Thoughts on Modern Warfare now that the beta's out on all platforms?
Thoughts on Modern Warfare now that the beta's out on all platforms?
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I had fun last weekend, even if HQ was very tiresome after awhile.
Just another CoD with some new quirks and new visuals.
Similar wonky bullet dynamics from Blops 4.
Looks different. Feels pretty much the same.
Does that mean it's shit and beneath you or you don't have a problem with that?
I just want to see the campaign to see if it's actually warcrime-kino like the faggot press is hyping up.
"Realism" mode plays like a better version of Insurgency Sandstorm.
apparently the optimization is ass on pc
Is there any chance the younger crowd will stick with Blops 4 while all the mid-20s/early 30s guys play MW? Obviously CoD4 wasn't a boomer game (maybe CoD2) but it's definitely millenial-core.
ESRB says waterboarding, suicide vests, and gas attacks on civillians.
Nah the beta is already full of kids. Hearing them on mics is common from what I've played.
It kinda sucks
It runs really smooth on my 1070, didnt even update the drivers.
Do I have to pre-order to get PC beta code?
it's boring, it's stuttering for me all the time just like bo4 and bo3, better graphics but this time with more effects and Vaseline so you won't able to spot enemies from distance
have to pre-order to get in today, open beta starts saturday
Anyone know the file size of the beta?
Been hoping for the full release game not taking up any more than 40 GB but it will probably be 0.1 TB as usual.
Should I buy on PS4 or PC? PC might have mods, but I suck at mouse aiming.
Open beta is tomorrow.
About 40gb, unfortunately. It woul probably be half that with selective downloads.
I've played 2 matches on PC (with people on PS4 and Xbox One), I'm really impressed by the sound design (if Infinity Ward could build their own War Tape setting that would be nice). The game looks a bit blurry on my PC but I'm sure I have to change a few things in the settings.
Is there a way to remove the fucking vaseline all over everything? I've turned off depth of field and all that other shit but god damn
pretty sure the game doesn't have mod support
get PC, get on CS and git gud at aiming as mouse aim transfers to every single PC shooter.
crashes on startup
Works for me
>should we make the game 10 GB and able to run on a toaster so everyone get to enjoy it
>or a bloated 100 GB piece of shit that requires a fucking monolith to run at 60 fps?
it is. constant freezing. can you refund stuff on bnet? i should of just bought overwatch
are your drivers updated
Fuck around with anti-aliasing, I'm using filmic smaa 1x and it's jagged as all hell but I'm not noticing any blurriness.
Get it on PC since there's a FOV slider, that's something the consoles won't have. You can also play with a controller. You should learn to play with a keyboard and mouse, user it's way better.
>Anyone know the file size of the beta?
Around 40Gb
the film effect is annoying as fuck, why can’t shit just look clear?
It's still the same fucking engine. It's idTech 3. No """new engine""", only thing they've changed is the renderer, core engine is the same fucking thing. Expect cheats coming out 2-3 days after the release.
>slowly turn corner
>get shot from someone standing three feet from me
What the absolute fuck was going through their minds with these shadows? You can't fucking see anyone unless they're out in the open
>i should of just bought overwatch
Don't do that. Overwatch has the most cancerous community.
I guess I'm not the only one to have that issue.
But will it surpass this?
no you can buy code on keyshops, g2play has cheapest code
submit a ticket
I just hope I get to gun down some Hong Kong Protestors in the new game.
get pc, you can plug controller and play with ps4 since crossplay is already enabled
You updated them today?
Sony is already refusing to release it in Russia and other platforms are censoring Russian releases to change the names of the countries, so I'd say we're getting glow in the dark kino
latest amd drivers 19.9.2
I've actually been running through firing drills in ARMA 3, hope that helps.
Oh neat. PC seems the way to go.
Probably not, it seems you don't get to do any of it (though the waterboarding happens to you).
post some betakeys
can't you wait two fucking days?
So do you need win10 to play this now? Game cant run without directx12 which isnt available for win 8
>tfw 2500K + 8gb
am I doomed
works on windows 7
It's not out. It's out on September 21st or if you preodered, today.
why cant i play it if its out
Is it still matchmaking bullshit?
Will a GTX 1070 + i5 7500 and 16 gigs of RAM do the job?
looks like its a problem with windows 8.1
you need win7 or win10
So is ground war in or not
What do you think retard
no, you need a 2080ti, 9900k, and 64GB or RAM just to install it
Is the level cap still 20? I just want to get kill chain with a custom class already
no it’s just normal cod but they spawn you even closer to enemies
Any way to get a free key?
the screen turing grey is aids
>go into house
>3 seconds of everything being pitch black until vision comes back
>go out of house
>3 seconds of everything being blindingly white until vision comes back
>enemies look like black splotches
Is there a way to disable this? also the shadows are way too black for me.
runs on steady 144 fps on my 1070 gtx and 2700x on ultra settings. seems fine
Can I use my controller on PC?
Do you get any attachments after weapon level 6?
So how does crossplay work? how can you tell if they're on console? When I play gears 5 it tells me they're on xbox.
>how can you tell if they're on console?
they move and play like bots
it displays a PSN symbol next to their name for example or a PC if you're on pc.
matchmaking bs but dedicated servers
I haven't been paying attention to this one
are there still operators with special abilities and weapons in this one?
