Name a stronger character in videogames
Name a stronger character in videogames
>giving a representation of the unknowable God
Absolutely blasphemous.
I’m not familiar with SMT but whoever beat him would be stronger
Nanashi, obviously. There are many others from different games as well though.
>SMT is blasphemous
no shit?
>He shaped mankind in His image
A reasonable approximation to be desu
there are already plenty official ones
>Giving the unknowable god an anthropomorphic personality
Abrahamic religions are what’s really blasphemous.
prince of all cosmos, tied with
The man who killed him
So what’s going on with Kaneko?
>powerlevel autism thread
>stands up
the power of friendship
>lucifer, satan and satanael are all different beings in SMT
Why would they do this
>gets btfo by the power of friendship
How is MegaTen a mature series?
It's more accurate. Satan was originally a tool of god to tempt people and Lucifer was a little rebel punk
Because that’s already how it is, what do you mean? They might be derivative of each other in certain ways but they’re distinct.
>he did the friendship ending
YHVH is just a fragment of the Great Will so he's not even the strongest in his own series.
his image also means how he could want them to be. that's like if i shaped all women to have 4 inch dicks because thats how i imagine them
In the friendship ending he'll just rebuild and come back later like he always does, you don't actually destroy him for good. Kill your friends kid
there's a reason people make fun of apocalypse's plot
you can slightly remedy this by choosing dagda's route, instead
Flynn from the same game
>friendship isn't a mature concept
Maybe you just don't have friends
The Lord Jesus from FGO
>citation needed
looks like you're mixing mythology
the old testament doesn't have a satan
Hi. I'm not a demon.
>that's like if i shaped all women to have 4 inch dicks
please get job as a God user
הַשָּׂטָן appears in the book of Job
There's a job description of hassatan, which is a divine prosecutor.
There's no adversary of god.
it means what it means , god is a humanoid and wants mankind to become gods like him to create things which we already did as it started with simple tools and nowadays AI.
more like man is godoid
Satan is law alignment, retard
>he's immortal
always and forever
>impling thag those 3 are the same being
This right here is the best character, nowadays its the fucking high school, ching chong, bing bing wahoo.
Great Will
>likes: purple (cool kind not gay kind)
>dislikse: my dad
This guy is probably a trap by now.
Gods basically just being petty dudes is a concept as old as gods. Did you forget the time Thor dressed up like a girl with Loki to gate crash a giant wedding party like a 90's sitcom plot? Or all the times Hera chewed out Zeus' horny ass?
And if you know the lore, you already know that I'm right since what Void gives birth to is indeed the supreme being.
Nothing and no one can ever defeat what happy Void turns into.
Even fucking Galeem failed.
>There's a job description of hassatan, which is a divine prosecutor.
That is literally Satan in SMT.
Shodan of course
Donkey Kong unironically
how is the giant yellow head from rick and morty a video game character
Void isn't Kirby, Void begets Kirby just like Void Termina is the progenitor of darkness, not Dark Matter itself.
But yeah, Kirby, his Robobot and Void are pretty good contenders.
Unironically Asriel Dreemurr.
>he dishes out justice
Yes, that white lie you tell your mother to spare her feelings deserves an eternity of fire and brimstone.
He has no "personality" as we know in human understanding. How the jews described Him in texts had to reduced in a language they would understand. He doesn't feel love, because He is Love. He is Good itself. He doesn't get mad, He dishes out Justice.
meant that for
Based Dagda.
Flying spaghetti monster says hi
All Catholics know that there's a high chance they'll go to hell. We just choose not to talk about that depressing fact.
>i can compete with millenia of theology and history if i say X exists
Your great grandparents took a fairytale a bit too seriously, just admit it and live your damn life
Pic related.
If you're truly Christian then you'll know that "hell" is simply an absence of God within one's soul and that all may go to heaven if they truly desire it. Dante wrote self-insert fanfiction, not legitimate religious doctrine.
I never properly interacted with my grandparents. When we were together when I was little, we didn't talk about religion.
What is life?
My point was more that god is flat out evil. Justice is about evening the scales, nobody deserves an eternity of anything for what they do in a transient world to transient people.
the bible itself describes hell as a place where the fires are never quenched and the worms do not die.
At no point is it stated that the repentant are cast into hell, only those who have knowingly turned from God.
God himself says he blinded those who weren't chosen so they cannot come to him. Not won't, can't.
