How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
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awwww cute he's smiling
what's the fastest way to kill a shitbull if it chimps out?
Sharp object to throat, if you have nothing stay on your feet, they wont really attack you until you are down.
If you're unarmed when ie charges at you give it your arm for it to bite (you're gonna get bit anyways so don't even try to run or avoid it), then use your other arm to punch its throat, or lift it and throw all your weight on top of it
Surreal atmospheric horror
The alpha move would be to choke it
same way to stop any other chimp out
shoot it with a gun
Bring back jumpscares, faggots that complained didn't even play horror games and didn't like being terrified when they pick one up for the first time. Atmospheric horror is gay and boring.
If you can carry a weapon, a bullet should do the trick. Dont exitate shove the fucker with bullets.
Knife , stab lungs and throat
Unarmed? Try to jump a wall or something, if fight is innevitable, sacrifice your arms and prepare to choke it
>jumpscares good
Less walking sim horror games, they are extremely boring. They need to be morr cinematic, it's the only genre where cinematic actually makes sense.
pretends you're dead
at least that's what National Geographic told me
Poison laced baby.
jumpscares aren't terrifying
they are startling at best but mostly predictable and boring
shitbulls should all be put down, and their owners too.
That's dumb, itll just eat you while you're laying there.
there is one in SOMA I absolutely did not expect : the anglerfish bait
Okay but this ones a bad example.
Dude had his retarded mutts off the leash and they attacked the pit because he did a shit job training them, then when it bit back he tore it out of the owner's grip to proceed to kill it.
Pit unironically didn't deserve it and I say that as someone who hates the breed
I believe it, they only did the test with two german shepherds
Knife it’s throat even if your arm is being munched on.
If no knife, prepare to sacrifice a limb and choke the bitch out. Make sure to squeeze the windpipe to make it quicker so the bastard lets go of your flesh.
It being dead is better then you being dead
Openly carrying a machete = Illegal and socially unacceptable
Openly carrying 20 machetes but inside the mouth of a human-eating dog = Legal and encouraged
>Only the dead dog out of three was leashed
>B-But he's been charged with bringing his dog outside without a leash!
here's an idea, instead of a horror game were you avoid the horror, you play a horror game were you ARE the horror.
>pitbull choked to death in "self defense"
>was the only dog on a leash
>he didn’t post tragedy kino
Reminder to never own a pit or let your dog around one
Jumpscares good in moderation. I wouldn't expect a wojak poster to understand moderation though.
fucking lol
Honestly anyone who doesnt have their dog on a leash should be shot, sick of finding ransom dogs in my front yard shitting while the owner is down the block.
Why kill it? It probably just wants to play tug of war. Just pet it until it calms down.
Daily reminder that pitbulls are the dog equivalent of americans
Everyone obsesses over them, even people who have never seen one?
I like videos where cops shoot pitbulls
put your hand closer to the angry dog, let it play tug of war with your limbs
>pitbulls are bad!!! ban them!!!
the machete's startup frames are way too good for how much damage and range it has, combined with the fact that it's also unblockable it had to be banned from ranked play
pitbulls have the disadvantage of being very short range and having to break through the opponent's projectile or disjoint pressure, while they can potentially can get more out of a confirm it's a lot harder for them to get that confirm, and even if they land it optimally they have to go for either multiple 50/50 mixups or stall on the ground for a while and run the timer
pits just get hard countered by certain projectile users in the metagame anyway, the most prominent being gun (currently mained by 70% of top 32 tourney placements), so so far the devs haven't seen much of a reason to ban them
Yeah. It's just a dog dude. It really isn't that bad you pussy.
Pitbulls are the most common dog breed in America
t.shitbull owner
Why do you lie about easily verifiable facts?
Nothing more satisfying than seeing shitbulls get purged.
t. skeleton that can't handle getting a little scrape on his arm
reminder that wojakposting should be a bannable offense
ITT: Chink bugmen
Don't you have a wife to watch get fucked, sóyboy?
>popular=most common
There are 3.6 mllion pitbulls in the us user. Do you really think a expensive breed like Labradors would have a bigger population?
I had a pit bull. She was a nice girl to me and my family, but occasionally she would escape and attack people. She ripped up a neighbors german shepherd's lip pretty good once.
A lot of people in my town have pit bulls. One time one of them escaped its fencing and bit my leg and tore my pants.
Pitbulls are dangerous as hell.
For me, it's the Rottweiler.
>the last one that's still somehow alive after repeatedly getting shot starts shitting
Don't you have porn to watch incel?
Make it forbidden to stream them on Twitch and YouTube.
Never saw the full webm. Is there a source for it
>he believes in gamer
lmao end yourself rightly
Is it weird that every time I see a rottie I wanna kiss it on the mouth?
Well, I for one think the horror genre could be fixed if we got rid of rehashing the same streamerbait formula and-- hey, wait a minute! I don't think this thread was actually created to incite video game discussion, but rather create debate between pitbull wwners and those who want to ban pitbulls! I've alerted the janitor of this thread.
No you're right about that, I'm sorry. I don't go to animal shelters or poor black neighborhoods very often though so I don't see them and I'd imagine it's the same for most of this board.
this threads a little off topic. you know its some shitty indie dev that keeps making these threads so im glad this one got derailed.
just make the horror surreal and senseless like silent hill. but you wont do it as well. i hope the next thread like this ends up being about trump or something. fingers crossed.
Title alone gets me to chuckle. Well done
English Bull terriers are the most based dog.
>He believes in media manufactured clickbait fear campaigns.
Lmao fucking NPC.
What if it starts to flail his head left and right when he has the arm?
Getting surprised isn't horror, though.
>Meanwhile some shitzu owning pajeet manages to choke it to death like it was nothing
Why are Americans so quick to ban everything that mildly inconveniences them?
do you like firetrucks?
Pray your quick enough to wrestle it on its back with your weight or get into the choke
Horror is tricky to pull off, if not one of the hardest genres to do right. It NEEDS a perfect balance of atmosphere, soundtrack, game design, writing, character / set design, etc,.
Horror is "picky", you cant fuck up one aspect, you need to nail them all.
It can't just have good gameplay, for example. Horror needs to invoke a number of emotions, and you really need an intuitive/creative person to helm it.
>I-I-I-I-I w-wasn't scared! J-just surprised
That excuse never convinced anyone in Elementary School and it doesn't convince anyone now James.
Do you happen to be of the caucasian and female persuasion?
How many seconds do you think you'd last in a fight with me before you started crying? I'm saying 10 tops.
I don't get it. Is this an American thing?
Americans are entitled pussies who fear confrontation but love power fantasies where all conflict is ended seamlessly with a bullet and I'm saying this as an American.
>More existential dread
>Better level design
>Less linearity
Pretty much the main reasons why Bioshock's scary parts and Call of Cthulu DCOE's non-shit parts are remembered so well, and so fondly. Most of them were pretty much entirely optional to see, extremely well-integrated into the gameplay, and often you would only find certain scary elements on a second (or even third) playthrough.
Linearity is truly the cancer that killed horror games. No replay value, usually relying on quick adrenaline-filled scares rather than long-unforgotten fear. The good kind of horror is that which gets even scarier the more you think about it.
There should be more things added catering to more specific fears as well. Things like
>Colossal structures like giant, dark halls with incredibly thin towering pillars
>Unnerving yet unspecifiable strangeness to a situation, like overwhelming symmetry or otherwise "too-perfect" architecture
>Quiet, dark moments, where nothing is heard but your footsteps. Not leading up to a jump-scare, but still scary due to the fact that you're all alone with your mind
And perhaps, most important of all
>The Unknown, things that happen off-screen which you discover just after it happened, perhaps remaining unexplained for the remainder of the game. Movements in the corner of your view. Mysteries that only are explained by even bigger mysteries.