Each player has a symbol next to their name (PS4, Xbox One or a mouse) in the lobby.
bad bait. there isn’t any ultra settings
No Overwatch gimmick anymore. You can pick a soldier (cosmetic) and a perk.
pretty sure these are actual bots
they behave the same way as real bots in csgo
No. There are "operators" but they're only cosmetic. You do still get things on a timer like specialist abilities in previous games but they're minor things like ammo refills or custom spawnpoints.
they inconsistently use either "ultra" or "extra" for the highest settings
>Use the Olympia and go on a 25 kill streak on Domination
I'm not sure how I feel about the game being way less rushy but I'm glad that the shotguns aren't total garbage anymore
Do you get all ghillied up if you pick sniper like the original?
can someone slide me a beta key?
Imagine being mentally challenged
Is Ground War available?
no, there's only TDM and S&D
Havent seen any xboners yet
Shotguns are pretty garbage imho. The TTK is about as good as SMG's that there's no point in using them, since it puts you at a range disadvantage, while any other gun has no significant range fall off.
I dont care about these modes. Let me know when ground war is in
Have they fixed the xbox one issue? I still can't play the shit and it's got me furious.
so can I play this without preordering? great promotional beta if not
you can play it right now on PS4 for the duration of the weekend, those who didn't pre-order on PC and XBO have to wait until Saturday
Did they buff the shotguns? if not I'm not playing it again
Waiting for the open beta since I don't want to spend 60 shekels if the optimization is as fucked as people say
You have to log in to an Activision account to play, but their servers are fucked and i can't even log in
The black woman is rigged to be underpowered. I'm shooting dudes in the head for 5 seconds and still dying. Meanwhile when I play as the white guy I get kills
>less rushy
it isn’t though it plays the same as every other cod people camp and jump around corners spraying
imagine being so desperate to play fucking COD you pay $60 to play a shit demo 24 hours early. fuck this game im cancelling the download
are you retarded? you can still play the game game early
They'll never buff shotguns ever again after how good they were in Blops 2.
why does it look so shit? even maxed out it looks like ass and has that shitty film effect on guns
it's always teh same game every year - why buy it????
For some reason changing the antialiasing setting to SMAA X2 Film has a massive improvement in graphics. It looks like garbage on X1.
I was told thered be a Ground War, i see no Ground War
Not really. If you compare Black Ops 4 to this it is vastly different. Modern Warfare seems like it's toning down on the LE MEME XP BARS EVERYWHERE and going back to the simple progression system from MW2, with no way to customize your operator and shit like that. In fact it heavily toned down the gimmicky MOBA stuff I've encountered in Black Ops 4. Much more grounded now.
pc fags are causing lag, this wasnt an issue first weekend
so wait I could buy the game right now on for beta access then just refund it afterwards?
also overwatch is trash don't buy it
>being a ps4 player
Why do I have a mini-map? I thought they got rid of it.
they did but they brought it back
>looks at the operators
>no whites
Still only shows teammates though, doesn't it? You need a Personal Radar or UAV for actually finding targets.
not sure, works in a weird way with refunds, I read somewhere that if you're US and install the game you can't refund anymore (for black ops 4), but since the game isn't released yet, idk
personal radar gives red dots for enemy gunfire
uav gives enemy locations
The game feels so great, sound design is excellent. It's nice to play a good CoD game once again !
>personal radar gives red dots for enemy gunfire
Awesome, I can stare at my minimap all day instead of the actual game. Good fucking choice.
so I've heard this isnt supposed to be a shitty console port like cawwadoody has turned into ever since mw1's success. gonna need to see if the game actually holds up months after release if im even gonna consider buying though. it would need
>server list
>unofficial servers
>mod support
>not fucking stutter like shit and actually run smoothly
>not have a propensity for CTD
>anti cheat that at least works sometimes, not a laughable nonexistent implementation like punkbuster or fairfight or whatever the fuck was going on in mw2
basically im saying im probably gonna sleep on this one too
>Got a free early access beta code just for using Geforce Experience
Thanks Nvidia
I have the recommended specs (RX580 and R5 2600) and just left the graphics default. It's been running great, usually 120fps and lowest is 100.
Turn off film grain and motion blur
Unofficial/private servers would be nice.
>now we get to kill darkies and women despite the devs' faggy attempt to be overly inclusive
Can safely say I won't be buying. I'd buy the campaign for $5 though just for the guns.
Its not for me, if you meet recommended specs you're fine
will I get one if I install the nvidia botnet?
I never install this shit because it eats ram for no reason
i got killed by controller people!!!
"PC gamers are trash, fucking niggers" lmao it has begun
Tought this cod would have bigger modes like battlefield.
20vs20 headquaters and dom is kinda disappointing
I guess it's fun because of how the upped the time to kill with this one so you have an actual chance of running away, licking your wounds and fighting back.
Nevertheless, this is the exact same gameplay that I already put 400 hours into a decade ago. Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare all had double jumps and wall running, shit that genuinly advanced the genre forward. Now the series is back in fucking 2007, no fuck that, 2001 when the first cod came out, and the idiot community is eating it up! This game, WWII, Black Ops 4 and in fact any cod game from now on that is literally less, worse than worhless: it is actively pushing video gaming backwards.
literally what are you talking about I just updated my drivers with this retard program and didnt get anything
>consoleniggers hop around corners spraying for their lives
this game runs actually at a steady 60fps on my 1050ti and g4560.
How did they do it?
They're still doing that, I just don't think they had it ready for the beta
Can't wait to wipe the floor of all the controller plebs with my $200 gayming RGB m&kb
Who /killedbydoor/ here?
