PlatinumGames would be a perfect fit
Sony buying Japanese studios for the Asian market
Platinum makes videogames though.
Hopefully Konami before it burns down
Are they going to buy NIS after their new partnership with SIE forward works bankrupt them? I hope we at least get a new popolocrois made by a Japan studio partnership. Those games were always great when Sony produced them.
He means chinks, not nips. Asia and Japan are different regions.
>it's another Snoyboy wants Platinum to give him games thread
Pretty sure Platinum titles perform better in the west anyway
Asian=Chinks retard.
I rather see Platinum Games die than fall into the claws of snoy. Even being bought by Microsoft and never be able to put out an actual good game again would be much better.
PlatinumGames Is developing Babylon's Fall for PS4, also the upcoming Granblue Fantasy Relink for PS4 had PlatinumGames involvement as well
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
lmao, they got kicked off development
>Babylons Fall
Sony wanting to buy new studios? They're a bit late to the party.
Is this happens then Nintendo might want to step up their game, I do hope no acquisitions happen as it essentially turns it into the movie industry.
>Babylon's Fall
I honestly forgot that game existed. Isn't it supposed to release soon? I haven't heard anything about it since it got revealed at E3
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
Didn't the get stripped from the credits in that game? Not sure what that means.
They didn't, they just finished their work on the game, it's already confirmed that everything they worked for the game will be in the final release
Sure, just like Babylons Fall is coming out any day now.
Say it after me:
>perfect company
Maybe in the PS2 era. Sony are now ashamed of their Japanese roots.
Lets be real, Platinum Games fell off pretty badly
Not really. W101 was a 9/10, Bayo 2 an 8/10, the only really bad games they've made are TMNT and Astral Chain
>more censored game
>Astral Chain is 30fps
you sure?
Platinum would go to Nintendo if anyone, they're basically butt buddies now
>astral chain
How can one game have such polarizing opinions on this shitty board?
is this cope?
It's people trying to cope about it being Nintendo exclusive. If it was multiplat people would be calling it a 9/10.
Too high, movies are 24fps
Movies are filmed at 24fps, so yes, I'm sure.
Literally kill yourself you stupid faggot. I beat every single main story file, about half way done with file 012. It's a 5/10.
Platinum Games fucking sucks, even their "good" games are absolute shit
Their only good game was that Transformers game they made
>late to the party.
Microsoft bought 7 new studios and still have less 1st party devs than Sony
what kind of absolute denial are you in
So GoW is not a movie? Why does Yea Forums keeps saying that then?
Was the same with Bayonetta 2 desu.
God of War is garbage and so is Platinum.
>NIS after their new partnership with SIE
wait, wut?
I miss Japan Studio
Please buy Atlus from Sega and keep Persona games exclusives forever
then play their games
Astro Bot
Everybodys Golf
all good games
Platinum isn't popular in Japan. It would have to be some weeb shit.
Everything is pointing towards sony purchasing atlus
nah I miss the Soul Sacrifice/Freedom Wars era. Astro Bot looks nice tho
Year they must be talking about chink devs because nip ones are leaving in droves because of the censorship policies.
The only perfect fits for sony are activision and ea
they are buying persona team
>Atlus owned by Sega
>Sega getting rid of anything making them money
That would be great. Maybe thet could make Nintendo to erase Joker from smash?
As if Sega would allow that.
The only way they'd get them is if they leave Sega and pull a monolith.
>Sony buy Sega
What would they even buy. The good Japanese devs are Capcom (too big) bamco (too big, and Nintendo wasn't legally allowed to buy them), atlus (owned by sega). And Square (too big).
I just want a new nice playstation handheld... Nintendo ones feels like toys
Some mobile dev to make another gacha game. If they're making shit for the Asian market, they're not making it on PS4.
>Sony buys anything
Remember when Platinum made games that reward high level play and ran at buttery 60fps?
Now they only make braindead 30fps cinematic experiences designed to make you FEEL stylish while you mash one button over and over. How the mighty have fallen
Those greedy cunts were on sale a few years ago if I'm not mistaken
Nippon Ichi? Falcom? Idea Factory?
they released cartoons for Shitch though.
Some small time nip devs that would cost them more to buy than they would make.
First post best post
They were not.
Because it's Switch-exclusive, duh.
The soinydrone majority on this board are going to shit on games just for being exclusive to Nintendo platforms. Way more prevalent than the opposite situation.
Post your dream studio to be under SIE
If Sony willing to fork $2 billion dollar to buy EMI Music, anything is possible
Why would you play a 5/10 for that long
They went through Sony to make the Disgaea mobile game which sunk their finances since Sony's game division is incompetent at making mobile games and the servers just straight died.
All the while their music division can make hit mobile games like FGO.
From Software
No one given the restrictions.
Yeah, nobody ever shit on GoW or HZD
Yeah everything is because of muh sony boogyman, there's no way people played it and disliked it.
Yikes Cringeman
No, no they didn't.
They criticised it but no one shat on it.
They absolutely did, though it largely died down months done the road.
2.5 years later and people are still seething about BotW.
Yikes, I can't imagine what kind of game they gonna make
Maybe this time they'll make mech games again.
Sony buys Nintendo
>buy studios
>get 0 (ZERO) fucking games
Nice work Xbros
they are most likely talking about a studio they partnered with at chinajoy
but Japanese devs are still possible, KojiPro being the one they clearly are going to at least bid on
>and people are still seething about BotW.
Tell me about it, every BoTW thread now is made by someone who hates the game.
god of war is my favorite stranded game
What happened to all the PS2 era Japanese devs?
they'll probably buy mihoyo
I expect some 2nd party deal with tabata's new studio JP games, probably mobile
He's referring to China and related markets.
That's because no one else wants them
He's obviously talking about Chinese studios, Sony is investing massive money there to get stuff like Genshin Impact on Playstation.