This is why Call of Cthulu DCOTE is such a massive fucking disappointment. It understood many of these points perfectly for the first half of the game, and then it decides to smear shit all over the rest.
I'm more of a monter truck man myself
>all conflict is ended seamlessly with a bullet
Is this wrong?
Yeah it is you pussy. Because now we're so cucked that if we ever have an issue that isn't solved by shooting someone we either cry about it and do nothing to solve it or just pretend it doesn't exist.
Does the horror genre 'need' fixing?
I can fucking hear it
Indians know what to do with pitbulls
the language of that article it's disgustingly one-sided
they don't even consider that the pitbull was an actual threat
literally just beat it up. Only get eaten if youre a trap, faggot or nigger
>Yeah it is you pussy. Because now we're so cucked that if we ever have an issue that isn't solved by shooting someone we either cry about it and do nothing to solve it or just pretend it doesn't exist.
Oh you're extrapolating about silly nonsense. I thought you meant if there was ever a fight it couldn't be ended seamlessly with a bullet.
This is a very funny image
Fuck these monsters. Every time I pass one of these when I'm out for a run it feels like I'm playing Russian roulette. For some reason they tend to be off the leash too.
>I was never attacked by a dog, but I'm deadly afraid of them because the news said so.
When will you realise that jumpscares aren't even scary, they just rely on sound loud noise to startle people.
>Call of Cthulu DCOE's non-shit parts
So only the first 1/3 of the game before the RE4 truck chase shootout happens and it becomes RE4, only shit?
That's also a problem. We're so scared to ever lose or get hurt that we always have to jump to the nuclear option and then rationalize being such an apex pussy.
>horror thread
>It's a pitbull thread
Every time
Rottweilers are really nice dogs. Any workdog is bound to be nice if you socialize them well. The shitty part is that they end up with owners that don't give a shit about it and end up being temperamental because they never learned to be around people and other animals. Same thing happens to German Shepherds.
Wait, why would you not minimize risk to yourself? Do you drive without a seatbelt too?
>I wanna kill something without fear of being rejected by society, guess I'll kill this dog haha XD
Pretty much.
All the investigationing and such, at least until you get your shotgun. There are some good parts in the rest of the game of course, except they are far and few between in the sea of excrement
He's a brain dead moron who is pretending to be super cool and tough on the internet.
I would just go hunting like a normal person.
Look at those big sleepy boys uwu
Once I was walking around the countryside and a vicious af dog just appeared out of nowhere and started growling at me, bearing its fangs etc. I calmly made myself as big as I could and yelled 'No!' as loud as I could and it ran away.
Stop being a pussy and dogs won't go for you.
If someone ever sees you have a gun and you fight them they're indefinitely going to kill you as opposed to just beat you up. It's nowhere near comparable to wearing a seatbelt.
I want to kill every Pitbull and every pitbull owner
A game where you're established as morally wrong right off the bat. The fun being creating atrocities to pique your own curiosity. Maybe a cultist who comits sacrifices on innocent people and the fear is brought onto yourself as you discover demonic horrors the more you tamper with unknown forces. I think that setup could offer more varied gameplay then your typical walk around, get spooked, solve a puzzle, try to leave place sorta affair. It would give you more freedom to do taskes like comit sins as you're encouraged by your own curiosity to see the horrors in the game as payoff for being directly involved in horrible actions.
But I would kill them first since I have the gun?
How do you get through life being so retarded? Holy shit.
God why the fuck has this become another damn pitbull thread
they're literally the exact same every single fucking time
you fucks keep deriding reddit for being an amalgamation of reposts and circlejerks, but at the same time you shitheads keep circulating the exact same five threads per board
I wanted to discuss horror games for fuck's sake
One day I am in my village, a monkey come from the jungle walking around like dis. I see the monkey, I beat the monkey with a stick his brain come out. The monkey never come back to the village.
RPG Horror games like Clock Tower
Because OP started the thread with a webm of a Pitbull. If you're too retarded to not see where this thread was going from the beginning that's your fault.
Make a thread without a pitbull in the OP then
Redneck Wigger deserved the pain he feared so badly
But they might have a gun as well and pull first because you've created an environment where it should be expected to just shoot someone threatening you.
The same way you get through life being such a pussy.
Holy shit you actually are retarded.
shut the fuck retard
>But they might have a gun as well and pull first because you've created an environment where it should be expected to just shoot someone threatening you.
Well then the fight would never escalate in the first place if we both had a gun and knew the other person would use it. I'm glad we live in such an environment. But if the other guy didn't have a gun and he did try to fight, I would shoot him and be safe.
Jumpscares dont even affect me. Besides most of the time it just damages my eardrums because of how high I had my volume in a quiet part.
>It was the baby's fault he didn't choke out the frenzied pitbull.
Retards like you give responsible gun owners a bad rap.
It's a gook discord group shitting all over Yea Forums what do you expect?
Yeah it wouldn't escalate because you'd be dead.
no this is a blatant bait thread
Why would I be dead if another law abiding citizen and I aren't fighting?
>be mexican
>let my pitbull kill any animal it wants
>neighbors little girl lost her cat
>realize my dog killed it a few days ago
>tell her I haven't seen her sweet kitty
>close door and eat rice and beings
Honestly dogs are meant for protection. If you want a pet you can cuddle with just get a stuffed animal.
He's fucking memeing you absolute retard.
The law says you just have to be threatening to be put down. All it takes is for another law abiding citizen to be uncomfortable around you.
No don't you understand? Every gun owner is an uncontrollable monster that will pull their gun out and shoot for no reason at all! They see you carrying a gun and get the irresistible urge to shoot you first for no reason! That is what this retarded "tough guy" actually believes.
So you're such a huge pussy you're afraid of someone with a tool on their belt? Are you scared of a plumber with a wrench on his belt too? What a fag.
>The law says you just have to be threatening to be put down. All it takes is for another law abiding citizen to be uncomfortable around you.
Oh in Texas you're allowed to open carry so that excuse wouldn't fly in a court of law so the citizen wouldn't be law abiding if I made no form of aggression. Since open carry is allowed, open carry is not aggression :)
>All it takes is for another law abiding citizen to be uncomfortable around you.
It's really funny that noguns retards like this actually exist. Imagine being being this sheltered.
And then call other people pussies when they're literally afraid of the equivalent of a pencil.
Jumpscares are fine if they're not raping your ears. Unfortunately I can't think of a single horror game that has silent/quiet jumpscares.
>Rice and beings
You're the real animal
Oh so just because something looks scary isn't a reason to feel threatened by it even when you believe it's main purpose is to kill... like pitbulls?
Thanks for admitting anyone against pitbulls are irrational retards :)
Fucking mutt nigbull vermin
No one is scared of what a pitbull looks like you retard.
false flagging /pol/
Everyone knows Mexicans can't afford dogs while they themselves try not to starve to death.
yes, the big one rips the puppy's head off with a bite, you don't wanna see it man
What? We were talking about fights between two people and all of a sudden you bring up pitbulls?
Does the full webm for this even exist?
>hatred of pitbulls is based on looks
Nope. You just made yourself look stupid again, that's all.
Pitbulls main purpose isn't to kill. it's a dog. a companion. A gun isn't even meant for mindless killing it's a tool for self defense.
ez and unironic answer: have women produce, direct, or write horror video games
They're moving the goalposts all over the place because they're mentally retarded and can't prove any of their points. At first they were calling people pussies for using guns. Then claiming that by having a gun other people will just attack you for no reason with intent to kill just for having a gun. Then they changed to having a gun on your belt is grounds to kill you because it's making them threatened. Now they're trying to bring this back to pitbulls for some reason.