>Justice is about evening the scales
>BLM usual demands is that it's their turn now
What are you, black?
Who do you think rules hell? Hell is not a place away from Him because he is omnipresent. It's also place without His grace. That means all the good thing you ca think of, even as small as breathing will be taken away and replaced with eternal torment. And when He is absent from your soul, you become pure evil, because He is Good itself and by going to hell, you reject Good.
What the fuck are you talking about? How does blm tie in to the fact that eternal torture is flat out excessive for anything done in this life.
After the events of SMT1, i don't know why there's still lawfags.
Neutral or Chaos is so fucking good.
>but peace
True peace is not law or order.
Nuking the world and brainwashing people is the only "peace" method for "god"?
Fuck god.
>impling that god is good
You're the on saying that justice is about evening the scales. It's not. Only those "people" think like that.
>eternal torture is flat out excessive for anything done in this life.
Even if you give them eternal life, individual humans will not change. There's a cap to how much we develop as a person, and each person has enough time to choose whether to follow good or evil
oh nononono
What the fuck is this shit?
What is this word?
Absolute retardation.
>You're the on saying that justice is about evening the scales.
It literally is, that's why lady justice carries the scales. The nigs problem is that they want to punish and reward the living for the sins of the long dead because muh group muh tribe attitude, justice can only be administered on an individual basis if it's to be fair.
>each person has enough time to choose whether to follow good or evil
Ever hear of john wayne gacy or peter gerard scully? What about kids who die of cancer or victims of sids? They have enough time to choose?
>Ever hear of john wayne gacy or peter gerard scully?
Never heard of them
>What about kids who die of cancer or victims of sids? They have enough time to choose?
>wojak poster
>completely braindead
Checks out. Ever wonder why the Jews rule the world? Look in the mirror and you'll find the reason, you sub-100 iq nigger.
>applying human concepts to an omniscient entity outside all comprehension
>muh j00z
You people are your own parody, I swear to god.
This game was too generic to be as based as it is.
>i-its your fault thew jews rule the world
dilate tranny
That's the shit you people bitch about. I know you're /pol/tards with the way you brought niggers into the debate from out of nowhere.
double this
>Pale nimbus
Maybe the Wave Existence from Xenogears
I'm sorry you feel that, user. I enjoyed it a lot.
what if kirby ate YHVH
Asura isn't even a universe buster. Simply killing things that call themselves gods doesn't automatically make you strong.
Fuck kikes and their kabbalah witchcraft, Gnosticism is a fuckin trip.
I did too, that's my point. Shits great and tastes good even when the world feels like it was made with stale bread.
He killed the creator of his universe.
It hurts to see, especially since these are fictional characters that people get heated over
And not even the quality of the game, they get heated over which autist beats the other autist
>When the lewd makes your heart go doki doki instead of giving you a boner
He became a golden ball.
it was ironic
OT tells Yhvh is the source of all good and evil. Christians are just heretic
Ah, sorry. Didn't really get you message, lol.
I assume you, too, are excited for RS3 and S. Grace?
That's the MC from SMT2, yes?
the word is "chunibyo"
Okay. 1 universe vs Infinity in SMT.
I like Asura but there's more to strength.
why is he so OP?
Hey look! its the flying heads from rick and morty!
Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series!
I mean he killed existence itself, did you watch the "game"?
desu as far as depicting something otherwordly goes, switching from a slightly animated 2d image to a screen of nothing but 3d models spanning as far as the eye (or 3DS resolution) can see is a pretty good try, as is breaking the traditional level cap by 1 just to really drive it home
Evil is the absence of Good. If He decides to take away His grace from something, that something becomes evil. Now, since we are created in His image, we can do what He does in a smaller scale. Just like He can cause evil by taking away His grace, we can cause evil by taking away His grace.
Elly is literally perfect
Kaneko is no longer in control of the copyright for his Megaten art. Whether this is due to him completely selling the rights to Fatlus or some corporate fuckery, he is no longer listed in the copyright on the Megaten artbooks. He is, however, still credited for his art in the book.
This is just speculation on my part, but I would wager this is something along the lines of Atlus fucking him. His position as series artist has been completely replaced by Doi, any questions about him are hand-waved with "we're not allowed to talk about that", and he's supposedly been given a sort of internal black mark.
not them but unironically rent free
>he kill existence
>existence still exists at the end of the game
Demi-Fiend, as always.
