Why yes I am a recruitable character, how could you tell?
Why yes I am a recruitable character, how could you tell?
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I honestly want a video game with the aesthetic of these "real life vidya bosses" threads. The idea of fighting ridiculous fashion models hybrids alongside my rgb colored dap niggas makes me hard.
Whats his moveset?
Who are all these stylin negros popping up?
there's a "subculture" of men who sell their land and animals just to buy fancy clothes and meet other classy niggas
A fighting game variant where you have to pose off to beat the opponent in the combat round. Pulling off posing combos and doing counter poses will improve your score over your opponent.
This dude is cool.
they are literally poor as shit, and still buying these clothes
if anything these retards would be the bad guys
No More Heroes series
This is so wholesome
>Aoe debuff (ebola)
>super fast move speed
>jazz hands
>dick slam
God forbid people try to be happy living in a massive shithole. Fucking retards amirite
So they're adventurers
nose candy blowout (power up)
triple wielded glocks (range spam)
pimp slap (short range stun)
sweeping kick
very poor ones
This. Also you’re based.
>live in Congo
>be dirt poor
>but buy suits that costs your country's yearly income
>continue to live in shithole in style
Absolute retards but fuck if they don't look fly as hell.
be glad its suits and not drugs or sports or some lame shit
theres poor Yea Forumstards that spend billions on vidya, people need an escape for them it suits
Isn't running around dressed like that in a third world country basically like painting a target on your back?
many areas of the congo are safer to live in and have lower crime rates than major cities in the us
That's what makes it cooler
His wife hates him lol.
>You walk the street, on your way to home
>You see this gentlemen, heading to you
>What do?
I get that sometimes people want to show off and whatnot, but shouldn't they also try and invest into something to better their livelihoods?
What's better than looking fresh as fuck?
Unironically any Jojo game
>I voted for Obama, Im cool man! I dont want no trouble!
I'd say good living conditions.
What are their stands?
>Boxer Rushdown
>Poke-heavy Umbrella Fighter
>Charge Character
>High Mobility Aerial fighter
>Stand/Detached Fighter
>Trap setting gimmick fighter
Strong roster desu
>The hobo's about to send you home
>The professor's gonna teach you a lesson
>The gentlemen will show you some manners
>The fancy pants will blow your pants off
>The Niggeroth will penetrate your Aeris
>The beastmaster's gonna show you his pet's favorite trick
>The Techno Viking will dance on your grave tonight
>The demolition man's gonna make a Hiroshima out of your Anusaki
techno viking seems so out of place
>Top left is protagonist
>next guy is first boss
>next guy is shady figure who turns out to be the true antagognist
>next guy is simple merchant
>next guy is fake antagonist
>next two guys are his lackies
>last guy is childhood friend and now rival.
Who are you to have any idea about what people should do with their money and lives? Lowlife fuck. How about you think about doing something that makes you happier instead of shitting on other people?
>Who are you to have any idea about what people should do with their money and lives?
Damn, are you me ? I'm God too.
That's because most places in Congo don't even keep track of that stuff you dumbfuck.
Of course. This whole thread is just me, replying to myself.
no its cause the us has poverty and drugs ridden areas deludedtard
Holy shit, I should spend my time doing better things.
You've just described Congo, but they sniff glue instead since it's cheaper.
and yet they have less crime in some areas compared to the us
perhaps its the drug culture, i dont know i dont care just stating the facts
I see you've never really lived the life of a bachelor.
>White guy in black gang is the most dangerous person
>Comparing an Orwellian surveillance nightmare to a shithole that can't keep a proper census from year to year
>all the amerilards in the comments judging
Because niggers.
>shouldn't they also try and invest into something to better their livelihoods?
Anything short of a plane ticket out of Africa isn't worth the effort I imagine.
whitest thing i've read all day
What's his stand?
kill yourself jojonigger
What a weird name for a stand
>Scripted battle where your Limit Gauge starts off full
Everyone knows they’re poor, user.
It would be like assuming someone’s royalty because they have a Burger King crown on.
Sigmar bless this ravaged body!
no, they don't, congo nigger.