Een kan er maar de lekkerste zijn.
Yeah I'm starting to get the feeling of desperation and straw grasping.
A pitbull's main purpose is to fight and hold large animals so the hunter can kill it. Not for companionship.
So what's the fuss about then? Do you fear every animal you walk past?
We were actually talking about non-confrontational pussies afraid of conflict, not specifically fights.
Yeah, it's based off exagerated stereotypes. If you don't like pitbulls you shouldn't like guns hypocrite.
So why treat pitbulls like they are?
>guns aren't meant for mindless killing
>tool for self defense
Oh boy, we sure showed those gooks back in Nam our self defense!
>lovecraftian pitbull
shotgun if you live in burgerland
One day i was in the village and monkey come into village. He challenge me, I HANG HIM UP LIKE JESUS CHRIST, the monkey never come back
>exagerated stereotypes
Sorry retard, but statistics showing their risk support arguments against pitbulls
god you're fucking pathetic, enjoy dying a slave you fucking pussy faggot
>We were actually talking about non-confrontational pussies afraid of conflict, not specifically fights.
I'm not afraid of conflict because I have a firearm.
There's the multiple replies in one post. I knew it'd happen eventually. And considering your responses it's clear you're brain dead. I have no reason to fear walking past a cat. I have no reason to fear walking past a bird. There is plenty of evidence to justify being wary and on guard near a pitbull. Pitbulls =/= guns either you faggot. My gun isn't going to go running after a small child to attack it on its own.
There's reports of people using kitchen knives to kill people. I guess kitchen knives are only for mindless killing now.
Yeah defended our interests in the area from the Communists. If the people back home didn't cause such a fuss over nothing we could have stayed.
what the fuck are they doing?
Grab it by the throat or something at least fucking tards
You can stop posting these nigger dogs. They are not video game related in any way.
Yes, correct. We've already seen a fuck ton of horror movies, books, and video games created from a man's perspective
>Gun has one utility, to have someone meet their maker
>Knife has more than one application
These gun-fearing faggots are also the ones hoping for a civil war to happen so they can "take down those bigots!" Little do they realize that there won't be anyone to do the fighting for them and they'll be too afraid to pick up a weapon.
keep moving those goalposts
>rice and beings
>ITT: pussy niggas scared of little dogs
Pits are adorable and the meme about them being murder machines has gotten stale.
t. has had 2 APBTs
>Gun is only used to kill
Guns can do another things?? plz pm me ;)
Statistics show guns only ever hurt people too but I don't see you wanting them gone.
t. 120 lb gun owner
If you didn't fear conflict you wouldn't feel the need to end it immediately. That's like saying you're not afraid of the dark because you have a flashlight. Obviously you do fear it if you need to protect yourself from it constantly.
No, but your gun can be "raised" to be used against a small child. You can "train" to make killing with your gun more efficient, and your gun will not bring happiness to anyone around it.
Obliterate it
are pitbulls and staffies closely related? I have a staffy and it looks like heaps of the pitbulls in this thread
What's going on here exactly? Black guy trying to fight them off looks like they're eating the other dudes dog. WTF
Disappointed to see based german shepards on there. My favorite dogs for sure. But they're big dogs for you and I could see a nigger teaching one to act like a nigbull.
Those poor innocent clay targets... How could you just KILL them like that?!
Thats exactly whats happening
Black guys dog got attacked by 3 pitbulls and black guy tries to save his dog, but shitbulls being shitbulls are literally eating his dead-dog's neck
No mexicans struggle to afford simple living conditions vecause they buy dumb unnecessary shit like pitbulls so they can look cool, then they feed local cats to the pitbull because theyre too busy buying other dumb shit to afford food
t. Mexican
I don't know, a woman created Fullmetal Alchemist and that had Nina and other things that scared young me.
>gun's purpose is still to destroy things that do no wrong
really shows you the inner workings of a gun owner.
Post full image now
Based, fuck pitbulls, should be genocided
You're baiting right? At this point it has to be bait. No one can actually be this stupid.
Ok I thought it was the guy that was crying
Please show us all the cases of those pitbulls killing those babies in self defense.
sounds like an urban legend
Guns save more lives then end them so your argument kinda falls apart there
Are you seriously saying that clay targets have a "right to live?"
I find porn art that are based on the style of actual cartoons pretty endearing. In the case of Wappah, putting Steven Universe style heads on porn bodies seem to work out quite nicely.
German Shepard are based dogs but require good training, they're the opposite of pitnigs
Please show me cases of guns killing babies in self-defense.
How many people have died in World War 1 and 2? Colonization?
Guns are bad.
Orange man bad.
Diversity is our strength.
profiling saves lives, you one word liberal retard.
>If you didn't fear conflict you wouldn't feel the need to end it immediately. That's like saying you're not afraid of the dark because you have a flashlight. Obviously you do fear it if you need to protect yourself from it constantly.
You're right, I don't like the idea of putting myself in harm's way for no reason which is why I carry a gun. I also don't like the idea of dying in a car accident so I wear a seatbelt to minimize risk.
So you agree that the purpose of guns is to destroy and your only excuse is "b-b-but we can destroy things that aren't alive with them too!"
>mfw my moms German shepherd killed her Beagle because shes a shit owner who can't properly raise dogs
I was so pissed about that. Honestly hate this current culture of 'OMG LOOK AT CUTE DOG LET ME GET DOG AND NOT EVEN WORRY IF I CAN RAISE IT OR NOT' You have to beat the ever living fuck out of a dog to make them know who is in charge and to make them mind, so they have a respect for you, not take dumb photos of them for Facebook.
>Jackhammer's purpose is to destroy things that do no wrong
That poor innocent sidewalk...
>Look at this! A gun isn't used for destruction!
Are you trying to say all guns are used for peace?
The text in the OP is important to figuring out if a thread is worth your time.
If its the same template text you've seen a hundred times before, the real topic of the thread is the OP image. This is intentional, and is how faggots manage to discuss any topic (essentially Yea Forums into Yea Forums). Rarely you'll get a thread that completely ignores OP's true intentions, but its not worth the risk.
Avoid putting animals in your OP whatsoever in general though. Theres a trend lately of cunts coming out of the woodwork to blog about their pets the second they see an animal on the catalog.
No. I was just countering
who said guns only ever have one application.
Why do you keep moving your goalposts? Is it because your little pea brain finally realizes you're wrong about everything and you're desperately trying to save face? I'm so sorry you care about all of those clay targets being ripped from their families.
I got to shoot a neighbors pit once, what a great day thing came on my porch and started gnawing at my uncles cat, cat was dead but any excuse to rid the world of another shitbull is worth it.
A jackhammer's purpose is to remove concrete so you fix something underneath it. A gun's purpose is to destroy things you don't like for no reason.
You usually don't need to beat up a dog desu
If you do that you are either a fucking idiot or have a fucking retarded dog that doesn't understands anything but violence
government will curbstomp your shitty head
I'm sure there is a peaceful way to get the concrete out of the way but the heartless construction industry doesn't think twice about dismantling innocent concrete
Guns serve no purpose except for what the owner's intentions are.
That was a great scare, and a great fuckin game too.
>be normal, well adjusted adult
>buy an attack dog
explain this
fucking shoot it
that's what the second amendment is for, right?
Why do YOU keep moving the goalpost? The point is guns are much more dangerous and much less useful than any other actual tool.