While he did not kill YHVH the consequences of murdering Kagutsuchi are far greater in that game than killing YHVH is in Apocalypse, implying it should be stronger.
>this level of laziness
Evil and Good are two sides of the same coin.
>implying Kagutsuchi didn't go easy on him because it wanted to lose
Arceus? He basically recreated the universe to give you one of the creation trio in HGSS.
>calls Catholics heretics
>is a heretic himself
You people are like machinations, constantly spewing out the same thoughtless dogma. Do you even have a brain of your own?
>That time Loki got mpreg from being raped by a horse and Thor called him a faggot
Polytheism is a lot more fun
Kagutsuchi sure as hell didn't want to lose to Demi-Fiend in TDE.
>not knowing what his image means
People that don't know anything about a subject shouldn't try to comment on it.
Literally god from Digimon
>muh sheep argument
And yes, we do. We're not animals who just follow our instics and "live life."
It means that we have free will. That's the early patristic understanding.
YHVH is literally omnipotent (immune to everything and all powerful) so long as humanity believes him to be. He hides away in his own special universe because humanity just staring at him risks causing damage.
Arceus is a mememon that needs to be retconned out of the franchise
>"live life"
And whats wrong with living life?
The source, nigger. In OT Yhvh is both the evil doer and the good doer and Praying means "please, don't kill me".
You're just lying
Alex from YIIKES.
>a fucking tripfag
back to r*ddit
Good, the smt art is shite anyways The lips look gay as fuck
You're more like computers that only spit out the specified response to your input without a single original thought of your own. You have no individual will, the thing that makes you a person, you sold it for your cowardly "salvation".
You're not livivng life. You're just existing, like animals.
In most endings Kagutsuchi puts up a challenge just to test Demibros commitment to the Reason he chose.
In TDE route though, Kagutsuchi is straight up pissed at Demifiend and wants to fucking murder his ass.
OT in turn is just some fanfiction drivel, all reasonable people know the God is a woman and her name is Eris (or Suzumiya Haruhi, i kinda forgot which it was).
That wasn't me tho, he has a trip.
And if God created everything then he created evil right?
And an user before (maybe you) said young kids that die of cancer get sent to hell if they are bad, yet also seems to be under the impression he has God within him so he is therefore good.
I dunno man but saying that seems pretty evil imo.
The King
I hate this Pokemon
You're more like animals that only spit out the specified response to your input without a single original thought of your own. You have no individual will, the thing that makes you a person, you sold it for your cowardly "instinct".
If Horus pulls off the whole "feed my enemies semen until they give up out of embarrassment" thing against god, would that count?
Better an animal than a machine.
Well, if Arceus can recreate the universe at will that should imply omnipotence. He can only be defeated in battles because having a legit hax mon wouldn't be fun.
But He's cute.
Since TDE wasn't originally in Nocturne (reminder: Nocturne Maniax in Japan is the Nocturne we in the West got) I'd say it's a fuck-up.
Animals are a meme, there is no single animal on this planet, only tulpas, alien shapeshifters, alien mimics and eldritch automatons.
Based and redpilled Jesus said the same thing and they crucified him. Amen.
YHVH isn't the true creator deity of SMT.
He's a fragment of it who broke off and deviated from the grand plan.
He's a Demiurge masquerading as the real Abrahamic God.
Fuck off you tasteless faggot
Bayonetta could punch him out of existence and so could kirby
>God created everything
Elohim created everything then Yhvh created everything but in a different order.
demonbane isnt a vidya character
Is there even a creator deity in SMT? I though the axiom was just the collective consciousness of humanity.
Temporarily incapacitated him and got doomed to eternal torment*
>I-it's unique so it's good
actually kill yourself
Moot confirmed VNs are games, inb4 whos's Moot.
Kill yourself.
i thought the great will was THEY god but it dosent interfer with other gods or mortals.
>And if God created everything then he created evil right? See
>he has God within him so he is therefore good.
who? the young kids or user? Either way, since He created humans, humans are inherently good. But because of Adam and Even, it changed from humans being full of His grace to having the power to allow Him inside them or to reject Him. Because of that, until you die, a person will always have good in them no matter what.
whos's moot?
That fight was so much fun. Nothing in 4a compares with that level of kino.
I don't think you can solo that battle
Gnosticism is neat but as soon as Jesus comes back in and is still a savior figure it kinda loses its charm.