I meant to say any cod game from no on that plays like this one. brainfart
>run around, see someone before they see you
>kill him
>run around, someone shoots you from behind
>die, respawn
>run around, someone’s camping in a corner, they kill you
>did, respawn
>decide to camp, wait for people to run by, kill a few, they come back for me, kill me
>find a new spot to camp, or run around and hope I see people before they see me so I can kill them first
Such a great game! Never gets old, right kids? xD (talk to me in 8 years when you kids are 21 and have been playing this shit to death and then tell me CoD isn’t the lowest common denominator simpleton brainlet shit)
you play on low
its only 10v10
20v20 dom is great, I surprisingly have a lot of fun.
Is only beta cross platform or can I play with my consolenigger friends when the game comes out
Great now that they took out all the over watch shit
treyarch always makes the shittier cods
So with the minimap back does it turn the game into an endless game of grab-ass by running around in circles? I was hoping with the minimap gone the game will would slow down and focus on positioning and camping.
You only see your team mates on the minimap. It's only when you have a UAV that it reveals the enemy players.
what a stupid fucking question yeah they are removing the crossplay functionality from the full release you actual mongoloid
I have a gtx 1050 and 8gb of ram
Should I even bother?
wait, why did they backdown on their decision?
Kill yourself chink insect.
I've been playing cod online since cod3, this one is pretty bad even bo4 was better. the doors are really fucking annoying
So gunshots don't reveal your position?
Garbage children's games
Zoomers need to leave this board
it runs at a steady 60 fps on my 1050ti and g4560
It isn't two days. It's tomorrow. People who pre ordered only got it one day early.
Go play fortnite and those shit games if you want to camp
>I was hoping with the minimap gone the game will would slow down and focus on positioning and camping
Go play rainbow or something nigger. If you read the thread you would see you need a killstreak to make gunfire show red dots, it's 3 kills.
Read the thread you niggers they didn't. It only shows the map and your teammates until you get a personal radar or uav so your dumb ass doesn't get lost.
lmao crossplay already disabled
Well shit, I'm gonna be at an Oktoberfest this weekend.
imagine crying about fornite in a cod thread. lol they're both piss easy games that a 12 year old can dominate
2nd reply for
>getting lost on a cod map
nigga, just 360 walk away and you'd already be on the opposite side of the map
How big is the download? Considering pre-ordering but it might take days for my shitass internet to download the beta.
ahahahahahahahahaha that was funnnyyy
read the thread nu fren
on the compass only unless an enemy player has a personal radar killstreak (3 kills, 2 with hardline)
It's fun. Reminds me of playing COD4 on Friday nights while not getting laid.
Sept. 20 6PM PT is september 21 for non-thirdworld countries
They backed down a little bit because of the gay CoD community.
Gunshots are on the compass (top of the screen) but not on the minimap.
The gay CoD community is used to the small 3-lane map design. It's the first time in... a long time that they have big maps with various paths.
So then it would still just be one day, you fucking retard. Do you not understand timezones?
>Chopper gunner
>Support heli
you get PC and PS4 players using K/M all the time even if you are using PS4 with dualshock.
I'm gonna disable crossplay atleast that should filter most of k/m users.
lmao is that why you have to camp?
If it's so easy you'd be able to get kills without using child tactics
Friendly reminder Call of duty games are getting smart with the review cycle. Last game after the review cycle ended and everyone was pumped to play it they started releasing loot boxes and P2W garbage.
They're going to do the exact same shit this time. If you're angry at p2w garbage don't buy the game if you aren't enjoy your game.
its still september 19 currently in non-thirdworld countries
I’m actually having a lot of fun with it, feels light weight and fast, only thing I don’t like is the realistic reloads and random spawns
OH GREAT CROSSPLAY what a fair (and bullshit way) to put all inputs together without filtering them
why i trusted IW again
12 year old is mad
this is pure garbage and i'm getting a refund. it's not a joke or hyperbole that ppl will spawn behind you and the first thing you hear of them is getting shot in the back. the maps are absolutely atrocious. there are many more windows for fags than 'paths', and yeah people literally just sit still for 3 minutes aiming down sights.
who THE FUCK can imagine why IW thought they'd lure all the MW2-kiddies back by making their franchise more like a milsim, complete with retarded fucking mounting and the need to get your battle buddy for cover before you cross a courtyard
haha get raped
you already paid for the game you drooling retard? you could have waited one more day and known how you like the game but you're too dumb and impulsive
you first
no u
i may be impulsive but in the time it took you to type that the refund has gone through, so good one
poor console babbies...
>thinking 2.89 kd is great against console fags
yeah should have been at least 4
>want to install new game
>stuck with this crap taking up 40GB
Consolefags seething already, holy shit.
You fags do know you can turn cross play off right?
he's very clearly playing on PC you smoothbrain
Also a defeat....
>losing to console players
>being a drivelet in 2019
shit is dirt cheap now
they aren't dirt cheap dood
Yes they are poorfag
a 1TB SSD can be found for sub $100
ask your mom to increase your allowance bucko
slurp the shit out of my asshole bitch
I have a job. They aren't under 100 in canada.
It says 21st for me
I remember when COD threads were banned immediately
>he doesn't remember crackdown where people bought a completely different 60 dollar game just to play the halo 3 beta.