Well the smart move is to not wait to kill a shitbull. You should kill them much sooner, euthanize them asap. Tm
No way that'll work, there's a picture of a guy who got decapitated by pitbulls, I'm pretty sure he was dead way before they achieved that and didn't stop them from mauling the corpse.
Guns are only dangerous if the person wielding it is dangerous you colossal retard. A gun sitting on a table does nothing to anyone.
>own 2 mini daschunds
>somehow they keep ripping pigeons out of the sky and eating them
what the fuck???
>Live in a mostly white town
>No nigbulls in sight
Feels good
And I'll curbstomp yours before they get to me.
Guns are just made for the animalistic joy of destruction for the sake of it. Stop comparing utility to forced "leisure" activities for psychopaths.
You can stop trying to act black you faggot snowflake.
God fuck pitbulls "It all depends on the owner!" my fucking ass, i'm terrified to this day. As a kid i was riding my scooter around outside and one jumped over a fucking 5 ft tall fence and started chasing me, i got to my house door in time and my dad came running out and beat the hell out of it with a broom. Fuck those things
Is that really an argument though? A knife can be used to your fruit or cut someone. Hammers can be used to build or maul someones head. Guns can shoot clay objects and people or animals
Which one of these can are NOT like the others
It just wanted to play retard. Not surprised an autist wouldn't know what companionship looks like.
I think that it's good that people can have guns, so that they can shoot people like you.
Fag. Fuck you.
>Guns are just made for the animalistic joy of destruction for the sake of it. Stop comparing utility to forced "leisure" activities for psychopaths.
Same with jackhammers.
>No negotiation
>No talking
>Just rip and tear like some edgelord
I don't appreciate you minimizing the struggles of concrete and the construction industries love for psychopathic violence under the guise of "utility"
>Bring back jumpscares
>doesn't know how DOOM 3 flopped
So? What are the actual useful applications of a gun besides destruction? I don't give a fuck about what it does on it's own, what is it used for retard?
A knife can be used to kill people or animals, hammers can be used to kill people or animals. A gun can be used for entertainment and ceremony, I know you'll just say "dat's not important" to win the argument but that's moving the goalpost again.
One could say that guns created the freedom you are exercising right now. Which is that you can spew whatever inane dribble comes to your tiny little brain.
man those shots were satisfying as fuck, fuck pitbulls
Self defense to prevent further destruction.
Once again, retard gun owner needs lead to solve all his conflict because he can't stand his ground any other way.
>never lived in outskirts of town or farm
>never seen hostile wildlife threatening his livestock or produce
Yes user, go out and defend your land with a bow and arrow
>The dog wen't after me
>I don't caaaaaaare
It's a joke, you retard.
So you admit their sole purpose is destruction and threats of destruction?
... .. we've already discussed how to do that, it's just retards asking this thread, that like shitposting.
nigger detected
That poor guy. Was just trying to save his little pupper.
>God I hate destruction
>But preventing more destruction is bad
>Doesn't refute what a gun can do else other than destroy or be a expensive paperweight
Thanks for playing!
>be a normal, well adjusted adult
>buy a dog
explain this
You can't joke with these retards. They're too stupid to fully grasp that.
I have a better joke for you, gun ownership
Also for recreational fun. Like target practice. Or for competitions.
This. Why can't daddy government just step on me already?
You need to be able to bring someone into that world before you properly scare them
But you're DESTROYING those INNOCENT clay and paper targets!
I'm so glad I live in a civilized country like Britain, where we only have things like little girls being murdered and turned into kebab meat, acid attacks, stabbings and gangs of peoples of African descent shooting each other with shotguns
>childhood friends family had pitbull
>kept quiet
>never showed serious aggression
>family still keeps it on a bulky fuckin chain and never let it near children or other dogs
>dies of brain tumour at old age without ever hurting anyone
pitbulls are dangerous bipolar fuckers, but the real retard is anyone that lets them get into a situation where they chimp out
Never go down. If you are gonna get bitten try to bait an arm then once it's locked on just commit to lifting the cunt off the ground and slamming into something hard
it's natural prey is infants so as an adult you have low chance of death and should be working on minimising damage to hands and face
No, the better joke is being someone who cries about people owning guns.
Why not just domesticate the wildlife pussy? Too much work for a murderer?
>I need to threaten to destroy things to stop destruction because I'm a neanderthal incapable of diplomacy
Oh yes, more destruction, such a fun wholesome hobby!
I'll take shit that didn't happen for 600
Tell you what. You go out and domesticate bears in your lifetime and I'll get rid of my gun.
Still less murders than clapistan
>>I need to threaten to destroy things to stop destruction because I'm a neanderthal incapable of diplomacy
All criminals can be reasoned with?
I'm getting a bit bored with this bait, if you want dopamine from my (you)s, I'll still give them to you when the eyeball in the top right lights up but other than that I'm going to do something else.
It's no fun when you make it this obvious of a parody m8
>Any time a dog gets into a scuffle or a fight in the park the proper action is to kill one of the dogs?
Yes, that's perfectly reasonable, if you don't train your dog to socialize and how to behave but still bring out your dog into the public putting people and others at risk, you are culpable for any violence your dog commits and at that point your neglect resulting in violence is not the responsibility of strangers to adopt.
You failed as a dog owner, you failed your dog and you failed your social responsibility to the community.
I don't get why dog owners have such terrible sense of responsibility as to think that they have no obligations to ensure the safety of those around them when it comes to their dogs as if no one could see it coming.
>I have not trained my dog to behave or to socialize or how to react to other people or how to get him under control if he ever starts to act up
>how was I supposed to know my dog would not behave well out in public, get out of control and result in a fight?
>it's not my or my dog's fault, it's the person who defended themselves they're the bad guy!
90% of dog owners make me sick.
Stay on your feet and stomp on it as much as possible. Dogs try to drag their prey to the ground, they probably can't kill you if you can remain standing. Your face and neck are too high. If you do fall over, protect your throat by keeping one forearm over it at all times and dont move it regardless of the dogs attack method. Use your feet to kick the dog away from your face and use your free hand to gouge at its face. Dogs instinctively attack whatever body part you present it first, which is why they go for sticks instead or just going under them and going at your legs. If your hand is bitten, do not attempt to pull it out, this will severely mangle your hand. Instead shove the hand deeper into the dog and attempt to suffocate it. The dog will instinctively release your hand more willingly if you try to force your hand down instead of out which will trigger them to bite down harder and shake as if you were a small prey animal. When your hand is in there try your hardest to damage its jaw muscles and pull on its tongue if you can.
Dogs are predators and predators fear injury, aim for the eyes with your strikes.
Done. Trash your murder machine.
I agree it's a good hobby. You should try it out sometime. I heard it could be therapeutic since you need to be focused on what you're doing it helps clear your thoughts.
>shitbull owner is a hysterical white women with dreads
Of course
That's not domesticated. Glad to know you're using words that you don't know the definition of.
Yes you can reason with criminals. And I don't care if you think being a human being is "bait", that just showed how fucked gun owners are.
Same goes for you.
>all those bystanders
>not going after the occasion to stomp and kick shitbulls to death
Wild bears still exist, user.
>Shoot it straight in the head
>Break it's neck
>Stab it in the chest
>Stick your finger up it's ass
Last one might be a meme idk,But i knew a man who owned them, He even said it takes a few cracks with a shovel over its head to make it stop.
>anti-gun fag
>using words they don't know they definition of
Well congratulations. That one Youtube video means that all the bears are domesticated now. Before I trash my murder machine I'd really like to see you hug one. :) Since they're tame now you can just go into the wilderness and hug one right now!
ah yes let me reason with this dangerous criminal
oh dear, it seems i have been stabbed in the chest and my shoes have been stolen
Feral dogs exist too. Doesn't mean they can't be tamed again.