Sony has never bought a Japanese developer in the 25 years existence of the PS brand.
Killed or driven off because of high ps2 and/or ps3 development costs
>They're a bit late to the party.
>bought Ninja Theory and Obsidian
>aka studios that havent made a good game in ages
If anything, Microsoft bought the shitty ones so could Sony pick the good ones
Why would Kojima sell his company?
It's still impossible to discuss GoW (GOTY 2018) without wife's son and movie shitposting
It is a legitimately terrible game.
it will be china and Korea to compete against japan.
>They criticised it but no one shat on it.
sure, I guess I'm just imagining those "le movie" post
Good they need more asian developers but I hope they won't be some shovelware chinese devs.
Is that all of them? Because that's 13 to XGS 14.
>So mad about tiddy games they're gonna buy studios to censor their games
There is no point China will never be a market for consoles PS4 sold only 1,5 millions there.
>bought We Happy Few studio
why is Microsoft proud of buying garbage?
1.5 millions is better than 0
I would love for platinum to go to sony, just to see Yea Forums meltdown. I can already see people begging kamiya to leave and make another studio, as if he didn't agree to the partnership or loves nintendo too much KEK
seething nintendiaper
>without wife's son and movie shitposting
You're joking right? The problem has always been idiots like you who don't want to hear that fans of the series have problems with it.
Every single time someone says something like "I found the combo system simple compared to the previous games" the person who said it is swamped with
and other shit like that.
Probably gamespass fodder desu.
Astral Chain was sloppy dog shit and sold like it on Nintendo, I sure hope Sony buys them.
>just to see Yea Forums meltdown
Why would Yea Forums meltdown if they went to Sony?
why would he not sell his studio?
the only thing that matters to Kojima is getting funding to make his game and for no interference from publishers
Sony is proving they are the only ones who'd support a game like Death Stranding, give the funding and let him do it his way
Kojima is not some indie dev, he's never had to shop around to different publishers looking for funding, why start that now
it's only been Konami and now Sony
Every Microsoft purchase has been shit.
In Japan it sold 8,3 millions with a quarter of population of China. You can't really profit on making games for 1,5 million people especially not AAA games.
A VR game scored higher than Link's Awakening the remake.
Yea Forums is asshurt about sony 24/7, then anyone who points this out is said to have a victim complex.
You're still not forgiven for ruining Rare
Konami doesnt need Sony's money, they are better than ever since they sacked Kojima.
Can Sony buy Lilith?
>Remember when Platinum made games that reward high level play and ran at buttery 60fps?
No, tell me what PG game ran at buttery 60fps (except a couple late PC ports)
>the only thing that matters to Kojima is getting funding to make his game and for no interference from publishers
>so clearly he'd love to sell everything to a publisher right after getting rid of one
>Sony is proving they are the only ones who'd support a game like Death Stranding, give the funding and let him do it his way
Leaker said Platinum Games. Get ready for endless fucking seethe.
>Yea Forums is asshurt about sony 24/7
Not really?
The only time Sony ever gets brought up outside of their threads is if someone posts a wojak shitting on Microsoft, Nintendo or PC.
Yeah, tell me again how much xbone sold in Japan? doesn't stop M$ from trying though. And Sony isn't the only one trying the break the china market, Nintendo is partnering with Tencent of all peoples to sell Switch over there
Lol. You tards love embarrassing yourselves.
I've calling that since they announced they were going to buy more studios
>Kojima Productions
>From Software
your delusion is embarrasing
not all
SIE Studio London isn't on the pic
a new unannounced team is being formed under Quentin Cobb, a former Naughty Dog dev
job listing are confirmed, the studio is real, just no details yet
Platinum has no interest in going back to the Clover days which is why they were getting into self publishing.
Good news, I guess. Right now Sony only produces generic Hollywood games.
Source for that leak?
As long it triggers nincels and PCkeks
Oh really? Do you want me to post "Persona 5 is WiiU exclusive" screencap?
>>From Software
As if Kadokawa would allow that. Not to mention how many people it would piss off to have DS stuck on consoles.
What if Sony buys Konami?
Hint: itās brown, stinky, and often full of cock
>Platinum Games
My leaker said it will be China and Korea bross.. with more microtransactions.
Except for Tencent... unless they had big fucking ball like nintendo to talk to them.
Is great. It felt like I was in a theme park the whole way through Astro Bot Rescue mission.
I can do it
10 years of begging
How is that being butthurt about Sony when they were mocking them?
>Not really?
Is this what you tell yourself? Are you going to ignore any time Sony announces something big? Are you ignoring how this place went so off the rails with GoW shitposting they had to filter sƶy to deal with it?
But its true user, Konami real revenue comes from pachinko machine, same with Sega.
lmao, literally check the first post in this very thread.
You people disrupted our threads with ONIONS so much the mods had to wordfilter it. You have no argument
>Snoyfag still butthurt Astral Chain is a Nintendo exclusive
Get some butt cream
Please be real
Nintencels can eat a dick
I meant >and a new team is being formed
I didn't mean to imply SIE London and the new studio are the same thing, but it read like that
>How is that being butthurt about Sony
Read the reactions of this pic
And let's not begin on pic related
How come there's a "sony gonna buy Platinum" shitposting wave every few months?
It doesn't look like a game someone would be butthurt by
Yeah. Too bad they can't make shallow childrens games on stupid looking tablet. That would be great!
If they give Kojima a contract where he can split with Sony 'easily' after a project has been finished I can see it happening. But the problem is that Sony would want to keep the IP and or publishing rights which I don't think Kojima would want.
>snoygroids excited for a Californian company to buy Japanese companies
dark souls is a Bamco property, not FromSofts
bamco can keep making multiplat dark souls without fromsoft
read >Before: "yay we got persona fuck sony"
>After: "persona is shit fuck sony"
Same shit, different way of saying it
Dude, people laughing at Persona 5 isn't being butthurt about Sony.