CSGO is better
No you don't, because this was never an actual enforced rule here. Naruto getting isnta-deleted on Yea Forums was one thing, Yea Forums did not have an equivalent for CoD.
>ree why cant I camp
I already have 200 hours in csgo, im ready for something different. I can crossplay with my friends on console too.
but with how retarded the average CoD player is you know most of them won't - how will that even be interesting for PC players, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel lol
move to a 1st world country
mw2 still looks great 10 years later
Why he say that again? No killing russians?
This is glorious, it might even convert some brainless consoletards to the true path just because of all the seethe this will accumulate.
Based, I got it too. And I literally don't give a shit about COD MP. Will post key here in 5 mins.
Are snipers one shot to body kills in realism mode?
No speaking Russian, because it's a false flag.
Time to deliver.
They were there to kill lots and lots of Russians and didn't want to show that all of them except for the undercover CIA agent were actually Russians too. They wanted to frame America to start a war so they killed the CIA guy and left him there.
how did you get it
I can't play it in PC yet. No opinion.
You get it randomly from nvidia if you use geforce experience.
when is this releasing anyway
god this shit is laggy as fuck
so you're new to the game then
that's fucking 3 AM on Saturday in Yurop, ffs
MW2 and 3 were the last CoD's I played a lot. I played big bloppers 4 for a bit but didn't really like it. After everything they showed I was hoping it was going to be a little bit more like Battlefield which I have always preferred (except 5 which is dogshit). After playing for an hour it definitely still feels like CoD, not bad, but not great.
I'm playing on a 980ti at 1440p and I get 80-90 fps. Everything on high, AA turned off.
i do use it, but i didn't get it
what did you do?
Not at all, just got bored of clicking on people's heads.
in gold nova, got it.
Looks like shit. YouTube "cod4 stevy promod". Shit was 10+ years ago and still looks and plays better than modern cods
980ti 1440@144Hz here.
what cpu do you have?
Do you understand the concept of random? I didn't do anything more than be a long time user of their service.
ah, my bd, didn't read the "random" part
200 hours is just enough to learn the basics of CS. You have not even experienced the real game yet.
have a OC 7700k
is the game CPU intensive? should I expect similar frames?
not him but i got bored of csgo only 80 hours in
I also didn't upgrade to the latest GPU drivers, idk how much of a difference it would make.
Not sure, i wasn't looking at the performance monitor while I was playing. With the settings I'm using the game is only using up like half my VRAM though, I could probably turn up textures and some other shit.
nice. thanks user
is it coming to switch
Used code thanks
what do you think chief
you have to be subscribed to the newsletter
It's good, as in 7/10 good unless you're playing Cyber Attack which then it's an 8/10. The regular modes are too fast for door usage and mounting. Search and Destroy + CA are gonna be the real meat of the game for the 1 year this game will be active.
>first cod im interested since mw2
>they make the campaign super cucked
Unfortunately no. You have teenagers and early 30's manchildren in here already
any website handing out codes?
Double the RAM and you'r good to go.
No. Only Gunfight, Cyber Attack, Domination, HQ, and TDM are in.
yeah this thread
>Consoleniggers already doing clown shit like spamming crouch in firefights and jumping around corners
I'm waiting
lold at that pic
That gave me a chuckle. I'm all out but maybe others will follow.
Yo must have not played it then cause it actually feels different this time around
I've tried it on Ps4 now I want to try it on PC. I have an RX 580 4GB but heard the game uses a shitton of VRAM.
Does anyone know if they're continuing the bullshit that is weapons exclusive to loot boxes like WWII and blops4 pulled?
they will
>Expecting anything but that bullshit
There's your first mistake
fucking gay
yet another CoD but with prettier graphics, heavier physics and no minimap
that'll be $60 + microtransactions please
Eh, could have been better could have been worse. The fact that they only let us play the tdm and conguest(or whatever it's called) in those what I hope are relatively small maps is... disappointing.
I was hoping to see the ground wars and maps with map placed vehicles and shit, but instead got to run in circles with console peasants. At least I now know for sure my aim and reflexes still beat those of a console player, so that's good I guess.
I really don't like the fact they put the minimap back.
there will probably be other modes later
Wait, is this an open beta? Did I buy the game last night for no reason?
if you aren't on ps4 yes but I imagine you can still cancel
you get in one day and a half earlier if you preorder
And which just started, the extra day and a half or open?
I will be big upset if I could have tried this a few days ago and now bought it for no reason
anyone one throw a nigga early acsees code ?
Yeah it just started today
No xbox code.
Pc code btw
If you're on PC or Xbox it started a few hours ago yes
If you're on PS4 you could have started playing september 12
eh it's more than just millenial core. I'm a literal legal zoomer and I played the shit out of it in childhood.
The fact that we STILL haven't seen and still aren't able to play the 32v32 mode is concerning. That combined with offensive vehicles being killstreak only items makes me lose any hope of this actually being a Battlefield killer. I'm 90% sure BF4 conquest despite its age will be a much better time with large maps and a 64 player count. I fucking pray that the next Battlefield is Bad Company 3, I want G3's and FAL's with acogs, I want to blast man sized holes in concrete walls with an under-barrel 40mm, I want Apache and T-90 combat, I want to level buildings with C4.
It's not on Steam so I don't care
for those of you using LTSB you wont be able to play the game lol
I would like to see a Desert Storm BF, less gadget heavy that way.
>100vs100 player action
I thought it was 50vs50, god damn
Fuck activision
A lot of games do. The PC port of Halo Reach looks really good as well.