It's like they couldn't properly throw of the shackles of Christianity.
One character in The Dalkey Archives argues that Christian God might have actually lost the War and what we got instead of him was his opponent, if we're speaking fantasy stories.
Which order?
I don't think you comprehend what omnipotence and omniscience really mean.
If he is in control of absolutely everything and he knows everything, then taking away "his grace" is just as much his responsibility as giving it.
Just observe these things. Half of them acts as remote viewing devices and the other half is fucking weird.
>Lucy was created by God
>Because of him Angels can decide to allow him or reject him
>Because of that, until they die, an angel will always have good in them no matter what.
And Lucy is good until he dies, right?
Utter retardness
>And Andrew Hussie
Why the fuck am I laughing so hard.
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded.
did you read the OT he wasnt really evil just constantly pissed at us being retards and trying repeatedly to steer us on the right path
I like how delusional you are.
Who didn't experienced freedom but instead order like a fucking mongoloid.
Atleast animals have free will unlike you.
read genesis. The first creation was made by Elohim, the second creation by YHVH but translations hide the whole thing
>Well, if Arceus can recreate the universe at will that should imply omnipotence.
The complicated issue with comparing SMT chars is the fact that they all have different power levels and are on different grander scales. Lucifer in SMTIV and SMTIVA is clearly weaker than Fallen Angel Lucifer in SMT3. It's complicated to even compare power levels in the SMT series itself, so going the Pokemon route is even harder. It's like comparing Pokemon to Digimon. Digimon flat out shit out the majority of Pokemon and then it leans towards the Pokemon side when we go into legionaries, since we don't really know how the hell the big players in Digimon work outside of the digital world. We already know they're extremely powerful in the digital world but how does that compare to the time and reality bending legendary who do it as their auto passive abilities?
>pissed at us
that's a misunderstanding. YHVH rules are meant for the israelites but never for goyim (its ancient usage meant Other People as in tribes)
>he is in control of absolutely everything
He's not. If that was the case, we wouldn't have free will since He's just pulling our strings.
>then that's not omnipotent
Having the power to do everything is not the same as doing everything. He has the power, but He won't.
He gave us that power, mate. My grandad won't be at fault if I use a sword for the wrong reasons.
it all ends in talking about free will.
>he's never remote viewed the inside of his anus.
Heh, pathetic.
this is pretty retarded and presents gnosticism as this nice complete package like contemporary judaism/christianity
gnostic thought was nowhere near as developed or singular as this. there were all kinds of interpretations of neoplatonism and ancient christianity that basically wouldn't work together, so they ended up getting shoehorned. even worse is the constant one-upmanship in ancient gnostic writings, this mindless "actually what you said is only half true, because you don't know this infinity to the infinity power secret that i found out, lol sorry maybe next time"
my favorite is the version where sophia is just some bitch who is like hey all the aeons are having babies with their maktes, why don't i just ignore my mate and give birth? and since ancient greek men had a huge complex about women one day being able to give birth without them and taking over society, the story of course ends up with her giving birth to a monster, a "cautionary tale"
The whole thing was mistranslated, the guy who made the universe was Brahma, when Vishnu was preserving it for fuck knows how long, then some blue dude came along and called curtains on the whole deal.
>He can only be defeated in battles because having a legit hax mon wouldn't be fun.
YHVH's Great Will power is literally hax. The universe in SMT is different than the standard kind of universe. SMT has a multiverse within a multiverse. For example, YHVH in SMTIV/IVA has multiple timelines and universes to go into, YHVH himself having his own special universe where he resides in. This itself is nothing, as there are multiple YHVH's (each game's YHVH from what we understand. Each mainline SMT game just happens to exist in it's own seperate Multiverse within the connected mainline franchise's omniverse. The entire domain of Shin Megami Tensei itself is called The Axiom or The Great Will, which is all universes and timelines itself. This itself grants YHVH (and each on in their own universe/game) his omnipotent hax that makes it so you literally just cannot do shit to him. The Great Will is SMT's special universe concept that basically takes the collective conscious of people and breaths life into them. Humans in SMT literally create demons and gods through their religion and constant worshiping of them. If an urban legend like Nessie is so strongly believed, The Great will takes this intense feeling by the masses and breaths life into an actual Loch Ness. YHVH in Pokemon's universe is useless but unbeatable by normal means in his own. This pic related becomes a real demon because of all the people fiending over the conspiracy of the chemtrails concept, making it a demon that actually does this... which further fans their fears and solidifies this demons existence eternally.