Just gouge it's fucking eyes out.
Problem solved.
You can't, because it has desensitized you to itself. You cannot be perpetually horrified by digital violence and gore. It's self-defeating, like medical personnel being disturbed by trauma. It just goes away.
Sounds like you should have paid more attention in school, perhaps spent some time in college learning about sociology, but instead you choose to be an inbred dropout gun running caveman incapable with reasoning with people.
Are you a white girl?
More body horror would be fun
then how do you expect people to take you seriously? you cant really make jokes on the internet because there isnt the same context that you would have with a voice, something you say jokingly IRL will not carry across well to text with no emotion
I've worked with animals for years. Once a dog goes totally feral you cant knock that out of them. Feral dogs need to just be put down, they cant be safely integrated into homes. The best you can do with them is find them a junkyard where mechanics will throw it scraps from time to time.
>What the fuck is that name
Based whoever he is. Sounds indjun, just pictured Nigthwolf straight chokeslammning a shitbull kek
Because the thread started with pitbulls, that was the whole point of the thread.
lmao, fag
Not him but out of curiosity could you run me down an example of talking a criminal out of murdering you for your property? Genuinely curious.
Own a tiger.
>That chuckle at the end as the shitbull recoils as he strikes you
But they aren't tamed NOW. Guess there is still a reason to own guns.
>Yes you can reason with criminals.
My AR is wating for you faggot
>greetings from /arg/
Oh hey, a thread about horror games, I guess there'll be some interesting discu-
>violent criminals
Pick one.
I see this is your first time on Yea Forums
>make it obvious you're not a threat and have no intention of retaliation by having a relaxed stance and showing your palms with your hands up
>inquire why you are being robbed
>discuss alternatives to crime as ways for the assailant to stabilize himself
>exchange contact info so you could perhaps meet up and work out a deal that benefits both of you in the long run
Don't even argue with gun grabbers, The 2A is not up for debate. Just laugh at them for the retards they are
why havent you voted ron paul yet bro?
>implying Tyreese won't just ice your cracka ass bix nood muffaga
Have you ever *met* a feral nigger? I'm not talking about "Bradley" you met in college who became an accountant. I'm talking kentucky-fried detroit ape.
They'd probably shoot you twice for that exchange.
Of course they haven't. You can tell this sheltered faggot has never been out into the world.
Why don't people just fuck up the pitbull when they get attacked? Its always some retard letting the dog chew on its arm or leg while they try to just shake it off. You are a vastly superior creature that should be able to fucking own it in a fight and put that retarded little creature in its place for trying to eat you or whatever its stupid little subspecies brain thinks its going to do.
What happens if the assailant is uninterested in alternatives due to trying and failing similar options in the past or burning too many bridges so they feel this is the only way? Is it not possible, perhaps even most probable that the person will simply disregard your suggestions?
It's so fucking obvious that you're some white fuckboi who lives in a gated community.
>>exchange contact info so you could perhaps meet up and work out a deal that benefits both of you in the long run
You list this as if you're obligated to negotiate with a robber at all.
>>exchange contact info so you could perhaps meet up and work out a deal that benefits both of you in the long run
Good bait post 10/10 please do a comedy skit I'd fucken pay for this shit
do amerilards actually believe this?
are they unaware their shithole is far more violent than any properly civilized country?
What would you do Yea Forums?
You sound like the whitest, most liberal motherfucker on this planet.
have retarded opinion, Yea Forums no like
have retarded opinion but post wojak meme, Yea Forums like
Adrenaline and panicking fucks with your ability to act rationally. It's a major contributor for why most victims of shooting sprees either run or simply curl up into a ball and hope for the best.
Maybe it's a real Brit you obsessed homo.
look up the most humane, and inexpensive way to euthanize dogs
Sell them to niggers for 100-300 each?
>second most murderous breed
>still can't compete with pitbulls
why are chadbulls so based?
He's baiting, calm down.
Have you? People are people and people can be reasoned with. Just don't be a pussy and have confidence in your voice and anyone can be talked down from violence.
If you asses the situation properly there's no way talking them down won't work out.
Why not? Every person you meet should be a potential comrade. There's no reason not to cooperate with your fellow man if given the opportunity.
Find the nearest furnace
I hate pitbulls so much.
>There's no reason not to cooperate with your fellow man if given the opportunity.
So you sincerely believe there's no possible way someone can disregard any argumentation to achieve their ends? I'm going to assume you're just arguing in bad faith for attention.
>Just don't be a pussy
>Try to weasle out of Tyreese robbing you by offering your boipussy to get pozz'd
Even if this is bait, you deserve a (you) just to call the proud owner of an extra chromosome.
Pic related.
plastic bag, fill with water, leave overnight.
You do realize that all the terrible statistics you hear about are mostly because of black communities and outside that the US is a fairly peaceful place, particularly outside of major cities, even accounting for mass shootings?
Whenever a foreigner or someone else is bashing the US for it's gun violence they are indirectly bashing the black population of the US.
I wish we replaced niggers with monkeys, Nothing would change but it would be funnier
>Dude even apologises
>She still chimps out
Are you fucking kidding me?
This is the reason why Pitbulls should have their bipolar retardation outbred so that these hysterical cunts can stop being retards and buy the bipolar dog. Whatever Anglo thought it was a good idea to combine a bulldog and a Terrier is a retard. This is the reason Eugenics will never work
Sadly this exact reason is why so many shelters have fucktons of pitbulls
Backyard breeders pump out ill bred drooling inbred dogs that haven't been selected for temperament, and every retarded dog owners wants a kyoot puppee but is too dumb to realize you can't just not train/socialize a dog of that size. They get big and are fucked up mentally by people who don't know how dogs work so they get sent to a shelter once they start acting out.
We all know where it goes from there, something like 2,000 pitts are euthanized a day in the US, and the shitty breeders don't care because they made their money.
>So you sincerely believe there's no possible way someone can disregard any argumentation to achieve their ends
Of course they will if you have poor argumentative skills. That's why you should practice your rhetoric. How many hours would you spend at a range to be a good killer? Why not turn those hours into reading psychology and sociology literature?
Gun toting pussy.
Actually monkeys can be very tame and socially adept creatures.
Find the location of the closest Chinese restaurant, surely they have an equivalent of veal right?
Why is it always niggers?
Then why have you completely failed at convincing anyone to your stupid bullshit? You must have pretty poor argumentative skills.
True, Koko the gorilla had a higher iq than some country's in Africa
Fucking based
T i g e r s
>can't even @ me properly
Devotion is decent, too bad winnie the pooh got mad and got it removed from steam, but you can still pirate it
he's trying to avoid giving you (you)s
>Tiger backs off, doesn't even want to fight, gives the dog chance to back off
>retarded shitbull still being overly aggressive trash
>gets btfo
Didn't know the tigers were so based
Why are white women so obsessed with dogs and niggerbulls?
>if you ignore the crime it has less crime
why do amerilards always have such disdain for their fellow countrymen? they don't even have proper healthcare lmao
For someone who proclaims himself to be a master of rhetoric you've don't next to nothing to convince anyone here that anything you've said isn't utter horseshit. But lets not lie to ourselves, baiting for replies was the only reason to posted in this thread.
>Instead shove the hand deeper into the dog and attempt to suffocate it. The dog will instinctively release your hand more willingly if you try to force your hand down instead of out which will trigger them to bite down harder and shake as if you were a small prey animal.
