How the fuck can you guys come up with good nicknames for your characters/game accounts? Its literally impossible what the fuck
How the fuck can you guys come up with good nicknames for your characters/game accounts...
>take thing you like
>make it a pun
you now have witty name
I just take bibleverses
Sock Cucking
Look around, see items or media you like, crib names off those.
Nerdy Digger.
It's just a corruption of my middle name and works really, I suggest you do that same
End any username with 1776
are you that italian girl I met once?
Is there anyway to delete steamid's stored usernames? I had some cringe shit back in 2016 I rather forget.
>a corruption of my middle name and works really, I suggest you do that same
My middle name is Apollo, how would you corrupt it?
which region were you from?
You can rename yourself multiple times to make it such that people have to dig deeper than just the base UI "Names this user has used before" mouseover to see them.
tie him up to a pillar and tease his nipples during the night
Daily reminder only subhumans have numbers in their usernames.
SteamID stores ALL usernames you've had forever, even if you create a houndred they will show it.
>mfw all my racist nicknames
I kinda regret those a lot, man fuck /pol/ for brainwashing me.
pick one during your childhood or early adolescence
stick with it
why the fuck is this so complicated for some of you fags?
just take a bunch of random letters and make it sound cool
ill give you one
you tell them xxxXxxxShadowJewxxXxx1488
For Pokémon I just call them human names based on what they look like. That Snorlax looks like a Winnifred to me
Yes, I've done it.
I had this idea, but I can't remember my PSN email so that name is lost forever.
they used to charge 5 bucks but decided not to do that service anymore. Wish Steam could do something to that neckbeard storing all the data, shouldn't I have the right to be forgotten or the right to have my data be private?
Ah the classics
>take a book, open random page
>randomly place finger
>use the nearest noun
I think of what I want my name to sound like and then I google for names that sound like it (elven names to give an example). Sometimes I think of a concept and then use google translate it to a lesser known (by most people on the internet) language.
I opened goblin slayer and I got Lizard
LizardSlayer69 it is
I stopped giving a fuck and name all my characters Balls, be it male or female
How can I ever repay you user.
My nick name is rent free
I want to delete my 2016 names how do I do it?
>Not using brave frontier brave burst names
I phonetically spell out acronyms for fantasy character names. Slur it a little to hide it a little more
Not ones I use, but some examples
USA - Yewessay
TMNT - Tementee
you changed sex, huh
I found a nickname from a small booklet about schizophrenics. One of them had an imaginary friend with a cool adventurous name and I've been using that for my characters since.
more like I was cringe.
>tfw never got /pol/pilled
Feels good.
idk, just do.
You never see a word and thing that'd make a good gamer tag?
I like to use mythological names and twist them slightly so they aren't 100% the same
Just do something incredibly vulgar that you won't directly get banned for. I use "ShootinHotRopes" for a lot of games, for instance
I just wanted to stream some games, but I guess I'll just create another steam account and game accounts.
Just do what Japanese/Korean/Chinese people do, Find something in your room, translate it to another language, and there you go.
I'm still amazed how many Korean players just have foods or everyday items names in english as their tag.
hey man its a learning experience
Grab some obscure god from wikipedia, doesn't even need to be that deep of a cut. Try the different spellings. Possibly find it as part of the lore, since devs do the same shit.
I've got two simple two-syllable names that are hardly ever taken.
If you get big and someone starts attacking you because you had a racist name you can just do a pewdipie and say "yeah I was wrong sorry, I was stupid"
that's easy exposure, and you will not get cancelled.
Are you talking about removing names you've used on your profile?
Congratulations, you have no personality. Can't even come up with names, actual irl NPC.
Yes, on
Like this?
>Make cool sounding pun name when you were a teenager
>didn't like multiplayer at the time, never had any feedback on it
>finally play more consistently online after a few years
>name get constantly mispronounced as some edgy shit, no one ever says it correctly
>already use this name for practically everything
Why didn't 14 year old me have better foresight
but what if i'm not white?
is this a japanese comedy? Looks kino as fuck, what's the name?
Is that you, Nightraper?