Why though?
>didn't experienced freedom
I experience the same freedom you thinik you're experiencing now, faggot. I wasn't always catholic. Just like you, I was a slave to my instincts. I fucked when I felt like it. I ate when I felt like it. I did things when I felt like it all for the sake of pleasure.
>animals have free will
Animals have no free will. They just do what their instincts tell them to do and they can't help no matter how much they fight.
Anus is also a meme, who the fuck would put something that gross on a living creature? Multidimensional thoughtmeshes exist, you know. No need to invoke literal cartoon shit.
Free will doesn't exist if god created the circumstances that lead to our actions and also knows what doing so will lead to.
If you say that this isn't the case, then god can't be all knowing.
Before god chose to create the universe, he already knew every action that every single human would ever take, thus literally everything that happens is a direct result of his actions.
You arguing that he can in any way absolve himself of responsibility for evil is the equivalent of saying that it's not your fault if a ball hits the ground after you decide to drop it, knowing that it will hit the ground if you do so.
why is stephen hawking ok with hitting the reset button, but the great will isn't?
>responding to tripfags
Cause he's the God of Israel right?
Where's the God of Goyims then.
Agreed, religious people should really just shut up about everything.
This. Dogmatic retards don't have the right to try and sound authoritative about anything.
What is not a meme?
So, it's kind of like The Warp in WH40k but taken to a whole new level. I see your point, if you create an entity that can't be beaten, it won't be beaten.
> Multidimensional thoughtmeshes exist
[Citation needed]
>god created the circumstances that lead to our actions
He didn't. He created each human with their own personality with the potential to do both good and evil.
>also knows what doing so will lead to.
Me perfectly knowing what my family will do does not take away their free will.
>is a direct result of his actions.
Imagine a character generator. He sets up the parameters but there's a self imposed rule for them do both good and evil equally. He knows what will happen, despite this person having endless potential to do whatever. They're the one choosing the option to do what they're doing. He just gave them the ability to do that action in the first place
Arceus is fine and it was one of the rare smart things Game Freak ever did, introduce the Godmon early on so they wouldn't constantly one up the previous legendaries in future gens.
>he gave them the ability to do so
>and he knows exactly what the outcome of that is
So he's responsible for it, yes.
The rest of your post makes even less sense you /x/ tier lunatic, comparing an all powerful, all knowing being creating the exact laws of physics that would lead to all of our actions is not comparable to you having a vague idea of how your family members will act.
If he sets the parameters, the circumstances and the fundamental laws of reality, and also knows literally 100% of what that will lead to, he is responsible for everything that happens.
He didn't make each person and then hit a randomizer, he knew exactly what the outcome of each of those creations would be beforehand. How can you claim to have free will if everything you do was 100% predetermined by a literal god?
we need some sort of spic containment.
He's old.
>Free will
you are retared user
You know, its not healthy to be just a drone. A soulless husk.
If you want a order?
Then fine, i don't give a shit about ideals.
But if you screams so much that freedom is a trapped, slaving, thing.
Then means that either you just a faggt who didn't even break rules or you just a emo incel who hates everything.
Wanting to do something because you want to do it isn't instinct, it's logical self interest.
That part was just sarcasm, autismo.
I love the way Kaneko draws faces. The gentle features are attractive, yet the androgynous, doll-like appearance gives off a subtle uncanniness, which I think works really well.
He can be beaten. YHVH loses his omnipotence when humans truly see him for what he really is, just another powerful demon pretending to be this godly and great being. You can't just randomly say YHVH is weak and then it happens, humanity (the main cast) over the course of SMTIVA had to see through his actions and judge him as one. When arrived to his special universe and faced him, they were able to tell him to his face that he was just another powerful demon who cheated people into making him the god he was now. The Great Will's hax is his greatest strength and weakness. He becomes pic related when all his contradictions and hypocrisies are called out, warping him into the shape of this demon. He's still extremely powerful but is no longer omnipotent.
>japan calling out the monotheistic semetic storm demon for what it is
Uh oh.
I want a better design for him. The symbolism is all over the place.
Summonable yhvh when?
Flynn, Issa, Walter, Jonathan, Hallelujah, and most of the main cast who go to YHVH aren't Japanese.
