Buy his game

Buy his game

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haha... shezzy

is the series on pc
is the combat fun

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Ready to hold back all over again.

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I wish my dad got me a teaching job and then sent a dutch wife to me!

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Can I get a quick rundown?

Is this the one where I can make Fie the family she wants?

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Do you want a rundown of Cold Steel 3 or all of Cold Steel at the point of 3?

I definitely plan to. I’m too invested to turn back mow


What's with Falcom and the same-face syndrome? Also, the length of his arms and shoulders look weird.

>What's with Falcom and the same-face syndrome?
That's more of an issue with modern style of anime in general


No. Only recently bought best priest's game, though I have yet to start it.
Rean has to wait. Maybe by the time I get to CS 3 his fourth game is even out in the West.

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Sounds like you've got a case of Stockholm syndrome to me.

Don't even care anymore, just waiting for the next Renne doujin from Shikei.

Mate, you just need to chance the color of his hair and the length a bit while changing the smile for a boring face and you get Kou.

I like it, it is turn-based.
But you should not start with Cold Steel. The series has a overarching story with shared characters and events, you will miss a lot of stuff if you start with Cold Steel. The correct order is:
>Trails in the Sky FC
>Trails in the Sky SC
These 2 games is more like a big game, SC starts directly after FC. Has the same protagonists.
>Trails in thr Sky Third
Serves as an epilogue and tiein to the rest of the games.
>Zero no Kiseki
>Ao no Kiseki
These 2 games is the second arc and many argue they are the best in the series. Takes place after Trails an the Sky and at the same time as Cold Steel. There are fantranslated versions for PC.
>Trails of Cold Steel 1-4
Third arc and takes place at the same time as the zero/ao games but also continues after zero/ao. Only the first 2 games has been translated so far.

I love her so much bros..

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The story of Cold Steel starts with our boi Rean the Cold Steel going to a military school in which he is a place of a new special class filled with commoners and nobles. Now our boy Cold Steel has three hidden powers, one is that he is a harem protag so pussy falls on his face a lot and he makes chicks flood at biblical levels. His second hidden power is he is a katana master of the really fucking cool school of leaves that only a few in this universe practice. The third is a secret for now. So Rean and gang go on school field trips all of Cold Steel 1, where they solve civil disputes and Rean makes dudes and chicks get hot and bothered by how much hes holding back. Later you get two new classmates, Jusis' whore and Crow who is really fucking gay. Oh yeah, Jusis is fucking awesome and that's all you need to know. So more trips take place until it turns out that Crow was actually a traitorous faggot and the final part turns into a new genre with mechs added to spice shit up. Cold Steel loses to Crow and his friends buy him time to set up the sequel.

Cold Steel 2 has you still being Rean but he has to get the band back to together again. The game then gives you really awesome party members who you will lose because they were holding back as well but you get your harem back after going on the same field trips again but with a cool as fuck jacket and added mech fights. Cold Steel and the gang realize that they need to go to Mount Doom and fight Crow and a bunch of guys from other games in the series you probably didn't and don't want to play. The gang beat these guys but they were just holding back and all decide to fuck off even through they were just holding back. Rean and Crow fight again and Rean wins but it turns out a politician who just died was the true evil all along and Crow realizes that he dun goof'd.

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What are the odds of this game comming to either pc or switch? I am not getting nigger console.

50% chance, maybe in a year
Slim to none

4/10 didn't even mention his devil trigger.

Post more Fie!

If it releases on PC, sure.

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Cant wait for them to finally stop holding back in CS3!


The previous 7 games has had a PC release so I would be surprised if this didn't get one.

Part 2 of this rundown

Well Cold Steel's three hidden power is he gets white hair and nothing personal powers. So now the politician calls Crow a faggot and Crow dies because sure. Rean is now forced to obey politician man because he was really his father too. So then the game gives you a new hot chick and his faggot with sticks on his arms in a pointless intermission. Its really pointless and no one cares.