If you want to see butthurt look no further than Bayo 2, a game that has people in fits of pure, unbridled rage just because it was exclusive to the Wii U.
>Leaker said
Stopped reading right there.
The rumor was:
Ready at Dawn
2 is far worse than 1.
Their fitness centers revenue already surpass their pachislot business. They dont need to rely on games anymore and they are fine with that
>more censored games
absolute state of snoys
>look no further than Bayo 2
>a game no one talks about
>Are you ignoring how this place went so off the rails with GoW shitposting they had to filter sƶy to deal with it?
That had nothing to do with GoW. It was filtered because of the spam on /fit/, why do you think the filter is onions?
Snoyfags still seething about this
>lying on the internet
No one gives a shit about platinum games. Nincels barely give a shit about platinum.
>shit the Asian market isn't buying games on our platform because we keep censoring their games
>let us buy up all the studios so they have to buy for our platform
Maybe Sony can buy out those scummy Korean and Chinese developers. Buy out Type-Moon too since they clearly aren't interested in anything but FGO.
Yeah, nonone is butthurt that P5 is sony exclusive, yep no one is mad....
why does everybody always forget about clap hanz
their last game was actually well received
it'd make sense to want to make it official and bring them into SIE WW
Leaker said Sony was buying Nintendo. Based Sony. NINTENDIES SEETHING
It's still funny how people pretend they werent angry about P5 being on Sony system, like this user
>Read the reactions of this pic
> #
Did you? Every single person is saying something outlandish from it going to PC to the 3ds because they're making fun of you.
They also like making sexy women which isnāt something Sony is ok with at the moment
>The rumor was:
not in a million years
This board might as well nuke itself.
>four really shitty developers
>better add platinum to make the list not look like total shit
None of those, thanks.
Konami is naking a lot of money with phone games, you're the one who has no ide wtf youre talking about.
Just because they fire your favorite movie director and your favourite series was poorly finished doesnt mean Konami is dooing bad.
You think Konami would fire Kojima just becuse they want to be miserable?
stop talking out of your ass, no one cares about your feelings big faggot
tfw no good golf games on PC
Nasu will die and burn his franchise before that happen
Microsoft looking into buying Japanese studios now.
illfonic if this is a success
He's going to buy your favorite studio
The won't accept it, the same way they wont accept being bought by Nintendo. The whole point of that company was to escape Capcom.
Vanillaware is a better choice.
Still mad about Bayo I see.
>Every single person is saying something outlandish from it going to PC to the 3ds because they're making fun of you.
And after it didnt, people said Persona was always shit and that Sony got bad end of the deal because they didnt get "real" games
Nasu already burned his franchise and works as much as a dead man.
FGO is from aniplex and i think that from Sony Music entertaiment plus those branch hate each other
please explain why the HQ of Sony Corporation is in Japan then retarded memer
>people on Yea Forums say review bombing is a sony thing
>first post is review bombing a sony game
I don't think anyone wants them.
>four really shitty developers
Imsomniac made Spiderman last year and was nominated for GOTY
It's gonna to be Capcom.
>Bayo 2 an 8/10
It's a 6.5/10 and that's being very generous.
both are good and worth playing
Sony should not buy any studio when their biggest internal studio is a japanese one with more than 5 different teams working at the same time, they just should give more budget to them.
Maybe they also should buy a JRPG developer (level-5 and media vision are good ones) because JAPAN Studio doesn't make these kind of games anymore.
>cape shit
The only reason why people are mad about Bayo nowadays is because the sequel is pretty much abandonware by now
>nobody brought up bayo 2
>" haha you mad about bayo 2"
what kind of coping mechanism is this?
The only posts about bayonetta are posts claiming people are mad about bayonetta
Oh yeah, you buy the studio and you get an exclusive right off the bat as a bonus, right? Thats not how this works, user.
They'd have to buy Sega-Sammy which ain't happening, after Atlus' recent comments Sony doesn't even have to bother whatsoever.
The Initiative is making Perfect Dark?
>Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation is a lot of things, one of those being a digital entrainment producer. The headquarters of said entertainment division are not located in Japan
I'd seethe if they buy Capcom.
>And after it didnt, people said Persona was always shit
Which they were saying years before persona 5 was announced, not really making much of a case for yourself here.
See I can do it too!
Bayo 2 did well on the switch actually. N
>devs that at least made the history of gaming forever even though now they're all shit
>something that was shit when it started, shit at its best, shit at its worst, shit on paper and shit on the big screen
Sonyfans aren't interested in actual Japanese games.
They just want their gritty realisitic third person action adventure/shooting games.
>Which they were saying years before persona 5 was announced
But they didnt? dont know why are you trying to make it seem like you're not mad about this issue
>nincel can't read
calm down user and carefully read my post again.
>something that was shit when it started, shit at its best, shit at its worst, shit on paper and shit on the big screen
Exactly dont know why people defend anything japanese
Actually why does that happen with platinum games? First scalebound and then granblue. Are they so shitty to work with?
>people said Persona was always shit and that Sony got bad end of the deal because they didnt get "real" games
That's not a new thing. Persona was always seen as waifu trash here.
next time you gonna say:
Koei Tecmo: Nop
Gust: Nop
Falcom: maybe but they will become like Japan Studio: VR machine and snoy will buryTrails franchise like Gravity rush
NIS: seppuku
Compile Heart: seppuku
Capcom: they like to do double cross even with your own company so NO.
Konami: you can't have Kojima and konami in the same company or they will kill each other
Monolitsoft. Not even in your dreams.
Bandai: seppuku
>dumb SNOYs support vidya becoming more monopolized like the movie industry
Only in California...
