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what am i supposed to be triggered by here
tern tern tern the keys
Holy shit this is fucking cringey
By being new
Not anything, you’re at loss here.
truly /ourgame/
Is this real?
Holy kek
I thought about this earlier today.
It's a comedy game, but it's made of memes. That means the humor is so lazy that they don't even write it. They just steal others' jokes.
It's the Carlos Mencia of videogames.
They stole our memes...
loss xd is the newfag evolution of B^Uckley meme
the fact this old meme that already got buttfucked on facebook somehow showed up in THE series where the decade-old zeitgeist of cultural humor goes to get buried in a sad, pathetic final rancid fart that only a few can find genuinely funny, and dear lord do I envy those men and women
are you niggers fucking serious
I wish I had a gun so I could shoot myself
don't worry borderlands 4 will totally do that pseudo depressive style of humor about "haha everything sucks and so do I look at how self aware i am btw i totally want to die did you know that???" in a socially acceptable, completely filtered way since that's the only place they have left to go
you know how this game has guns that shoot guns? 4 will have guns that shoot themselves so funny LMAO h
So gearbox is based after all
I wish this series just kept their dialogue and story more in line with how they were in the first game.
I liked BL1 because of its mad max setting and the loot, not constant memes and a retarded story/characters.
Hell they never even topped the gun randomization from the first game, and not because the one from the first game was perfect, but because they can't stop fucking with the manufacturers and gun parts for no reason.
Fuck Gearbox desu
>so far no one in this thread except OP knows that it were drawn using gun
i'm sorry for your loss, kiddo
That's badass!
It's a real shame that borderlands as a series is plagued by it's style of writing, BL3 is easily the most fun I've had in any looter shooter but every single character really manages to annoy me. The Tales of the Borderlands cast got it the worst, Vaughn is the most annoying one note character in the game when he was pretty good in his original appearance.
>every single character really manages to annoy me
Even she isn't spared from the overly obnoxious yelling fucking everyone seems to do in BL3.
Bum Tickley likes Boredom Lands?
That's pretty badass, I guess.
>meme meme meme meme meme meme meme
Damn, shit sucks. Anyway, Im still mad that they killed her and left characters without any reaction to it. Literally everyone don't give a fuck. At the same time, back in BL2 Rolland's death influenced almost everyone in Sanctuary, plus they made a great story about letting go those, who isn't with us anymore in Tiny Tina's DLC.
So this shit requires 4 GB of VRAM?
I don't get it
Honestly just do as i do and turn off voice audio and subtitles
>[chinese glyph] H E
I suggest (you) to leave, because loss of humanity is too dangerous
>every new male character is either a onions boy or gay
vaughn is the worst and so blatantly a self insert.
Vaughn was fine in the Telltale game, they really butchered him and made his entire being into what was a goof originally. youtube.com
The one meme they didn't copy
>When it still gets spammed on 4chens
Justin that's not ok to do
I almost wish burch was back.
Goddammit you fuckers explain what it is
>being this much of a newfag
Go get spoonfed elsewhere you baby.
These are the the lossposters of 2019
finally we can put this shitty cringe meme to bed. ty borderlands
I loved those side quest where you litterally babysit scientists like you have to do in Half Life.
damn that's pretty neat, I just drew a dick
Reminder that "loss" is now a reddit meme and all the kids are using it.
a bad game
>not spoonfeeding your own troll posts just to make oldfags mad
How new aren't you?
Did you splat that with the shit gun or is that legitimately in the game?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
That excuse is older than you my mans.
I really want to think the meme humor in 3 is more so to make fun of the streamer antagonists I mean it would explain why most of the memes are the ones people normally use to piss people off
But at the same time the writing outside the memes is also so shit that I doubt it. I guess atleast it still does fit in a bit more given the antagonists and bad as the writing is im still not at the point where I miss anthony burch I honestly just wish they got the writers for 1 or tales
Oh well atlest the gunplay is fun unlike 2
damn it burch, we owe you this one. you might be a cuck, but at least you wouldn't have screwed up the story this hard.
A smash thread died for a made up circle jerk
to be fair I think 3 did a far better job with how it handled manufactures than 2 and tps and I actually kinda like the system now
So far I've only seen one post acknowledge that this is literally done as a drawing by the player. There's a side quest where a bot tries to be a therapist for you and one of the things is drawing how you feel on a wall.
So no, this isn't a fucking meme and this site is full of edgelords.
Fuck no
the writing in 3 is so bad because they tried to emulate his style its a bad impression of a bad writing style and the sooner they realize that the sooner the series will be well written again