Cold Steel 3 which is where we are at now, involves grown Cold Steel as a teacher. He is now at a new military school where he teaches a super secret class of retards. A dumb little whore who wets herself in anger at our boi, a generic two swords kid, an edgelord, a slut who wants to bone teacher, and the dutch wife your father sends you. Now you fight the same guys who held back against you before but this time you are also holding back.

This is all you really need to know.

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Post autistic Trails characters

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It's a bummer that there are no news about it. It would be a breeze to port it too. Last time they hired durante for that, the guy that made dark souls playable on pc.

I was getting to it, I was holding it back man.

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>PC when?????????????
I fucking hate this place

What about 4.

Reminder that /vint/ revealed that most port beggars and platform warriors are 3rd world poorfags.
>b-but muh leaf shitposters
They're just shitposters in general.

>whole franchise in on a platform
>new instalment isn't
>surprised that some people are upset

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Your platform is shit user, it's not our fault.

Does Estelle holds back too?

Don't forget the part where our bloodsoaked terrorist friend responsible for kicking off a civil war that killed tens of thousands just goes back to high school with his gay boyfriend and no one ever questions this while he lives without ever facing any consequences, haha...

Calvard when?

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Our boi Cold Steel has lost to the edge and now he is Dante forever. Cold Steel realizes that he needs to get the fuck up and give us the worst finale possible so his students, his old friends, and characters from games no one wants to play band together to get our boi out of the edge.Along the way the cast get botched some more with more characters who are still holding back while other characters reveal that they were secretly evil or part of the snake eating ass cult. It turns out everyone was holding back more than they left on and Rean says fuck you dad to his daddy with his gay buddy Crow who is now wearing a mask but ditched the mask in favor of a cool as fuck jacket this game.

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Just leaving this here, don't know if she's in there (all English so it's probably only CS 1 and 2?)

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Go whine about it on Falcom's or NISA's twitter or something. Only literal poorfags and children defend their favorite platform and portbeg on fucking Yea Forums of all places.

Yeah but our dad made his backwater hometown slightly less shitty so, haha...

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For me it's Musse

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I know right? How dare our dad revitalize an area, making it more prosperous, and giving the townspeople jobs and a sense of purpose haha

>Your platform is shit user
>Implying a person can own only 1 platform
>Not being at least semi idort
shiggy diggy

>shill thread
>reatrd surprised that people not gonna buy his game on shitty platform
pls go

This. I'm sick of all these shills.

>Shitstation 4 only
How about you suck my cock, snoyfag?

i'll buy it when it releases on a platform that actually matters

>ps4 game
So what's censored this time?

For me, it's Juna

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How? She is just Alisa but a cunt, so just regular Alisa.

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Any word on the PC version?

Swimsuits and cover art

Okay fags, listen up, I chose Millium for the 2 first games and I somehow see you fuckers memeing about her in this game, does the game not let you romance her?


If you think about it, you never actually get to romance anyone because in the next game everything is back to normal.

She dies

No one dies in this series, dummy

Otto (may his soul rest in peace) and Millium does

i want to mod the difficulty and some music

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You got two things against you, first off the game pairs her with Jusis anyway so you will always be a cuck to him if you pick her.

Do I really have to play Trails in the Sky to play Cold Steel? Estelle is so fucking annoying.

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No, I only played Cold Steel and I understand all the references just by going into a thread. Go start a Sky thread with Estelle as the OP image and you will get everything you need.

I won't delete it. She's shit.

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Oh, Ok then. Might pick up the games then. Seems like Fie is best girl, is that right?

>beat cold steel 1 and 2
>can't transfer save because I did it under a different psn account
>have to beat both again

Fuck this.

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I love Towa!

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The girls are basically just archetypes with no real personality beyond that. So if you like tsundere, then Alisa is best, for honorable sword autists you'll think Laura is best, deadpan sleepers for Fie, etc.