Nah, but you got the right idea.
to be honest there's only one way to pronounce "nightraper"
HK comedy called from bejing with love and it is pure kino. Enjoy user
>character I play as
>name them "Me"
Wow so hard
No see he spelled it N1GH7R34PER, as in Night reaper. But everybody read it as Nightraper. Then he changed it to Trill B, like the hat, mere weeks before it became a meme associated with neckbeards. I felt so bad for that kid.
What color are Jam's panties today?
>Hey Me! We have to go save the world from the evil zarganax!
>I'm in love with
it has potential
The color of magic.
>used to be a username changing shitter
>new retarded name every week
>watch matt, pat and woolie play bloodborne
>woolie says something
Been my username ever since.
thank you user
>Then he changed it to Trill B, like the hat, mere weeks before it became a meme associated with neckbeards
damn that's really unlucky
>go to wikipedia
>click random article a couple of times
>combine/splice names together until I like how it rolls off the tongue
>Always give characters names that fit the lore of their sitting
>Also give them backstories and define their interpersonal relationships with each other and the canon characters
Give it to me straight Yea Forums how bad is my autism
based retard
i named my first d3 character "jimmyfallon" and my second as "oxyclean". literally just pick fucking anything, it's fun
I honestly just mentally cycle through various syllable sounds until I find a combo that makes me smile. That’s how I end up with character names like “Drongul” and “Slaggy”
wtf that's my nickname
The color depends in some cases on the color scheme you pick at character select but today is horizontal stripe day
>naming your character after an existing character from another game/franchise
You people fucking sicken me. If I see another Geralt of Rivia in MHW I will shit.
Do you even have to show your steam ID in order to stream?
I'm not an expert on streaming maybe someone that knows more knows.
At least as bad as mine is. Don't worry user, I understand you completely. I mean, if you were to name your character something that doesn't fit the world, well that would just be retarded. And you're smarter than that. As for the relationships between your chacters, you gotta have an idea how they're going to interact with each other, otherwise it'd be random and have zero continuity.
How did all those people that named their hunter geralt or ciri feel when both geralt and ciri showed up?
I usually do something retarded
I got Account
Probably gay as fuck as they always are.
Just gonna go down my steam library.
>Nigger of the Stars
>League of Niggers
>Nigger Age: Inquisition
>Star Niggers: Galaxies
>Niggerlands 2
>Nigger's Mod
>Team Fortress Nigger
>Nigger Kings II
>Nigminions 4
>Europa Uniggerversalis IV
>Sid Nigger's Civilization V
>Niggertoria II
>Domestic Nigger Simulator
>Orbital Nigger
>ARK: Nigger Devolved
>Marvel Niggers 2015
>Guild Niggers
>Star Wars The Old Niggers
>World of Niggers
>Company of Niggers
>Evil Nigger
>Star Wars: Niggers at War
>Nigger Chronicles
>Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Nigger
>Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Nigger, Bling Crusade
>Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Muhfugga Edition
>Nigger Scrolls III
>Nigger Scrolls IV
>Nigger Scrolls V
>Niggout 4
>Niggout Nig Vegas
>Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Nigger
>Mount & Blade: Niggerband
>Niggers of Eternity
>Star Wars: Niggers of the Old Republic
>Way of the Nigger 4
>The Witcher 3: Nigger Hunt
>Blood Bowl: Nigger Edition
>Divinity: Original Nigger
>Shadowrun Niggerfall: Director's Cut
>Shadowrun Hong King Kong
>XCOM: Nigger Within
>XCOM 2: I can't inject Nigger here
>Assassin's Creed IV Really Black Flag
>The Nigger Saga
>Battle Fleet Nigger: Armada
>Nigger Closet
>Nigger Bowl 2
>Niggers: Skylines
>Nigga's Dogma: Darkie Arisen
>Lord of the Niggers Online
>Nigger Duels
>Nig Meier's Civilization: Beyond Urf
>Star Wars Nigger Commando
>Niggerdew Valley
>Ultimate Nigger
>The Nigger Among Us
It varies, but I like to go with good 'ol Prof. Diccolo.
