>spend like 2k+ dollars on PC parts
>can't even run games at 60 FPS at max settings
Spend like 2k+ dollars on PC parts
Other urls found in this thread:
>run games at 60 FPS
>spend 1k on PC, with at least see going to useless RGB lighting
>can run most games at 1440p 60FPS or higher
What the fuck did you buy, OP?
Post build
I'm using a 1920x1080 monitor and there some frame-rate drops when I play BL3 or For Honor
You know literally everyone is having issues with BL3 right?
ubisoft games are notoriously low on frames and bl3 has issues on pc and console
Oh. So the problem is the game itself and not the PC?
Yup. Some new games just can’t be assed to be shipped working correctly
Yeah. A lot of new games don't run at 4k 60fps either
Double or triple that price and you still won't be able to. Stop obsessing about max settings which can cripple performance for negligible difference.
Run a game like Witcher III, Warframe, RE2/RE7, DMC5, DOOM (demo if you don't want to pay $$$) among other games known for their optimization and it's pretty much a night and day difference.
Also BL2 (not 3) dips for me on my RX 570 and Ryzen 5 2600X despite only utilizing less than half my system resources so some dips could also be engine issues
Dude, I get freezes in FFXV allthough it's on SSD :
Don't use graphics presets, lower everything and crank things up one by one starting from texture, texture filtering, shadows. Most post processing makes everything look worse and hurts performance.
Max settings are a meme.
You should be savvy enough by now to understand which settings make the game look great without crippling the performance, unless of course you're a zoomer, which is a strong possibility.
Like above, Ultra/Max settings are bullshit. Don't use a lower AA setting and set shit to high preset and see how that goes.
>64 gigs of ram
How much did it cost?
It's overkill but I honestly don't blame him. RAM is dirt cheap right now and if you're not planning to upgrade for a few years might as well get more, especially with a 2k budget
How fucking stupid are you to waste even $2k on a PC?
I enjoy videogames.
Thank you, anons. I'll do that then
btw I meant DO use a lower AA setting.
>mfw in my piece of shit of a country a GTX2080 is around $1700
>I enjoy videogames.
What're you doing here?
lay off the pop tarts next time
I have a fucking 960 and I run For Honor at 60fps max settings. The fuck?
Latin America?
If you're new to PC you might just be confusing screen tearing with frame drops.
Make sure v-sync (or scanline sync with rivatuner) is on if you don't have a gsync/freesync monitor.
Other than that, some games run like shit regardless and there's nothing you can do.
I don't know what it is but you are doing something HORRIBLY wrong. Even when I still had my fucking 750 2gb, I could run For Honor at 60FPS. The game runs on a goddamn potato.
>>can run most games at 1440p 60FPS or higher
"most games" are cheap indie shit. I can do this even on 400$ PC.
lmao I bought a used 980 for 120 burgers six months ago.
This, your monitor might be a bottleneck for your computer. Do you know the refresh rate and if it has GSync?