You have to play
>Trails in the Sky FC
>Trails in the Sky SC
>Trails in the Sky the 3rd
>Zero no Kiseki
>Ao no Kiseki
>Trails of Cold Steel 1
>Trails of Cold Steel 2
And then you can start Cold Steel 3
>Waaaah, but Zero and Ao are Japanese
Stop sucking geofront's cock and play the English fantranslations.
>Waaaaah, too many games, I have a life unlike you weeblords
Then you can fuck right off

Yes, Fie is best girl. She really wants a family too so help her make one.

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You can't import saves to CS3, if you are thinking about that.

It's not that it's too many games, it that too many of those games (any with Estelle as the main character) are shit.

Fuck it. I'll just read a summary for Sky, and play Zero first.

Kind of reminds me of Imca.

those games are better than CS

Estelle is not the protagonist in Trails in the Sky 3rd.

Subjective. They might be good, but I have to pilot around Estelle, and even the most delicious cake is ruined by a crusting of dried shit.

Don't believe this faggot
>Trails in the Sky FC
>Trails in the Sky SC
>Trails in the Sky the 3rd
Estelle and Joshua want to fuck, they do for a bit until Cold Steel 4 and then Rean gets her. Also the church is cool and Renne rape room.

>Zero no Kiseki
>Ao no Kiseki
Lloyd is a goof and hot chicks fall on his lap while he fights an edgy fuck with a sword and there is a magical loli involved. Tio is best girl.

>Trails of Cold Steel 1
>Trails of Cold Steel 2
Holding back chronicles, no one was serious except for Rean and Crow and they were holding back too.

You are now caught up for 3.

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I bet you can't wait for CS4

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Don't spoil me for Zero and Cold Steel, I'm actually going to buy and play them.


Oh, fuck off. How much of the story is she in, and how much am I obligated to have her on the team. Jesus Christ.

We don't tolerate that kind of talk around here.

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Thank fucking god. Still going to replay but now I can do it slowly.

should I?

While I gave you only the most vague outline of things, you should be good.

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She has like 3 mandatory gameplay segments and one optional one

so you have to play 5 games before the cold steel games, awesome

Rean is in 4 games. Best girl Estelle is playable in 5 and appears in a 6th game in which she's not playable. Only CS1 and CS2 and CS3 don't have her at all. She's in more games than anyone else, only Olivier can compete

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Guess I'll just bite the bullet and deal. At least, since I never played her actual games, I might have become inured to her by the time she shows up again.

It is, because they're good games. Why don't you want to play good games?

>She's in more games than anyone else, only Olivier can compete

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>pretends to be retarded
>the twist is that he's actually retarded

Who said you could decide what's accepted anymore in Kiseki threads, Skyfag? This is Coldsteelchad territory now haha

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All my time and energy into Fie was worth it.

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>Rean is in 4 games. Best girl Estelle is playable in 5 and appears in a 6th game in which she's not playable.

REANBROS... This was supposed to be our series.....

Lechter is only a playable character briefly in one game so nah he don't count


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Joshua... forgive me... but Rean...

Don't worry Reanbro, he's going to fuck her and Estellefags have to deal with it.

Bleublanc is the only character in all of the games
Yes, he's in CS3 in disguise, just like FC. Ao is debatable, but on ng+ you get a scene of him talking.

Doesn't he have anything better to do?

>beating Bleublanc ass across the continent
>he looks up smugly, with his battered face
>Just holding back, haha...

He holds back so much he ends up helping you in CS4

Haha that's our Towa

Oh really?

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Do it

>Rean gets Altina
>Jusis gets Millium
Happy ending.

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>had to die and get revived to escape Rean's harem vortex
at least she got best boy in the end

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>best boy
But she ends up with Jusis, not Osborne

Laura becoming a rapist will always be hilarious.