Obviously Bluepoint Games
Unfortunately, the problem of Ps4 getting filled with normiefags, in past years the ps2 and ps3 were full of good japanese niche games
>But they didnt?
Yes we did, especially when they started milking P4 hard.
>Sonyfans aren't interested in actual Japanese games.
>stuff like Yakuza and Digimon games only got more localizations and attention here because of fan demand and they bought the games
Why do you have to lie like this?
>dont know why are you trying to make it seem like you're not mad about this issue
The real question is why are you mad about him not being mad.
Microsoft stated they will have more Japanese support than they ever had for Scarlett, the days of the Xbox and early Xbox 360 (2001-2008) are returning, boys.
You mean the only good one there is Kojipro
>Persona was always seen as waifu trash here.
You were one of the people in the lower half of thiswerent you?
Then what is Death Stranding, Iceborne, Judgement and FF7 Remake?
>Asian Market
Actually it's Nintendofags who don't buy Japanese games. That's why all your games are literally coming to PS4 in droves.
this is the part where you say they haven't become realistic games
>Microsoft stated
Microsoft also stated they would have more games and revive old franchises and so far this is the end product
Wtf are you talking about? They are Japanese games
>yokai watch
>implying any of you will buy it
this game will be lucky to top 200k units worldwide.
No? I've never had an interest in Persona or Atlus games for that matter but no one really looked on Persona fondly until after 5.
Scarlett will do that and well Battletoads was always shit, the studio they put on it just made it worse.
>That's why all your games are literally coming to PS4 in droves.
user, more nip sony games went to the Switch than the other way around.
>they haven't become realistic games
Do you know what that word even means?
>Level 5
don't joke with a studio who don't had any idea in many years.
Japan Studio is about making smaller games in a quick manner to feed the system. You don't want them to turn into something like Atlus or Square-Enix which takes 8 years to make a new FF or Persona game.
Also the JRPG market is already quite saturated with plenty of games coming out and some of them failing despite their qualities (Valkyria Chronicles 4, Ni no Kuni 2...). Sony should allow those games on their system like they already are but they don't want to start competing with the third parties that feed them
They removed all the anime for ugly ass realistic graphics for the Amerifats.
Meanwhile enjoy censored games, western countries
Most Japanese studios were already making games with Japan being the first priority
Sony of America basically controls are all the decisions Sony does
Its why they started forcing Japanese devs to censor games despite Sony previously being okay with it
SoA hates Sony even being Japanese so Yoshida realized that he needs to beat them at their own game and say he wants the company to make games for ASIAN audiences
If the graphics and gameplay aren't dumbed down for toddlers then it sux, I know because I'm Nintendo's #1 fanboy
>but no one really looked on Persona fondly until after 5.
wut, even before 3 people enjoyed talking about the series here
stop trying to rewrite history
Could be Level-5.
Don't they hate Sony tho?
>so Yoshida realized that he needs to beat them at their own game and say he wants the company to make games for ASIAN audiences
He's not going to win that war.
That's because the Wii U was a failure.
>more nip sony games went to the Switch than the other way around.
Yeah like No More Heroes and MonHun oh wait
>Swinging giant sword, ghost baby, and over the top kung fu action are realistic
You get that if they're going to make a financially viable handheld, they're going to have to make it cheap to compete with Nintendo, so it'll have a lot of the same problems the Switch has, right?
to what?? vr machine forever??? becuase they empty right now!!!
All those games aimed for realistic graphics in the past you dumb fuck they just didn't have the technology to do what they do now
>Yoshida realized that he needs to beat them at their own game and say he wants the company to make games for ASIAN audiences
I hope what you're saying is not complete bullshit. It would be smart to buy some AA studios like Falcom and incorporate them to SIE.
That's the rumor, same for playground making a new fable.
yeah liberals hate asians
even look at Disney/Marvel
the EOC of Marvel pretended to be Asian only a few years ago
>Nintendofags don't buy Japanese
>Nintendofags only buy 1st party
>All 1st party Nintendo games are Japanese
Uhhh... hmm
I would be okay with it, as long as they make Dark Cloud 3.
They are going to buy From Software
Demon Souls 2 launch exclusive for the PS5
And you are going to buy it
>Battletoads was always shit
Go fuck yourself xdrone
of course bro
they've always been realistic
ps im looking forward to your damage control when they remove red xiii from FF7R
Exactly, I dont know what this fucking idiot is saying with those games being realistic
>sell censored games in a region where gamers don't like censored games, or just pirate games because they are censored
Ahahahahahahahah, SIE should just continue paying Aniplex to pay Nasu more for making more FGO content.
>Trails franchise will be the next Gravity rush..bury alive without any sign of return and become vr machine forever.
No thanks
By the way, when big wigs say they're interested in buying a studio, it means the process is already underway. Sony started hiring for Insomniac Games in March before revealing the acquisition in August.
So which developer has Sony been buddy buddy with often? Konami suggested some kind of partnership at the end of last year, although it was only for Castlevania but still.
They did you dumb shit, this isn't fucking anime art style
Friendly reminder that the best Nintendo series is the one that has always been made by Westerners
sure bro it isn't
>Yokai Watch 4 flopped so bad on Switch they have to release it on PS4 to recoup losses
So that's three games including YW.
Meanwhile on the other side of things these have left Sony systems
Disgaea 5
Moe Chronicle
DQ Builders
DQ Heroes
Digimon CS
Digimon CSHM
Off of the top of my head
>ps im looking forward to your damage control when they remove red xiii from FF7R
They already confirmed Cait Sith on the game, you know the tiny talking cat?
>Nintendofags who don't buy Japanese games
>3DS games like EO series, Rune Factory series, SMT 4
>Switch games like Zelda games, Mario Odyssey, etc.
Eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?