Dean Beach
Dig Sand
Dean Bench
Dig Bench
Doug Bench
Doug Sand
Dan Beach
Dog Bench
Dog Beach
Dave Bench
Don Sand
Dean Sand
Dig Beach
Dan Sand
Think of a cool word
Now think of another
Try to make a compound word of 'em and make it your character's surname if one is needed
For your first name either 1. just use your usual online handle 2. try to make that handle sound more like an actual name if it doesn't or 3. pick a regular name you think sounds cool
Use some fun little wordplays like
>Nate Higgers
>Jill Kews
>Furn Baggots
>Truck Fannies
My game account is a spin on my last name/nickname from a teacher in high school and a hobby of mine. My names in games are usually things like Assimus Maximus or Bonermancer. I used Bonerlord for Demon's Souls and I followed up in Dark Souls with Bonerlord II, III, and IV
Whenever I'm stumped I fall back on constellations for good characters, and the demons of the Goetia for bad characters.
just do what Twitch does with their clip naming system
Like what? GorillA? Infiltration? Larva?
Tax Alrons
Tax All Rons
Tax All Roncs
I just play around with the first thing of interest I see until I find something that tickles my pickle.
It's okay, I did the same thing with Xenoverse 1. Except I forgot that there was already a grizzled old Saiyan with a name based on asparagus.
forgot one, bro
Joke's on you; I called it Gerardo Riviera.
I usually would just take things I liked and shorten them a bit or rearranged it so it looked like it but wasn’t.
Like a song, food, or something similar?
Let’s say you like burgers, you’d shorten it to Bur, then add another R so Burr, then add a G or E so Burrg or Burre.
Band? Let’s say Oingo Boingo, just have it be Oingo.
That easy, but the examples I gave are really shit.
>Fruck Tannies
no one gives a shit about your name, unless it's something like "ikillniggers1488"
Racism is not cool man, I'm trying to stay away from it.
I just mash some syllables together until it sounds acceptable then write them in a conventional way.
I do this too.
try Not Cool Man
that works
I use Irish names for female characters. Caellach, Aioleann, stuff like that.
Are you an American?
I just used Chesed for most of my stuff, now I even have a cool character I can use in my avatar.
You deserve it for being a fucking retard. Make a new account if you want to truly repent.
Based, been using the same name in everything since I played runescape in 2006.
The best username of all time is Robert Cheetoh, prove me wrong
But my steam account has shit ton of games.
>pick one during childhood
>new game with your name becomes mainstream
>gaming culture becomes mainstream
>now you can't pick your name ever again because it's always picked by someone else
Oblivion was a fine nickname...
You take two words, like, ''Fecal'' and ''You'' and you join them together like a siamese twin, Fecou for example, if it's still too Obvious (will happen) corrupt it, like Fecooh. That's my system.
For in-game singleplayer stories I usually name my character something simple like the first letter of my name, puns, or names based off of other vidya characters.
If I'm feeling cheeky I'll name my character an insult like asshole or dipshit.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to get caught off guard when someone calls you "dumbass" in a Pokemon game.
Saw a guy on TF2 with the name Harold Lovely. I don't know why but it stuck with me, it just seemed so pleasant.
Ray Gapist has been working out for me
sounds like a pedophile to me.
>truck fannies
Are those like truck nuts but asses instead of balls?
>pick a name during childhood
>it sounded retarded then, and it still does
I hate myself
Supreme Doritos
that's nice user
just use something random, who cares
Make up a word or two on the fly, only to find out they're real in a another language
that's a pretty smart idea
>Tfw you thought you'd made up the perfect nonsense name for your goblin only to discover quibble is a real word
Your image is appropriate. The first username I used was $n0rlax.
Came up with my name by putting two innocuous things that sounded cool together
noone is laughing at your name
You don’t need a laughable name, just a memorable one
Rent Free (tm)
They won't be laughing anymore
I just put two foods in my native tongue together. Never used already.
Faggots constantly laughingat it and making the same puns over and over again is a pain
take 2 things you iike and smush them together.
ur nane + numbers
Still no Nappa SS3
how bout you just go to the kitchen and open the door
your name is now onions milk
VideoPoker? I hardly know her!