Allegiance > Coalition btw
just look at this based nigga (a basigga, if you will)
Definitely, there's explicit references to loot boxes in some menus.
Nice poncho
I like how the maps work, it doesn't feel like a bunch of samey 3 lane maps. There's a nice amount of verticality and sneaky shortcuts to them. Super sprinting, sliding and mounting feel nice.
>using Windows 10 in the first place
>It runs really smooth on my 1070, didnt even update the drivers.
are you me
bought a closed beta key access out of curiosity for like 2 euros and after 3 hours I'm already getting tired of it, pretty much every weapon but 2 are shit and if the beta shows you the entire arsenal already (even the ones you can't unlock during the beta) it's a letdown, at least I remember MW2 having many more weapon variety
damn, so 5 months into the game lifespan the most powerful weapons will be locked behind p2w.
It's pretty shitty, just like the last 7 or 8 games, but I'm sure people will shill it here and talk about how it's totally going to be their first CoD on PC since MW1/MW2, then it'll die after 2 months, just like the last one.
MW2 had 42 weapons, MW2019 has 37. So there is somewhat of a reduction, but then the Gunsmith system allows for some fairly major modifications.
is the mp5 customization shit or a decent example? because it's the only weapon I got to lvl 16 and the attachments it has are pretty mediocre, they are all very similar and barely change anything
We MAG now boys
Poorfag chimpin out
Don’t really know, haven’t got that far with any weapons yet. Is the MP5’s caliber change in the beta? There was nothing like that in MW2.
>caliber change
only thing similiar to that are FMJ rounds in the perk slot of the weapon, which just increases its damage to deployables and kill streak vehicles
So yeah they clearly haven’t unlocked all the attachments yet. Full game is supposed to have caliber changes for at least the MP5, AUG, and AK.
It would be great if it didn't have call of duty players, why play objective modes if you play it like TDM
you can play beta for free, right?
but it's not?
i peed and farded and shidded and cumed
Wait its on fucking battlenet not steam?
it's trash. at least gun sounds have more pop and volume
i cant see fucking anybody unless they stand out in the open
its like vaseline is smeared all over my fucking screen and its so god damn blurry
what the fuck is this
console or PC?
I saw like ten minutes of DrDisrespect playing the PC beta earlier this afternoon, where is it available for download? I just checked Steam and didn't even see it as an upcoming listing. Someone please tell me I don't have to have another account on another shit distribution platform to play it on PC.
haha i hope you get unit 731'd you piece of bugmatter
It's Activision, so
>w/l matters more than kaydee in cawadoodie
lmaoing at this console fag cope
just play Insurgency nerds
Fuck this gay shit, I'm pirating.
hmmm yeaes i am a 5000iq cs player, you need to have at least 4500iq to understand the subtle nuances of the game mechanics
4700iq minimum to understand the extremely complex metagame of the economy
can't get voice chat to work at all
Are PC gamers raping the console kiddies who have to use controller?
going to download this but it looks extremely mundane
Console players get some pretty ridiculous autoaim so it isn't as totally dominant as you would expect but for the most part yes.
>need to preorder just to get to play it for an extra day
>PC version will most likely be dead on release anyways
It runs better on my PC than BO4, lmao. New engine's pretty optimized. All cranked up except AO options, which darken windows and corners way too much.
you can play against console kiddies though?
nvidia emailed me an open beta key for using geforce experience
Anybody using a 1060 for the game? Just curious about how well it runs. I had to put some stuff low on BO4, but it's not I'm playing these games for the visuals in the first place. Call of Duty is like the only first person shooter I can stand playing these days.
They are most likely going to implement gates a month after launch when they complain too much.
Recommended specs include a 970 so I think you're probably good.
can't wait to rocketchad
You PC players aint shit lmao.
I just dabbed on a lobby where about half were K+M users. (You can tell because the icon next to their names in lobby before you go in has a mouse and then a desktop computer) Im an xbox fag using a controller and I got MVP with 3500 score on the 10v10 domination on the russian map.
I thought PC cunts were supposed to have an advantage?
It's a console retardation level gimmick. Dont forget COD is meant to attract the Lowest common denominator. It's the mcdonald's of shooter games. the walmart of supermarkets. Alot of brain dead bumpkins fall for gimmicks like this.
Weird thing to lie about user
Calm down WingsofRedemption.
holy mother of based. I'm a PC player and I was installing the beta but nevermind
For those complaining about blurry/fuzzy visuals, check to make sure the game isn't using dynamic resolution scaling. It could be lowering your resolution to maintain a high framerate. When it switches resolutions there should also be a subtle hitch, so if it feels like your game is hitching now and then that's probably the culprit. Same issue in Gears 5.
Sure thing, consolefag.
I was thinking about getting it to play with my PS4 onlyfag friend. If I get it on PS4 I'd have to buy online as well, is there any upsides to getting it on console over PC? Will we even be able to party up with crossplay?
Map design is shit
First gun you unlock (M4) is the best gun hands down
TTK is fine
Kill streaks are actually ok for once
Voice acting and radio chat is fucking annoying
No emblem editor
Gonna refund my pre order, same shit different year
so pissed theres no groundwar, they better add that tomorrow, whattever
>Gonna refund my pre order, same shit different year
I can almost guarantee there's no way to do that
>No emblem editor
>annoying voice chats
I just want a graphically updated, maybe mechanically tuned as close as possible MP experience to MW2, 1-10 how close would you say?