*steals Monster Hunter*
*steals No More Heroes*
*steals Yokai Watch*
>PlatinumGames Is developing Babylon's Fall for PS4
Also on PC*
SIE Japan, XDev, and Santa Monica all produce 2nd party games with devs from their region
Japan and XDev in particular are not built like typical studios
they have an unusually high ratio of producers and artists compared to actual developers
they are workhorses meant to lighten the load of asset creation for 3rd party devs that partner with them
forcing the individual in house teams, like Siren and Asobi, to make larger games would just not work
they aren't built like that, and it would require an entire restructuring of the studio
SIE Japan is already one of the largest studios under Sony, at over 400 employees, but they are split into many different teams, most of which don't even work on 1st party titles
top kek
Vanquish 2?
>Everything they worked for the game will be in the final release
>They will not get any credits for it because Cygames removed every "Platinum" trademark
Explain to me how they didn't got kicked and only finished their part?
>They removed all the anime for ugly ass realistic graphics for the Amerifats.
Nah, they do buy it. But they hate Japanese aesthetics so much they censor it to look western.
>didn't buy stillborne
>wont buy no more heroes ( they didnt even buy the first game)
>big boy PS4 owners buying kiddy games
I can't imagine Sony spending their money in good games or good developers to be honest.
>Disgaea 5
Still on PS4
>Moe Chronicle
Still on PS4
>DQ Builders
Still on PS4
>DQ Heroes
Still on PS4
>Digimon CS
Still on PS4
>Digimon CSHM
Still on PS4
I dont understand what you mean by "left" Sony systems
Seriously, that's one of the dumbest things I've read on this board.
>478602983 thinks Yokai Watch still matters
then how have games left the switch using the same logic?
This, it makes the game basically being like 300 bucks.
>didn't buy stillborne
Except even Sony was impressed by how much it sold, it didnt need to sell a hundred million copies to be succesful
>wont buy no more heroes ( they didnt even buy the first game)
And yet TSA is coming to PS4 and Suda said NMH3 will get ported later
He probably meant stopped being exclusives, as if that matters anymore since more platforms means more chances for profits.
You haven't been here for too long, have you ?
>sales dont matter
>except when they do
>buy jap studios
>censor them and push western shit on jap games
great tactic to ruin and spread the filth
>Kojima: Sony you lie to me!!!!!
>Kojima: deleta my game from psn store. I don't want your shitty console anymore
Monster Hunter since World is not on Switch
As long as they just take P-Studio and keep the rest of Atlus as it is I'm okay with that. They'd have to actually make games then.
Sega is too big and Sony is cheap as fuck. This is absolutely impossible.
>resident evil 2
>devil may cry 5
>loses crash
>loses Digimon
>loses Spyro
>loses MH
>loses Ni no Kuni
>loses Digimon
>loses DQ Builders
>loses Ys
>loses Atelier
>loses KH
>loses David Cage games
Y-yeah Sony always wins ha ha...
Atlus doesn't make Sega any money. Atlus posted huge losses earlier this year despite P5 sales.
I wasnt the one who brought up sales though
Both playable on Xbox and PC.
Amerifats are an ugly nation of mixed race nutters. Of course they like ugly women more than cute anime girls. The sight of a cute anime girl hurts and kills western transpeople like it was the Holocaust: Trans Boogaloo, with 6 gorillion """percieved""" deaths. More than the deaths that are thought to occur when one calls a trans "trap".
SIE trannies will take huge steps to protect their ugly fetish.
Final Fantasy and Metal Gear.
By your logic Sony lost them because its a multiplat.
So you're trying to drive a point by contradicting yourself? Because that's exactly an old franchise being revived you just posted.
There's nothing left and buying studios is cancerous as fuck anyway.
He's talking about Chinese. You fucking retards, Japanese people say themselves whenever talking about themselves. They will say Asian for everyone else except themselves.
I was going to put that on but then I was wondering if anyone actually wanted them.
Also on PC
>buying studios is cancerous as fuck anyway
You couldn't be any more seething if your tried.
As long as they aren't on Nintendo everything's fine.
user, we're mocking him and his brand loyalty.
>I was wondering if anyone actually wants some of the two top 10 hugest franchises in the entire vidya industry
Sony spent 2 billion dollars buying EMI music.
>modern final fantasy
you can keep it
Fuck off back to weeb
So did I
Sony owning Japanese studios is the worst thing that could possibly happen.
have you ever played astral chain?
try mashing one button over and over and see how far that gets you
>Somebody should have warned ya
>60 FPS
you're still mad about bayonetta 2 aren't you
Lol, Nintendo sells the most in America.
you can't reviewbomb games here
Sony might be gearing up to buy a pachinko machines developer or two right now.
You do realise that's also my post, right?
But they are all still on Playstation.
You're so retarded.
Based ESL poster.
>All those retards weebs only thinking about japanese company
They are thinking about Korea, China, Taiwan, Malasia too.
The company making the Botw clone + they make mobile games, that 1 chinese guy working on a game that looked like FFXV with Noctis and Sony gave him more money to work on his project, maybe some others small devs that make garbage Korean/Chinese MMO/Mobile games too.
They prob will get 1-2 japan devs too but it will be someone like NIS, LV5, Falcon, there is no need to buy someone like Platinum, just give money to they and they will make games for you anyway.
>3DS games like EO series, Rune Factory series, SMT 4
EO is dead, SMT is MIA and has sold so little compared to Persona they no longer consider it priority and Rune Factory was pulled from the grave not too long ago, not really making a case for yourself
>Switch games like Zelda games, Mario Odyssey, etc.
>Nintendo fans wont buy Nintendo games
>two top 10 hugest franchises
FF is eighth.
MGS is nowhere near the top 10. Hell Digimon beats it.
>i love americanized japanese video games
I wanna see the Nintendofag tears so badly.