I at one poiny wanted to make a review channel on Youtube when I was 8, now I just keep the retarded name for nostalgias sake. No one ever uses it so I use it for every account.
I just mashed random syllables together for my orc toon on wow
I usually name my characters and pets/side chars with famous Roman or Greek names
My cat in MHW is called Nerone and I have caught horses in BotW that resemble famous equines of history and named them after the historical beasts
is there even a guy in there? if so, what is the gear made of? aluminum/plastic? can this guy even take a shit/piss or sit down?
I have an imagination.
feel free to use these names for your next rpg character friends
what is the bottom pic even? Pilgrimage of some kind? why is the landmass the ''810 h'' popup is at empty?
Who said my account names were good?
>playan as RevolverIncelot in RDRO
Look at the two things nearest to you. Combine them into a name.
See, easy.
I've been using the same handle for 25 years
Just follow a formula similar to the "spaceship component" one of car part-science word (Subatomic Transmission/Fusion Blinker). I like animal-clothing, such as "Platypus Galoshes", or "Raincoat Monkey", and who could forget "Codpiece Puma".
TorPedo got people to report me in overwatch normalfags can't into comedy.
Do you really not get it
let me guess, you think Shane Gillis is hilarious.
>not Blanp
>Ray Gapist
That's Hugh G. Rection-tier and the idiot part of me loves it
I like "Tax All Rons" best of these
crude but effective
Dig Sand all day every day
>Prof. Diccolo
t a s t y
Hey man whatever you like
>Yewessay & Tementee
Yea Forums you gotta stop it with these dope ideas. I'm actually surprised that, combing through the thread, I'm consistently impressed by Yea Forums's unique naming conventions.
Shit, that's pretty great.
Although I'd also probably get kicked for using it.
You best be baiting.
owh, wait… Bagine is like.. yeah. we should get supplies and a few guys together and do this hike? I'm allergic to heat, loose ground and climbs though.
You also can use drug names for elven stuff, like Dexedriel, Losartan, Naproxen or something like this.
How about Bacteria for (tropical) islands? Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Escherichia….
Onslaught for Genesis had an awesome country/barbarian name generator, with names like Grimsperg coming out.
I'm kinda sure some Japanese devs have already used that with Ls turned to Rs and whatnot.
they're Greek, but I'm sure greek sounds alien to them too. French already sounds alien to normal Euro's. What I did see in Japanese stuff is that they got a boner for old testament christian stuff, you know, 7 sins, demons, vengeful god, the arc, adam and eve, etc.
I think that came from the 1990s occult boom. Spme Japanese writers also have a hard-on for German names that inevitably get misspelled.
yeah I got this from Digimon world, season one. Digimon is more intense and has actual storyline, I don't get how it lost to Pokémon. maybe soccermoms not tolerating a literal goat demon called ''Mephistomon'' using ''Dark Sabbath'' to kill humans on screen while the city burns? Like, geez, how frail do they think kids are?
You can't change your sex, zoomer. I don't care what your Californian professors or Netflix tells you.
Your parents failed.
Is National Geographic any reliable? I use it for biology, Chemistry physics and history. but fuck no to politics, I don't need some grey little mouse men to tell me what to stand for.
I do this, but mash one word into the middle of the other.
>mash your keyboard a bit
>add or remove vowels
>keep it
Digimon has inconsistent and shit design that almost exclusively appeals to little boys and older perverts. Pokemon has universal appeal (first few gens)
explain this then, genius
that's a tomb, no a coffin. stone vs wood. this tihng belongs in a crypt.
One of the Super Robot Wars games has Earth spacefleet with German-named mecha against alien dudes with Hebrew names and one of the main robots iconic attacks is originally named "something something Genocider". Atlus had to censor this name for their SRW OGs release.
Szayel Aporro Grantz
You don't need politics in general. It's all fiction to distract you from studying something that would have a real application in your life. Just make it so you can ignore the fucking chimps howling about left this and right that, you don't even need that shit to figure out ethical conduct.
Word 1 + Word 2 = username
this was always impossible for me until I started watching anime
Your favorite lightsaber color and your favorite cryptid
coffins can be made of stone. A tomb is the building.