What's up with the maps? Basically the point on which I buy or don't buy the game.
So has anyone managed to refund the PC version after getting their beta key?
false alarm guys you can't actually play the beta until saturday everyone can go home now
I live in the UK user, ive double checked with the store I bought it from and I'm well within my rights to get a refund.
It's probably the trend of complaining that maps have too many vantage points and danger spots because running in the middle of a village results in a dozen potential spots someone could shoot you from. Despite, you know, it being a very bad idea to run around in the open.
They're trying to create maps that would work in a competitive shooter for an arcade shooter. They get rediculously boring and tiring quickly due to the fast paced nature of cod.
It looks good from what i've seen, but activision are going to run it into the fucking ground like they did with BO4. Battle passes designed so outrageously that you're forced to buy levels. Overpowered guns in loot boxes. Systems upon systems upon systems designed with the express purpose of extracting as much money from you as possible before you move on to the next live service game.
Video games aren't a product any more, you are.
Cope PC fag.
Just did it again. AUG is fucking great when you mount it with R3.
>Map design is shit
>Voice acting and radio chat is fucking annoying
>Doesnt know you can turn them down in the volume options.
>No emblem editor
Betas before never had an emblem editor too. Is this your first COD beta?
Someone give me a code right now before I cashapp some moron 5 bucks for a pc code
Earth shattering revelation right there.
>paying $5 for a beta key.
You can get a beta key for like $0.99 on most keysites dumbass.
aight show me the website
>Overpowered guns in loot boxes.
No COD ever had these.
There would be an outrage if there was especially on Reddit. Everything has always been cosmetic only.
Are you genuinley mentally cunted?
Ive played CoD since MW1 (COD4) even through all the jetpack shit.
No gun has ever been OP as shit from a lootbot. The only thing for guns in lootboxes are massive cosmetic overhauls.
I play BO4 daily and still murder with a fucking stock GKS and I fucking own still.
Stop making up lies. Its all costmetic shit.
the cheapest ones are $4.50 dumbass
Feels slow. Doesn't feel like there was an improvement, just a slight difference.
I was pretty interested simply because it's a free demo and I get to see it, but there isn't any real selling point here. If there was character customization that'd make it worthwhile but all there it has is guns. Overall it's not bad but it isn't good enough for $80
Good for you man, I believed you in the other thread, you are the best controller player ever
Like honestly it's ok to admit you have some kind of developmental disorder. They literally put crazy OP guns in lootboxes in BO4 then nerfed them a few weeks later after the buying rush because people had to get them to be able to compete.
The beta is meant to be a vertical slice of what the game will actually have and it's purpose is to display that too me.
It did a poor job at that so now I'm refunding it. You don't actually believe it's a 'beta' build of the game.. do you user?
>No source
K senpai. Whatever makes you sleep at night.
show me
Considering I played the Beta last week and the alpha before that yes. The Alpha was barebones as fuck compared to what we have now. Youre retarded if you think this will be the full edition. I've played every CoD beta since BO3.
Its not my fault you're retarded as fuck and expect a full game from a beta lmao.
What does tessellation do?
>Devs deliberately don't show me what the full game will be like in an 'open beta' event
>Get mad when I say I don't like it and I'm not spending money on it
you're mother
>too me.
When you get a free sample at a supermarket you dont get the full product you fucking tard.
>Wojak posting
>Not making an actual argument
They go perfect together.
what's it like exactly? what is different with this mode?
beta tests are for testing things genius, that's what the word "test" implies
feels like they did, I can finally get guaranteed one shot kills with the olympia at really close range.
No, I get a realistic expectation on what the product they want me to buy is and in this case I didn't like it, so I'm not buying it.
>pointing out your shit level grammer in isolation is supposed to be an argument
This is your brain on stupid
I've never seen a woman look as disappointed as she did in that clip. I hope that was scripted.
Oh, so you didn't have an actual point or argument to make so you just wanted everyone to know how smart you are. Clever you, well done user.
gtx 1080 - 4770k - 32gb ddr - getting like 80-90 fps solid most matches on crossplay if that makes a difference
Its breaking down an object to make it look more complex, think of a smooth rock now looking jagged.
Turning it on will increase graphical fidelity at the cost of GPU performance.
>pre ordering a digital game to play 2 days early
>The beta is meant to be a vertical slice of what the game will actually have
The very first agreement in the game says that's not the case
Christ I never thought someone could say something to interest me in this game. Sandstorm is so disappointing it hurts.
>aw yeah tacticool game with great atmosphere and low ttk just like INS2014
>wait what do you mean he just tanked an M14 round to the chest
>what do you mean the MP5 with foregrip and silencer has more horizontal recoil than vertical
>what do you mean flashbangs don't work and smokes are shoddy and clientside
>what do you mean i'm leaving the fucking combat zone to flank, my only other option is to peek a chokepoint that 30 people are aiming at from six trillion pixel-small positions
at the very least i hope they go the route bfv did and make the guns some sorta challenge to get instead of just a random lootbox - can buy the guns after the season ends too with ingame coins
>Actually thinking the 'beta' is a 'beta'
Oh user.
I just pre ordered on Amazon, got my beta key and then redeemed it.
After that I simply cancelled my pre order and in "other" I just say the beta was shit(Its not)
The maps are not designed for video games, they're just realistic settings with buildings you would expect in the real world, clutter, corners, and everything else which is just normal for an environment. It means you need to think before you move, some places are more dangerous than others, it isn't the 3 lane design of other CoD games where you spawn on one end of the map, pick a lane, and sprint to the other shooting anything along the way.