Alrighty then. If all chips are down, I know what I'm doing.
>Seal them in a different containment cells with enough food, water and space to piss and shit.
>Sometimes walk in and play with them whilst wearing full Medieval Plate Armor and an additional sword in case and clean up their shit as well.
>Bring other breeds of dogs of opposing area in each cell, preferably breeds that will result in a friendlier dog
>Out-breed the Pitbull's retard gene and create a dog that isn't retarded.
>Popularise the breed amongst Pitmommies so they can stop being retards
>Get money and lower amount of pit bull attacks
Killing isn't the only way to make a breed go extinct.
dogs are dumb retarded inbred wolves, abominations unto the lord
She is just fucking the white mans best friend
isn't there a reason that she's letting the wolf do that other than
>white woman?
Wayyyy back at the start of this whole chain, I pointed out that gun owners are pussies who will either cry or disengage with any conflict that can't be solved with a bullet. Look at how they all stopped replying to me as my arguments got stronger and they could use no weaponry to stop me. Some even threatened to end my life but backed off when I scolded them accordingly. I'm still standing and they are gone. My arguments have won.
Now this is based, We have changed dogs rapidly in the last 100 years, It can be done easy.
You're a registered pedophile, no wonder you live in commiefornia.
obviously, it's still fun
If you can get on top of its back, grab its front legs and pull them upwards over its back. If you do that you can collapse a dog's shoulder blades into its chest cavity and possibly rupture its heart.
Pic related.
I get what you're saying but you're retarded if you think every gun owner is a perfectly rational and responsible person.
>Pit bull was leashed
>Shitty kick me dogs wasn't
Bully breeds are retarded and can get fucked but the chink fucker is in the wrong here.
The point being that it's not the guns but the people.
Surely you understood that point, especially given that in those communities and cities gun control and laws are the strongest than in any other parts of the country, the more peaceful parts of the country, where gun propagation is even bigger but way less violent.
So when someone bashes the US for gun crime they are bashing blacks and gun control.
Pedos live in Washington DC
What an absolutely based tiger.
No, actually, they just realized that they better things to do with their time and left because they can only babysit a retard for so long. The only thing you have convinced people of is that you're completely moronic and out of touch with reality. You parrot stupid shit you've heard from others and try to claim victory when you've clearly lost. You're so desperate to be right that you are doing mental gymnastics to convince yourself that you are right. It's honestly rather sad how much you have to lie to yourself. You can not admit you were wrong. You can no take that responsibility. That's why you dislike guns. Guns force you to take responsibility. This is not a conflict, it was a debate. The fact that you can not tell the difference proves how truly distorted your mind is.
>Yes you can reason with criminals.
Now apply it to the real world you dumb fuck. Would you risk getting killed trying to reason with some criminal, who could be, for all you know, a serial killer, druggie, psychopath etc. or simply gun down the fucker?
Ive always wanted one and name him Patton.
Man those things don't even suffer when killed. Are you those dogs are not just brainless machines?
I know a lot of anti gunners, I wouldn't trust any of them with a gun, But i believe in their right to own one, Faggot.
Have they? They still remain unconvinced by any and all of your arguments and will most certainly continue to be gun toting rambos. This is all coming from someone who doesn't own a gun and would prefer for strict regulations and or the absolute abolishment of guns by the way.
No one has ever said that every gun owner is perfectly rational and responsible. The reason I carry a gun is because I am aware that there are people out there who are not as rational and responsible as I am. I protect myself and others from those people.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates pitbulls
What happened?
Thought the same too, I almost regretted clicking the vid because I'm a huge pussy when it comes to dogs whimpering and being hurt but I was ust amazed at how unfazed those things were when shot.
Actually the more you reply to him the better he feels about himself. It's best to let people like this fall off into obscurity, stop replying.
Can't those fuckers take an actual bat swing to the head and still keep going? Don't really know full capability of a pitbull. You should consider that most people are dyels too
Shitbulls have always been hated by anyone with two braincells to rub together.
>I don't trust them with weapons but they should have weapons anyways
>Game where you have to protect the innocents from the horrors around them.
Never said I wanted to ban guns, faggot. A gun for self defense would be pretty comforting but at the same time I don't want any random schmuck to have access to one. Unfortunately this is kind of impossible to prevent so there's no point lamenting it.
All dogs are disgusting abominations. Mutilated and inbred wolves created by the greed of man.
It's just in their nature, blame breeding
Don't avoid fighting in those games
>This is not a conflict, it was a debate
Open a dictionary at least once in your life, gunbrain.
Already done. Read the thread before you reply moron.
The seeds have been planted. They have been convinced but just won't admit it. Wouldn't be surprised if in a month's time they find themselves at the range far less than usual. It's the start. I've won the long game.
pedomuslim pls
I can't look at these without immediately thinking of the one staring at the camera.
Ahmed go to bed
Sounds about white
Debate: An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people
Conflict: A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two opposing groups or individuals.
It's a scientific fact. Go play with your chiwawa while you jerk off to your tiny dick guns you cretins.
So we didn't disagree with how to deal with a criminal?
actual story is his dog nearly died and he killed the pitbull so he didn't get attacked
So why do we still breed dogs for their negative attributes anyway?
Whenever i see a dog that looks nothing like a wolf i can't help myself to see something but an inbred midget with mild retardation. Look at that ugly face, on OP's webm, it looks like its gonna fall of its jaw.
>Pitbull gets the venom symbiote
How fucked are we?
Would these things make good guarddogs
>MFW Stitch was the Alien equivalent of a shitbull, they even wanted to euthanize it.
Are Disney based?
Calm down Mehmet, and stop fucking goats.
Ah, you're one of those retards that cherry-picks a little section instead of the entire definition. I should have known from your original reply where you ignored everything except for the part where you thought you could be smart. I gave your intelligence the benefit of the doubt and was wrong.
Yep, Doesn't mean i have to be around them
It's not impossible, The problem is the people. Fix them or get rid of them.
Pitbulls are notorious for not letting go once they have their jaws around you. This is because they were trained to, guess what, wrestle bulls to the ground in packs. They'd latch onto the bull's legs and no matter how much the bull kicked and jostled around they'd just stay welded on. Pitbulls have this fucked up jaw mechanism where the whole thing basically locks into place and won't open unless they will it. Bats, gun shots, if the thing is adamant it'll have its teeth sunk into you right until its death.
Rent Free (tm)
Love the way you can see the tiger lining up the kill shot; it keeps swinging its right paw behind the shitbulls left shoulder so it can pin it down and go for the neck.
>Fix them or get rid of them
So, impossible.
Your president fucks children, no room to talk.
>your child having its face eaten off is mildly inconveniencing
At this point, it's safe to say that I hate continental Europeans. Anglosphere unite.
No. A guard dog isnt supposed to kill an intruder. Only have him disarmed and waiting for his master to decide the intruders fate. A pitbull would kill an intruder.
Only against toddlers.
That's why I love big cats.
Ah, I see you're one of those uneducated retards who think words only have one static meaning of your choice. What year of high school did you drop out so I know what level I should engage with you from now on?
I hate these fucking anecdotes.
>something isn't dangerous unless it has a 100% lethality rate!
Prove it. I can prove that Eurofaggot leaders sit in the corner at mosques and wear hijabs, you fucking faggot.
How so, Pessimistic user?
Women can't create horror intentionally.
They can create it unintentionally, though.
Great example is Twilight: the "scary" parts are below high school edgelord tier, but the "love" parts just reek of "someone else's fetish".
Women can create great horror, but only when they are trying to create romance and not horror.
Just like how women can be funny, but only when they try to be completely serious.
