Ya think they got vidya and waifus in heaven?

Ya think they got vidya and waifus in heaven?

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Cannonically, no.
But there's like a million sects of christianity, so just pick one that says yes.
It doesn't matter anyways, cannonically you ain't getting there either.


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None of us are.

Vidya and waifus are just escapism, you have nothing to escape from in heaven, everything is beautiful and blissful and it feels better than any vidya or waifu or drug or food or pussy ever did on Earth.

Didn't Jesus forgive humanity of all sin?

Heaven doesn’t exist and stop posting pics of my waifu

yeah they definitely do and heaven definitely exists and don't worry about anything you'll be so happy up there dude

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The bible compares salvation to selling all you possessions for a gem buried under ground. It's free in a sense, but it also costs everything. You have to start living according to it's precepts once you claim to believe. Ultimately, that results in a renunciation of your investment in anything this world has to offer. Nobody here lives like that.

they're all waiting for you

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That seems contradictory

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Ah, how nice to see fellow men of intellect.
*tips fedora*

It seems that way but it isn't. Salvation is by faith alone, but if you believe in someone you'll do as they instruct you. Following god's commands is the proof of the faith that saves you.

Okay but forgiving humanity of their sins and then not forgiving them at the same time because they didn't do something seems contradictory and like you're bullshitting

I recognize that there is a possibility that no after life exists, So I live my life doing the things that allow me to live long, happy, and healthy with my husband, Kass!

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That's what the bible is. Bullshit.

doesn't he have a wife and kids?

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Stop or I will sue

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I'm fapping to your waifu right now

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No fuck you.

Alkaid is shit

You are shit

She grew up to become a stacy

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Thinking about licking her tummy and pulling on her ahoges

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Of you really wanna piss that user off you would post a cum tribute

Haseo is for Endrance ONLY
faggot tomboy and suicidal whore btfo

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Endrance is for AI bunny only.

I'm already in heaven with my waifu

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she's a cat
a fucking dead cat


What's it like
Is there snacks

Oh, it's an all you can eat buffet, if you catch my drift

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do they have soft pretzels

oh so soft

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Faith and works you fucking protestant animals.

nice i hope they have bratwurst dogs and dibs too

Don't do it, user, you won't go to heaven as you are, you first need to atone for your sins.

Maybe i'll reincarnate in some anime world

But the bible says Jesus forgave them already

>t. Luther

Fuck off with your salvation through faith alone shit. Someone who spends all day praying is less worthy of salvation than he who goes out into the world and does good.

Akaline is my eternal waifu and the main one for dot hack. Shes waiting for me in "heaven" to give me eternal blowjobs.

Protestants are the dregs of Christianity. They exist as people too lazy to carry God's will into the world. They're diet Christian.

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Heaven for me would be Gensokyo so yes!

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If it's boring as fuck and has no entertaintment can it really be called heaven?

i mean i guess technically it can be

I wish Haseo wasn't such a fucking faggot.

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even if they do, I'll never see it

Don't worry user
I'll try to save the people trapped in Hell
Even if I end up there myself


>You'll never do super secret training with Alkaid
Why live

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Yeah I guess it's inevitable I'll have to go there, even if I'm doomed from the start, since I'll want to save the people there

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