ITT: benched party members.
Pic tragically related
ITT: benched party members.
Pic tragically related
>Gay Bakugo.jpg
so bakugo
>only shines in boss fights
At least he looks cool
I used him as a dodge tank in CS1 but used Fie instead in the sequel.
So sexy but damn the cat is better and Makoto is sexier.
You only use Gaius when you have no choice, Fie is the better dodge tank naturally.
>strongest magic caster in the game
You what
>benching the melee user
>*benching the best melee user
Quina in ff9
Spear is worst weapon and the worst weapon?
She's hot but that's about it. Gepetto and Anastasia are way better mages and Lucia's Tarot thingie is too random to be useful.
In FTNW it was even worse, my team ended up being Johnny, Shania, Natan and Ricardo. Rest was benched
Just build Joker to be a nuker just like Ann I used her as a heal slut the whole game anyways.
>tfw you hear the Gilgamesh voice coming out of him
I benched the whore. Makoto, Morgan, and Ryuji master class motherfucker.
>Only starting party member who doesn't appear on the game's cover
Even the devs knew she sucked.
>High speed and evasion
>Terrible everything else
All she can do is dodge tank and let a single party member move first for 1 turn, which she has to give up her own turn to do.
Anyone who isn't Joker/Haru/Ryuji/Ann
>Benching the person who gets Mind Charge and Blazing Hell
Bakugo? That fag from my hero? They are nothing alike. Bakugo has a superiority complex and is from a bad anime. Kanji thinks he is gay so acts tough to make people think he isnt.
>not building Joker to be the melee powerhouse and leaving Ann to be the nuke so you're sorted for any encounter
I literally didn't need the other characters to attack, I used Haru to buff the both of them and Morgana/Makoto to be the healers
Yuri, Karen, Anastasia, and Kurando are the party of class.
Fuck, the AI was so goddamn bad at using Melia.
It's not even that he thinks he's gay, it's that he's deeply insecure about his hobbies first and foremost and how people will see him for them. The shadows present a distorted version of their owner's repressed side.
>Magic user
Fucking why, god damn.
The game is just use Alice to win anyway.
God bless that one user who did a no alice run, wish I saved the screencap of that.
I am motherfucking Joker, I don't need the rest of the cunts. Only the cat for heals and Makoto because she is wife.
I used Joachim instead of Kurando because for me Kurando was just kinda there but he is definitely a great party member
I ran a mixed Joker mainly physical alongside Ryuji
My team was
I was going to say Joachim but then I remembered Kurando existed so I went with him instead, good choice mate.
Is this bait?
i see you're retarded
He’s way better than Chie in Golden, though.
When I played golden i benched him to use chie cuz she was best girl. She was practically useless. Thats what i get for thinking with my dick and not my brain
it's just personatards not knowing megami tensei fundamentals. just ignore them
>t. Retard
Once she gets blazing hell she becomes one of the best party members.
yeah I liked Joachim more for his personality. He was very memorable and funny
It pains me how much Chie fucking blows even in Golden. Can't imagine how bad she was in P4 vanilla. I'm a sucker for using the OG party in any RPG but she's just so bad.
>using anyone in P4 but Yu/Yosuke/Chie/Yukiko
>or Joker/Ryuji/Ann/Morgana in P5
>or Makoto/Yukari/Junpei/Akihiko in P3
Don't get me wrong, he's da man and all.
But Aegis outmatches him so hard.
>drag him out of his safe in the creepy mansion only to store him on the Highwind
Sorry Vincent, but you're pretty shit.
I always hated how the game gave her a dagger and sword to start, but has her first talent points already in archery
>his limits put him in berserker mode and can't control him
>he keeps healing the boss
I'm sure they thought it was thematically fitting or something, but in the end it just made him suck ass.
I'm actually sorta interested in what they'll do with him in the remake, but it's going to be like five years before they get to him.
They could turn him into a decent sniper, I guess but his limits will probably need a rework, we'll have to wait and see
>gets mind charge
are you fucking stupid
His Frankenstein Limit was pretty good against the Proud Clod
>2 healers
you're fucking retarded