>Xboners are huezil monkeys
That explains their eternal chimpouts
And both Digimon and Yakuza are now multiplat franchises
Ys on Switch was a failure. The new one will be exclusive for PS4
>Rune Factory was pulled from the grave not too long ago,
Just so you know it "died" because they decided to put Oceans on Ps3 and it burned a hole in their pockets because no one bought it. On the other side of things RF4 was the best selling game.
>Japan is only allowed to make games about Japan and Japanese settings
It must be hard living with autism
Despite them trying to force the eternal Shitsona portbegging meme, the truth is they're still not over Bayo 2 six years later
Please find me a Western game that looks and plays like DMC.
Why would they cry about Platinum they aren't attached to their games user.
Lacrimosa was not a bad game, but Ys has been going downhill for quite some time now, and the port is pretty bad.
Nope. Portugal.
>six years later
Seven, almost eight. Bayo 2 was announced in 2012 if I remember right.
>Sony: uh Mr. Kamiya we're giving you this amount of money for your company
>Kamiya: shut up idiots go ask your mom
Yakuza has been on Nintendo consoles before and they flopped
Digimon games started on a Sega system
Musume a cute
Jesus kek, how time flies.
You still mad the game didn't bomb?
>Purchase Platinum
>Fire Kamiya
>Replace him with Yoko Taro
he probably means Chinese devs. He wouldn't say "Asian" instead of just saying Japanese otherwise.
The Lost Soul aside dev has a pretty good chance of being acquired, or the studio making that moe BoTW game
That's a dude
>the eternal Shitsona portbegging meme
It's not a meme if people are still angry about it and begging for it like right now
Every single one of those franchises except David Cage garbage or on Nintendo systems tho
>and they flopped
Because Sega didn't release it outside of Japan.
That and no one buys bad ports.
Also Digimon started as the v-pets.
Sushi is a japanese dish regardless if the dish is served in California or Tokyo. Same for games DMC, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Dark Souls count as western games.
Yes, very shitty ones
>he thinks platinum will be involved in any future automato games
>that webm
Damn that looks nice. Haven't looked at any footage of this game since the first trailer.
>Yakuza has been on Nintendo consoles before and they flopped
It's adorable how you give no context to what console it was on because it'd be an obvious reason outside of this idea that it's lack of interest from Nintendo owners.
Might makes right.
All the threads I se about it are obvios falseflagging, while I still always see unironic asshurt over Bayo 2 and sometimes Bloodborne on the Sony side.
It was always a meme. What wasn't were people expecting smt x FE to be ported to ps4.
I'm a fag then
Yeah on fucking WiiU
where the fuck did this game disappear?
it still looks cool but it really missed it's chance of being released before DMC5 considering how much sooner it was revealed. There was some extreme thirst for a new action game before dmc5 for a long time.
>Nintendo fans care about Japanese games
>b-but not those, they dont count
So much for caring
Holy shit you cucks are STILL seething? LMAO
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read, kill yourself.
>All the threads I se about it are obvios falseflagging
Not exactly. Sonyfags think Nintendofags are mad about it because they use Nintendo as a scapegoat when people criticise it.
>sales dont matter when our shit isn't selling
>NPC's actually want Sony to buy and censor Japanese devs even more
Jesus assraping Christ this is horrifying as fuck
>hurr durr if thing is made in japan means it is japanese this hamburguer is clearly a japanese dish cuz it was made in japan
How can they care about games that both ran like shit and didn't even come to the west?
They could buy Bamco, they seem to self censor their games anyway
>say no one begged for Bayo2
>y-you're just salty because it's not on PS4
>say no one begged for P5
It's been more than 3 years, you have to let go
how come
>Implying Kamiya or Sato would be interested any kind of deals with Sony after not giving them money for Bayonetta 2.
There's a reason why we called it neo-Yea Forums for a while.
But it sold amazingly for an expansion you mentally degenerated cucklord.
>All the threads I se about it are obvios falseflagging
Not exactly. Nintendofags think Sonyfags are mad about it because they use Sony as a scapegoat when people criticise it.
When was DMC, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Dark Souls made by Americans?
>it sold amazingly*
>*for an expansion
>no one cares about bayo i'm not seething
>yeah anyway wouldn't be cool if sony bought Platinum games
At this rate just give the Sony fanboys their containment board, and while we at it, make /vp/ a Pokemon and Smash board, seems like an equal deal if you ask me
Let go of what? No one wanted p5 from the start.
You're literally only accounting Yakuza flopping on a Nintendo console because Nintendo fans don't care, which is obviously false, as several pretty japanese-y games have done very well on Switch so far.
Since you're still refusing to give context to why Yakuza sold poorly on a Nintendo system:
>was on the Wii U, a console that sold a total of 3.3 Million in Japan.
>was Japan-exclusive
>was simply an HD remaster
>released a whole year before on the PS3, before the release of the Wii U version
Any other non-arguments?
Yes? Are you a retarded nigger or something?
>no one cares about persona i'm not seething
>yeah anyway wouldn't be cool if nintendo bought Atlus games
>america is the west
Now this is the dumbest post in the history of Yea Forums
That doesn't work because no one uses Sony as a scapegoat.
Yeah, was gonna post this. They are probably looking at the chinese/korean markets and mobile crap as well since that Fate game is making billions for them.
Who are you quoting
*blocks your path*
So long, gay tranny!
>muh censoring boogeyman!
They are so fucking pathetic it's not even funny anymore.
Imagine having such shitty relationships with third party devs that you have to take them by force.
And the worst part is that Yea Forums will defend this because "muh retarded console wars".
>yeah anyway wouldn't be cool if nintendo bought Atlus games
Who says that?
>No one wanted p5 from the start.
Oh boy, it is so good that Nintendo is providing Japanese developers all the support they need to make quality games! Thank God SNOY isn't funding them.
