Thinking about going to get mine tomorrow. Anyone got the grey one?

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What is the point of the lite with the normal one getting a better battery?

Not having my system falling apart in my hands when portable mode is the only interesting point of the Switch for me.

Being a cheapskate I guess?

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but it is not even that much cheaper.

>switch lite get stick drift
what then, user?

Apart from the battery the Normal Switch has nothing else better than the Lite.

To play on TV mode I have my PS4 or PC.

>pre-ordered through Target
>shipping still TBA
Do you guys think the pokemon version ships later than the 3 normal colors? Or did I pre-order wrong?

pokemon one isn't out until November



...maybe one day I'll buy one

Yes the Pokemon version is released next month only.

I don't have a TV

getting a grey lite tomorrow. can't wait.

Isn't the Lite supposed to be 100 bucks cheaper.

Nice, more team grey anyone?

Only see yellows and teals everywere...

Pokemon Switch Lite is coming out with Sword and Shield

With what game?

Since they don't need it to dock anymore did they put the charging port in a more convenient spot?

still on the bottom

i heard the grey looks a lot better in person too.

People say the blue one is greenish in person. Is it true?

that's what i heard too, if its true, im glad i got grey instead, but i don't know, i haven't seen any of them in person.

Interesting, I was assuming everyone was going with the grey one so I got the yellow one instead but after seeing poll results blue and yellow seem to be the most popular with grey being the least popular one.

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So, whats the lite exclusive feature that the regular lacks?

People who don't give a fuck about gay dock shit.

Less faggotry.


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Apart from not falling apart when you play it handheld... The D-Pad.

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Save $100 by not paying for features I won't use. Plus it just looks better than the OG Switch

Reminder that people were claiming that a dockless handheld only Switch would never happen because "B-BUT MY GIMMICK" and now they're the same people who say "It's pointless! Just pay 100 dollars more for the dock that you don't care about! The Switch Lite can't switch!"
They're basically the kind of people who bitched about the 2DS not having the 3D effect.

happy with the Grey one? Seems amazing

Why buy a smaller switch? I don't understand it. The screen is already too small.

Also, can you put some Super Metroid running? Want to see how it looks...

Why would u buy a switch that can’t connect to the tv? I only played my switch in portable mode a few times in bed. For stuff like Smash Bros and Zelda idk how to you can just play on the tiny screen without a GameCube or pro controller

You probably need to buy some vitamin A, E and C and also eat more carrots. I think your eye sight is bad user, the screen size is fine.

Man if I had 200 bucks to waste on this I think I'd get one and use it as a secondary switch, I like how small it is.

I can't help but hate Nintendo for the Switch Lite's existence.
It has the form factor that I FUCKING WISH the regular Switch has, but it has glaring flaws that I can't simply ignore - its shitty battery life, and the inability to dock.
I HATE that the grey one is fucking gorgeous in person, and that the damn thing might actually be able to fit in a pocket, but that it's lacking so many critical features.

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The actual dpad is the only thing I want. Where the fuck is my dpad joycon Nintendo you fucks

I bet it still doesn't support Bluetooth headsets

Goddamn that is tiny no thanks

How can so many people here get the Lite knowing that it has a smaller screen than the normal one?

It's battery life is better than the original switch, what are you talking about? Also as long as you wait a bit, modders will probably find a way to get tv output from it. Given that the first way to hack the original switch was a hardware mod, its possible that the lite could get some sort of hardware tv output mod.

Isn't the battery life better than the base version?

>switch lite
more like switch shite

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the regular switch already needs midget hands, good lord

It's a true portable. It fits in your pocket. And it's much cheaper? And has a dpad. What a dumb question.


No, you're thinking of the base model Switch.

The OG Switch has worse battery than Lite. The new version of the normal Switch has better battery.
Also the normal Switch feels like shit to play handheld thanks to the joycons making the whole thing feel flimsy.

Redbox Switch has a better battery life than the Switch Lite. Honestly you're losing a lot of features and functionality if you buy the Switch Lite. It's not worth it to save $100, unless all you do is commute and play in handheld mode.

>buttons are bigger but the device is smaller
>bezel is still huge

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That's the whole point user, some people prefer it over having a big screen on a hand held device. When you really look at it though it's not as small as you'd think.

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It's the perfect size.
Finally I can retire my PSP.

>I can retire my PSP
Not really user, not until the Lite is easily hackable.

>it has a better battery life
How silly of me to forget. Now I can play my Switch for a whopping THREE (3) hours instead of 2.5! Isn't Nintendo the greatest?

Wish it came in game Cube purple

I'm a good boy user.
I only pirate PC games.

I'm wondering how long it'll take before somebody jailbreaks it. I can't decide which I want but I do want one for that reason alone.

No one said it was good. Just that it was better than the original switch

Flimsy ass joycons in handheld mode. Seriously, it feels like the system will just rip apart. Having one solid unit is better, despite not having the docking ability.

LMAO what a fag. Nintendo games are hardly worth putting money into.

Guess how many people had their Switch fall apart?

It looks like a a toy, they dont even try to hide it anymore

>having one solid unit is better at the cost of docking

The performance and graphical hits for some games in portable mode just isn't worth it man. The switch can already barely handle any demanding game while docked, I can only imagine how poorly something like Astral Chain would run once shit starts popping off.

The Switch operates better undocked.

user.. the buttons are the same size as the og the only difference is it has an actual dpad.

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Not buying a Lite anytime soon, but I would get a grey one, I'm not one for colors when it comes to electronic devices.

Yellow master race.

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Not that guy but that's not true with all games.
For example, XC2 runs worse undocked, but BotW runs better undocked.

Video games are fucking toys. Stop deluding yourself.

Maybe not for more action oriented games, since timing is more critical. But with the myriads of RPGs the Switch is getting, the performance and quality loss shouldn't be all that significant. It's already an underpowered piece of shit, so does it matter that much? Regardless, the Lite is just an alternative, not a replacement.

On a sidenote, Astral Chain runs about the same way in both modes.

not even jap salarymen have 3 hour train rides. literal nonissue.

Dunno if XB2 runs worse, but it definitely looks much worse, for sure. It seems to run the same in both modes.

Can you take off handlers?


It actually looks pretty nice, once I see xenoblade 2 look good I'll buy it.

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Isn’t this thing like $200? Just shell out an extra $100 and you’ll get a bigger screen + battery life with the added benefit of being able to dock it.

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Wholesome dad

I don't think the bigger screen, .5+ battery life and docking features are worth $100 more. I can just use that $100 to buy a game or two.
I guess it just comes down to preference.

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