)

I honestly don't get the hate for RDR2. The game is not perfect in any way but it's still a damn good game. I put 100+ hours in side missions alone simply because traveling around the world feels great (except for bullshit encounters like moose)

I disagree with everything, just want you to know that. Except for online, haven't played that.

GoW at least had a really good combat system (by western standards) to show. RDR2 only has high production values which are useless and will be outdated soon anyway

The moment you get engaged in combat, the game just becomes a mess. They should have had made manual aim more viable by reducing enemy aim and also promoting close proximity combat. Also Dead Eye is a poor mechanic that doesn't belong in a game that otherwise tries so hard to mimic reality. Instead nerf enemy aim and numbers and instead force players to rely on movement and manual aim to succeed. And fuck that ridiculous shake the moment you take a step. It goes against all that's fun when the game wants your ass behind cover playing peek-a-boo.

RDR2 is a hard game to hate because you know these devs actually put a lot of fucking effort into this. Way more than any other title of its kind. Maybe PC version with gameplay mods will make it as great as it deserves to be.

>GoW at least had a really good combat system
play more games

name a western game with a better combat system this gen

Great movie but it can't compete with actual games

Not him but proving GoW is the king of shit still doesn't put it above shit