How do I access realism mode?
they're owned by activision, this will never happen especially now that they removing paid mappacks
Realism mode removes every single HUD element, including things like hit sound effects.
Its strange because realism mode actually feels more satisfying to kill someone, and you have no idea if the person you just shot actually died unless you look at their body.
I cant wait until realism + hardcore going to be amazing.
That sounds like they were designed for a video game then.
Damn man you fucking murdered him with those facts
I think you're a fucking beta, cunt
So is it in the beta?
I dont see anything for "realism"
>get matched with consolefags
>entire lobby starts talking shit and throwing out insults
Most fun I've had in a while.
Anyone else getting shit fucking connections?
Right? I expected him to fire back and call me a fag and dismiss what I linked, but he didn't even repsond. "played since cod4" and knows fucking nothing about the series.
sounds pretty good. if they do realism + hardcore ill buy it. if not then i think ill pass
If this shit works on W7 why can't I play? I get the directX error every time I try to start up.
Still not able to try the riot shield?
Is it time to return to the good old days?
I haven't felt like there's too much clutter but I'll have to play some more games against some seriously passive players. The way you describe after it makes it sound very fun though.
>you need to think before you move, some places are more dangerous than others
>the 3 lane design of other CoD games where you spawn on one end of the map, pick a lane, and sprint to the other shooting anything along the way
And I agree. There are some dangerous spots you need to think about. Different places to crouch under and escape or flank, the tunnel in the cave that leads from the well, or the rafters on the warehouse map. Rooftops and containers you can jump to.
where is that setting?
>the 3 lane design of other CoD games where you spawn on one end of the map, pick a lane, and sprint to the other shooting anything along the way
>the spawns flip and you get shot in the back
I swear I could murder people over this. How do people have no idea how to play domination/flag based game modes after this fucking long of video games existing?
>3 flags
>you take 2
>you defend them and don't push to triple cap
>you know where the enemy will spawn and can play accordingly
>you sprint around trying to cap any flag you see
>spawn flip every single time you die
>get shot in the back non stop
The retarded merry go round keeps spinning.
Should I quit wow classic? This is MAG all over again
where'd you buy the key from?
32v32 ground war is coming this weekend on a new map
it's 50v50
anyone playing with 8gb ram?
wonky movement
wonky guns
pretty great sound design
its a clusterfuck most of the time
6/10, they tried
It’s just a weak story. Very generic, none of the characters are memorable, so it’s pretty directionless. The back story is more interesting. Also, there is this weird form of sexism in the writing where every evil or crazy character is male and there is only one good man.
Once you reach level 4 the game becomes fun.
No need.
The "ghost" default class is so fucking OP.
any codes?
Nope, welcome to CoD after Black Ops 1
It's not retard.
will this run on my 1650 laptop
>getting absolutely shit on for 3 matches
>get put into an all console lobby as only PC player
Guess I got demoted to the ass lobbies
If you have played prior games, you have already played this.
Bland and uninspired.
Unless the vehicle and large player mode is not shit, I can't justify spending 60 bucks on this.
gibs Xbox beta code
I thought superior mouse aiming would negate all the inferior console maneuvers
It was in the last beta, they like releasing new modes every day. So you just have to wait.
Im 99% sure its going to happen because realism mode is said to apply to all modes which would also mean hardcore.
If they have a setting for "minimum framerate" then it's that. The game will adjust your resolution to match that framerate.
How do I make the game not look like fuzzy grainy shit? Even with all the film grain and post processing turned off, it looks like this and the only thing that seems to fix it is cranking the AA but that just makes the entire game so blurry it looks like I just spread vaseline on my screen.
My render resolution is 1 to 1
Youre getting hacked bro
i guess it's okay
why is this unfinished multiplayer only game 40gb. This shit is going to be over by the time my third world tier internet is finished downloading it.
Merc op scope is nasty
newegg wont send me my code that came with my gpu, wish i could test the game
is anyone else's name some weird 13 digit long code?
My very first kill after installing was a flash nade to someone's face. I am pleased.
Don't know if they have a setting for it, but it could be related to something like this
Lol what happened to PC master race? I was in a game with like 80% PC and still won the match on top of the leaderboard
Yeah I already checked, none of that is here.
How do I talk to people on PC? I have my mic plugged in with voice chat enabled and the mic icon doesn't even appear for me when using push to talk. Is there something obvious I missed?
>Yea Forums is unironically getting hyped for CoD
>"M-Maybe they won't shit in our mouths this time"
is it still just 3 lane highways every map or do we actually get some variation/ bigger maps?
Hey how come when I hear people use the mic it comes through my speakers even though I have a headset plugged in?
ww2 was fun
high ttk is good
Any Boners here? Do we need to wait til Friday if we disnt preorder?
I haven't seen one xbone player, probably because they need to preorder AND have gold
It looks a little different for once, only took them 10+ years to wake the fuck up
>Activision still jews on servers
Jesus christ, I never imagined a game could come out with such dogshit netcode.
WW2 was shit, but not for its TTK
>It's another sniper shoots on my screen and then kill cam shows me dying without shooting
Is this because of ping? I'm sick of seeing kill cams of bullets not actually being shot.
Do you really not have mount bound? That shit is so good, I love sliding into cover and doing it.
ping and tickrate, predominantly.
