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Why the fuck did they think this was a good idea worth putting into a video game? How braindead did they assume the human race must be?
>How braindead did they assume the human race must be?
It's not a puzzle, dummy
Wait a minute... that card...
I hate bullshit like this.
>oh yeah guys this puzzle is totally solvable just buy the guide!
Wait a minute... that claw...
user from japan here, i keep messing this up. Sword 2, key 2, scroll?
I suggest you read great english classics like harry potter before attempting to do the puzzle, it can be quite hard for those who don't actively read books.
It absolutely is a puzzle for your typical western video game player.
>6 years since last bioshock
when is the next coming out?
never ever
it's a password, dumbfuck
>waifushit for weebs
>typical western video game player
They probably had something a bit different but some brain dead retard from a focus testing group couldn't understand it and got mad so 2K made them dumb it down so smooth brains could actually get the game started.
So did you enjoy the rest of the game or not?
This fucked me over for a few minutes because i didnt know you could rotate items in your inventory
No. I played it for free and still felt like I should get a refund.
The devs could have removed the segment all together and just had Booker get into the elevator, similar to how you just waltz into the open door at the beginning of Bioshock 1 and pull a level in the bathysphere but they may have included the 'puzzle' to make really dumb people feel smarter than they actually are lol
Or maybe they were told to dumb it down so they made it so dumb as a joke they thought "of course this will get rejected, it's an insult to anybodies intelligence who doesn't have extra chromosomes" but the suits okayed it.
I liked it. Not as much as the original Bioshock but at least it wasn't just more of the same as was the case with Bioshock 2. And I liked Bioshock 2.
Yeah, was entertaining enough, mostly. Gunfights in areas with those rails to zoom around on were pretty fun, gunfights everywhere else were shit.
What happens if you get it wrong? Do you just keep trying or does the game just eventually say "fuck this - get into the elevator, retard" and pushes you along.
See, I played Infinite recently, I loved it. Actually I was replaying but I still love it. However this fucking moment is so retarded, you're about 20 seconds into the game, and you first acquired that card about 10 seconds earlier, it was just given to you.
Yeah the normal gunfights were pretty dull. And the environment was nowhere near as memorable or interesting as Rapture. And those stupid American President dolls were a poor stand-in for the Big Daddies of the previous games.
Bioshock 1 starts great but kind of runs out of steam after the big reveal leaving the last 1/4 of the game kind of boring and the final boss fight is fucking shit. Almost on the same level as 'Great Games With Awful Final Bosses' such as Arkham Asylum.
Bioshock 2 starts out dull but gradually gets better as you play through it. Minerva's Den DLC is better than the entire BS2 game though.