Cave Story Thread #1

Pile in bros. Come discuss the pioneer of indie games that contains more soul than any game could dream. Cave Story is my favorite game of all time and if you haven't played it yet I implore you to do so.

Download it for FREE here

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>pioneer of indie
But Touhou is far older than cave story.

commodore and other home computers had alot of indie games

Damn... i'm really uneducated. Sorry i will rectify this mistake in the next thread.

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Weird thread.

Yeah it's pretty hard to bring attention to Cave Story threads nowadays without just posting Curly porn. But i'm determined to keep making threads because I love this game.

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Looks like this one is a dud unfortunately. But that's alright there's always next time.

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Haha yeah... Curly porn.
Such as?

It's not hard to find user. There is probably more Curly hentai then there is Cave Story fan art. Which is better than nothing I suppose.

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when do we get the free porn

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...Here user. Go nuts.

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Yea and there where indie games before touhou you fucking moron

the reason cave story is seen as the granddaddy of indie is 1 how popular it got and 2 the fact it was a full size game

Touhou is a full size bullet hell but bullet hells are shorter than alot of other genres due to being more about learning the game till you can 1cc

Cave story on the otherhand was a 4 hour platformerr with 3 endings 10 weapons with 3 different levels that change how the gun works significantly and a narrative that is not just a bunch of little girls coming up with dumb ass reasons to fight eachother in a mediocre bullet hell

I appreciate your appreciation of Cave Story user. It warms my heart.

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pioneer of good indie

Is there a sequel who was planned and cancelled or something else.
Because I love Cave Story but it's just feel empty story side. I wanted to know more about quote origins and the killer robots, the war and how the whole fuck with a floating island and the core was put natural thing or not

Pixel the creator of Cave Story said that Cave Story 2 was definitely a possibility but he lost the rights to Nicalis so unfortunately that's not a possibility anymore.

Fuck Nicalis

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Haaaa my dear friend copyright
Or how a system made for protection was corrupted to jewmagedon and now is just a jail for creativity

god I hate jews

Play Marathon.

That said, Cave Story is a game I liked a lot too, and it properly introduced me to indie games outside of small RPGMaker projects. It's good stuff and I'm at least happy people recognize Pixel's work, Nicalis drama aside.

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Is Keroblaster any good?

Is there any game that has as strong and heartfelt vibes as Cave Story?
Is it because it was basically all made by one person?

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Being made by one person certainly helps. But more than anything Pixel just wanted to make a fun game. He loved Metroid and Castlevania when he was growing up and decided to make his own game during his spare time with no outside funding or help. It exudes soul because he poured his entire soul into making it.

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Seems like Tyrone spilled the beans during one of his half-assed apologies in the cave story forums.
Apparently Pixel is working on a new game, unrelated to cave ctory unfortunately

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Actually Disney championed most copyright extensions over the last hundred years. Besides, this is just good capitalism.

Still the best indie game

Why is the tow rope only accessible if you don't get the Booster Pack? that makes no sense!

that's great to hear
i really liked kero blaster too, hopefully we can see some kind of announcement soon

Maybe its so Hell could be designed arround having the good Booster Pack

Reminder to play Kero Blaster. It's very fun and I thought it was short and easy until I found out "hard mode" is almost an entire other game and it's totally kicking my ass.

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I admire your determination, user. This board doesn't get nearly enough good threads by people genuinely passionate about the games they talk about. I wish you the best of luck with your future threads.

I haven't played Cave Story yet, but I'd like to get around to it one of these days.

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>never getting Cave Story 2

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> all these cave story threads recently out of nowhere
> everytime this happened said character got into smash

So far I got to Grasstown and it's really boring, does it get better?

There are a few things like that in the game, I mean if you talk to the doc, he dies, but if you leave him to rot, he'll feel better than ever.

quick rundown on how pixel lost the rights to nicalis?

Don't you take the jetpack he needs to escape the pit?

As a huge fan of the game I will admit that Grasstown is arguably the weakest part with all the backtracking. I do think it picks up substantially afterwards though.

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No, it happens after that. Besides, crash is a no-brainer pick for fifth. Also, how's the wiiware version?

Ok then I'll keep playing, thanks

I really liked Grasstown but yes

Grasstown is where it starts to get interesting

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How the FUCK did he lose the rights? Can you show some source?

>find out how to save curly from drowning
>also by pure chance find that house to dump her in
>find her without memory
>But couldn't figure out the next thing and ended up thinking it wasn't any way.
I thought it was a symbolic thing, about letting go and for years it hurt until i got spoiled

doesn't an npc make a comment about the mushroom?

Yeah, but I missed that, probably due being too sleepy from staying up all night due the intensity of it all

I don't have a source on me but the summary is Pixel signed a contract with Nicalis to get Cave Story published and it also gave Nicalis ownership of the ip. It is technically only rumors that Pixel got swindled. He could have very well known what he was doing but there is no confirmation. This is all based on shady rumors about how Nicalis is full of manipulative assholes which does hold some ground.

So basically there is no official statement of what happened but something is definitely fishy if you do some digging and Pixel being so reclusive doesn't help the situation.

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>gave Nicalis ownership of the ip
I don't believe that's true, from what I gathered, it seemed that Pixel licensed Cave Story to Nicalis, but he did not lose ownership of the IP, and he receives royalties after every game sold. At any rate, Nicalis is a disgusting company, and I regret buying CS+ and giving them money, they've done a terrible job with that port.

That's pretty much wrong when the opposite was proven in Japanese social circles and how kero blaster is a analogy to what happened to pixel from shitalis

What circles? 2ch? They're as trustworthy as Yea Forums

Well, I'm really interested in some sauce on that, I tried to look into the matter, but not much turned up.