No she isn't that midget won't do shit

I’m looking to get into Trails but i hear Cold Steel gets pretty bad, and I want no part in a long running series with poor later installments. However, I enjoyed Xenoblade 2 (mainly for the music, world, lore and antagonists) while most people criticise it for the same shit Cold Steel seems to get. Will I actually enjoy Cold Steel like I did with XB2?


Cold steel is not bad. Stop listening to retards on Yea Forums


Cold steel is not bad. I'd say the biggest problem with the Cold Steel games is that they feel a little too stretched out sometimes. It took Falcom about 320 hours in 4 games to tell their story when if it was better paced could have been done in 2 games.

You mean 400 hours in 5 games?

Funnily enough Cold Steel is more well received than Trails is the Sky. Both in Japan and the west

For me it's Musse Egret.

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Quickly, someone stop her!

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>I’m looking to get into Trails but i hear Cold Steel gets pretty bad. However, I enjoyed Xenoblade 2 (mainly for the music, world, lore and antagonists)
Trails of Cold Steel is legitimately awful and shits on 5 previous games worth of world building to fellate its gary stu protagonist. Also Persona influence, but that's not a problem exclusive to Cold Steel.
The only people who hated Xenoblade 2 are either secondaries who started Xeno with Xenoblade 1, or outsiders just looking in on the series.


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Cold Steel is too reliant on making sure all the Trails faggots are happy so no one actually does anything because it might make another character look bad. Cold Steel characters are the only one who get shit on and this is their game.

xbc2 is almost entirely stand alone so you don't need to to play the other games to justify bad pacing, performance problems, shitty gatcha, terrible ui with tutorials that never end or lame main characters

I have a feeling she’s going to be my favorite from the new class VII

She turns out to be a brainlet

more like she turns out to be depressed and downright suicidal

For me, it's Aurelia

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Absolutely based and fufu-pilled

>buying the sequel to cs2, one of the worst sequels ever made and a shit game in general

I like my girls broken

>Buy his game
Is there canon homo romance?

The closest thing to canon love interest is a dude.

Why didn’t she get bonding events?

Picked up then, thanks user.

Wrong, fujos/homos are delusional, Crow is well behind Alisa, Laura and even Altina in the canon argument.


Sorry, Crow already bought Rean for 50 mira

Too strong

It's Alisa, Crow and Altina

Xenoblade 2 is amazing. Cold Steel is shit.

I think the biggest example I can give as to why is that both games are very character-centric, and Xenoblade 2's cast gels so much more than Cold Steel's, even with Cold Steel constantly trying to shove "THEY'RE FRIENDS PLEASE BELIEVE ME" down your throat.
The biggest reason why is Rean and Rex. Rean is a self-insert specifically designed to be as milquetoast and bland as possible, while also everyone in the cast bending to every word he says. Rex is more a part of the story/cast than someone that lords above it.

A great example is a moment I love from near the end of Xenoblade 2. The group stops for a rest after climbing far up the World Tree and Nia puts out a hard-hitting question to the other Blades in the group, a question she specifically notes is only for all the Blades of the group. Despite this, Rex still goes and tries to give his own input into the topic. Instead of letting him talk and treating his word as if it came from God himself, Nia immediately shuts him down with a 'can it Rex, Blades only'.

This small interaction is one of many that really makes the Xenoblade 2 team feal like a team, and not some weird Rean-cult that the entire cast of Cold Steel ends up being.
In fact, First Chapter does this well too. I love First Chapter because barely anyone in that game is on 'your time'. They all have their own objectives and motives, and if that means leaving you behind after the chapter and its problem is over, so be it, it's back to just you and Joshua. It's amazing and makes the world feel all the more real. It's one of the big reasons I feel First Chapter is so underrated.

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Lol Rex sounds beta as fuck

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Xenoblade 2 characters were shit my dude

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What does that say about Cold Shit characters? Haha...