And which president is that, my muslim brother?
>Prove it.
I know you want to watch childporn really bad, but I'm not that kind of guy. Go get a government job. There's tons of tapes out there after you suicides Epstein.
You must not leave your house very often if you find that user's story to be so fantastical.
Is that the best you can do?
that's the worst thing you could do, and you'll more than likely fucking die if the dog does, and most likely will outrun and tackle your bitch ass down, then tear your throat out
Are bulldogs bad as well since they have the word bull in their name too?
Guns are good.
Orange man good.
We must close our borders to protect ourselves from foreign invaders.
"As nouns the difference between conflict and debate is that conflict is a clash or disagreement, often violent, between two opposing groups or individuals while debate is (obsolete) strife, discord."
Keep trying retard. You can do it if you believe! Use your mastery of diplomacy to settle this DEBATE.
Are you actually Muslim? Your prophet is a literal pedophile though.
More games with RE1 and RE2's method to horror.
Instead of focusing on jumpscares, atmosphere, body horror, or overall danger, find a balance between all four.
Your government is run by pedophiles and they comitted a blatant crime in your face. And all your brainwashed mind could come up with is "is that the best you can do?"
Fucking pathetic, like your inbred dog.
The German shepards were probably just police dogs doing their job.
>This is because they were trained to, guess what, wrestle bulls to the ground in packs
Wait how do people strangle those fuckers anyway? i doubt 1 arm will do the job, will it?
I don't have to let it live. I will sacrfice my left arm and try and lift and put all my weight on it and choke it, or shoot it.
Pitbulls were a mistake. Fuck them.
Bulldogs are too inbred and slow to be as dangerous as a pit. They barely even have a functioning mouth and theyll die from over exertion. Just walking around a house exhausts a bulldog, they're as inbred as they are ugly.
How is this thread still alive?
What if Orange Man is not as good as stated, but not bad either?
What if guns are good?
What if Mexicans and other mestizo trash are actually not good citizens?
it is unfair to compare jap women to white bitches who just demand thier inclusion in everything, jap women just go ahead and make their own media to consume, they are more or less equal to jap men
Why don't you look up the definition of "violent", "opposing", "clash", and "disagreement", and most importantly, "argument" before we continue this CONFLICT, retard?
Jannies gotta be involved
Guns are great for self defense, but they can be easily obtained by the mentally ill and criminals, and banning them won't stop them from obtaining them illegally.
Orange man kinda sucks.
We must have better border control to lower the amount of illegals crossing the border illegally, while also reducing the amount of illegal drugs and weapons being smuggled. Legal immigration is completely okay.
If it hasn't got its jaw around you, it should be easy enough to choke it out. The issue is if it's got its mouth around your arm or leg.
They correlate with crime and make it harder for law enforcement to function correctly.
Orange man opposes science and favors large corporations over people who can't afford to lobby.
Diversity offers great trade and information exchange possibilities. Without globalism, modern science and technology would literally not be possible and technological advancement would be orders of magnitude slower.
That's because the "It's not the breed, it's the owner" meme that people apply to pitbulls actually does apply to rotties.
Rottweilers are the second most popular dog to throw into dog fights, yet their fatality rate is much much smaller despite being the second most common.
All dogs do that. It's in their instinct to grab and not let go and theyll shake if the thing in their mouth tries to get out because that's how dogs kill small prey, by the shaking not the bites. The damage from being shaken rapidly is what kills their prey.
If you force whatevers in their mouth deeper into it theyll reflexively let go because they have to back away to keep whatever it is from strangling them, and for whatever reason theyll slacken their grip on whatever they have to accomplish it. You can experiment on this with your own dog while playing tug of war. The harder to pull the harder they grip, the harder you push the more likely theyll let go.
That shit was pretty horrifying indeed user.
You'll also find that a lot of the most fucked up hentai is drawn by female Mangakas (often under male pseudonyms).
Any large dog can kill someone, and since German Sheppard is a popular breed it was highly likely that it would be on there, mostly because all the percentages aside from the Rotweillers and Pitbulls are so small they amount to nothing but random noise.
Cope incel
Girls should be married off young and then the marriage gets consummated years later. Otherwise you get the degeneracy that is the W*st.
wtf people have died from bulldogs? Cant you just step on it?
So many words you don't know. Shouldn't you be getting into bed now? You have to be to school tomorrow!
Okay we get it, you can stop shitposting now, you made it too obvious and gave yourself away.
Yes. To give me an erection.
false flaggot.
USA is run by pedophiles that love Saudi Cock.
Most deaths are small children and old people. Dogs try to pull you to the ground, most healthy adults in their early/mid adulthood wont lose their footing and will be able to fight it off.
Kids and old people however are very likely to fall over which is when the dog kills you.
>Okay we get it, you can stop shitposting now, you made it too obvious and gave yourself away.
Bet it's the anti-gun faggot and his "amazing" argumentative skills. Only explanation of why this shit thread hasn't been purged yet.
I hear you lot like to fuck young boys, When your not fucking your family or animals that is. You live in a desert.
Wasn't there that one really fucked up gory horror game made for PC that was written or directed by a woman? I think it was Harvester.
>Coming from the corner of the world that hasn't contributed anything worth while for the best part of 2000 years.
Yeah, Muhammed (piss be upon him) did marry Aisha when she was 6, but like a true gentleman he waited until she was 9 to rape the ever loving fuck out of her to the sound of camel farts filling the dusty night on his tent.
My sister-in-law forced a shitbull half-breed into my brother's household a few months ago.
Talking with my brother, we both know it's a terrible place for the dog to stay since it's very cramped, they're also absentee owners and there's a possibility of the dog breaking out of the house if he chimps out hard enough.
I personally love the dog and he's been a sweetheart to every person he has come across for now, but I know this is an accident waiting to happen, how do I get rid of him without raising suspicion?
Pitbull levels, lots of pitbull levels
Oh my, you're right. I have an AP literature class to bestow knowledge upon! Good night user. Hope a stray round from a redneck firing his gun up in the air to scare criminals away from his property doesn't hit you in your sleep!
Your president fucks children and bows to Saudi.
All of this is retarded and wrong as fuck. There is literally nothing academic that "diversity" is contributing, and nations can cooperate scientifically without being homogenized into a faceless, brown mash.
Jannies decided to be cool today for a change
Europe is run by pedophiles that suck Jew cock.
"Are we going dutch on the bill?"
Stay mad, goatfucker.
If its retarded enough to not disengage as I pull its eyes out and thats how it wants to go out, then so be it.
And there's the hypocrisy. "I hope you die because you disagreed with me during a debate!" What a pathetic sack of shit you are. Don't be late for your "AP literature class" that you totally have!
Those are degenerate Afghanis which are actually encouraged to do so by the US mutt military.
>even mentioning S*udis near me
They are essentially Amerimutts in nature. They will also hang on the day.
Literally contributed more to Chemistry and Mathematics than your entire bloodline ever did. Enjoy being a mentally ill porn addict, degenerate filth.
The lockjaw thing is utter BS. They're just stubborn bastards.
Can anyone shop this pic with the baby craddle being in blood and the shitbulls mouths with stains?
>daughter sitting in lap, kissing dad on cheek is pedophilia
I get that you want to destroy the very notion of a loving family, but you could try a wee bit harder if you wanted to be convincing. At this point, you're just further justifying why we don't want your kind in our countries. KYS
are you sure you aren't an adopted asian?
le maymay of the rope! any day now you cretinous brainwashed fat fuck
And you fuck your sister. I'm surprised you even have internet in your cave
If you project any harder user we'll have to start calling you Odeon
it's not a dog tho
And? That changes nothing about what I said. Big whoopedy doo. Are you fucking underage or something?