The game also favors the shooter, heavily. It also handles packetloss and latency variation quite poorly as well. So people on shakey connections (wifi or poe) basically are demi-gods.
It makes me wonder how they are going to pull the 100v100 off
If anything like BO4?
They basically won't. Blackout ran at 20 tick and had only 80 players.
Add in vehicles and projectiles and that'll get muddy real quick at 100 players.
You can thank a lack of region locking for that one.
>No region locking with the juggernaut that is cod WITH crossplay
How it this allowed?
Mustard race strikes again
Game adjustments - Turn off all film grain. Turn off all motion blur. Make sure brightness is calibrated properly going by charts on the side.
Spend a game running around while changing your TV settings. Yeah you'll get killed but its the best way to calibrate it.
Here are my Sony TV settings : Brightness 35. Contrast max. Gamma 1. Black level 50. Black adjust - High. Adv. Contrast Enhancer - Medium. Color 70. Color temp - Cool. Live color - High. Sharpness 50 ( increase helped the ALOT, way less washed out)
So how's everyone faring against console players
Also xbox fucked it up by keeping the beta still locked even for preorders, most people cant get in the game
>cod bad
okay reddit
Meant to post reply to you
Developers hate region locking with a passion, unfortunately.
getting BTFO
I'm playing on PC and either way absolutely none of the problems in that image could even have anything at all to do with TV settings
Holy fuck consolefags are dumb
>200 player matches
holy fuck
Its really weird to say it but, CoD is actually really tactical and real world room clearing is important to know.
I never enter a doorway without flashing the room first, or peaking the door, because if you dont do it someone will be sitting in a corner and kill you. They're easy to counter if you actually breach properly though.
I also love the fact some areas are more dangerous than others, running across or down a street is guaranteed death and thats how it should be.
I posted game settings too you fucking retard. It's film grain.
ruh roh, looks like we're all outta scooby snacks
Legit plays like a more arcadeish Insurgency. The gunplay feels really really nice. If the campaign turns out to be kino this might as well be a 9/10
Same old shit wich was hyped overboard for some reason and advertised as "mature game for mature gamers"
No you didn't, you posted about cosmetic console settings.
It isn't film grain, that's already off.
>No firing range to test how it runs on PC if you didn't preorder
I just want to know if I should shill out for console or not dammit.
but it happened once already, infinite warfare had challenges to unlock every dlc weapon added to the game.
nigga just wait 24 hours.
pc version will die, more and more ppl disabling crossplay
Is there character customization? About to cross the line from pessimistic to cautiously optimistic. I haven't seen something in CoD for a minute but after Insurgency: Shitstorm this is looking dangerously fun to play.
And BO2 just hide it behind DLC, what's your point?
Think of it like the Black Ops Specialist but without all the unique perks and items
probably seeing as its gonna have loot box shit
But I want it now reeeee
is disabling crossplay a thing? I only learned about there being crossplay yesterday and haven't looked into anything about the game since reveal.
holyu fucking shit someone said earlier it didnt work on w7.
thought my weekend and new game prospect was gone.
WOO. good news i guess. but same sources as the last one.
It's very fun.
There are a bunch of perks and items. Specialists were overwatch unearned win button cancer.
just played it. gunplay is worse than bf4 which is like 5 years old now and the game is insanely blurry even without using the "filmic" AA. if you turn AA off the jaggies literally cut your eyes so you don't have a choice but to play with the shitty AA. also there's a fuckload of geometry pop-in even at high settings and you can easily confuse some shitpile on the floor popping in higher quality assets with an enemy player.
it sucks
it only doesnt work on windows 8.1 because it doesnt have dx12 support
Thanks user, very cool!
I haven't seen an option to customize characters in the beta. For sure you'll be able to in the full game, I'm hoping they'll have a good amount of different types to change, down to stuff like gloves and chest rigs.
by that he means bullshit.
idk tho cause one time i got a free gamestop or gamespot cant remember free trial for a month for just having an account there. i got all sorts of free shit tha tmonth, but im sure it was probably a promotion thing. idk i never signed up for it tho
i got free keys for everquest 2, free tribes 2, planescape 1 month free trial, and a bunch of other shit i never remembered. it was awesome. best month i had in pc gaming since a long ass time.
I like how im either top 2 or last place
so your teling me i need to install dx12 on w7?
Is filmic AA better than normal SMAA?
Also what should I set filmic strength to
This is fun lads
You cant disable crossplay
You are forced to play with all people who use KB/M or all people who use controllers. You dont get a choice except for whatever you use.
If you plug a controller into your PC you're going to be playing with mainly PS4/Xbone players. And vica versa if you play a KB/M into a PS4.
you probably already have directx installed so you dont need to install anything
It really is. I think toning down all the crazy gimmick shit and just bringing it back to normal modern warfare is really nice. Gunplay feels really solid.
>peek door
>see someone run past
>flash through crack
>kill 3 people in 2 seconds as they walk around dazed
I climaxed
>skill based match making completely removes console plebs after a few hours of play
You know anything else about how crossplay is going to work? I mainly want to get to game to play with my friend on PS4. But neither of us really know how it's going to work setting up lobbies and stuff.
Should I just skip the bullshit and get it on PS4 or do you think it'll be manageable?
Get it on pc
Do you meet the recommended specs?
the game is already dead. no one wants to play this garbage. by far the worst cod ever made and shit games like mw3 exist.