>japanese games count as western games
Maybe also Project EVE
Nigga go take a look at the threads. The falseflagging is obvious when it's literally one person using the same image every day.
nincels are fucking pathetic
I have never seen any nincel saying they would like Ninty to buy Atlus, you are just seething as fuck
>nintendo bought Atlus games
build the wall
So was Nier Automata, I didn't see you complaining
Gamefreak does their own thing. Nintendo just publishes the games.
It's amazing reading this thread and seeing you constantly directing to your own post about several times now.
fucking schizo
To make what? Grindy pay to win cell phone games. That's all mongos consume,
They were back when Index went under. Not so much noowadays.
Thanks for proving my point?
Yes but I think Nintendo is going to buy Platinum up first. It's clear Insomniac was a defense against Microsoft and others. Sony will go on the offense to get the upper hand on Microsoft and other rivals. Nintendo is going to jump on now that Sony is going to start buying companies (Nintendo response to them over any other competitor). I wouldn't doubt this is already in the works and was just contingent on Astral Chains. May also explain why the only game they are currently working on for someone else, Babylon Fall, has been MIA despite the 2019 release date.
On Sony, I don't doubt they are going to start buying more soon. Might hear something around the PS5's announcement.
>Games literally nobody wants to play.
>no one wanted P5
>shows proof
>t-those are your own posts!
Im not the schizo here buddy
>considering how much sooner it was revealed.
it's one dude
give him a break
you are literally comparing Capcom and some chink in his garage
>They were back when Index went under
They've never said anything about Nintendo buying Atlus.
>Japanese games are Western now
What the fuck is wrong with Nintendies?
>At this rate just give the Sony fanboys their containment board
That won't do shit. Few of them even actually want talk about their games, they just shit on every other system here most of the time. Hell if we gave Nintendo it's own containment board, they'd be all over there spamming wojaks and shit
What the hell are you talking about?
>Yea Forums cheering about exclusive cancer
>no one uses Sony as a scapegoat.
Scroll up.
Explain all the portbegging before that guy appeared because he's pretty new
Yes nintendofags always wanted Persona, thanks for agreeing with me
>make /vp/ a Pokemon and Smash board, seems like an equal deal if you ask me
No point, most smash threads are made by sonyfags, as well as ACfag, who are purposely trying to drive it off of the board by spamming.
If I remember right mods have even confirmed that it's the same group of people every time.
Why do most sony haters have a victim complex
Just like a theme park, it's a novelty.
>The falseflagging is obvious when it's literally one person using the same image every day.
So same as Bayo 2 threads?
It's sad that you save your own shitposting.
buh buh buh based
I'm not lying, series was kind of a meme, don't get mad at me because the nu-devs never understood Battletoads.
Platinium being bought by Nintendo (or any other) would be very unexpected since the studio is trying to self-publish their games and do original IPs.
Nintendo is probably content with what they have right now, they can put out several first-party games each year with great success.
>Sonyfags make most of the Smash threads
Why people pretend Nintendofags are a non-entity when most polls prove there's more Nintendofags than any other fanbase here? It reeks of "we dindu nuffin"
Mostly sock puppet replies. People respond to their own shitposts to get the ball rolling
Yea Forums is only against exclusives when it doesn't benefit their favorite corporation.
Konami is too expensive. Sony would have to spend half their money if they want to buy konami kek
>No more Heroes
>The spin off between No more heroes 2 and 3
By that shitty logic Sony lose persona with persona Q2
Astral Chain is a movie though.
How can you prove it's me though? Unless you cant you just got told son
Okay so let me get this straight whenever someone shitposts about sony it's flaseflagging and everytime someone does the same to nintendo it's sonyfans
Okay dude
Nah, Bayo threads weren't so much falseflagging in the form of begging but invading bayo threads just to say Nintendo sucks.
Konami can be bought out.
Not even happening, especially after they left Bayo2 for death
Why do you fucking morons defend this greedy capitalist shit. When Disney does it, everyone loses their shit but when Sony does it Yea Forums cheers.
No, it's more because of the largely sensitive social climate in America
>whenever someone shitposts about sony it's flaseflagging and everytime someone does the same to nintendo it's sonyfans
That's not even close even in the context of this thread.
It's always ok when Sony does it
So because someone wants more games on a platform they like that makes them seething
Also aren't you the one seething because nobody is talking about bayo except you
I just want them to buy Platinum so they can make better games.
Not the Pony who started it?
Yea Forums has been a pro Sony board for about 6 years now. Hence why you can't talk about anything but them without shitposting.
but there are zero western games like DMC, and DMC invented the genre to begin with, how is that western?
Ninja Theory said something similar before Microsoft bought them out. Insomniac also liked their independence before being bought by Sony. I think these companies will say they love independence to the public but may not believe the same thing behind closed doors. I agree Nintendo is probably content with the current arrangement, but with so many companies buying up studios and Google getting in the market, they probably see they have to buy Platinum to protect their interest. Platinum would probably agree since Nintendo wouldn't shut them down like Capcom did.
By making even more cinematic movie games that are now censored to boot? No thanks
>NPC's actually want Sony to buy and censor Japanese devs even more
Nope, according to Nintendorks, if Sony were to buy a third party studio and censor their games it would be fine since they would be labeled as 1st party and thus it's ok since its their own games
Just read the rest of this thread to see Nintendofags explaining how censorship its ok since its 1st party
Thanks for sharing this knowledge user now i know all smash autists including the ones on different sites are all sonyfags
Don't argue with brain damaged fanboys
>people are still pretend to be seething about that 4 visual novels that were censored a year ago
>the only single thing else that happened since then was the thing with dmc5, which probably isn't even caused by sony considering it's only censored in Europe even though all the blame for the censorship was exactly on California
>in the form of begging but invading bayo threads just to say Nintendo sucks.
So like Persona threads but replace Nintendo with Sony?