You do not summon YHVH
YHVH summons you
Hallelujah is at least half jap, and the rest are descendants of the japanese.
Doesn't matter. None of these characters share the same pussified Jap lifestyle after nukes came flying in and actually did shit.
Hopefully not when I'm taking a shit.
Japs knew what they were doing. The Abrahamic God is an amalgam of three separate deities after all.
It's good to see that an occult game doesn't shy away from the historically demonstrable origin of monotheism.
Genuinely curious, what deities is it an amalgamation of?
he would turn into golden kirby and nothing would change
A semetic storm deity (naturally) and two greater Assyrian deities iirc. The concept of angels was cope to explain why there were other Godlike forces people 'knew' of.
Assyrian mythology is the foundation of most mythology from the Abrahamic religions (see the original flooding earth myth) all the way to roman mythology (see tracking Gods like Ishtar to Aphrodite)
My Asherah is level 850 and can beat him by herself. I want to impregnate a giant blonde woman.
If Kirby eats him, you know who's calling.
King Dedede the godslayer.
You haven't seen his true form? Megatards post fallen jew god.
Can you explain what features of demon YHVH hint towards these deities?
Any idea what those deities are called? I kinda wanna research this a bit, mythology is interesting. Do you think Zoroastrianism had any influence on Abrahamic myth? I've always thought they were a bit too similar.
Unironically go to your local library or look up shit online/order books.
Vortex Blaster Demonbane is formally introduced to us in Nitroplus Blasterz, a video game.
Me, because i'm real, unlike your god
I'm not gonna find books on the design elements of a boss in a jrpg mate. I though the design was an amalgamation of Plagues+burning tree+demiurge.
Oi m8 they were just asking.
Yeah I don't fully remember. As for Zoro? I don't know. Much of the OT is unironically just bad Enuma Elish fan-fiction.
>source: look it up bro
Perhaps the game's design was like that but the origin an actual myth is nothing to do with that. demiurge is late stage gnostic shit. Not early assyrian Sumerian/Babylonian myth
I'm not the other guy but why wouldn't you want to learn more about myths and shit? It is interesting stuff and it would expand your mind user.
>le demiurge
Now that you mention, why is it always spics that make these power level threads? Be it on Yea Forums or Yea Forums?
Well, yeah. The actual evolution of the abrahamitic god is an interesting topic, but I though you meant that the design somehow referenced it. My bad.
I do think it is really interesting. Would have studied it full-time if I didn't go STEM.
But if the user knew what the design implied, as I faultily thought he did, then I do not want to start a massive quest to find out about some design cues a couple of nips took when he could have just posted it here.
Hahahaha fucking imperfect god.
Madara Uchiha
Yes, he’s in video games.
Just to be clear, I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Madara Uchiha
don't be a prick, that's clearly not the point when you're just asking someone to explain a simple statement.
you're supposed to btfo god with the power of killing your friends
SSGSSJ Gogeta is in Video Games. Him and Broly break reality.
Well theres 4 animals
a bull, a serpent, a lizard (i think a gecko or something) and a goat.
You can search up what Assyrian deities are associated with them.
And you should easily be able to find the storm deity just by googling it.
But I wasn't the one that said that before I was just telling anons to look into older religions/myths because they are interesting and shit.
not the guy but just from some searches
why is stephen hawking ok with hitting the reset button, but the great will isn't?
The great will is a bit of a control freak.
Go figure
Lighting from Lighting returns
Yeah? Why don't you go on a jihad about it achmed.
Apparently all you need to beat God is a teenager from tokyo
I thought that was just YHVH who was the control freak.
deepest lore
Well if you created an entire multiverse and your subordinate clones kept going rogue and Japanese teenagers kept fucking everything up wouldn't you be annoyed?
So after seeing enough of this gnostic stuff on Yea Forums I've got a question.
The same question I have with anything involving reincarnation really.
When the global population increases, does that mean more souls/divine essences are being created? Or does it mean the average essence per person is being split with every additional birth?
YHVH didn't create any universes in SMT
Pagans (gnosticism being an offshoot) typically believe in a cyclical universe. It's not new souls, it's just another apex. Reincarnation is crap though.
Adding to this, many pagans don't believe in distinct "souls" so much as divinity or conciousness principles. It's all demonic prideful about secretly being one with God, combined with human autistic philosophy.
Aren't super Buu and Gotenks reality Buster's too?