>What if Orange Man is not as good as stated, but not bad either?
He's still worse or better than some alternative. Goodness and badness is all relative.
>What if guns are good?
Then well-conducted statistics will change to reflect it. At the moment they say the opposite, although not to a large degree.
>What if Mexicans and other mestizo trash are actually not good citizens?
Even if they are, it still isn't worth the cost of isolationism, let alone bending over for nationalists.
Social costs of isolationist policies are greater than the costs associated with letting in some mediocre immigrants. And that's even before considering costs of defending the border.
Nothing graphic, just a horse getting tired of pitbull's shit.
If anything it makes you stare in awe at the fury a horse can unleash. You know they can kill with a kick, but it's rare to see a
>That's it, you're dead
reaction like that.
A horror game with horses chasing you to bite and kick you to death would be horrifying, now that I think about it.
Your projection was shown and you can't say shit. You call others the pawns of Jews while you do everything you can to please any rich man, you literally send your sons and daughters to the other side of the planet to die for them.
Ah yes, shrieking and strawmen.
Couldn't have expected anything more from a brainwashed loon.
Some faggot muslim calling anyone a fucking mutt is the epitome of hilarious. Don't try to deny it, the ME absolutely is known for boyfucking, and fucking women only for making children. Boys for fun, women for family.
>Attacking a horse
I'll take "bad decisions, worse consequences" for $500 Alex.
I had a pitbull for 15 years and it never hurt anything. I didn't trust him though, he liked holding hands and would sometimes kinda thrash about. I still wouldn't get one again, statistics speak more than 15 years of luck.
Oh, the best part: the horse had whipped his ass and gave him a chance to walk away. The dog was too fucking stupid to take it.
>An unironic Hadith-worshipping Arab is in this thread.
>He actually believes the Hadith.
The absolute state of modern day Islam.
While this is true, when was the last time that US president didn't do it either?
i dont even know what a hadith is
What projection? You like using words to feel smarty smart, there little winky? Fucking idiot, if you're going to be ESL, learn what words mean and their proper context, fucking imbecile.
Suddenly I love horses, in a non sexual way.
i fucking love tigers. it showed restraint until the shitbull cross the line and went to bite the face and received instant justice. wish the video lasted longer those bitpull squeals are so satisfying
anymore shitbull kino?
>What projection?
>Europe is run by pedophiles that suck Jew cock.
Then i show a picture of your leader gargling jew cock.
What? I thought you weren't afraid of conflict? You must be a huge pussy if you're running away now!
I said I hope you don't die. I know how prone you Americans are to getting shot so I was trying to wish you well since I can't convince you that your opinion on firearms aren't extremely dangerous. But I guess that just further shows how much more you care about death and destruction than you do about diplomacy, and being able to read at a 10 year level. Oh well, good night user! Don't let the 5.56 bite!
based badger hunting dogs
Yes, yes, EVERY SINGLE time the US sends troops it's for ISRAEL and ONLY ISRAEL. Bahahaa, you fucking suck, loser. You send your children to blow each other up because you can't agree on which frenemy of Mohammed is correct. Fuck off.
Knowing when to disengage is key to winning conflict. Good night!
>worships an orange degenerate who literally allowed jewish blood to mix with his lineage
And I'm brainwashed. Bruh look at this dude kek
>fuckkkk he got me to a T
>I'll just say he's projecting!!!!!
I accept your concession, filth.
The ME needs to also be completely glassed, yes. I agree with that fully. They've fully absorbed the nigger mutt culture of the US.
18 years of constant war, a new warcriminal charge in the headlines today, and 22 trillion in debt.
And more butthurt about me talkin shit about your inbred dog fetish than any of the above.
>He was a Europoor all along
It explains so much.
>Literally contributed more to Chemistry and Mathematics than your entire bloodline ever did. Enjoy being a mentally ill porn addict, degenerate filth.
Literally just plagiarized greek and roman philosophers and claiming you did it
>He claims Dogs are against Allah
>Despite the fact that this is never said in the Quran, only in the Hadith
What I I am trying to say is.
How does it feel to see a Berber understand the Quran better than you? You filthy Arab.
bottom right already has an attitude
does anyone have that video of a chick throwing pit puppies in a river?
That's the natural response I expected. Sadly, everything you posted is nothing more than parroted "right think" and it's ironic that you call someone else brainwashed. Fucking idiot. Show me how all the brown hordes are contributing so much to science, besides the Indians that legally immigrate and assimilate.
You are semetic no? Your people are just a brown jews, Got the same hooked noses and rat faces, You even love to haggle like a kike
Your brainwashing is showing, your mind is so broken you are unable to type words, only use a picture with prewritten text by someone else.
Go on and run away pussy. Can't handle a conflict so you have to end it as soon as you can.
>implying a fucking daschund is actually able to kill a badger.
They annoy it until it leaves it's set to murder-fuck them then they get jew'd by a rich cunt a horse with a club user. If a badger can lame a cow with a bite, it can BTFO a deformed mutt.
>muh US
No, they were doing that shit before the US existed. Quit blaming everything shitty on the US, unless you refuse to acknowledge any other people as having any agency.
>anyone can be talked down from violence
Nice bait until this part.
>badgers are posting on Yea Forums
fuck off
>parroting the same talking points they share on their faggy little discord with such regularity that it might as well be a bot
Keep screeching, bitch.
rottweilers are tougher than pitbulls, actually
Stay mad ahmed
It's all the Europeans have ever been good at. Running away and crying until the Americans show up with their guns to save them.
Christ, you are so unoriginal that after being accused of being unoriginal you accuse me of being unoriginal.
You fucking retard, all you spew is pre-recorded NPC lines. If you aren't brainwashed, it's literally only because you have no brain, just a chip with a program on it.
>Show me how all the brown hordes are contributing so much to science
Goalposts: moved
Now "diversity" has to mean a stawman of diversity. A strawman that only deluded fanatics use to "disprove" diversity.
>so butthurt he forgot to link his reply
what are some games
My mini dachshund keeps ripping the stuffing out of her toys until she tears out the squeaker.
Not replying to pedo defenders
>It did this to a bulldog
>Implying Dascucks stand a chance
>That's supposed to be a bulldog
>The size of a fucking terrier puppy
pitbulls are not dogs
the same way a kike is not human
>Oh yes daddy Saudi, I'll fight Iran for you
I only say the US because they are the leader of Western Civilization and are promoters of nigger culture that infects the entire world everyday. I have no problem with actual americans in general.
That's a Terrier/Jack Russel, user.
>what is perspective
>pedomuslim now posts to himself
Why not just get a dog that barks at strangers? That's more likely to deter a break in than having a man killer anyways. Plus there are large dogs that don't murder their owners, like retrievers.
Blacks dont bomb school, farmers, churches every day. Whites need to be eradicated.
What are some good fighting games?
Holy shit this is pathetic.
I know I'm just shitposting to derail the retarded arab/mutt shitflinging
>I love the constitution!
Nah they just kill each other. And the occasional white person
Pitt fearing little pussy triggered lmao
And on occasion rape children.
not a dog
Nigger culture is spread by Jews which are supported by white Americans. Black people are literal lambs to the slaughter. They just end up killing each other and will never get out of the hoodrat mindset. Niggers are a symptom and the cause are the jews.
Your government suicided the rape kingpin just a few weeks ago and you did nothing. You are a country of pedophiles.
Stay mad, kiddyfucker.
>instantly gets butthurt upon being called out
Fair enough lad
>brown baby
Nothing of value