>So because someone wants more games on a platform they like that makes them seething
user, it's almost been 10 years since Bayo 2 was announced as an exclusive and in that time they have never shut up about wanting it back by means of owning platinum despite the fact that they wouldn't get it anyway.
Boo fucking hoo. Get a job. Buy a Switch. Dev team companies shouldn't be bought just because you want to play those games so badly.
>Imagine having such shitty relationships with third party devs that you have to take them by force.
When did this happen
Platinum's only made cinematic movie games for the last 10 years, at least on Sony they'll be less gimped.
>Ninja Theory said something similar before Microsoft bought them out. Insomniac also liked their independence before being bought by Sony
>they have never shut up
I rarely see a Bayo thread that isnt related to Smash or saying where the fuck is 3, I dont know what Yea Forums you are browsing but I rarely see Bayo begging threads nowadays
Except Nintendofags don't invade persona threads, you just blame everything anyone says about p5 on them.
Tell me more
They're already brought by Nintendo, at least on Sony they can make better games and will be able to grow bigger.
This would actually make a lot of sense with the whole Kojima situation.
Insomniac was touting their independence last year.
what the fuck are you talking about?
>you just blame everything anyone says about p5 on them.
Just like they do with Sonyfags and Bayo? Hell nintendofags blame any criticism on sonyfags when it comes to Astral Chain
>I rarely see a Bayo thread that isnt related to Smash or saying where the fuck is 3
You're joking right? Almost every platinum thread has a group of idiots saying it would be great if Sony bought them and when anyone questions them it devolves into shitposting about Bayo 2.
They always have yugioh.
>Almost every platinum thread has a group of idiots saying it would be great if Sony bought
Dont know if that's true but if it were they do it to make Nintendofags upset, not because they want the game, same happens with any fanbase with any studio, hell I would also want it to happen just to see the meltdown on Yea Forums
>Just like they do with Sonyfags and Bayo?
No? Usually they just go for ACfag usually because his "criticism" is something about it being cinematic which is usually followed by a claim of them calling Bloodborne cinematic.
>Hell nintendofags blame any criticism on sonyfags when it comes to Astral Chain
Dude, did you even see the review bombing?
Almost every 0 review was from a spic that gives Sony 10s. Whether you like it or not they earned that.
That said as along as you don't act like a moron no one ever brings up Sony and just takes criticism as they come.
>asian market
*chinese market
get ready to be dumped by EVERYONE chasing the chinese gold meme
Yugioh and pachinko make far more money for Konami than anything Kojima can do.
>but if it were they do it to make Nintendofags upset,
You'd have a point if games like Nier Automata were even on Nintendo systems. Even before Scalebound was cancelled threads were infested with them.
Yeah but it would a cost a fortune
Konami makes a shit ton off of pachinko
>>I rarely see a Bayo thread that isnt related to Smash or saying where the fuck is 3
>You're joking right? Almost every platinum thread has a group of idiots saying it would be great if Sony bought them
That's weird because i rarely see that in astral chain threads and it's almost always the same dude
>and when anyone questions them it devolves into shitposting about Bayo 2.
Show me 5 instances of this happening in the past 2 days
what was Bloodbourne's FPS again?
Konami is flush with cash user.
>Dude, did you even see the review bombing?
>Whether you like it or not they earned that.
people review bombed BB back when it came out, what comes around, goes around
Nintendo is not being threatened by Stadia or Microsoft, at least not yet. Stuff like Smash or Zelda or Mario will never leave Nintendo, however you have people like Microsoft putting their games on Switch. They are doing great.
Sony is the one under attack, both Microsoft and Stadia know that their target audience is currently on Playstation and they will try to get them by any means necessary
>hell I would also want it to happen just to see the meltdown on Yea Forums
Why would there be a meltdown exactly? At best you would see a few "press F" threads and people would move on. I don't think you get this but only sonyfags are that petty here.
Hell when Joker was announced and they thought they were losing persona all they did was shit on it day in and day out. They're even doing the same for DQ11.
This is your mind on soĆ½tendo
>3.4B networth
Konami can definitely be acquired without a doubt.
they probably saw how much better the Switch is selling now in Japan than the ps4 thanks to it simply having more Japanese games coming out for it recently
>Hell when Joker was announced and they thought they were losing persona all they did was shit on it day in and day out
What's with the history revisionism user
They have no need to sell.
Japan has always been handheld island, zoomer. PS4 isn't competing with the Mario tablet.
>people review bombed BB back when it came out,
What are you talking about? No one review bombed bloodborne otherwise there would be articles on it just like everything else.
Damage control. Nincels spent months hyping up the P5 Soitch port only to get royally cucked by Sony yet again. Their hate boner increases for every port Sony denies them.
>Why would there be a meltdown exactly?
Yea Forums always finds a way, even on this thread people believe Sony buying Platinum would be the worst thing in the history of gaming at least for this week
>all they did was shit on it day in and day out.
That's wrong though, IN FACT the opposite happened, "sonyfags" said the game was shit while nintendofags said the game was good after months of shitting on it because of sour grapes, hell they even had a "leak" to prove it would be on the Switch, and let's not forget about the whole Mysticwhatever guy saying P5R would be Switch exclusive because he was an "insider"
Check the archives for December of last year. Persona 5 hit Yea Forums's shitlist until Royal was announced
>no one review bombed BB
>inb4 "that's you"
>IN FACT the opposite happened, "sonyfags" said the game was shit while nintendofags said the game was good after months of shitting on it because of sour grapes
That doesn't even make sense. Why would Nintendofags suddenly call it good?
he was right about the last of us, at least
Take the L, Nintenlosers.
I don't think you know what a review bomb is if you think one person can do it.
>Why would Nintendofags suddenly call it good?
>why would the kid who said the toy was dumb now says its good because he can play with it?
I dont know user
Because it's coming to their console of choice
It's classic consolewarrior behavior